import const import checks import fs import util import sys import time import traceback from collections import deque #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @package mlx.acft # # The simulator-independent aircraft classes. # # This module contains the aircraft classes that contain some general data # about each aircraft type in the MAVA Fleet. The base class, \ref Aircraft # also implements some parts of the logging and traces some data. The classes # are also responsible for creating the \ref mlx.checks "checkers". Most of # them are created by the \ref Aircraft class' constructor, but there can be # type-specific differences. For example the lights are different for different # types, so there is a \ref Aircraft._appendLightsLoggers "function" which can # be reimplemented in child classes, if needed. This class maintains also the # \ref SmoothedValue "smoothed values" of the IAS and the VS and set these # values in the \ref mlx.fs.AircraftState "aircraft state" when it is received # from the simulator. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SmoothedValue(object): """A smoothed value.""" def __init__(self): """Construct the value.""" self._deque = deque() self._sum = 0 def add(self, length, value): """Add the given value and smooth with the given length.""" dequeLength = len(self._deque) while dequeLength>=length: self._sum -= self._deque.popleft() dequeLength -= 1 self._sum += value self._deque.append(value) def get(self): """Get the average.""" return self._sum / len(self._deque) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Aircraft(object): """Base class for aircraft.""" @staticmethod def create(flight): """Create an aircraft instance for the type in the given flight.""" return _classes[flight.aircraftType](flight) def __init__(self, flight): """Construct the aircraft for the given type.""" self._flight = flight self._aircraftState = None self._maxVS = -10000.0 self._minVS = 10000.0 self._v1r2LineIndex = None self._vrefLineIndex = None self.humanWeight = 82.0 self.reverseMinSpeed = 60 self._checkers = [] config = flight.config # Loggers self._checkers.append(checks.StageChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.TakeOffLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.AltimeterLogger()) self._ilsLogger = checks.ILSLogger() self._checkers.append(self._ilsLogger) self._nav1Logger = checks.NAV1Logger() self._checkers.append(self._nav1Logger) self._nav2Logger = checks.NAV2Logger() self._checkers.append(self._nav2Logger) self._adf1Logger = checks.ADF1Logger() self._checkers.append(self._adf1Logger) self._adf2Logger = checks.ADF2Logger() self._checkers.append(self._adf2Logger) self._checkers.append(checks.SquawkLogger()) self._appendLightsLoggers() self._checkers.append(checks.FlapsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.GearsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.CruiseSpeedLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.SpoilerLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.APLogger()) if config.isMessageTypeFS(const.MESSAGETYPE_VISIBILITY): self._checkers.append(checks.VisibilityChecker()) # FIXME: we should have a central data model object, and not collect # the data from the GUI. However, some pieces of data (e.g. V-speeds, # etc. that is entered into the GUI) *should* be a part of the GUI and # queried from it, so the model should have a reference to the GUI as # well and access such data via the GUI! if config.onlineACARS and flight.loggedIn and not flight.entranceExam: self._checkers.append(checks.ACARSSender(flight._gui)) # Fault checkers self._appendLightsCheckers() self._checkers.append(checks.TransponderChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.BankChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.FlapsRetractChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.FlapsSpeedLimitChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.GearsDownChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.GearSpeedLimitChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.GLoadChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.MLWChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.MTOWChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.MZFWChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.PayloadChecker()) self._appendSpeedChecker() self._checkers.append(checks.VSChecker()) timeout = 5.0 + config.realIASSmoothingLength - 1 self._checkers.append(checks.OverspeedChecker(timeout = timeout)) self._checkers.append(checks.StallChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.PitotChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.ReverserChecker()) if flight.aircraftType is not None and config.enableApproachCallouts: approachCallouts = flight.config.getApproachCallouts(flight.aircraftType) if approachCallouts: self._checkers.append(checks.ApproachCalloutsPlayer(approachCallouts)) self._smoothedIAS = SmoothedValue() self._smoothedVS = SmoothedValue() @property def type(self): """Get the type of the aircraft.""" return self._flight.aircraftType @property def flight(self): """Get the flight the aircraft belongs to.""" return self._flight @property def logger(self): """Get the logger to use for the aircraft.""" return self._flight.logger @property def state(self): """Get the current aircraft state.""" return self._aircraftState @property def speedInKnots(self): """Indicate if the speed is in knots. This default implementation returns True.""" return True @property def timestamp(self): """Get the timestamp of the current state.""" return None if self._aircraftState is None \ else self._aircraftState.timestamp def getFlapsSpeedLimit(self, flaps): """Get the speed limit for the given flaps setting.""" return self.flapSpeedLimits[flaps] if flaps in self.flapSpeedLimits \ else None def modelChanged(self, timestamp, aircraftName, modelName): """Called when the simulator's aircraft changes.""" self._flight.logger.message(timestamp, "Aircraft: name='%s', model='%s'" % \ (aircraftName, modelName)) def handleState(self, aircraftState): """Called when the state of the aircraft changes. This is the function that the simulator calls directly with the new state.""" try: config = self._flight.config self._smoothedIAS.add(config.realIASSmoothingLength, aircraftState.ias) aircraftState.smoothedIAS = self._smoothedIAS.get() self._smoothedVS.add(config.realVSSmoothingLength, aircraftState.vs) aircraftState.smoothedVS = self._smoothedVS.get() for checker in self._checkers: try: checker.check(self._flight, self, self._flight.logger, self._aircraftState, aircraftState) except: print >> sys.stderr, "Checker", checker, "failed" traceback.print_exc() self._flight.handleState(self._aircraftState, aircraftState) self._maxVS = max(self._maxVS, aircraftState.vs) self._minVS = min(self._minVS, aircraftState.vs) except: print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to handle the state" traceback.print_exc() finally: self._aircraftState = aircraftState def setStage(self, aircraftState, newStage): """Set the given stage as the new one and do whatever should be done.""" if self._flight.setStage(aircraftState.timestamp, newStage): if newStage==const.STAGE_PUSHANDTAXI: self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Block time start") self._flight.logFuel(aircraftState) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "ZFW: %.2f kg" % (aircraftState.zfw)) flight = self._flight if flight.v1 is None or flight.vr is None or flight.v2 is None: fs.sendMessage(const.MESSAGETYPE_HELP, "Don't forget to set the takeoff V-speeds!", 5) elif newStage==const.STAGE_TAKEOFF: self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Flight time start") self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Takeoff weight: %.0f kg, MTOW: %.0f kg" % \ (aircraftState.grossWeight, self.mtow)) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Wind %03.0f/%.0f" % \ (aircraftState.windDirection, aircraftState.windSpeed)) self._logRadios(aircraftState) self._logV1R2(aircraftState) elif newStage==const.STAGE_DESCENT or newStage==const.STAGE_LANDING: self._logRadios(aircraftState) elif newStage==const.STAGE_TAXIAFTERLAND: flight = self._flight bookedFlight = flight.bookedFlight config = flight.config if config.onlineGateSystem and \ flight.loggedIn and \ not flight.entranceExam and \ bookedFlight.arrivalICAO=="LHBP" and \ config.isMessageTypeFS(const.MESSAGETYPE_GATE_SYSTEM): self._flight.getFleet(callback = self._fleetRetrieved, force = True) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Flight time end") self._flight.logFuel(aircraftState) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Landing weight: %.0f kg, MLW: %.0f" % \ (aircraftState.grossWeight, self.mlw)) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Vertical speed range: %.0f..%.0f feet/min" % \ (self._minVS, self._maxVS)) # elif newStage==const.STAGE_PARKING: # self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Block time end") elif newStage==const.STAGE_END: flightLength = self._flight.flightTimeEnd - self._flight.flightTimeStart self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Block time end") self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Flight time: " + util.getTimeIntervalString(flightLength)) self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Flown distance: %.2f NM" % \ (self._flight.flownDistance,)) blockLength = self._flight.blockTimeEnd - self._flight.blockTimeStart self.logger.message(aircraftState.timestamp, "Block time: " + util.getTimeIntervalString(blockLength)) def prepareFlare(self): """Called when it is detected that we will soon flare. On the first call, it should start monitoring some parameters more closely to determine flare time.""" self.flight.simulator.startFlare() def flareStarted(self, windSpeed, windDirection, visibility, flareStart, flareStartFS): """Called when the flare has started.""" self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "The flare has begun") self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Wind %03.0f/%.0f" % \ (windDirection, windSpeed)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Visibility: %.0f metres" % (visibility,)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Altimeter setting: %.0f hPa" % \ (self._aircraftState.altimeter,)) self._logVRef() self.flight.flareStarted(flareStart, flareStartFS) fs.sendMessage(const.MESSAGETYPE_INFORMATION, "Flare-time", 3) def flareFinished(self, flareEnd, flareEndFS, tdRate, tdRateCalculatedByFS, ias, pitch, bank, heading): """Called when the flare has finished.""" (flareTimeFromFS, flareTime) = self.flight.flareFinished(flareEnd, flareEndFS, tdRate) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Flaretime: %.3f (from %s)" % \ (flareTime, "the simulator" if flareTimeFromFS else "real time",)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown rate: %.0f feet/min" % (tdRate,)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown rate was calculated by the %s" % \ ("simulator" if tdRateCalculatedByFS else "logger",)) flight = self._flight self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown speed: %.0f %s" % \ (flight.speedFromKnots(ias), flight.getEnglishSpeedUnit())) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown pitch: %.1f degrees" % (pitch,)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown bank: %.1f degrees" % (bank,)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "Touchdown heading: %03.0f degrees" % (heading,)) self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, "CG: %.1f%%" % \ (self._aircraftState.cog*100.0,)) def cancelFlare(self): """Cancel flare, if it has started.""" self.flight.simulator.cancelFlare() def checkFlightEnd(self, aircraftState): """Check if the end of the flight has arrived. This default implementation checks the N1 values, but for piston-powered aircraft you need to check the RPMs.""" for n1 in aircraftState.n1: if n1>=0.5: return False return True def updateV1R2(self): """Update the V1, Vr and V2 values from the flight, if the these values have already been logged.""" if self._v1r2LineIndex is not None: self._logV1R2() def _appendLightsLoggers(self): """Append the loggers needed for the lights. This default implementation adds the loggers for the anti-collision lights, the landing lights, the strobe lights and the NAV lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AnticollisionLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.StrobeLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsLogger()) def _appendLightsCheckers(self): """Append the checkers needed for the lights. This default implementation adds the checkers for the anti-collision lights, the landing lights, the strobe lights and the NAV lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AntiCollisionLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.StrobeLightsChecker()) def _appendSpeedChecker(self): """Append the speed checker. This default implementation used the SpeedChecker.""" self._checkers.append(checks.SpeedChecker()) def _speedToLog(self, speed): """Convert the given speed (being either None or expressed in the flight's speed unit into a string.""" if speed is None: return "-" else: return str(speed) + " " + self._flight.getEnglishSpeedUnit() def _logV1R2(self, state = None): """Log the V1, Vr and V2 value either newly, or by updating the corresponding line.""" message = "Speeds calculated by the pilot: V1: %s, VR: %s, V2: %s" % \ (self._speedToLog(self._flight.v1), self._speedToLog(self._flight.vr), self._speedToLog(self._flight.v2)) if self._v1r2LineIndex is None: if state is None: state = self._aircraftState self._v1r2LineIndex = \ self.logger.message(state.timestamp, message) else: self.logger.updateLine(self._v1r2LineIndex, message) def updateVRef(self): """Update the Vref value from the flight, if the Vref value has already been logged.""" if self._vrefLineIndex is not None: self._logVRef() def _logVRef(self): """Log the Vref value either newly, or by updating the corresponding line.""" message = "VRef speed calculated by the pilot: %s" % \ (self._speedToLog(self._flight.vref),) if self._vrefLineIndex is None: self._vrefLineIndex = \ self.logger.message(self._aircraftState.timestamp, message) else: self.logger.updateLine(self._vrefLineIndex, message) def _fleetRetrieved(self, fleet): """Callback for the fleet retrieval result.""" if fleet is not None: gateList = "" occupiedGateNumbers = fleet.getOccupiedGateNumbers() for gateNumber in const.lhbpGateNumbers: if gateNumber not in occupiedGateNumbers: if gateList: gateList += ", " gateList += gateNumber fs.sendMessage(const.MESSAGETYPE_GATE_SYSTEM, "Free gates: " + gateList, 20) def _logRadios(self, aircraftState): """Log the radios from the given aircraft state.""" flight = self._flight logger = flight.logger self._ilsLogger.forceLog(flight, logger, aircraftState) self._nav1Logger.forceLog(flight, logger, aircraftState) self._nav2Logger.forceLog(flight, logger, aircraftState) self._adf1Logger.forceLog(flight, logger, aircraftState) self._adf2Logger.forceLog(flight, logger, aircraftState) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Boeing737(Aircraft): """Base class for the various aircraft in the Boeing 737 family. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, centre, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right""" def __init__(self, flight): super(Boeing737, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.gearSpeedLimit = 270 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 1 : 260, 2 : 260, 5 : 250, 10 : 210, 15 : 200, 25 : 190, 30 : 175, 40 : 162 } # def _appendSpeedChecker(self): # """Append the NoStrobeSpeedChecker to the checkers. # FOR TESTING ONLY, THIS FUNCTION SHOULD NORMALLY BE COMMENTED OUT!!!""" # self._checkers.append(checks.NoStrobeSpeedChecker()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B736(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-600 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B736, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 38307 self.mtow = 58328 self.mlw = 54657 self.mzfw = 51482 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B737(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-700 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B737, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 39250 self.mtow = 61410 self.mlw = 58059 self.mzfw = 54657 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B738(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-800 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B738, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 42690 self.mtow = 71709 self.mlw = 65317 self.mzfw = 61688 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B738Charter(B738): """Boeing 737-800 aircraft used for charters.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B738Charter, self).__init__(flight) self.mtow = 77791 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B733(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-300 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B733, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 32700 self.mtow = 62820 self.mlw = 51700 self.mzfw = 48410 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B734(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-400 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B734, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 33200 self.mtow = 68050 self.mlw = 56200 self.mzfw = 53100 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B735(Boeing737): """Boeing 737-500 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B735, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 31300 self.mtow = 60550 self.mlw = 50000 self.mzfw = 46700 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DH8D(Aircraft): """Bombardier Dash-8 Q400 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(DH8D, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 17185 self.mtow = 29257 self.mlw = 28009 self.mzfw = 25855 self.gearSpeedLimit = 215 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 5 : 200, 10 : 181, 15 : 172, 35 : 158 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Boeing767(Aircraft): """Base class for the various aircraft in the Boeing 767 family. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, centre, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right""" def __init__(self, flight): super(Boeing767, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.gearSpeedLimit = 270 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 1 : 255, 5 : 235, 10 : 215, 20 : 215, 25 : 185, 30 : 175 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B762(Boeing767): """Boeing 767-200 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B762, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 84507 self.mtow = 175540 self.mlw = 126098 self.mzfw = 114758 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class B763(Boeing767): """Boeing 767-300 aircraft.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(B763, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 91311 self.mtow = 181436 self.mlw = 137892 self.mzfw = 130635 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CRJ2(Aircraft): """Bombardier CRJ-200 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, centre, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(CRJ2, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.dow = 14549 self.mtow = 22995 self.mlw = 21319 self.mzfw = 19958 self.gearSpeedLimit = 240 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 8 : 260, 20 : 220, 30 : 190, 45 : 175 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class F70(Aircraft): """Fokker 70 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, centre, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(F70, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.dow = 24283 self.mtow = 38100 # FIXME: differentiate by registration number, # MTOW of HA-LMF: 41955 self.mlw = 36740 self.mzfw = 32655 self.gearSpeedLimit = 200 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 8 : 250, 15 : 220, 25 : 220, 42 : 180 } self.reverseMinSpeed = 50 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class DC3(Aircraft): """Lisunov Li-2 (DC-3) aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left aux, left, right, right aux - rpm: left, right - reverser: left, right.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(DC3, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 8627 self.mtow = 11884 self.mlw = 11793 self.mzfw = 11780 self.gearSpeedLimit = 148 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 15 : 135, 30 : 99, 45 : 97 } def _checkFlightEnd(self, aircraftState): """Check if the end of the flight has arrived. This implementation checks the RPM values to be 0.""" for rpm in aircraftState.rpm: if rpm>0: return False return True #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class T134(Aircraft): """Tupolev Tu-134 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left tip, left aux, centre, right aux, right tip, external 1, external 2 - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right.""" def __init__(self, flight): super(T134, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.dow = 29500 self.mtow = 49000 self.mlw = 43000 self.mzfw = 38500 self.gearSpeedLimit = 216 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 10 : 450, 20 : 400, 30 : 300 } self.reverseMinSpeed = 50 @property def speedInKnots(self): """Indicate if the speed is in knots.""" return False def _appendLightsLoggers(self): """Append the loggers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AnticollisionLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsLogger()) def _appendLightsCheckers(self): """Append the checkers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.TupolevAntiCollisionLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsChecker()) def _appendSpeedChecker(self): """Append the NoStrobeSpeedChecker to the checkers.""" self._checkers.append(checks.NoStrobeSpeedChecker()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class T154(Aircraft): """Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left aux, left, centre, centre 2, right, right aux - n1: left, centre, right - reverser: left, right""" def __init__(self, flight): super(T154, self).__init__(flight) self.dow = 53259 self.mtow = 98000 self.mlw = 78000 self.mzfw = 72000 self.gearSpeedLimit = 216 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 15 : 227, 28 : 194, 45 : 162 } self.reverseMinSpeed = 50 @property def speedInKnots(self): """Indicate if the speed is in knots.""" return False def _appendLightsLoggers(self): """Append the loggers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AnticollisionLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsLogger()) def _appendLightsCheckers(self): """Append the checkers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AntiCollisionLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsChecker()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class YK40(Aircraft): """Yakovlev Yak-40 aircraft. The aircraft type-specific values in the aircraft state have the following structure: - fuel: left, right - n1: left, right - reverser: left, right""" def __init__(self, flight): super(YK40, self).__init__(flight) self._checkers.append(checks.ThrustChecker()) self.dow = 9400 self.mtow = 17200 self.mlw = 16800 self.mzfw = 12100 self.gearSpeedLimit = 165 self.flapSpeedLimits = { 20 : 165, 35 : 135 } @property def speedInKnots(self): """Indicate if the speed is in knots.""" return False def _appendLightsLoggers(self): """Append the loggers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AnticollisionLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsLogger()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsLogger()) def _appendLightsCheckers(self): """Append the checkers needed for the lights.""" self._checkers.append(checks.AntiCollisionLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.LandingLightsChecker()) self._checkers.append(checks.NavLightsChecker()) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mostFuelTanks = [const.FUELTANK_LEFT_TIP, const.FUELTANK_EXTERNAL1, const.FUELTANK_LEFT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_CENTRE, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_AUX, const.FUELTANK_EXTERNAL2, const.FUELTANK_RIGHT_TIP] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _classes = { const.AIRCRAFT_B736 : B736, const.AIRCRAFT_B737 : B737, const.AIRCRAFT_B738 : B738, const.AIRCRAFT_B738C : B738Charter, const.AIRCRAFT_B733 : B733, const.AIRCRAFT_B734 : B734, const.AIRCRAFT_B735 : B735, const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D : DH8D, const.AIRCRAFT_B762 : B762, const.AIRCRAFT_B763 : B763, const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2 : CRJ2, const.AIRCRAFT_F70 : F70, const.AIRCRAFT_DC3 : DC3, const.AIRCRAFT_T134 : T134, const.AIRCRAFT_T154 : T154, const.AIRCRAFT_YK40 : YK40 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": value = SmoothedValue() print "Adding 1, 12.0" value.add(1, 12.0) print value.get() print "Adding 1, 15.0" value.add(1, 15.0) print value.get() print "Adding 2, 18.0" value.add(2, 18.0) print value.get() print "Adding 2, 20.0" value.add(2, 20.0) print value.get() print "Adding 5, 22.0" value.add(5, 22.0) print value.get() print "Adding 5, 25.0" value.add(5, 25.0) print value.get() print "Adding 5, 29.0" value.add(5, 29.0) print value.get() print "Adding 5, 21.0" value.add(5, 21.0) print value.get() print "Adding 5, 26.0" value.add(5, 26.0) print value.get() print "Adding 2, 30.0" value.add(2, 30.0) print value.get() print "Adding 2, 55.0" value.add(2, 55.0) print value.get() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------