from mlx.gui.common import * from mlx.update import update from mlx.i18n import xstr import mlx.const as const import threading import os import sys #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @package mlx.gui.update # # The GUI part of the update. # # This module implements the GUI portion of the \ref mlx.update # "automatic update" function. The update runs in a separate thread, which puts # the relevant events into the Gtk event loop. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Updater(threading.Thread): """The updater thread.""" # The removal or renaming of one file equals to the downloading of this # many bytes in time (for the progress calculation) REMOVE2BYTES = 100 _progressWindow = None _progressLabel = None _progressBar = None _progressOKButton = None _sudoDialog = None @staticmethod def _createGUI(parentWindow): """Create the GUI elements, if needed.""" if Updater._progressWindow is not None: return Updater._progressWindow = window = Gtk.Window() window.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " " + xstr("update_title")) window.set_transient_for(parentWindow) #win.set_icon_from_file(os.path.join(iconDirectory, "logo.ico")) window.set_size_request(400, -1) window.set_resizable(False) window.set_modal(True) window.connect("delete-event", lambda a, b: True) window.set_deletable(False) window.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ON_PARENT) mainAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xscale = 1.0) mainAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 10, padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16) window.add(mainAlignment) mainVBox = Gtk.VBox() mainAlignment.add(mainVBox) labelAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0) Updater._progressLabel = progressLabel = Gtk.Label() labelAlignment.add(progressLabel) mainVBox.pack_start(labelAlignment, True, True, 4) Updater._progressBar = progressBar = Gtk.ProgressBar() mainVBox.pack_start(progressBar, True, True, 4) buttonAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, xscale = 0.1) Updater._progressOKButton = progressOKButton = Gtk.Button("OK") buttonAlignment.add(progressOKButton) mainVBox.pack_start(buttonAlignment, True, True, 4) Updater._sudoDialog = sudoDialog = \ Gtk.Dialog(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " " + xstr("update_title"), parentWindow, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL) sudoDialog.add_button(xstr("button_cancel"), 0) sudoDialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), 1) infoLabelAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, xscale = 0.1) infoLabelAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 10, padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16) infoLabel = Gtk.Label(xstr("update_needsudo")) infoLabel.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.CENTER) infoLabelAlignment.add(infoLabel) sudoDialog.vbox.pack_start(infoLabelAlignment, True, True, 4) sudoDialog.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER_ON_PARENT) def __init__(self, gui, programDirectory, updateURL, parentWindow): """Construct the updater. If not created yet, the windows used by the updater are also created.""" super(Updater, self).__init__() self._gui = gui self._programDirectory = programDirectory self._updateURL = updateURL self._totalProgress = 0 self._waitAfterFinish = False self._restart = False self._sudoReply = None self._sudoCondition = threading.Condition() Updater._createGUI(parentWindow) def run(self): """Execute the thread's operation.""" GObject.idle_add(self._startUpdate) update(self._programDirectory, self._updateURL, self, fromGUI = True) if not self._waitAfterFinish: GObject.idle_add(self._progressWindow.hide) self._gui.updateDone() def downloadingManifest(self): """Called when the downloading of the manifest has started.""" GObject.idle_add(self._downloadingManifest) def _downloadingManifest(self): """Called when the downloading of the manifest has started.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_manifest_progress")) self._progressBar.set_fraction(0) def downloadedManifest(self): """Called when the downloading of the manifest has finished.""" GObject.idle_add(self._downloadedManifest) def _downloadedManifest(self): """Called when the downloading of the manifest has finished.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_manifest_done")) self._progressBar.set_fraction(0.05) def needSudo(self): """Called when the program is interested in whether we want to run a program with administrator rights to do the update.""" GObject.idle_add(self._needSudo) with self._sudoCondition: while self._sudoReply is None: self._sudoCondition.wait(1) return self._sudoReply def _needSudo(self): """Called when the program is interested in whether we want to run a program with administrator rights to do the update.""" self._sudoDialog.show_all() result = self._sudoDialog.hide() with self._sudoCondition: self._sudoReply = result!=0 self._sudoCondition.notify() def setTotalSize(self, numToModifyAndNew, totalSize, numToRemove, numToRemoveLocal): """Called when the downloading of the files has started.""" self._numToModifyAndNew = numToModifyAndNew self._numModifiedOrNew = 0 self._totalSize = totalSize self._downloaded = 0 self._numToRemove = numToRemove self._numToRemoveLocal = numToRemoveLocal self._numRemoved = 0 self._totalProgress = self._totalSize + \ (self._numToModifyAndNew + \ self._numToRemove + self._numToRemoveLocal) * \ Updater.REMOVE2BYTES self._waitAfterFinish = self._totalSize > 0 or self._numToRemove > 0 def _startDownload(self): """Called when the download has started.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_files_progress")) def setDownloaded(self, downloaded): """Called when a certain number of bytes are downloaded.""" self._downloaded = downloaded GObject.idle_add(self._setDownloaded, downloaded) def _setDownloaded(self, downloaded): """Called when a certain number of bytes are downloaded.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_files_bytes") % \ (downloaded, self._totalSize)) self._setProgress() def startRenaming(self): """Called when the renaming of files has started.""" GObject.idle_add(self._startRenaming) def _startRenaming(self): """Called when the renaming of files has started.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_renaming")) def renamed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been renamed.""" self._numModifiedOrNew = count GObject.idle_add(self._renamed, path, count) def _renamed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been renamed.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_renamed") % (path,)) self._setProgress() def startRemoving(self): """Called when the removing of files has started.""" GObject.idle_add(self._startRemoving) def _startRemoving(self): """Called when the removing of files has started.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_removing")) def removed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been removed.""" self._numRemoved = count GObject.idle_add(self._removed, path, count) def _removed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been removed.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_removed") % (path,)) self._setProgress() def writingManifest(self): """Called when the writing of the new manifest file has started.""" GObject.idle_add(self._writingManifest) def _writingManifest(self): """Called when the writing of the new manifest file has started.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_writing_manifest")) def done(self): """Called when the update has been done.""" GObject.idle_add(self._done) self._restart = self._waitAfterFinish def _done(self): """Called when the writing of the new manifest file has started.""" self._progressBar.set_fraction(1) if self._totalProgress>0: self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_finished")) self._progressOKButton.set_sensitive(True) else: self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_nothing")) def _setProgress(self): """Set the progress bar based on the current stage.""" if self._totalProgress>0: progress = self._downloaded + \ (self._numModifiedOrNew + self._numRemoved) * \ Updater.REMOVE2BYTES self._progressBar.set_fraction(0.05 + 0.94 * progress / self._totalProgress) def failed(self, what): """Called when the downloading has failed.""" self._waitAfterFinish = True GObject.idle_add(self._failed, what) def _failed(self, what): """Called when the downloading has failed.""" self._progressLabel.set_text(xstr("update_failed")) self._progressBar.set_fraction(1) self._progressOKButton.set_sensitive(True) def _startUpdate(self): """Start the update. It resets the GUI elements.""" self._progressLabel.set_text("") self._progressBar.set_fraction(0) self._progressWindow.show_all() self._progressOKButton.set_sensitive(False) self._progressOKButton.connect("clicked", self._progressOKClicked) def _progressOKClicked(self, button): """Called when the OK button on the progress window is clicked.""" self._progressWindow.hide() if self._restart: self._gui.restart() else: self._gui.updateDone() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------