# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from . import const from .util import secondaryInstallation, utf2unicode import os import sys import traceback import configparser ## @package mlx.config # # The handling of the configuration. # # The \ref Config class contains the main configuration and is capable of # loading and saving the configuration. It contains getters and setters for the # configuration options. # # Some parts of the configuration are not simple data items, like strings or # booleans, but more complicated data. These have their own class, like \ref # ApproachCallouts or \ref Checklist. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- configPath = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "mlx.config" if os.name=="nt" else ".mlxrc") + \ ("-secondary" if secondaryInstallation else "") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if os.name=="nt": _languageMap = { "en_GB" : "eng", "hu_HU" : "hun" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Hotkey(object): """A hotkey.""" def __init__(self, ctrl = False, shift = False, key = "0"): """Construct the hotkey.""" self.ctrl = ctrl self.shift = shift self.key = key def set(self, s): """Set the hotkey from the given string.""" self.ctrl = "C" in s[:-1] self.shift = "S" in s[:-1] self.key = s[-1] def __eq__(self, other): """Check if the given hotkey is equal to the other one.""" return self.ctrl == other.ctrl and self.shift == other.shift and \ self.key == other.key def __ne__(self, other): """Check if the given hotkey is not equal to the other one.""" return not self==other def __str__(self): """Construct the hotkey to a string.""" s = "" if self.ctrl: s += "C" if self.shift: s += "S" s += self.key return s #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Checklist(object): """A checklist for a certain aircraft type.""" # The name of the section of the checklists SECTION="checklists" @staticmethod def fromConfig(config, aircraftType): """Create a checklist for the given aircraft type from the given config.""" baseName = "checklist." + const.icaoCodes[aircraftType] + "." fileList = [] while True: option = baseName + str(len(fileList)) if config.has_option(Checklist.SECTION, option): fileList.append(config.get(Checklist.SECTION, option)) else: break return Checklist(fileList) def __init__(self, fileList = None): """Construct the check list with the given file list.""" self._fileList = [] if fileList is None else fileList[:] def clone(self): """Clone the checklist.""" return Checklist(self._fileList) def toConfig(self, config, aircraftType): """Add this checklist to the given config.""" baseName = "checklist." + const.icaoCodes[aircraftType] + "." for index in range(0, len(self._fileList)): option = baseName + str(index) config.set(Checklist.SECTION, option, self._fileList[index]) def __eq__(self, other): """Determine if the checklist is equal to the given other one.""" return self._fileList == other._fileList def __ne__(self, other): """Determine if the checklist is not equal to the given other one.""" return not self==other def __len__(self): """Get the length of the file list.""" return len(self._fileList) def __getitem__(self, index): """Get the file with the given index.""" return self._fileList[index] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the files.""" return iter(self._fileList) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ApproachCallouts(object): """The approach callouts for a certain aircraft type.""" # The name of the section of the approach callouts SECTION="callouts" @staticmethod def fromConfig(config, aircraftType): """Create a checklist for the given aircraft type from the given config.""" baseName = "callouts." + const.icaoCodes[aircraftType] + "." mapping = {} while True: option = baseName + str(len(mapping)) if config.has_option(ApproachCallouts.SECTION, option): value = config.get(ApproachCallouts.SECTION, option) (altitude, path) = value.split(",") altitude = int(altitude.strip()) path = path.strip() mapping[altitude] = path else: break return ApproachCallouts(mapping) def __init__(self, mapping = None): """Construct the check list with the given mapping of altitudes to files.""" self._mapping = {} if mapping is None else mapping.copy() def clone(self): """Clone the callout information.""" return ApproachCallouts(self._mapping) def toConfig(self, config, aircraftType): """Add this checklist to the given config.""" baseName = "callouts." + const.icaoCodes[aircraftType] + "." index = 0 for (altitude, path) in self._mapping.items(): option = baseName + str(index) config.set(ApproachCallouts.SECTION, option, "%d, %s" % (altitude, path)) index += 1 def getAltitudes(self, descending = True): """Get the altitudes in decreasing order by default.""" altitudes = list(self._mapping.keys()) altitudes.sort(reverse = descending) return altitudes def __bool__(self): """Return if there is anything in the mapping.""" return not not self._mapping def __eq__(self, other): """Determine if the approach callout mapping is equal to the given other one.""" return self._mapping == other._mapping def __ne__(self, other): """Determine if the approach callout mapping is not equal to the given other one.""" return not self==other def __len__(self): """Get the number of elements in the mapping.""" return len(self._mapping) def __getitem__(self, altitude): """Get the file that is associated with the given altitude. If no such file found, return None.""" return self._mapping[altitude] if altitude in self._mapping else None def __iter__(self): """Iterate over the pairs of altitudes and paths in decreasing order of the altitude.""" altitudes = self.getAltitudes() for altitude in altitudes: yield (altitude, self._mapping[altitude]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Config(object): """Our configuration.""" DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL = "https://mlx.varadiistvan.hu/update" _messageTypesSection = "messageTypes" def __init__(self): """Construct the configuration with default values.""" self._pilotID = "" self._password = "" self._rememberPassword = False self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart = False self._language = "" self._mainWindowResizable = False self._hideMinimizedWindow = True self._quitOnClose = False self._onlineGateSystem = not secondaryInstallation self._onlineACARS = not secondaryInstallation self._flareTimeFromFS = False self._syncFSTime = False self._usingFS2Crew = False self._iasSmoothingLength = -2 self._vsSmoothingLength = -2 self._useSimBrief = False self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief = False self._simBriefUserName = "" self._simBriefPassword = "" self._rememberSimBriefPassword = False self._pirepDirectory = None self._pirepAutoSave = False self._defaultMSFS = os.name=="nt" self._enableSounds = not secondaryInstallation self._pilotControlsSounds = True self._pilotHotkey = Hotkey(ctrl = True, shift = False, key = "0") self._taxiSoundOnPushback = False self._enableApproachCallouts = False self._speedbrakeAtTD = True self._soundSet = 0 self._enableChecklists = False self._checklistHotkey = Hotkey(ctrl = True, shift = True, key = "0") self._autoUpdate = True self._updateURL = Config.DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL self._xplaneRemote = False self._xplaneAddress = "" self._messageTypeLevels = {} self._checklists = {} self._approachCallouts = {} for aircraftType in const.aircraftTypes: self._checklists[aircraftType] = Checklist() self._approachCallouts[aircraftType] = ApproachCallouts() self._modified = False @property def pilotID(self): """Get the pilot ID.""" return self._pilotID @pilotID.setter def pilotID(self, pilotID): """Set the pilot ID.""" if pilotID!=self._pilotID: self._pilotID = pilotID self._modified = True @property def password(self): """Get the password.""" return self._password @password.setter def password(self, password): """Set the password.""" if password!=self._password: self._password = password self._modified = True @property def rememberPassword(self): """Get if we should remember the password.""" return self._rememberPassword @rememberPassword.setter def rememberPassword(self, rememberPassword): """Set if we should remember the password.""" if rememberPassword!=self._rememberPassword: self._rememberPassword = rememberPassword self._modified = True @property def clearBrowseCacheOnStart(self): """Get whether the browser cache should be cleared on start.""" return self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart @clearBrowseCacheOnStart.setter def clearBrowseCacheOnStart(self, clearBrowseCacheOnStart): """Set whether the browser cache should be cleared on start.""" if clearBrowseCacheOnStart!=self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart: self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart = clearBrowseCacheOnStart self._modified = True @property def language(self): """Get the language to use.""" return self._language @language.setter def language(self, language): """Set the language to use.""" if language!=self._language: self._language = language self._modified = True @property def mainWindowResizable(self): """Get whether a the main window should be resizable.""" return self._mainWindowResizable @mainWindowResizable.setter def mainWindowResizable(self, mainWindowResizable): """Set whether a minimized window should be hidden.""" if mainWindowResizable!=self._mainWindowResizable: self._mainWindowResizable = mainWindowResizable self._modified = True @property def hideMinimizedWindow(self): """Get whether a minimized window should be hidden.""" return self._hideMinimizedWindow @hideMinimizedWindow.setter def hideMinimizedWindow(self, hideMinimizedWindow): """Set whether a minimized window should be hidden.""" if hideMinimizedWindow!=self._hideMinimizedWindow: self._hideMinimizedWindow = hideMinimizedWindow self._modified = True @property def quitOnClose(self): """Get whether the application should quit when the close button is clicked.""" return self._quitOnClose @quitOnClose.setter def quitOnClose(self, quitOnClose): """Set whether the application should quit when the close button is clicked.""" if quitOnClose!=self._quitOnClose: self._quitOnClose = quitOnClose self._modified = True @property def onlineGateSystem(self): """Get whether the online gate system should be used.""" return self._onlineGateSystem @onlineGateSystem.setter def onlineGateSystem(self, onlineGateSystem): """Set whether the online gate system should be used.""" if onlineGateSystem!=self._onlineGateSystem: self._onlineGateSystem = onlineGateSystem self._modified = True @property def onlineACARS(self): """Get whether the online ACARS system should be used.""" return self._onlineACARS @onlineACARS.setter def onlineACARS(self, onlineACARS): """Set whether the online ACARS system should be used.""" if onlineACARS!=self._onlineACARS: self._onlineACARS = onlineACARS self._modified = True @property def flareTimeFromFS(self): """Get whether the flare time should be calculated from the time values returned by the simulator.""" return self._flareTimeFromFS @flareTimeFromFS.setter def flareTimeFromFS(self, flareTimeFromFS): """Set whether the flare time should be calculated from the time values returned by the simulator.""" if flareTimeFromFS!=self._flareTimeFromFS: self._flareTimeFromFS = flareTimeFromFS self._modified = True @property def syncFSTime(self): """Get whether the simulator's time should be synchronized with the machine's clock.""" return self._syncFSTime @syncFSTime.setter def syncFSTime(self, syncFSTime): """Set whether the simulator's time should be synchronized with the machine's clock.""" if syncFSTime!=self._syncFSTime: self._syncFSTime = syncFSTime self._modified = True @property def usingFS2Crew(self): """Get whether the FS2Crew addon is being used.""" return self._usingFS2Crew @usingFS2Crew.setter def usingFS2Crew(self, usingFS2Crew): """Set whether the FS2Crew addon is being used.""" if usingFS2Crew!=self._usingFS2Crew: self._usingFS2Crew = usingFS2Crew self._modified = True @property def iasSmoothingLength(self): """Get the number of samples over which the IAS is averaged for the smoothed IAS calculation. It may be negative, in which case smoothing is disabled, but we nevertheless store the number of seconds in case it may become useful later.""" return self._iasSmoothingLength @property def realIASSmoothingLength(self): """Get the real smoothing length of IAS.""" return max(self._iasSmoothingLength, 1) @iasSmoothingLength.setter def iasSmoothingLength(self, iasSmoothingLength): """Set the number of samples over which the IAS is averaged for the smoothed IAS calculation.""" if iasSmoothingLength!=self._iasSmoothingLength: self._iasSmoothingLength = iasSmoothingLength self._modified = True @property def vsSmoothingLength(self): """Get the number of samples over which the VS is averaged for the smoothed VS calculation. It may be negative, in which case smoothing is disabled, but we nevertheless store the number of seconds in case it may become useful later.""" return self._vsSmoothingLength @property def realVSSmoothingLength(self): """Get the real smoothing length of VS.""" return max(self._vsSmoothingLength, 1) @vsSmoothingLength.setter def vsSmoothingLength(self, vsSmoothingLength): """Set the number of samples over which the VS is averaged for the smoothed VS calculation.""" if vsSmoothingLength!=self._vsSmoothingLength: self._vsSmoothingLength = vsSmoothingLength self._modified = True @property def useSimBrief(self): """Check if SimBrief should be used.""" return self._useSimBrief @useSimBrief.setter def useSimBrief(self, useSimBrief): """Check if SimBrief should be used.""" if self._useSimBrief != useSimBrief: self._useSimBrief = useSimBrief self._modified = True @property def useInternalBrowserForSimBrief(self): """Get if we should use the internal browser to handle SimBrief.""" return self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief @useInternalBrowserForSimBrief.setter def useInternalBrowserForSimBrief(self, useInternalBrowserForSimBrief): """Set if we should use the internal browser to handle SimBrief.""" if useInternalBrowserForSimBrief!=self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief: self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief = useInternalBrowserForSimBrief self._modified = True @property def simBriefUserName(self): """Get the SimBrief user name last used""" return self._simBriefUserName @simBriefUserName.setter def simBriefUserName(self, simBriefUserName): """Set the SimBrief user name to be used next.""" if self._simBriefUserName != simBriefUserName: self._simBriefUserName = simBriefUserName self._modified = True @property def simBriefPassword(self): """Get the SimBrief password last used""" return self._simBriefPassword @simBriefPassword.setter def simBriefPassword(self, simBriefPassword): """Set the SimBrief password to be used next.""" if self._simBriefPassword != simBriefPassword: self._simBriefPassword = simBriefPassword self._modified = True @property def rememberSimBriefPassword(self): """Get if we should remember the SimBrief password.""" return self._rememberSimBriefPassword @rememberSimBriefPassword.setter def rememberSimBriefPassword(self, rememberSimBriefPassword): """Set if we should remember the SimBrief password.""" if rememberSimBriefPassword!=self._rememberSimBriefPassword: self._rememberSimBriefPassword = rememberSimBriefPassword self._modified = True @property def pirepDirectory(self): """Get the directory offered by default when saving a PIREP.""" return self._pirepDirectory @pirepDirectory.setter def pirepDirectory(self, pirepDirectory): """Get the directory offered by default when saving a PIREP.""" if pirepDirectory!=self._pirepDirectory and \ (pirepDirectory!="" or self._pirepDirectory is not None): self._pirepDirectory = None if pirepDirectory=="" \ else pirepDirectory if self._pirepDirectory is None: self._pirepAutoSave = False self._modified = True @property def pirepAutoSave(self): """Get whether the PIREP should be saved automatically when it becomes saveable.""" return self._pirepAutoSave @pirepAutoSave.setter def pirepAutoSave(self, pirepAutoSave): """Set whether the PIREP should be saved automatically when it becomes saveable.""" pirepAutoSave = pirepAutoSave and self._pirepDirectory is not None if pirepAutoSave!=self._pirepAutoSave: self._pirepAutoSave = pirepAutoSave self._modified = True @property def defaultMSFS(self): """Get if the default simulator type is MS FS.""" return self._defaultMSFS @defaultMSFS.setter def defaultMSFS(self, defaultMSFS): """Set if the default simulator type is MS FS.""" if defaultMSFS!=self._defaultMSFS: self._defaultMSFS = defaultMSFS self._modified = True def getMessageTypeLevel(self, messageType): """Get the level for the given message type.""" return self._messageTypeLevels[messageType] \ if messageType in self._messageTypeLevels \ else const.MESSAGELEVEL_NONE def isMessageTypeFS(self, messageType): """Determine if the given message type is displayed in the simulator.""" level = self.getMessageTypeLevel(messageType) return level==const.MESSAGELEVEL_FS or \ level==const.MESSAGELEVEL_BOTH def setMessageTypeLevel(self, messageType, level): """Set the level of the given message type.""" if messageType not in self._messageTypeLevels or \ self._messageTypeLevels[messageType]!=level: self._messageTypeLevels[messageType] = level self._modified = True @property def enableSounds(self): """Get whether background sounds are enabled.""" return self._enableSounds @enableSounds.setter def enableSounds(self, enableSounds): """Set whether background sounds are enabled.""" if enableSounds!=self._enableSounds: self._enableSounds = enableSounds self._modified = True @property def pilotControlsSounds(self): """Get whether the pilot controls the background sounds.""" return self._pilotControlsSounds @pilotControlsSounds.setter def pilotControlsSounds(self, pilotControlsSounds): """Set whether the pilot controls the background sounds.""" if pilotControlsSounds!=self._pilotControlsSounds: self._pilotControlsSounds = pilotControlsSounds self._modified = True @property def pilotHotkey(self): """Get the pilot's hotkey.""" return self._pilotHotkey @pilotHotkey.setter def pilotHotkey(self, pilotHotkey): """Set the pilot's hotkey.""" if pilotHotkey!=self._pilotHotkey: self._pilotHotkey = pilotHotkey self._modified = True @property def taxiSoundOnPushback(self): """Get whether the taxi sound should be played as soon as pushback starts.""" return self._taxiSoundOnPushback @taxiSoundOnPushback.setter def taxiSoundOnPushback(self, taxiSoundOnPushback): """Set whether the taxi sound should be played as soon as pushback starts.""" if taxiSoundOnPushback!=self._taxiSoundOnPushback: self._taxiSoundOnPushback = taxiSoundOnPushback self._modified = True @property def enableApproachCallouts(self): """Get whether the approach callouts should be played.""" return self._enableApproachCallouts @enableApproachCallouts.setter def enableApproachCallouts(self, enableApproachCallouts): """Set whether the approach callouts should be played.""" if enableApproachCallouts!=self._enableApproachCallouts: self._enableApproachCallouts = enableApproachCallouts self._modified = True @property def speedbrakeAtTD(self): """Get whether the speedbrake sounds should be played at touchdown.""" return self._speedbrakeAtTD @speedbrakeAtTD.setter def speedbrakeAtTD(self, speedbrakeAtTD): """Set whether the speedbrake sounds should be played at touchdown.""" if speedbrakeAtTD!=self._speedbrakeAtTD: self._speedbrakeAtTD = speedbrakeAtTD self._modified = True @property def soundSet(self): """Get the number of the sound set to use.""" return self._soundSet @soundSet.setter def soundSet(self, soundSet): """Set the number of the sound set.""" if soundSet!=self._soundSet: self._soundSet = soundSet self._modified = True @property def enableChecklists(self): """Get whether aircraft-specific checklists should be played.""" return self._enableChecklists @enableChecklists.setter def enableChecklists(self, enableChecklists): """Get whether aircraft-specific checklists should be played.""" if enableChecklists!=self._enableChecklists: self._enableChecklists = enableChecklists self._modified = True @property def checklistHotkey(self): """Get the checklist hotkey.""" return self._checklistHotkey @checklistHotkey.setter def checklistHotkey(self, checklistHotkey): """Set the checklist hotkey.""" if checklistHotkey!=self._checklistHotkey: self._checklistHotkey = checklistHotkey self._modified = True @property def autoUpdate(self): """Get if an automatic update is needed.""" return self._autoUpdate @autoUpdate.setter def autoUpdate(self, autoUpdate): """Set if an automatic update is needed.""" if autoUpdate!=self._autoUpdate: self._autoUpdate = autoUpdate self._modified = True @property def updateURL(self): """Get the update URL.""" return self._updateURL @updateURL.setter def updateURL(self, updateURL): """Set the update URL.""" if updateURL!=self._updateURL: self._updateURL = updateURL self._modified = True @property def xplaneRemote(self): """Indicate if X-Plane should be accessed remotely.""" return self._xplaneRemote @xplaneRemote.setter def xplaneRemote(self, xplaneRemote): """Set if X-Plane should be accessed remotely.""" if xplaneRemote!=self._xplaneRemote: self._xplaneRemote = xplaneRemote self._modified = True @property def xplaneAddress(self): """Get the address of the machine running X-Plane""" return self._xplaneAddress @xplaneAddress.setter def xplaneAddress(self, xplaneAddress): """Set the address of the machine running X-Plane.""" if xplaneAddress!=self._xplaneAddress: self._xplaneAddress = xplaneAddress self._modified = True def getChecklist(self, aircraftType): """Get the checklist for the given aircraft type.""" return self._checklists[aircraftType] def setChecklist(self, aircraftType, checklist): """Set the checklist for the given aircraft type.""" if checklist!=self._checklists[aircraftType]: self._checklists[aircraftType] = checklist.clone() self._modified = True def getApproachCallouts(self, aircraftType): """Get the approach callouts for the given aircraft type.""" return self._approachCallouts[aircraftType] def setApproachCallouts(self, aircraftType, approachCallouts): """Set the approach callouts for the given aircraft type.""" if not approachCallouts==self._approachCallouts[aircraftType]: self._approachCallouts[aircraftType] = approachCallouts.clone() self._modified = True def load(self): """Load the configuration from its default location.""" try: config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.read(configPath) except: traceback.print_exc() return self._pilotID = self._get(config, "login", "id", "") self._password = self._get(config, "login", "password", "") self._rememberPassword = self._getBoolean(config, "login", "rememberPassword", False) self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart = \ self._getBoolean(config, "general", "clearBrowseCacheOnStart", False) self._language = self._get(config, "general", "language", "") self._mainWindowResizable = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "mainWindowResizable", False) self._hideMinimizedWindow = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "hideMinimizedWindow", True) self._quitOnClose = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "quitOnClose", False) self._onlineGateSystem = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "onlineGateSystem", not secondaryInstallation) self._onlineACARS = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "onlineACARS", not secondaryInstallation) self._flareTimeFromFS = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "flareTimeFromFS", False) self._syncFSTime = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "syncFSTime", False) self._usingFS2Crew = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "usingFS2Crew", False) self._iasSmoothingLength = int(self._get(config, "general", "iasSmoothingLength", -2)) self._vsSmoothingLength = int(self._get(config, "general", "vsSmoothingLength", -2)) self._useSimBrief = self._getBoolean(config, "simbrief", "use", False) self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief = self._getBoolean(config, "simbrief", "useInternalBrowser", False) self._simBriefUserName = self._get(config, "simbrief", "username", "") self._simBriefPassword = self._get(config, "simbrief", "password", "") self._rememberSimBriefPassword = self._getBoolean(config, "simbrief", "rememberPassword", False) self._pirepDirectory = self._get(config, "general", "pirepDirectory", None) self._pirepAutoSave = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "pirepAutoSave", False) if self._pirepDirectory is None: self._pirepAutoSave = False self._messageTypeLevels = {} for messageType in const.messageTypes: self._messageTypeLevels[messageType] = \ self._getMessageTypeLevel(config, messageType) self._enableSounds = self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "enable", not secondaryInstallation) self._pilotControlsSounds = self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "pilotControls", True) self._pilotHotkey.set(self._get(config, "sounds", "pilotHotkey", "C0")) self._taxiSoundOnPushback = \ self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "taxiSoundOnPushback", False) self._enableApproachCallouts = \ self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "enableApproachCallouts", False) self._speedbrakeAtTD = self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "speedbrakeAtTD", True) self._soundSet = self._getInteger(config, "sounds", "soundSet", 0) self._enableChecklists = self._getBoolean(config, "sounds", "enableChecklists", False) self._checklistHotkey.set(self._get(config, "sounds", "checklistHotkey", "CS0")) self._autoUpdate = self._getBoolean(config, "update", "auto", True) self._updateURL = self._get(config, "update", "url", Config.DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL) for aircraftType in const.aircraftTypes: self._checklists[aircraftType] = \ Checklist.fromConfig(config, aircraftType) self._approachCallouts[aircraftType] = \ ApproachCallouts.fromConfig(config, aircraftType) self._defaultMSFS = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "defaultMSFS", os.name=="nt") self._xplaneRemote = self._getBoolean(config, "general", "xplaneRemote", False) self._xplaneAddress = self._get(config, "general", "xplaneAddress", "") self._modified = False def save(self): """Save the configuration file if it has been modified.""" if not self._modified: return config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.add_section("login") config.set("login", "id", self._pilotID) config.set("login", "password", self._password) config.set("login", "rememberPassword", "yes" if self._rememberPassword else "no") config.add_section("general") config.set("general", "clearBrowseCacheOnStart", "yes" if self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart else "no") if self._language: config.set("general", "language", self._language) config.set("general", "mainWindowResizable", "yes" if self._mainWindowResizable else "no") config.set("general", "hideMinimizedWindow", "yes" if self._hideMinimizedWindow else "no") config.set("general", "quitOnClose", "yes" if self._quitOnClose else "no") config.set("general", "onlineGateSystem", "yes" if self._onlineGateSystem else "no") config.set("general", "onlineACARS", "yes" if self._onlineACARS else "no") config.set("general", "flareTimeFromFS", "yes" if self._flareTimeFromFS else "no") config.set("general", "syncFSTime", "yes" if self._syncFSTime else "no") config.set("general", "usingFS2Crew", "yes" if self._usingFS2Crew else "no") config.set("general", "iasSmoothingLength", str(self._iasSmoothingLength)) config.set("general", "vsSmoothingLength", str(self._vsSmoothingLength)) config.add_section("simbrief") config.set("simbrief", "use", "yes" if self._useSimBrief else "no") config.set("simbrief", "useInternalBrowser", "yes" if self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief else "no") config.set("simbrief", "username", self._simBriefUserName) config.set("simbrief", "password", self._simBriefPassword) config.set("simbrief", "rememberPassword", "yes" if self._rememberSimBriefPassword else "no") if self._pirepDirectory is not None: config.set("general", "pirepDirectory", self._pirepDirectory) config.set("general", "pirepAutoSave", "yes" if self._pirepAutoSave else "no") config.set("general", "defaultMSFS", "yes" if self._defaultMSFS else "no") config.set("general", "xplaneRemote", "yes" if self._xplaneRemote else "no") config.set("general", "xplaneAddress", self._xplaneAddress) config.add_section(Config._messageTypesSection) for messageType in const.messageTypes: if messageType in self._messageTypeLevels: option = self._getMessageTypeLevelOptionName(messageType) level = self._messageTypeLevels[messageType] config.set(Config._messageTypesSection, option, const.messageLevel2string(level)) config.add_section("sounds") config.set("sounds", "enable", "yes" if self._enableSounds else "no") config.set("sounds", "pilotControls", "yes" if self._pilotControlsSounds else "no") config.set("sounds", "pilotHotkey", str(self._pilotHotkey)) config.set("sounds", "taxiSoundOnPushback", "yes" if self._taxiSoundOnPushback else "no") config.set("sounds", "enableApproachCallouts", "yes" if self._enableApproachCallouts else "no") config.set("sounds", "speedbrakeAtTD", "yes" if self._speedbrakeAtTD else "no") config.set("sounds", "soundSet", str(self._soundSet)) config.set("sounds", "enableChecklists", "yes" if self._enableChecklists else "no") config.set("sounds", "checklistHotkey", str(self._checklistHotkey)) config.add_section("update") config.set("update", "auto", "yes" if self._autoUpdate else "no") config.set("update", "url", self._updateURL) config.add_section(Checklist.SECTION) config.add_section(ApproachCallouts.SECTION) for aircraftType in const.aircraftTypes: self._checklists[aircraftType].toConfig(config, aircraftType) self._approachCallouts[aircraftType].toConfig(config, aircraftType) try: fd = os.open(configPath, os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0o600) with os.fdopen(fd, "wt") as f: config.write(f) self._modified = False print("Configuration saved:") self.log() except Exception as e: print("Failed to update config: " + \ utf2unicode(str(e)), file=sys.stderr) def _getBoolean(self, config, section, option, default): """Get the given option as a boolean, if found in the given config, otherwise the default.""" return config.getboolean(section, option) \ if config.has_option(section, option) \ else default def _getInteger(self, config, section, option, default): """Get the given option as an integer, if found in the given config, otherwise the default.""" return config.getint(section, option) \ if config.has_option(section, option) \ else default def _get(self, config, section, option, default): """Get the given option as a string, if found in the given config, otherwise the default.""" return config.get(section, option) \ if config.has_option(section, option) \ else default def _getMessageTypeLevel(self, config, messageType): """Get the message type level for the given message type.""" option = self._getMessageTypeLevelOptionName(messageType) if config.has_option(Config._messageTypesSection, option): value = config.get(Config._messageTypesSection, option) return const.string2messageLevel(value) elif secondaryInstallation: return const.MESSAGELEVEL_NONE elif messageType in [const.MESSAGETYPE_LOGGER_ERROR, const.MESSAGETYPE_FAULT, const.MESSAGETYPE_NOGO, const.MESSAGETYPE_GATE_SYSTEM, const.MESSAGETYPE_HELP]: return const.MESSAGELEVEL_BOTH else: return const.MESSAGELEVEL_FS def _getMessageTypeLevelOptionName(self, messageType): """Get the option name for the given message type level.""" return const.messageType2string(messageType) def setupLocale(self): """Setup the locale based on the language set. Return True if a specific language was set, False otherwise.""" import locale if self._language: print("Setting up locale for", self._language) os.environ["LANGUAGE"] = self._language langAndEncoding = self._language + "." + locale.getpreferredencoding() os.environ["LANG"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_MESSAGES"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_COLLATE"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_CTYPE"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_MONETARY"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_NUMERIC"] = langAndEncoding os.environ["LC_TIME"] = langAndEncoding return True else: return False def getLanguage(self): """Get the language to be used.""" import locale if self._language: if os.name=="nt": if self._language in _languageMap: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, _languageMap[self._language]) else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, (self._language, locale.getpreferredencoding())) return self._language else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") return locale.getdefaultlocale()[0] def log(self): """Log the configuration by printing the values""" print(" pilot ID:", self._pilotID) print(" rememberPassword:", self._rememberPassword) print(" clearBrowseCacheOnStart:", self._clearBrowserCacheOnStart) print(" language:", self._language) print(" mainWindowResizable:", self._mainWindowResizable) print(" hideMinimizedWindow:", self._hideMinimizedWindow) print(" quitOnClose:", self._quitOnClose) print(" onlineGateSystem:", self._onlineGateSystem) print(" onlineACARS:", self._onlineACARS) print(" flareTimeFromFS:", self._flareTimeFromFS) print(" syncFSTime:", self._syncFSTime) print(" usingFS2Crew:", self._usingFS2Crew) print(" iasSmoothingLength:", self._iasSmoothingLength) print(" vsSmoothingLength:", self._vsSmoothingLength) print(" useSimBrief:", self._useSimBrief) print(" useInternalBrowserForSimBrief:", self._useInternalBrowserForSimBrief) print(" simBriefUserName:", self._simBriefUserName) print(" rememberSimBriefPassword:", self._rememberSimBriefPassword) print(" pirepDirectory:", self._pirepDirectory) print(" pirepAutoSave:", self._pirepAutoSave) print(" defaultMSFS:", self._defaultMSFS) print(" xplaneRemote:", self._xplaneRemote) print(" xplaneAddress:", self._xplaneAddress) print(" enableSounds:", self._enableSounds) print(" pilotControlsSounds:", self._pilotControlsSounds) print(" pilotHotkey:", str(self._pilotHotkey)) print(" taxiSoundOnPushback:", self._taxiSoundOnPushback) print(" enableApproachCallouts:", self._enableApproachCallouts) print(" speedbrakeAtTD:", self._speedbrakeAtTD) print(" soundSet:", self._soundSet) print(" enableChecklists:", self._enableChecklists) print(" checklistHotkey:", str(self._checklistHotkey)) print(" autoUpdate:", self._autoUpdate) print(" updateURL:", self._updateURL) print(" messageTypeLevels:") for (type, level) in self._messageTypeLevels.items(): print(" %s: %s" % (const.messageType2string(type), const.messageLevel2string(level))) print(" checklists:") for (type, checklist) in self._checklists.items(): print(" %s:" % (const.icaoCodes[type],)) for path in checklist: print(" " + path) print(" approachCallouts:") for (type, approachCallouts) in self._approachCallouts.items(): print(" %s:" % (const.icaoCodes[type],)) for (altitude, path) in approachCallouts: print(" %d: %s" % (altitude, path)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------