1 | from common import *
2 |
3 | from mava_simbrief import MavaSimbriefIntegrator
4 |
5 | from mlx.util import secondaryInstallation
6 |
7 | from cefpython3 import cefpython
8 | from selenium import webdriver
9 | from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
10 |
11 | import platform
12 | import json
13 | import time
14 | import os
15 | import re
16 | import threading
17 | import tempfile
18 | import traceback
19 |
20 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 |
22 | ## @package mlx.gui.cef
23 | #
24 | # Some helper stuff related to the Chrome Embedded Framework
25 |
26 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 |
28 | # Indicate if we should quit
29 | _toQuit = False
30 |
31 | # Indicate the users of the fast timeout handler. If it reaches zero, the
32 | # timeout will be stopped
33 | _fastTimeoutUsers = 0
34 |
35 | # The Selenium thread
36 | _seleniumHandler = None
37 |
38 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 |
40 | def getArgsFilePath():
41 | """Get the path of the argument file."""
42 | if os.name=="nt":
43 | return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
44 | "mlxcef.args" +
45 | (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else ""))
46 | else:
47 | import pwd
48 | return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
49 | "mlxcef." + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] + ".args" +
50 | (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else ""))
51 |
52 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 |
54 | class ArgsFileWaiter(threading.Thread):
55 | """A thread to wait for the appearance of the arguments file."""
56 | def __init__(self, initializedCallback):
57 | """Construct the thread."""
58 | threading.Thread.__init__(self)
59 | self.daemon = True
60 |
61 | self._initializedCallback = initializedCallback
62 |
63 | def run(self):
64 | """Repeatedly check for the existence of the arguments file.
65 |
66 | If it is found, read it, extract the arguments and insert a job into
67 | the GUI loop to perform the actual initialization of CEF."""
68 | argsFilePath = getArgsFilePath()
69 | print "Waiting for the arguments file '%s' to appear" % (argsFilePath,)
70 |
71 | while not os.path.exists(argsFilePath):
72 | time.sleep(0.1)
73 |
74 | print "Got arguments, reading them."""
75 |
76 | with open(argsFilePath, "rt") as f:
77 | args = f.read().split()
78 |
79 | gobject.idle_add(_initializeCEF, args, self._initializedCallback)
80 |
81 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 |
89 |
92 |
93 | SIMBRIEF_RESULT_NONE = MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE
94 | SIMBRIEF_RESULT_OK = MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_OK
99 |
100 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 |
102 | class SeleniumHandler(threading.Thread):
103 | """Thread to handle Selenium operations."""
104 | def __init__(self, programDirectory):
105 | """Construct the thread."""
106 | threading.Thread.__init__(self)
107 | self.daemon = False
108 |
109 | self._programDirectory = programDirectory
110 |
111 | self._commandsCondition = threading.Condition()
112 | self._commands = []
113 |
114 | self._driver = None
115 |
116 | self._simBriefBrowser = None
117 |
118 | self._toQuit = False
119 |
120 | @property
121 | def programDirectory(self):
122 | """Get the program directory."""
123 | return self._programDirectory
124 |
125 | @property
126 | def simBriefInitURL(self):
127 | """Get the initial URL for the SimBrief browser."""
128 | return "file://" + os.path.join(self.programDirectory, "simbrief.html")
129 |
130 | def run(self):
131 | """Create the Selenium driver and the perform any operations
132 | requested."""
133 | scriptName = "mlx_cef_caller"
134 | if secondaryInstallation:
135 | scriptName += "_secondary"
136 | scriptName += ".bat" if os.name=="nt" else ".sh"
137 |
138 | scriptPath = os.path.join(self._programDirectory, scriptName)
139 | print "Creating the Selenium driver to call script", scriptPath
140 |
141 | options = Options()
142 | options.binary_location = scriptPath
143 | driver = self._driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options = options)
144 | # try:
145 | # except:
146 | # traceback.print_exc()
147 |
148 | print "Created Selenium driver."
149 | while not self._toQuit:
150 | with self._commandsCondition:
151 | while not self._commands:
152 | self._commandsCondition.wait()
153 |
154 | command = self._commands[0]
155 | del self._commands[0]
156 |
157 | command()
158 |
159 | driver.quit()
160 |
161 | def initializeSimBrief(self):
162 | """Create and initialize the browser used for Simbrief."""
163 | windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo()
164 | windowInfo.SetAsOffscreen(int(0))
165 |
166 | url = self.simBriefInitURL
167 | self._simBriefBrowser = \
168 | cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, browserSettings = {},
169 | navigateUrl = self.simBriefInitURL)
170 | self._simBriefBrowser.SetClientHandler(OffscreenRenderHandler())
171 | self._simBriefBrowser.SetFocus(True)
172 |
173 | def callSimBrief(self, plan, getCredentials, updateProgress,
174 | htmlFilePath):
175 | """Call SimBrief with the given plan."""
176 | self._enqueue(lambda:
177 | self._callSimBrief(plan, self._driver,
178 | getCredentials, updateProgress,
179 | htmlFilePath))
180 |
181 | def quit(self):
182 | """Instruct the thread to quit and then join it."""
183 | self._enqueue(self._quit)
184 | self.join()
185 |
186 | def _enqueue(self, command):
187 | """Enqueue the given command.
188 |
189 | command should be a function to be executed in the thread."""
190 | with self._commandsCondition:
191 | self._commands.append(command)
192 | self._commandsCondition.notify()
193 |
194 | def _callSimBrief(self, plan, driver,
195 | getCredentials, updateProgress, htmlFilePath):
196 | """Perform the SimBrief call."""
197 | self._simBriefBrowser.LoadUrl(self.simBriefInitURL)
198 |
199 | integrator = MavaSimbriefIntegrator(plan = plan, driver = driver)
200 | link = None
201 | try:
202 | link = integrator.get_xml_link(getCredentials, updateProgress,
203 | local_xml_debug = False,
204 | local_html_debug = False)
205 | except Exception, e:
206 | print "Failed to initiate the generation of the briefing:", e
209 |
210 | if link is not None:
213 |
214 | try:
215 | flight_info = integrator.get_results(link,
216 | html_file_path =
217 | htmlFilePath)
218 |
219 | updateProgress(SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_DONE,
220 | SIMBRIEF_RESULT_OK, flight_info)
221 | except Exception, e:
222 | print "Failed to retrieve the briefing:", e
225 |
226 | def _quit(self):
227 | """Set the _toQuit member variable to indicate that the thread should
228 | quit."""
229 | self._toQuit = True
230 |
231 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 |
233 | def initialize(programDirectory, initializedCallback):
234 | """Initialize the Chrome Embedded Framework."""
235 | global _toQuit, _seleniumHandler
236 | _toQuit = False
237 |
238 | gobject.threads_init()
239 |
240 | argsFilePath = getArgsFilePath()
241 | try:
242 | os.unlink(argsFilePath)
243 | except:
244 | pass
245 |
246 | _seleniumHandler = SeleniumHandler(programDirectory)
247 | _seleniumHandler.start()
248 |
249 | ArgsFileWaiter(initializedCallback).start()
250 |
251 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
252 |
253 | def _initializeCEF(args, initializedCallback):
254 | """Perform the actual initialization of CEF using the given arguments."""
255 | print "Initializing CEF with args:", args
256 |
257 | settings = {
258 | "debug": True, # cefpython debug messages in console and in log_file
259 | "log_severity": cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE, # LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE
260 | "log_file": "", # Set to "" to disable
261 | "release_dcheck_enabled": True, # Enable only when debugging
262 | # This directories must be set on Linux
263 | "locales_dir_path": os.path.join(cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "locales"),
264 | "resources_dir_path": cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(),
265 | "browser_subprocess_path": "%s/%s" % \
266 | (cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "subprocess"),
267 | }
268 |
269 | switches={}
270 | for arg in args:
271 | if arg.startswith("--"):
272 | if arg != "--enable-logging":
273 | assignIndex = arg.find("=")
274 | if assignIndex<0:
275 | switches[arg[2:]] = ""
276 | else:
277 | switches[arg[2:assignIndex]] = arg[assignIndex+1:]
278 | else:
279 | print "Unhandled switch", arg
280 |
281 | cefpython.Initialize(settings, switches)
282 |
283 | gobject.timeout_add(10, _handleTimeout)
284 |
285 | print "Initialized, executing callback..."
286 | initializedCallback()
287 |
288 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 |
290 | def getContainer():
291 | """Get a container object suitable for running a browser instance
292 | within."""
293 | if os.name=="nt":
294 | container = gtk.DrawingArea()
295 | container.set_property("can-focus", True)
296 | container.connect("size-allocate", _handleSizeAllocate)
297 | else:
298 | container = gtk.VBox(True, 0)
299 |
300 | container.show()
301 |
302 | return container
303 |
304 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
305 |
306 | def startInContainer(container, url, browserSettings = {}):
307 | """Start a browser instance in the given container with the given URL."""
308 | if os.name=="nt":
309 | windowID = container.get_window().handle
310 | else:
311 | m = re.search("GtkVBox at 0x(\w+)", str(container))
312 | hexID = m.group(1)
313 | windowID = int(hexID, 16)
314 |
315 | windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo()
316 | windowInfo.SetAsChild(windowID)
317 |
318 | return cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo,
319 | browserSettings = browserSettings,
320 | navigateUrl = url)
321 |
322 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 |
324 | class OffscreenRenderHandler(object):
325 | def GetRootScreenRect(self, browser, rect):
326 | #print "GetRootScreenRect"
327 | rect += [0, 0, 800, 600]
328 | return True
329 |
330 | def GetViewRect(self, browser, rect):
331 | #print "GetViewRect"
332 | rect += [0, 0, 800, 600]
333 | return True
334 |
335 | def GetScreenPoint(self, browser, viewX, viewY, screenCoordinates):
336 | #print "GetScreenPoint", viewX, viewY
337 | rect += [viewX, viewY]
338 | return True
339 |
340 | def GetScreenInfo(self, browser, screenInfo):
341 | #print "GetScreenInfo"
342 | pass
343 |
344 | def OnPopupShow(self, browser, show):
345 | #print "OnPopupShow", show
346 | pass
347 |
348 | def OnPopupSize(self, browser, rect):
349 | #print "OnPopupSize", rect
350 | pass
351 |
352 | def OnPaint(self, browser, paintElementType, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height):
353 | #print "OnPaint", paintElementType, dirtyRects, buffer, width, height
354 | pass
355 |
356 | def OnCursorChange(self, browser, cursor):
357 | #print "OnCursorChange", cursor
358 | pass
359 |
360 | def OnScrollOffsetChanged(self, browser):
361 | #print "OnScrollOffsetChange"
362 | pass
363 |
364 | def OnBeforePopup(self, browser, frame, targetURL, targetFrameName,
365 | popupFeatures, windowInfo, client, browserSettings,
366 | noJavascriptAccess):
367 | wInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo()
368 | wInfo.SetAsOffscreen(int(0))
369 |
370 | windowInfo.append(wInfo)
371 |
372 | return False
373 |
374 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 |
376 | def initializeSimBrief():
377 | """Initialize the (hidden) browser window for SimBrief."""
378 | _seleniumHandler.initializeSimBrief()
379 |
380 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 |
382 | def callSimBrief(plan, getCredentials, updateProgress, htmlFilePath):
383 | """Call SimBrief with the given plan."""
384 | _seleniumHandler.callSimBrief(plan, getCredentials,
385 | updateProgress, htmlFilePath)
386 |
387 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 |
389 | def finalize():
390 | """Finalize the Chrome Embedded Framework."""
391 | global _toQuit, _seleniumHandler
392 | toQuit = True
393 | cefpython.Shutdown()
394 | _seleniumHandler.quit()
395 |
396 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
397 |
398 | def _handleTimeout():
399 | """Handle the timeout by running the CEF message loop."""
400 | if _toQuit:
401 | return False
402 | else:
403 | cefpython.MessageLoopWork()
404 | return True
405 |
406 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
407 |
408 | def startFastTimeout():
409 | """Start the fast timeout handler."""
410 | global _fastTimeoutUsers
411 |
412 | if _fastTimeoutUsers==0:
413 | _fastTimeoutUsers = 1
414 | gobject.timeout_add(1, _handleFastTimeout)
415 | else:
416 | _fastTimeoutUsers += 1
417 |
418 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
419 |
420 | def stopFastTimeout():
421 | """Stop the fast timeout handler."""
422 | global _fastTimeoutUsers
423 |
424 | assert _fastTimeoutUsers>0
425 | _fastTimeoutUsers -= 1
426 |
427 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 |
429 | def _handleFastTimeout():
430 | """Handle a (fast) timeout by running the CEF message loop."""
431 | if _toQuit or _fastTimeoutUsers==0:
432 | return False
433 | else:
434 | cefpython.MessageLoopWork()
435 | return True
436 |
437 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
438 |
439 | def _handleSizeAllocate(widget, sizeAlloc):
440 | """Handle the size-allocate event."""
441 | cefpython.WindowUtils.OnSize(widget.get_window().handle, 0, 0, 0)