from . import fs from . import const from . import util from .watchdog import Watchdog import threading import time import calendar import datetime import sys import codecs import math from functools import total_ordering from xplra import XPlane, MultiGetter, MultiSetter, ProtocolException from xplra import TYPE_INT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_DOUBLE from xplra import TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, TYPE_INT_ARRAY, TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY from xplra import HOTKEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT, HOTKEY_MODIFIER_CONTROL #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## @package mlx.xplane # # The module towards X-Plane # # This module implements the simulator interface to X-Plane via the # X-Plane Remote Access (xplra) plugin. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _hgin2hpa = 1013.25 / 29.92 _mps2knots = 3600.0 / 1852 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Request(object): """Base class for one-shot requests.""" def __init__(self, handler, callback, extra): """Construct the request.""" self._handler = handler self._callback = callback self._extra = extra self._result = None def process(self, time): """Process the request. Return True if the request has succeeded, False if data validation has failed for a reading request. An exception may also be thrown if there is some lower-level communication problem.""" if self._process(time): Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(self._result, self._extra)) return True else: return False def fail(self): """Handle the failure of this request.""" Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(False, self._extra)) class DataRequest(Request): """A simple, one-shot data read or write request.""" def __init__(self, handler, forWrite, data, callback, extra, validator = None): """Construct the request.""" super(DataRequest, self).__init__(handler, callback, extra) self._forWrite = forWrite self._validator = validator xplane = handler._xplane self._multiBuffer = xplane.createMultiSetter() if forWrite \ else xplane.createMultiGetter() Handler._setupMultiBuffer(self._multiBuffer, [(d[0], d[1]) for d in data]) if forWrite: index = 0 for (_, _, value) in data: self._multiBuffer[index] = value index += 1 def fail(self): """Handle the failure of this request.""" if self._forWrite: super(DataRequest, self).fail() else: Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(None, self._extra)) def _process(self, time): """Process the request.""" if self._forWrite: self._multiBuffer.execute() self._result = True return True try: if Handler._performRead(self._multiBuffer, self._extra, self._validator): self._result = self._multiBuffer return True else: return False except ProtocolException as e: self._result = None return True class ShowMessageRequest(Request): """Request to show a message in the simulator window.""" def __init__(self, handler, message, duration, callback, extra): """Construct the request.""" super(ShowMessageRequest, self).__init__(handler, callback, extra) self._message = message self._duration = duration def _process(self, time): """Process the request.""" self._handler._xplane.showMessage(self._message, self._duration) self._result = True return True class RegisterHotkeysRequest(Request): """Request to register hotkeys with the simulator.""" def __init__(self, handler, hotkeyCodes, callback, extra): """Construct the request.""" super(RegisterHotkeysRequest, self).__init__(handler, callback, extra) self._hotkeyCodes = hotkeyCodes def _process(self, time): """Process the request.""" self._handler._xplane.registerHotkeys(self._hotkeyCodes) self._result = True return True class UnregisterHotkeysRequest(Request): """Request to register hotkeys with the simulator.""" def _process(self, time): """Process the request.""" self._handler._xplane.unregisterHotkeys() self._result = True return True @total_ordering class PeriodicRequest(object): """A periodic request.""" def __init__(self, handler, id, period, callback, extra): """Construct the periodic request.""" self._handler = handler self._id = id self._period = period self._nextFire = time.time() self._callback = callback self._extra = extra self._result = None @property def id(self): """Get the ID of this periodic request.""" return self._id @property def nextFire(self): """Get the next firing time.""" return self._nextFire def process(self, now): """Check if this request should be executed, and if so, do so. now is the time at which the request is being executed. If this function is called too early, nothing is done, and True is returned. Return True if the request has succeeded, False if data validation has failed. An exception may also be thrown if there is some lower-level communication problem.""" if now0: try: multiGetter.execute() except ProtocolException as e: print("xplane.Handler._performRead: " + str(e)) raise if validator is None or \ Handler._callSafe(lambda: validator(multiGetter, extra)): return True else: attemptsLeft -= 1 return False def __init__(self, connectionListener, connectAttempts = -1, connectInterval = 0.2): """Construct the handler with the given connection listener.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._connectionListener = connectionListener self._connectAttempts = connectAttempts self._connectInterval = connectInterval self._xplane = XPlane() self._requestCondition = threading.Condition() self._connectionRequested = False self._connected = False self._requests = [] self._nextPeriodicID = 1 self._periodicRequests = [] self._watchdogClient = Watchdog.get().addClient(2.0, "xplane.Handler") self.daemon = True def requestRead(self, data, callback, extra = None, validator = None): """Request the reading of some data. data is a list of tuples of the following items: - the offset of the data as an integer - the type letter of the data as a string callback is a function that receives two pieces of data: - the values retrieved or None on error - the extra parameter It will be called in the handler's thread! """ with self._requestCondition: self._requests.append(DataRequest(self, False, data, callback, extra, validator)) self._requestCondition.notify() def requestWrite(self, data, callback, extra = None): """Request the writing of some data. data is a list of tuples of the following items: - the offset of the data as an integer - the type letter of the data as a string - the data to write callback is a function that receives two pieces of data: - a boolean indicating if writing was successful - the extra data It will be called in the handler's thread! """ with self._requestCondition: request = DataRequest(self, True, data, callback, extra) #print "xplane.Handler.requestWrite", request self._requests.append(request) self._requestCondition.notify() def requestPeriodicRead(self, period, data, callback, extra = None, validator = None): """Request a periodic read of data. period is a floating point number with the period in seconds. This function returns an identifier which can be used to cancel the request.""" with self._requestCondition: id = self._nextPeriodicID self._nextPeriodicID += 1 request = PeriodicDataRequest(self, id, period, data, callback, extra, validator) self._periodicRequests.append(request) self._requestCondition.notify() return id def clearPeriodic(self, id): """Clear the periodic request with the given ID.""" with self._requestCondition: for i in range(0, len(self._periodicRequests)): if self._periodicRequests[i].id==id: del self._periodicRequests[i] return True return False def requestShowMessage(self, message, duration, callback, extra = None): """Request showing a message in the simulator.""" with self._requestCondition: self._requests.append(ShowMessageRequest(self, message, duration, callback, extra)) self._requestCondition.notify() def registerHotkeys(self, hotkeys, callback, extra = None): """Request registering the given hotkeys.""" with self._requestCondition: self._requests.append(RegisterHotkeysRequest(self, hotkeys, callback, extra)) self._requestCondition.notify() def requestHotkeysState(self, period, callback, extra = None): """Request a periodic query of the hotkey status.""" with self._requestCondition: id = self._nextPeriodicID self._nextPeriodicID += 1 request = HotkeysStateRequest(self, id, period, callback, extra) self._periodicRequests.append(request) self._requestCondition.notify() return id def unregisterHotkeys(self, callback, extra = None): """Request unregistering the hotkeys.""" with self._requestCondition: self._requests.append(UnregisterHotkeysRequest(self, callback, extra)) self._requestCondition.notify() def connect(self): """Initiate the connection to the flight simulator.""" with self._requestCondition: if not self._connectionRequested: self._connectionRequested = True self._requestCondition.notify() def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the flight simulator.""" with self._requestCondition: self._requests = [] if self._connectionRequested: self._connectionRequested = False self._requestCondition.notify() def clearRequests(self): """Clear the outstanding one-shot requests.""" with self._requestCondition: self._requests = [] def run(self): """Perform the operation of the thread.""" while True: self._waitConnectionRequest() if self._connect()>0: self._handleConnection() self._disconnect() def _waitConnectionRequest(self): """Wait for a connection request to arrive.""" with self._requestCondition: while not self._connectionRequested: self._requestCondition.wait() def _connect(self, autoReconnection = False, attempts = 0): """Try to connect to the flight simulator via XPLRA Returns True if the connection has been established, False if it was not due to no longer requested. """ config = self._connectionListener.config if config.xplaneRemote: address = "tcp:" + config.xplaneAddress else: address = "local" print("xplane.Handler._connect: address:", address) while self._connectionRequested: if attempts>=self.NUM_CONNECTATTEMPTS: self._connectionRequested = False if autoReconnection: Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._connectionListener.disconnected()) else: Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._connectionListener.connectionFailed()) return 0 try: attempts += 1 self._xplane.connect(address = address) (xplaneVersion, xplmVersion, xplraVersion) = \ self._xplane.getVersions() description = "(X-Plane version: %d, XPLM version: %d, XPLRA version: %03d)" % \ (xplaneVersion, xplmVersion, xplraVersion) if not autoReconnection: fsType = \ const.SIM_XPLANE12 if xplaneVersion>=12000 else \ const.SIM_XPLANE11 if xplaneVersion>=11000 else \ const.SIM_XPLANE10 if xplaneVersion>=10000 else \ const.SIM_XPLANE9 print("xplane.Handler._connect: fsType:", fsType) Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._connectionListener.connected(fsType, description)) self._connected = True return attempts except Exception as e: print("xplane.Handler._connect: connection failed: " + \ util.utf2unicode(str(e)) + \ " (attempts: %d)" % (attempts,)) if attemptst: break attempts = self._processRequest(request, t, attempts, True) while self._connectionRequested and self._requests: request = self._requests[0] del self._requests[0] attempts = self._processRequest(request, None, attempts, False) return self._connectionRequested #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Simulator(object): """The simulator class representing the interface to the flight simulator via XPLRA.""" # The basic data that should be queried all the time once we are connected timeData = [ ("sim/time/local_date_days", TYPE_INT), ("sim/time/zulu_time_sec", TYPE_FLOAT) ] normalData = timeData + \ [ ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_tailnum", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY), ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_author", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY), ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_descrip", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY), ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_notes", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY), ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_ICAO", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY), ("sim/aircraft/view/acf_livery_path", TYPE_BYTE_ARRAY) ] flareData1 = [ ("sim/time/zulu_time_sec", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/y_agl", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/vh_ind_fpm2", TYPE_FLOAT) ] flareStartData = [ ("sim/weather/wind_speed_kt[0]", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/weather/wind_direction_degt[0]", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/weather/visibility_reported_m", TYPE_FLOAT) ] flareData2 = [ ("sim/time/zulu_time_sec", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/failures/onground_any", TYPE_INT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/vh_ind_fpm2", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/indicated_airspeed2", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/theta", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/phi", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/position/psi", TYPE_FLOAT) ] TIME_SYNC_INTERVAL = 3.0 @staticmethod def _getHotkeyCode(hotkey): """Get the hotkey code for the given hot key.""" code = ord(hotkey.key) if hotkey.shift: code |= HOTKEY_MODIFIER_SHIFT if hotkey.ctrl: code |= HOTKEY_MODIFIER_CONTROL return code def __init__(self, connectionListener, connectAttempts = -1, connectInterval = 0.2): """Construct the simulator. The aircraft object passed must provide the following members: - type: one of the AIRCRAFT_XXX constants from - modelChanged(aircraftName, modelName): called when the model handling the aircraft has changed. - handleState(aircraftState): handle the given state. - flareStarted(windSpeed, windDirection, visibility, flareStart, flareStartFS): called when the flare has started. windSpeed is in knots, windDirection is in degrees and visibility is in metres. flareStart and flareStartFS are two time values expressed in seconds that can be used to calculate the flare time. - flareFinished(flareEnd, flareEndFS, tdRate, tdRateCalculatedByFS, ias, pitch, bank, heading): called when the flare has finished, i.e. the aircraft is on the ground. flareEnd and flareEndFS are the two time values corresponding to the touchdown time. tdRate is the touch-down rate, tdRateCalculatedBySim indicates if the data comes from the simulator or was calculated by the adapter. The other data are self-explanatory and expressed in their 'natural' units.""" self._fsType = None self._aircraft = None self._handler = Handler(self, connectAttempts = connectAttempts, connectInterval = connectInterval) self._connectionListener = connectionListener self._handler.start() self._syncTime = False self._nextSyncTime = -1 self._timestampBase = None self._timestampDaysOffset = 0 self._lastZuluSeconds = None self._normalRequestID = None self._monitoringRequested = False self._monitoring = False self._aircraftInfo = None self._aircraftModel = None self._flareRequestID = None self._flareRates = [] self._flareStart = None self._flareStartFS = None self._hotkeyLock = threading.Lock() self._hotkeyCodes = None self._hotkeySetID = 0 self._hotkeySetGeneration = 0 self._hotkeyOffets = None self._hotkeyRequestID = None self._hotkeyCallback = None self._fuelCallback = None @property def config(self): """Get the configuration.""" return self._connectionListener.config def connect(self, aircraft): """Initiate a connection to the simulator.""" self._aircraft = aircraft self._aircraftInfo = None self._aircraftModel = None self._handler.connect() if self._normalRequestID is None: self._nextSyncTime = -1 self._startDefaultNormal() def reconnect(self): """Initiate a reconnection to the simulator. It does not reset already set up data, just calls connect() on the handler.""" self._handler.connect() def requestZFW(self, callback): """Send a request for the ZFW.""" data = [ ("sim/aircraft/weight/acf_m_empty", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fixed", TYPE_FLOAT) ] self._handler.requestRead(data, self._handleZFW, extra = callback) def requestWeights(self, callback): """Request the following weights: DOW, ZFW, payload. These values will be passed to the callback function in this order, as separate arguments.""" data = [ ("sim/aircraft/weight/acf_m_empty", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fixed", TYPE_FLOAT), ("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_total", TYPE_FLOAT) ] self._handler.requestRead(data, self._handleWeights, extra = callback) def requestTime(self, callback): """Request the time from the simulator.""" self._handler.requestRead(Simulator.timeData, self._handleTime, extra = callback) def startMonitoring(self): """Start the periodic monitoring of the aircraft and pass the resulting state to the aircraft object periodically.""" assert not self._monitoringRequested self._monitoringRequested = True def stopMonitoring(self): """Stop the periodic monitoring of the aircraft.""" assert self._monitoringRequested self._monitoringRequested = False def startFlare(self): """Start monitoring the flare time. At present it is assumed to be called from the handler thread, hence no protection.""" #self._aircraft.logger.debug("startFlare") if self._flareRequestID is None: self._flareRates = [] self._flareRequestID = \ self._handler.requestPeriodicRead(0.1, Simulator.flareData1, self._handleFlare1) def cancelFlare(self): """Cancel monitoring the flare time. At present it is assumed to be called from the handler thread, hence no protection.""" if self._flareRequestID is not None: self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._flareRequestID) self._flareRequestID = None def sendMessage(self, message, duration = 3, _disconnect = False): """Send a message to the pilot via the simulator. duration is the number of seconds to keep the message displayed.""" print("xplra.Simulator.sendMessage:", message) self._handler.requestShowMessage(message, duration, self._handleMessageSent, extra = _disconnect) def getFuel(self, callback): """Get the fuel information for the current model. The callback will be called with a list of triplets with the following items: - the fuel tank identifier - the current weight of the fuel in the tank (in kgs) - the current total capacity of the tank (in kgs).""" if self._aircraftModel is None: self._fuelCallback = callback else: self._aircraftModel.getFuel(self._handler, callback) def setFuelLevel(self, levels): """Set the fuel level to the given ones. levels is an array of two-tuples, where each tuple consists of the following: - the const.FUELTANK_XXX constant denoting the tank that must be set, - the requested level of the fuel as a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0.""" if self._aircraftModel is not None: self._aircraftModel.setFuelLevel(self._handler, levels) def enableTimeSync(self): """Enable the time synchronization.""" self._nextSyncTime = -1 self._syncTime = True def disableTimeSync(self): """Enable the time synchronization.""" self._syncTime = False self._nextSyncTime = -1 def listenHotkeys(self, hotkeys, callback): """Start listening to the given hotkeys. callback is function expecting two arguments: - the ID of the hotkey set as returned by this function, - the list of the indexes of the hotkeys that were pressed.""" with self._hotkeyLock: assert self._hotkeyCodes is None self._hotkeyCodes = \ [self._getHotkeyCode(hotkey) for hotkey in hotkeys] self._hotkeySetID += 1 self._hotkeySetGeneration = 0 self._hotkeyCallback = callback self._handler.registerHotkeys(self._hotkeyCodes, self._handleHotkeysRegistered, (self._hotkeySetID, self._hotkeySetGeneration)) return self._hotkeySetID def clearHotkeys(self): """Clear the current hotkey set. Note that it is possible, that the callback function set either previously or after calling this function by listenHotkeys() will be called with data from the previous hotkey set. Therefore it is recommended to store the hotkey set ID somewhere and check that in the callback function. Right before calling clearHotkeys(), this stored ID should be cleared so that the check fails for sure.""" with self._hotkeyLock: if self._hotkeyCodes is not None: self._hotkeyCodes = None self._hotkeySetID += 1 self._hotkeyCallback = None self._clearHotkeyRequest() def disconnect(self, closingMessage = None, duration = 3): """Disconnect from the simulator.""" assert not self._monitoringRequested print("xplra.Simulator.disconnect", closingMessage, duration) self._stopNormal() self.clearHotkeys() if closingMessage is None: self._handler.disconnect() else: self.sendMessage(closingMessage, duration = duration, _disconnect = True) def connected(self, fsType, descriptor): """Called when a connection has been established to the flight simulator of the given type.""" self._fsType = fsType with self._hotkeyLock: if self._hotkeyCodes is not None: self._hotkeySetGeneration += 1 self._handler.registerHotkeys(self._hotkeyCodes, self._handleHotkeysRegistered, (self._hotkeySetID, self._hotkeySetGeneration)) self._connectionListener.connected(fsType, descriptor) def connectionFailed(self): """Called when the connection could not be established.""" with self._hotkeyLock: self._clearHotkeyRequest() self._connectionListener.connectionFailed() def disconnected(self): """Called when a connection to the flight simulator has been broken.""" with self._hotkeyLock: self._clearHotkeyRequest() self._connectionListener.disconnected() def _getTimestamp(self, data): """Convert the given data into a timestamp.""" if self._timestampBase is None: year = self._timestampBase = \ calendar.timegm(time.struct_time([year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0])) self._timestampBase += data[0] * 24 * 3600 self._timestampDaysOffset = 0 self._lastZuluSeconds = None zuluSeconds = data[1] if self._lastZuluSeconds is not None and \ zuluSeconds %f, diff: %f" % \ (self._lastZuluSeconds, zuluSeconds, diff)) if diff>23*60*60: self._timestampDaysOffset += 1 else: zuluSeconds = self._lastZuluSeconds self._lastZuluSeconds = zuluSeconds timestamp = self._timestampBase timestamp += self._timestampDaysOffset * 24 * 3600 timestamp += zuluSeconds return timestamp def _startDefaultNormal(self): """Start the default normal periodic request.""" assert self._normalRequestID is None self._timestampBase = None self._normalRequestID = \ self._handler.requestPeriodicRead(1.0, Simulator.normalData, self._handleNormal) def _stopNormal(self): """Stop the normal period request.""" assert self._normalRequestID is not None self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._normalRequestID) self._normalRequestID = None self._monitoring = False def _handleNormal(self, data, extra): """Handle the reply to the normal request. At the beginning the result consists the data for normalData. When monitoring is started, it contains the result also for the aircraft-specific values. """ timestamp = self._getTimestamp(data) createdNewModel = self._setAircraftName(timestamp, data.getString(2), data.getString(3), data.getString(4), data.getString(5), data.getString(6), data.getString(7)) if self._fuelCallback is not None: self._aircraftModel.getFuel(self._handler, self._fuelCallback) self._fuelCallback = None if self._monitoringRequested and not self._monitoring: self._stopNormal() self._startMonitoring() elif self._monitoring and not self._monitoringRequested: self._stopNormal() self._startDefaultNormal() elif self._monitoring and self._aircraftModel is not None and \ not createdNewModel: aircraftState = self._aircraftModel.getAircraftState(self._aircraft, timestamp, data) self._aircraft.handleState(aircraftState) def _setAircraftName(self, timestamp, tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath): """Set the name of the aicraft and if it is different from the previous, create a new model for it. If so, also notifty the aircraft about the change. Return if a new model was created.""" aircraftInfo = (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) if aircraftInfo==self._aircraftInfo: return False print("xplane.Simulator: new data: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % \ (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath)) self._aircraftInfo = aircraftInfo needNew = self._aircraftModel is None needNew = needNew or\ not self._aircraftModel.doesHandle(self._aircraft, aircraftInfo) if not needNew: specialModel = AircraftModel.findSpecial(self._aircraft, aircraftInfo) needNew = specialModel is not None and \ specialModel is not self._aircraftModel.__class__ if needNew: self._setAircraftModel(AircraftModel.create(self._aircraft, aircraftInfo)) self._aircraft.modelChanged(timestamp, description, return needNew def _setAircraftModel(self, model): """Set a new aircraft model. It will be queried for the data to monitor and the monitoring request will be replaced by a new one.""" self._aircraftModel = model model.simulator = self if self._monitoring: self._stopNormal() self._startMonitoring() def _startMonitoring(self): """Start monitoring with the current aircraft model.""" data = Simulator.normalData[:] self._aircraftModel.addMonitoringData(data, self._fsType) self._normalRequestID = \ self._handler.requestPeriodicRead(1.0, data, self._handleNormal) self._monitoring = True def _addFlareRate(self, data): """Append a flare rate to the list of last rates.""" if len(self._flareRates)>=3: del self._flareRates[0] self._flareRates.append(data) def _handleFlare1(self, data, normal): """Handle the first stage of flare monitoring.""" #self._aircraft.logger.debug("handleFlare1: " + str(data)) if data[1]<=50.0*0.3048: self._flareStart = time.time() self._flareStartFS = data[0] self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._flareRequestID) self._handler.requestRead(Simulator.flareStartData, self._handleFlareStart) self._addFlareRate(data[2]) def _handleFlareStart(self, data, extra): """Handle the data need to notify the aircraft about the starting of the flare.""" #self._aircraft.logger.debug("handleFlareStart: " + str(data)) if data is not None: windDirection = data[1] if windDirection<0.0: windDirection += 360.0 self._aircraft.flareStarted(data[0], windDirection, data[2], self._flareStart, self._flareStartFS) self._flareRequestID = \ self._handler.requestPeriodicRead(0.1, Simulator.flareData2, self._handleFlare2) def _handleFlare2(self, data, normal): """Handle the first stage of flare monitoring.""" #self._aircraft.logger.debug("handleFlare2: " + str(data)) if data[1]!=0: flareEnd = time.time() self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._flareRequestID) self._flareRequestID = None flareEndFS = data[0] if flareEndFS180.0: state.longitude = 360.0 - state.longitude state.paused = data[self._monidx_paused]!=0 or \ data[self._monidx_replay]!=0 state.trickMode = data[self._monidx_replay]!=0 state.overspeed = data[self._monidx_overspeed]!=0 state.stalled = data[self._monidx_stalled]!=0 state.onTheGround = data[self._monidx_onTheGround]!=0 state.zfw = data[self._monidx_emptyWeight] + \ data[self._monidx_payloadWeight] state.grossWeight = data[self._monidx_grossWeight] state.heading = data[self._monidx_heading] state.pitch = -1.0 * data[self._monidx_pitch] = data[self._monidx_bank] state.ias = data[self._monidx_ias] state.mach = data[self._monidx_mach] state.groundSpeed = data[self._monidx_groundSpeed] * _mps2knots state.vs = data[self._monidx_vs] state.radioAltitude = data[self._monidx_radioAltitude]/.3048 state.altitude = data[self._monidx_altitude]/.3048 state.gLoad = data[self._monidx_gLoad] flapsControl = data[self._monidx_flapsControl] flapsIndex = int(round(flapsControl * (len(self._flapsNotches)-1))) state.flapsSet = 0 if flapsIndex<1 else self._flapsNotches[flapsIndex] state.flaps = self._flapsNotches[-1]*data[self._monidx_flapsLeft] state.navLightsOn = data[self._monidx_navLights] != 0 state.antiCollisionLightsOn = data[self._monidx_beaconLights] != 0 state.landingLightsOn = data[self._monidx_landingLights] != 0 state.strobeLightsOn = data[self._monidx_strobeLights] != 0 state.pitotHeatOn = data[self._monidx_pitot]!=0 state.parking = data[self._monidx_parking]>=0.5 state.gearControlDown = data[self._monidx_gearControl]!=0 state.gearsDown = data[self._monidx_noseGear][0]>0.99 state.spoilersArmed = None state.spoilersExtension = data[self._monidx_spoilers]*100.0 state.altimeter = data[self._monidx_altimeter]* _hgin2hpa state.altimeterReliable = True state.qnh = data[self._monidx_qnh]/100.0 state.ils = None state.ils_obs = None state.ils_manual = False state.nav1 = self._convertFrequency(data[self._monidx_nav1]) state.nav1_obs = self._convertOBS(data[self._monidx_nav1_obs]) state.nav1_manual = True state.nav2 = self._convertFrequency(data[self._monidx_nav2]) state.nav2_obs = self._convertOBS(data[self._monidx_nav2_obs]) state.nav2_manual = not lnavOn state.adf1 = str(data[self._monidx_adf1]) state.adf2 = str(data[self._monidx_adf2]) state.squawk = "%04d" % (data[self._monidx_squawk],) state.windSpeed = data[self._monidx_windSpeed] state.windDirection = data[self._monidx_windDirection] if state.windDirection<0.0: state.windDirection += 360.0 state.visibility = data[self._monidx_visibility] state.cog = data[self._monidx_cog] state.xpdrC = data[self._monidx_xpdrC]>=2 state.autoXPDR = False state.apMaster = data[self._monidx_apMaster]==2 apState = data[self._monidx_apState] if lnavOn: state.apHeadingHold = None state.apHeading = None else: state.apHeadingHold = (apState&0x00002)!=0 state.apHeading = data[self._monidx_apHeading] state.apAltitudeHold = (apState&0x04000)!=0 state.apAltitude = data[self._monidx_apAltitude] state.elevatorTrim = data[self._monidx_elevatorTrim] * 180.0 / math.pi state.antiIceOn = data[self._monidx_antiIceOn]!=0 or \ data[self._monidx_surfaceHeat]!=0 or \ data[self._monidx_propHeat]!=0 return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericAircraftModel(AircraftModel): """A generic aircraft model that can handle the fuel levels, the N1 or RPM values and some other common parameters in a generic way.""" def __init__(self, flapsNotches, fuelTanks, numEngines, isN1 = True): """Construct the generic aircraft model with the given data. flapsNotches is an array of how much degrees the individual flaps notches mean. fuelTanks is an array of const.FUELTANK_XXX constants about the aircraft's fuel tanks. They will be converted to offsets. numEngines is the number of engines the aircraft has. isN1 determines if the engines have an N1 value or an RPM value (e.g. pistons).""" super(GenericAircraftModel, self).__init__(flapsNotches = flapsNotches) self._fuelTanks = fuelTanks self._fuelTankCapacities = [1.0] * len(fuelTanks) self._fuelIndex = None self._numEngines = numEngines self._engineStartIndex = None self._isN1 = isN1 def doesHandle(self, aircraft, aircraftInfo): """Determine if the model handles the given aircraft name. This implementation returns True.""" return True def addMonitoringData(self, data, fsType): """Add the model-specific monitoring data to the given array.""" super(GenericAircraftModel, self).addMonitoringData(data, fsType) self._fuelIndex = self._addFuelData(data) self._engineStartIndex = len(data) if self._isN1: self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_N1_", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, self._numEngines)) else: self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel/engine/POINT_tacrad", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, self._numEngines)) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel/engine/ENGN_propmode", (TYPE_INT_ARRAY, self._numEngines)) def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get the aircraft state. Get it from the parent, and then add the data about the fuel levels and the engine parameters.""" state = super(GenericAircraftModel, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) state.fuel = [] state.totalFuel = 0.0 fuelAmounts = data[self._fuelIndex] for i in range(0, len(self._fuelTanks)): amount = fuelAmounts[i] state.fuel.append((self._fuelTanks[i], amount)) state.totalFuel += amount power = data[self._engineStartIndex] state.n1 = power[:] if self._isN1 else None state.rpm = None if self._isN1 else power[:] propMode = data[self._engineStartIndex+1] state.reverser = [mode == 3 for mode in propMode] return state def getFuel(self, handler, callback): """Get the fuel information for this model. See Simulator.getFuel for more information. This implementation simply queries the fuel tanks given to the constructor.""" data = [] self._addFuelData(data) data.append( ("sim/aircraft/weight/acf_m_fuel_tot", TYPE_FLOAT) ) data.append( ("sim/aircraft/overflow/acf_tank_rat", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, len(self._fuelTanks)) ) ) handler.requestRead(data, self._handleFuelRetrieved, extra = callback) def setFuelLevel(self, handler, levels): """Set the fuel level. See the description of Simulator.setFuelLevel. This implementation simply sets the fuel tanks as given.""" data = [] for (tank, level) in levels: try: index = self._fuelTanks.index(tank) data.append( ("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 1, index), [level * self._fuelTankCapacities[index]]) ) except: print("xplane.Simulator.setFuelLevel: invalid tank constant: %d" % \ (tank,)) handler.requestWrite(data, self._handleFuelWritten) def _addFuelData(self, data): """Add the fuel offsets to the given data array. Returns the index of the first fuel tank's data.""" fuelStartIndex = len(data) data.append( ("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_fuel", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, len(self._fuelTanks) ) ) ) return fuelStartIndex def _convertFuelData(self, data, index = 0, addCapacities = False): """Convert the given data into a fuel info list. The list consists of two or three-tuples of the following items: - the fuel tank ID, - the amount of the fuel in kg, - if addCapacities is True, the total capacity of the tank.""" fuelWeight = data[index] / 256.0 index += 1 result = [] totalFuel = 0 for fuelTank in self._fuelTanks: capacity = data[index+1] * fuelWeight * const.LBSTOKG if capacity>=1.0: amount = data[index] * capacity / 128.0 / 65536.0 result.append( (fuelTank, amount, capacity) if addCapacities else (fuelTank, amount)) totalFuel += amount index += 2 return (result, totalFuel) def _handleFuelRetrieved(self, data, callback): """Callback for a fuel retrieval request.""" result = [] totalCapacity = data[1] for index in range(0, len(self._fuelTanks)): amount = data[0][index] capacity = data[2][index] * totalCapacity self._fuelTankCapacities[index] = capacity result.append( (self._fuelTanks[index], amount, capacity) ) callback(result) def _handleFuelWritten(self, success, extra): """Callback for a fuel setting request.""" pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class GenericModel(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic aircraft model for an unknown type.""" def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(GenericModel, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 10, 20, 30], fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT], numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class B737Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Boeing 737 Classing and NG aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(B737Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 40], fuelTanks = B737Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Boeing 737" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ZiboB737NGModel(B737Model): """Base model for the Zibo and LevelUp Boeing 737 models.""" def __init__(self, flapsRatios = [0.0, 0.081633, 0.142857, 0.224490, 0.285714, 0.367347, 0.551020, 0.714286, 1.0]): super(ZiboB737NGModel, self).__init__() self._flapsRatios = flapsRatios def addMonitoringData(self, data, fsType): """Add the model-specific monitoring data to the given array.""" super(ZiboB737NGModel, self).addMonitoringData(data, fsType) self._speedBrakeIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/speedbrake1_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2)) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/speedbrake2_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2)) self._cgIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/tab/cg_pos", TYPE_FLOAT) self._wingHeatIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/ice/wing_heat_pos", TYPE_FLOAT) self._eng1HeatIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/ice/eng1_heat_pos", TYPE_FLOAT) self._eng2HeatIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/ice/eng2_heat_pos", TYPE_FLOAT) self._spoilersArmedIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/annunciator/speedbrake_armed", TYPE_FLOAT) self._apCMDStatusIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/autopilot/cmd_a_status", TYPE_FLOAT) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/autopilot/cmd_b_status", TYPE_FLOAT) self._apHeadingIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/autopilot/hdg_sel_status", TYPE_FLOAT) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/hud/hdg_bug_tape", TYPE_FLOAT) self._apAltitudeIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "laminar/B738/autopilot/alt_hld_status", TYPE_FLOAT) def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get the aircraft state.""" state = super(ZiboB737NGModel, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) state.cog = data[self._cgIndex]/100.0 flapsRatios = self._flapsRatios flapsRatio = data[self._monidx_flapsLeft] index = len(flapsRatios) for i in range(1, len(flapsRatios)): if flapsRatio -1 # 15 -> 0.790881 state.elevatorTrim = \ 15.0 * (data[self._monidx_elevatorTrim] + 1) / 1.790881 state.spoilersExtension = \ sum(data[self._speedBrakeIndex] + data[self._speedBrakeIndex+1])/4 state.antiIceOn = data[self._wingHeatIndex]!=0 or \ data[self._eng1HeatIndex]!=0 or \ data[self._eng2HeatIndex]!=0 state.spoilersArmed = data[self._spoilersArmedIndex]!=0 state.apMaster = \ data[self._apCMDStatusIndex]==1 or \ data[self._apCMDStatusIndex+1]==1 mcpHeadingHoldStatus = data[self._apHeadingIndex] mcpHeadingBugStatus = data[self._apHeadingIndex+1] state.apHeadingHold = mcpHeadingHoldStatus!=0 and \ (mcpHeadingBugStatus<=0.5 and mcpHeadingBugStatus>=-0.5) state.apAltitudeHold = data[self._apAltitudeIndex]==1 return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ZiboB738Model(ZiboB737NGModel): """Model for the Zibo Boeing 737-800 model.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return author=="Alex Unruh" and \ description=="Boeing 737-800X" and \ notes.startswith("ZIBOmod") and \ icao=="B738" def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(ZiboB738Model, self).__init__( flapsRatios = [0.0, 0.081633, 0.142857, 0.224490, 0.285714, 0.346939, 0.551020, 0.673469, 1.0]) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "Zibo Boeing 737-800" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LevelUpB736Model(ZiboB737NGModel): """Model for the LevelUp Boeing 737-600 model.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return author=="Alex Unruh" and \ description=="Boeing 737-600NG" and \ icao=="B736" @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "LevelUp Boeing 737-600" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LevelUpB737Model(ZiboB737NGModel): """Model for the LevelUp Boeing 737-700 model.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return author=="Alex Unruh" and \ description=="Boeing 737-700NG" and \ icao=="B737" @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "LevelUp Boeing 737-700" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class LevelUpB738Model(ZiboB737NGModel): """Model for the LevelUp Boeing 737-800 model.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return author=="Alex Unruh" and \ description=="Boeing 737-800NG" and \ icao=="B738" @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "LevelUp Boeing 737-800" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class B767Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Boeing 767 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(B767Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 1, 5, 15, 20, 25, 30], fuelTanks = B767Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Boeing 767" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DH8DModel(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Bombardier Dash 8-Q400 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(DH8DModel, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 5, 10, 15, 35], fuelTanks = DH8DModel.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Bombardier Dash 8-Q400" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FJSDH8DModel(DH8DModel): """Model handler for the FlyJSim Dash 8-Q400.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return aircraft.type==const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D and \ description.find("Dash 8 Q400")!=-1 and \ ((author in ["2012", "2013"] and tailnum=="N62890") or \ author.find("Jack Skieczius")!=-1) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/FlyJSim Bombardier Dash 8-Q400" def addMonitoringData(self, data, fsType): """Add the model-specific monitoring data to the given array.""" super(FJSDH8DModel, self).addMonitoringData(data, fsType) self._speedBrakeIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/speedbrake1_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2)) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/speedbrake2_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2)) def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get the aircraft state. Get it from the parent, and then invert the pitot heat state.""" state = super(FJSDH8DModel, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) state.antiCollisionLightsOn = \ state.antiCollisionLightsOn or state.strobeLightsOn state.cog = (state.cog / 0.0254 + 21.504) / 94.512 # It seems that N1 does not always go down to 0 properly # (maybe due to winds?) state.n1 = [0 if n1<2.0 else n1 for n1 in state.n1] state.spoilersExtension = \ sum(data[self._speedBrakeIndex] + data[self._speedBrakeIndex+1])/4 return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FJSDH8DXPModel(DH8DModel): """Model handler for the FlyJSim Q4XP.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return aircraft.type==const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D and \ description.find("Dash 8 Q400")!=-1 and \ author=="FlyJSim" and tailnum=="N62890" @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/FlyJSim Q4XP" def addMonitoringData(self, data, fsType): """Add the model-specific monitoring data to the given array.""" super(FJSDH8DXPModel, self).addMonitoringData(data, fsType) self._speedBrakeIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/spoiler1_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 32)) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/wing/spoiler2_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 32)) self._gearIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "FJS/Q4XP/Manips/GearDeployHandle_Ctl", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 1)) self._apIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "FJS/Q4XP/FMA/roll_act", TYPE_INT) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "FJS/Q4XP/FMA/pitch_act", TYPE_INT) self._propPitchIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel2/engines/prop_pitch_deg", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2)) def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get the aircraft state. Get it from the parent, and then invert the pitot heat state.""" state = super(FJSDH8DXPModel, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) state.antiCollisionLightsOn = \ state.antiCollisionLightsOn or state.strobeLightsOn state.cog = (state.cog * 41.656436697 + 27.586779769)/100.0 # It seems that N1 does not always go down to 0 properly # (maybe due to winds?) state.n1 = [0 if n1<2.0 else n1 for n1 in state.n1] state.spoilersExtension = \ sum(data[self._speedBrakeIndex] + data[self._speedBrakeIndex+1])/4 if state.spoilersExtension<40: state.spoilersExtension = 0.0 state.gearControlDown = data[self._gearIndex][0]>0.5 state.apHeadingHold = data[self._apIndex]==4 state.apAltitudeHold = data[self._apIndex+1] in [4, 5] state.reverser = [p<=-12.0 for p in data[self._propPitchIndex]] return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CRJ2Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Bombardier CRJ-200 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(CRJ2Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 8, 20, 30, 45], fuelTanks = CRJ2Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Bombardier CRJ-200" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class F70Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Fokker F70 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(F70Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 8, 15, 25, 42], fuelTanks = F70Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Fokker 70" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DC3Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Lisunov Li-2 (DC-3) aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] # fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_LEFT, # const.FUELTANK_RIGHT, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_AUX] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(DC3Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 15, 30, 45], fuelTanks = DC3Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2, isN1 = False) self._leftLevel = 0.0 self._rightLevel = 0.0 @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Lisunov Li-2 (DC-3)" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class T134Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT_TIP, const.FUELTANK_EXTERNAL1, const.FUELTANK_LEFT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_EXTERNAL2, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_TIP] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(T134Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 10, 20, 30], fuelTanks = T134Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Tupolev Tu-134" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class T154Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE2, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT, const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_LEFT_AUX] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(T154Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 15, 28, 45], fuelTanks = T154Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 3) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Tupolev Tu-154" def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get an aircraft state object for the given monitoring data. This removes the reverser value for the middle engine.""" state = super(T154Model, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) del state.reverser[1] return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FelisT154Model(T154Model): """Model for Felis' Tupolev Tu-154-M aircraft.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return aircraft.type==const.AIRCRAFT_T154 and \ author.find("Felis")!=-1 and \ description.find("Tu154M")!=-1 def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(T154Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 15, 28, 36, 45], fuelTanks = T154Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 3) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Felis Tupolev Tu-154-M" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FelisT154B2Model(T154Model): """Model for Felis' Tupolev Tu-154-B2 aircraft.""" @staticmethod def doesHandle(aircraft, data): """Determine if this model handler handles the aircraft with the given name.""" (tailnum, author, description, notes, icao, liveryPath) = data return aircraft.type==const.AIRCRAFT_T154 and \ author.find("Felis")!=-1 and \ description.find("Tu154B2")!=-1 @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Felis Tupolev Tu-154-B2" def addMonitoringData(self, data, fsType): """Add the model-specific monitoring data to the given array.""" super(FelisT154B2Model, self).addMonitoringData(data, fsType) self._parkingBrakeIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/custom/controll/parking_brake", TYPE_INT) self._cgIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/custom/misc/cg_pos_actual", TYPE_FLOAT) self._flapsControlIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/custom/controll/flaps_lever", TYPE_FLOAT) self._flapsIndex = len(data) self._addDatarefWithIndexMember(data, "sim/flightmodel/controls/fla1_def", (TYPE_FLOAT_ARRAY, 2, 8)) def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, timestamp, data): """Get the aircraft state. Get it from the parent, and then invert the pitot heat state.""" state = super(FelisT154B2Model, self).getAircraftState(aircraft, timestamp, data) state.parking = data[self._parkingBrakeIndex]!=0 state.cog = data[self._cgIndex]/100.0 state.flapsSet = data[self._flapsControlIndex] state.flaps = data[self._flapsIndex][0] return state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class YK40Model(GenericAircraftModel): """Generic model for the Yakovlev Yak-40 aircraft.""" fuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT] def __init__(self): """Construct the model.""" super(YK40Model, self). \ __init__(flapsNotches = [0, 20, 35], fuelTanks = YK40Model.fuelTanks, numEngines = 2) @property def name(self): """Get the name for this aircraft model.""" return "X-Plane/Generic Yakovlev Yak-40" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _genericModels = { const.AIRCRAFT_B736 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B737 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B738 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B738C : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B732 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B733 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B734 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B735 : B737Model, const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D : DH8DModel, const.AIRCRAFT_B762 : B767Model, const.AIRCRAFT_B763 : B767Model, const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2 : CRJ2Model, const.AIRCRAFT_F70 : F70Model, const.AIRCRAFT_DC3 : DC3Model, const.AIRCRAFT_T134 : T134Model, const.AIRCRAFT_T154 : T154Model, const.AIRCRAFT_YK40 : YK40Model } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AircraftModel.registerSpecial(ZiboB738Model) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(LevelUpB736Model) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(LevelUpB737Model) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(LevelUpB738Model) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(FJSDH8DModel) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(FJSDH8DXPModel) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(FelisT154Model) AircraftModel.registerSpecial(FelisT154B2Model) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if __name__ == "__main__": # class ConnectionListener: # def connected(self, fsType, descriptor): # """Called when a connection has been established to the flight # simulator of the given type.""" # print "fs.ConnectionListener.connected, fsType:", fsType, ", descriptor:", descriptor # def connectionFailed(self): # """Called when the connection could not be established.""" # print "fs.ConnectionListener.connectionFailed" # def disconnected(self): # """Called when a connection to the flight simulator has been broken.""" # print "fs.ConnectionListener.disconnected" # class Config: # def __init__(self): # self.onlineACARS = False # self.realIASSmoothingLength = 2 # self.realVSSmoothingLength = 2 # self.enableSounds = False # self.usingFS2Crew = False # def isMessageTypeFS(self, type): # return True # class GUI: # def __init__(self): # self.config = Config() # self.entranceExam = False # self.zfw = 30000.0 # def resetFlightStatus(self): # pass # def setRating(self, value): # pass # def insertFlightLogLine(self, index, ts, text, isFault): # pass # def setStage(self, stage): # pass # from i18n import setLanguage # setLanguage("/home/vi/munka/repules/mlx", "en") # from logger import Logger # from flight import Flight # from acft import DH8D # gui = GUI() # logger = Logger(gui) # flight = Flight(logger, gui) # acft = DH8D(flight) # Watchdog() # connectionListener = ConnectionListener() # simulator = Simulator(connectionListener, connectAttempts = 3) # simulator.connect(acft) # time.sleep(2) # simulator.startMonitoring() # simulator.sendMessage("[MLX] Flight stage: Taxi", duration = 3) # time.sleep(4) # simulator.sendMessage("[MLX] Free gates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 107, 108, 109, R113, R114, R115, R116, R117, R210, R211, R212, R212A, R220, R221, R222, R223, R224, R225, R226, R227, R270, R271, R272, R274, R275, R276, R277, R278, R278A, R279", duration = 20) # #simulator.sendMessage("[MLX] Free gates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 107, 108, 109, R113, R114, R115, R116", duration = 20) # #simulator.sendMessage("[MLX] Free gates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 45, 107, 108, 109, R113, R114, R115", duration = 20) # time.sleep(30) # simulator.sendMessage("[MLX] Hello", duration = 3) # time.sleep(10)