1 | # Module handling the connection to FSUIPC
2 |
3 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | import fs
6 | import const
7 | import util
8 |
9 | import threading
10 | import os
11 | import time
12 | import calendar
13 | import sys
14 |
15 | if os.name == "nt":
16 | import pyuipc
17 | else:
18 | import pyuipc_emu as pyuipc
19 |
20 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 |
22 | class Handler(threading.Thread):
23 | """The thread to handle the FSUIPC requests."""
24 | @staticmethod
25 | def _callSafe(fun):
26 | """Call the given function and swallow any exceptions."""
27 | try:
28 | return fun()
29 | except Exception, e:
30 | print >> sys.stderr, str(e)
31 | return None
32 |
33 | class Request(object):
34 | """A simple, one-shot request."""
35 | def __init__(self, forWrite, data, callback, extra):
36 | """Construct the request."""
37 | self._forWrite = forWrite
38 | self._data = data
39 | self._callback = callback
40 | self._extra = extra
41 |
42 | def process(self, time):
43 | """Process the request."""
44 | if self._forWrite:
45 | pyuipc.write(self._data)
46 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(True, self._extra))
47 | else:
48 | values = pyuipc.read(self._data)
49 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(values, self._extra))
50 |
51 | return True
52 |
53 | def fail(self):
54 | """Handle the failure of this request."""
55 | if self._forWrite:
56 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(False, self._extra))
57 | else:
58 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(None, self._extra))
59 |
60 | class PeriodicRequest(object):
61 | """A periodic request."""
62 | def __init__(self, id, period, data, callback, extra):
63 | """Construct the periodic request."""
64 | self._id = id
65 | self._period = period
66 | self._nextFire = time.time() + period
67 | self._data = data
68 | self._preparedData = None
69 | self._callback = callback
70 | self._extra = extra
71 |
72 | @property
73 | def id(self):
74 | """Get the ID of this periodic request."""
75 | return self._id
76 |
77 | @property
78 | def nextFire(self):
79 | """Get the next firing time."""
80 | return self._nextFire
81 |
82 | def process(self, time):
83 | """Check if this request should be executed, and if so, do so.
84 |
85 | Return a boolean indicating if the request was executed."""
86 | if time < self._nextFire:
87 | return False
88 |
89 | if self._preparedData is None:
90 | self._preparedData = pyuipc.prepare_data(self._data)
91 | self._data = None
92 |
93 | values = pyuipc.read(self._preparedData)
94 |
95 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._callback(values, self._extra))
96 |
97 | while self._nextFire <= time:
98 | self._nextFire += self._period
99 |
100 | return True
101 |
102 | def fail(self):
103 | """Handle the failure of this request."""
104 | pass
105 |
106 | def __cmp__(self, other):
107 | """Compare two periodic requests. They are ordered by their next
108 | firing times."""
109 | return cmp(self._nextFire, other._nextFire)
110 |
111 | def __init__(self, connectionListener):
112 | """Construct the handler with the given connection listener."""
113 | threading.Thread.__init__(self)
114 |
115 | self._connectionListener = connectionListener
116 |
117 | self._requestCondition = threading.Condition()
118 | self._connectionRequested = False
119 |
120 | self._requests = []
121 | self._nextPeriodicID = 1
122 | self._periodicRequests = []
123 |
124 | self.daemon = True
125 |
126 | def requestRead(self, data, callback, extra = None):
127 | """Request the reading of some data.
128 |
129 | data is a list of tuples of the following items:
130 | - the offset of the data as an integer
131 | - the type letter of the data as a string
132 |
133 | callback is a function that receives two pieces of data:
134 | - the values retrieved or None on error
135 | - the extra parameter
136 |
137 | It will be called in the handler's thread!
138 | """
139 | with self._requestCondition:
140 | self._requests.append(Handler.Request(False, data, callback, extra))
141 | self._requestCondition.notify()
142 |
143 | def requestWrite(self, data, callback, extra = None):
144 | """Request the writing of some data.
145 |
146 | data is a list of tuples of the following items:
147 | - the offset of the data as an integer
148 | - the type letter of the data as a string
149 | - the data to write
150 |
151 | callback is a function that receives two pieces of data:
152 | - a boolean indicating if writing was successful
153 | - the extra data
154 | It will be called in the handler's thread!
155 | """
156 | with self._requestCondition:
157 | self._requests.append(Handler.Request(True, data, callback, extra))
158 | self._requestCondition.notify()
159 |
160 | @staticmethod
161 | def _readWriteCallback(data, extra):
162 | """Callback for the read() and write() calls below."""
163 | extra.append(data)
164 | with extra[0] as condition:
165 | condition.notify()
166 |
167 | def read(self, data):
168 | """Read the given data synchronously.
169 |
170 | If a problem occurs, an exception is thrown."""
171 | with threading.Condition() as condition:
172 | extra = [condition]
173 | self._requestRead(data, self._readWriteCallback, extra)
174 | while len(extra)<2:
175 | condition.wait()
176 | if extra[1] is None:
177 | raise fs.SimulatorException("reading failed")
178 | else:
179 | return extra[1]
180 |
181 | def write(self, data):
182 | """Write the given data synchronously.
183 |
184 | If a problem occurs, an exception is thrown."""
185 | with threading.Condition() as condition:
186 | extra = [condition]
187 | self._requestWrite(data, self._writeCallback, extra)
188 | while len(extra)<2:
189 | condition.wait()
190 | if extra[1] is None:
191 | raise fs.SimulatorException("writing failed")
192 |
193 | def requestPeriodicRead(self, period, data, callback, extra = None):
194 | """Request a periodic read of data.
195 |
196 | period is a floating point number with the period in seconds.
197 |
198 | This function returns an identifier which can be used to cancel the
199 | request."""
200 | with self._requestCondition:
201 | id = self._nextPeriodicID
202 | self._nextPeriodicID += 1
203 | request = Handler.PeriodicRequest(id, period, data, callback, extra)
204 | self._periodicRequests.append(request)
205 | self._requestCondition.notify()
206 | return id
207 |
208 | def clearPeriodic(self, id):
209 | """Clear the periodic request with the given ID."""
210 | with self._requestCondition:
211 | for i in range(0, len(self._periodicRequests)):
212 | if self._periodicRequests[i].id==id:
213 | del self._periodicRequests[i]
214 | return True
215 | return False
216 |
217 | def connect(self):
218 | """Initiate the connection to the flight simulator."""
219 | with self._requestCondition:
220 | if not self._connectionRequested:
221 | self._connectionRequested = True
222 | self._requestCondition.notify()
223 |
224 | def disconnect(self):
225 | """Disconnect from the flight simulator."""
226 | with self._requestCondition:
227 | if self._connectionRequested:
228 | self._connectionRequested = False
229 | self._requestCondition.notify()
230 |
231 | def run(self):
232 | """Perform the operation of the thread."""
233 | while True:
234 | self._waitConnectionRequest()
235 |
236 | if self._connect():
237 | self._handleConnection()
238 |
239 | self._disconnect()
240 |
241 | def _waitConnectionRequest(self):
242 | """Wait for a connection request to arrive."""
243 | with self._requestCondition:
244 | while not self._connectionRequested:
245 | self._requestCondition.wait()
246 |
247 | def _connect(self):
248 | """Try to connect to the flight simulator via FSUIPC"""
249 | while self._connectionRequested:
250 | try:
251 | pyuipc.open(pyuipc.SIM_FS2K4)
252 | description = "(FSUIPC version: 0x%04x, library version: 0x%04x, FS version: %d)" % \
253 | (pyuipc.fsuipc_version, pyuipc.lib_version,
254 | pyuipc.fs_version)
255 | Handler._callSafe(lambda:
256 | self._connectionListener.connected(const.TYPE_MSFS9,
257 | description))
258 | return True
259 | except Exception, e:
260 | print "fsuipc.Handler._connect: connection failed: " + str(e)
261 | time.sleep(0.1)
262 |
263 | return False
264 |
265 | def _handleConnection(self):
266 | """Handle a living connection."""
267 | with self._requestCondition:
268 | while self._connectionRequested:
269 | if not self._processRequests():
270 | return
271 | timeout = None
272 | if self._periodicRequests:
273 | self._periodicRequests.sort()
274 | timeout = self._periodicRequests[0].nextFire - time.time()
275 | if timeout is None or timeout > 0.0:
276 | self._requestCondition.wait(timeout)
277 |
278 | def _disconnect(self):
279 | """Disconnect from the flight simulator."""
280 | pyuipc.close()
281 | Handler._callSafe(lambda: self._connectionListener.disconnected())
282 |
283 | def _failRequests(self, request):
284 | """Fail the outstanding, single-shot requuests."""
285 | request.fail()
286 | with self._requestCondition:
287 | for request in self._requests:
288 | try:
289 | self._requestCondition.release()
290 | request.fail()
291 | finally:
292 | self._requestCondition.acquire()
293 | self._requests = []
294 |
295 | def _processRequest(self, request, time):
296 | """Process the given request.
297 |
298 | If an exception occurs, we try to reconnect.
299 |
300 | Returns what the request's process() function returned or None if
301 | reconnection failed."""
302 |
303 | self._requestCondition.release()
304 |
305 | try:
306 | return request.process(time)
307 | except Exception as e:
308 | print "fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC connection failed (" + \
309 | str(e) + ") reconnecting."
310 | self._disconnect()
311 | self._failRequests(request)
312 | if not self._connect(): return None
313 | else: return True
314 | finally:
315 | self._requestCondition.acquire()
316 |
317 | def _processRequests(self):
318 | """Process any pending requests.
319 |
320 | Will be called with the request lock held."""
321 | while self._connectionRequested and self._periodicRequests:
322 | self._periodicRequests.sort()
323 | request = self._periodicRequests[0]
324 | result = self._processRequest(request, time.time())
325 | if result is None: return False
326 | elif not result: break
327 |
328 | while self._connectionRequested and self._requests:
329 | request = self._requests[0]
330 | del self._requests[0]
331 |
332 | if self._processRequest(request, None) is None:
333 | return False
334 |
335 | return self._connectionRequested
336 |
337 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 |
339 | class Simulator(object):
340 | """The simulator class representing the interface to the flight simulator
341 | via FSUIPC."""
342 | def __init__(self, connectionListener):
343 | """Construct the simulator."""
344 | self._handler = Handler(connectionListener)
345 | self._handler.start()
346 | self._aircraft = None
347 | self._aircraftName = None
348 | self._aircraftModel = None
349 | self._monitoringRequestID = None
350 |
351 | def connect(self):
352 | """Initiate a connection to the simulator."""
353 | self._handler.connect()
354 |
355 | def startMonitoring(self, aircraft):
356 | """Start the periodic monitoring of the aircraft and pass the resulting
357 | state to the given aircraft object periodically.
358 |
359 | The aircraft object passed must provide the following members:
360 | - type: one of the AIRCRAFT_XXX constants from const.py
361 | - modelChanged(aircraftName, modelName): called when the model handling
362 | the aircraft has changed.
363 | - handleState(aircraftState): handle the given state."""
364 | assert self._aircraft is None
365 |
366 | self._aircraft = aircraft
367 | self._startMonitoring()
368 |
369 | def stopMonitoring(self):
370 | """Stop the periodic monitoring of the aircraft."""
371 | self._aircraft = None
372 |
373 | def disconnect(self):
374 | """Disconnect from the simulator."""
375 | self._handler.disconnect()
376 |
377 | def _startMonitoring(self):
378 | """The internal call to start monitoring."""
379 | self._handler.requestRead([(0x3d00, -256)], self._monitoringStartCallback)
380 |
381 | def _monitoringStartCallback(self, data, extra):
382 | """Callback for the data read when the monitoring has started.
383 |
384 | The following data items are expected:
385 | - the name of the aircraft
386 | """
387 | if self._aircraft is None:
388 | return
389 | elif data is None:
390 | self._startMonitoring()
391 | else:
392 | self._setAircraftName(data[0])
393 |
394 | def _setAircraftName(self, name):
395 | """Set the name of the aicraft and if it is different from the
396 | previous, create a new model for it.
397 |
398 | If so, also notifty the aircraft about the change."""
399 | if name==self._aircraftName:
400 | return
401 |
402 | self._aircraftName = name
403 | if self._aircraftModel is None or \
404 | not self._aircraftModel.doesHandle(name):
405 | self._setAircraftModel(AircraftModel.create(self._aircraft, name))
406 |
407 | self._aircraft.modelChanged(self._aircraftName,
408 | self._aircraftModel.name)
409 |
410 | def _setAircraftModel(self, model):
411 | """Set a new aircraft model.
412 |
413 | It will be queried for the data to monitor and the monitoring request
414 | will be replaced by a new one."""
415 | self._aircraftModel = model
416 |
417 | if self._monitoringRequestID is not None:
418 | self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._monitoringRequestID)
419 |
420 | self._monitoringRequestID = \
421 | self._handler.requestPeriodicRead(1.0,
422 | model.getMonitoringData(),
423 | self._handleMonitoringData)
424 |
425 | def _handleMonitoringData(self, data, extra):
426 | """Handle the monitoring data."""
427 | if self._aircraft is None:
428 | self._handler.clearPeriodic(self._monitoringRequestID)
429 | return
430 |
431 | self._setAircraftName(data[0])
432 | aircraftState = self._aircraftModel.getAircraftState(self._aircraft, data)
433 | self._aircraft.handleState(aircraftState)
434 |
435 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
436 |
437 | class AircraftModel(object):
438 | """Base class for the aircraft models.
439 |
440 | Aircraft models handle the data arriving from FSUIPC and turn it into an
441 | object describing the aircraft's state."""
442 | monitoringData = [("aircraftName", 0x3d00, -256),
443 | ("year", 0x0240, "H"),
444 | ("dayOfYear", 0x023e, "H"),
445 | ("zuluHour", 0x023b, "b"),
446 | ("zuluMinute", 0x023c, "b"),
447 | ("seconds", 0x023a, "b"),
448 | ("paused", 0x0264, "H"),
449 | ("frozen", 0x3364, "H"),
450 | ("slew", 0x05dc, "H"),
451 | ("overspeed", 0x036d, "b"),
452 | ("stalled", 0x036c, "b"),
453 | ("onTheGround", 0x0366, "H"),
454 | ("grossWeight", 0x30c0, "f"),
455 | ("heading", 0x0580, "d"),
456 | ("pitch", 0x0578, "d"),
457 | ("bank", 0x057c, "d"),
458 | ("ias", 0x02bc, "d"),
459 | ("vs", 0x02c8, "d"),
460 | ("altitude", 0x0570, "l"),
461 | ("flapsControl", 0x0bdc, "d"),
462 | ("flapsLeft", 0x0be0, "d"),
463 | ("flapsRight", 0x0be4, "d"),
464 | ("lights", 0x0d0c, "H"),
465 | ("pitot", 0x029c, "b"),
466 | ("noseGear", 0x0bec, "d"),
467 | ("spoilersArmed", 0x0bcc, "d"),
468 | ("spoilers", 0x0bd0, "d")]
469 |
470 | @staticmethod
471 | def create(aircraft, aircraftName):
472 | """Create the model for the given aircraft name, and notify the
473 | aircraft about it."""
474 | return AircraftModel([0, 10, 20, 30])
475 |
476 | def __init__(self, flapsNotches):
477 | """Construct the aircraft model.
478 |
479 | flapsNotches is a list of degrees of flaps that are available on the aircraft."""
480 | self._flapsNotches = flapsNotches
481 |
482 | @property
483 | def name(self):
484 | """Get the name for this aircraft model."""
485 | return "FSUIPC/Generic"
486 |
487 | def doesHandle(self, aircraftName):
488 | """Determine if the model handles the given aircraft name.
489 |
490 | This default implementation returns True."""
491 | return True
492 |
493 | def addDataWithIndexMembers(self, dest, prefix, data):
494 | """Add FSUIPC data to the given array and also corresponding index
495 | member variables with the given prefix.
496 |
497 | data is a list of triplets of the following items:
498 | - the name of the data item. The index member variable will have a name
499 | created by prepending the given prefix to this name.
500 | - the FSUIPC offset
501 | - the FSUIPC type
502 |
503 | The latter two items will be appended to dest."""
504 | index = len(dest)
505 | for (name, offset, type) in data:
506 | setattr(self, prefix + name, index)
507 | dest.append((offset, type))
508 | index += 1
509 |
510 | def getMonitoringData(self):
511 | """Get the data specification for monitoring.
512 |
513 | The first item should always be the aircraft name (0x3d00, -256)."""
514 | data = []
515 | self.addDataWithIndexMembers(data, "_monidx_",
516 | AircraftModel.monitoringData)
517 | return data
518 |
519 | def getAircraftState(self, aircraft, data):
520 | """Get an aircraft state object for the given monitoring data."""
521 | state = fs.AircraftState()
522 |
523 | timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.struct_time([data[self._monidx_year],
524 | 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0]))
525 | timestamp += data[self._monidx_dayOfYear] * 24 * 3600
526 | timestamp += data[self._monidx_zuluHour] * 3600
527 | timestamp += data[self._monidx_zuluMinute] * 60
528 | timestamp += data[self._monidx_seconds]
529 | state.timestamp = timestamp
530 |
531 | state.paused = data[self._monidx_paused]!=0 or \
532 | data[self._monidx_frozen]!=0
533 | state.trickMode = data[self._monidx_slew]!=0
534 |
535 | state.overspeed = data[self._monidx_overspeed]!=0
536 | state.stalled = data[self._monidx_stalled]!=0
537 | state.onTheGround = data[self._monidx_onTheGround]!=0
538 |
539 | state.grossWeight = data[self._monidx_grossWeight] * util.LBSTOKG
540 |
541 | state.heading = data[self._monidx_heading]*360.0/65536.0/65536.0
542 | if state.heading<0.0: state.heading += 360.0
543 |
544 | state.pitch = data[self._monidx_pitch]*360.0/65536.0/65536.0
545 | state.bank = data[self._monidx_bank]*360.0/65536.0/65536.0
546 |
547 | state.ias = data[self._monidx_ias]/128.0
548 | state.vs = data[self._monidx_vs]*60.0*3.28984/256.0
549 |
550 | state.altitude = data[self._monidx_altitude]*3.28084/65536.0/65536.0
551 |
552 | numNotchesM1 = len(self._flapsNotches) - 1
553 | flapsIncrement = 16383 / numNotchesM1
554 | flapsControl = data[self._monidx_flapsControl]
555 | flapsIndex = flapsControl / flapsIncrement
556 | if flapsIndex < numNotchesM1:
557 | if (flapsControl - (flapsIndex*flapsIncrement) >
558 | (flapsIndex+1)*flapsIncrement - flapsControl):
559 | flapsIndex += 1
560 | state.flapsSet = self._flapsNotches[flapsIndex]
561 |
562 | flapsLeft = data[self._monidx_flapsLeft]
563 | flapsIndex = flapsLeft / flapsIncrement
564 | state.flaps = self._flapsNotches[flapsIndex]
565 | if flapsIndex != numNotchesM1:
566 | thisNotch = flapsIndex * flapsIncrement
567 | nextNotch = thisNotch + flapsIncrement
568 |
569 | state.flaps += (self._flapsNotches[flapsIndex+1] - state.flaps) * \
570 | (flapsLeft - thisNotch) / (nextNotch - thisNotch)
571 |
572 | lights = data[self._monidx_lights]
573 |
574 | state.navLightsOn = (lights%0x01) != 0
575 | state.antiCollisionLightsOn = (lights%0x02) != 0
576 | state.landingLightsOn = (lights%0x04) != 0
577 | state.strobeLightsOn = (lights%0x10) != 0
578 |
579 | state.pitotHeatOn = data[self._monidx_pitot]!=0
580 |
581 | state.gearsDown = data[self._monidx_noseGear]==16383
582 |
583 | state.spoilersArmed = data[self._monidx_spoilersArmed]!=0
584 |
585 | spoilers = data[self._monidx_spoilers]
586 | if spoilers<=4800:
587 | state.spoilersExtension = 0.0
588 | else:
589 | state.spoilersExtension = (spoilers - 4800) * 100.0 / (16383 - 4800)
590 |
591 | return state