1 |
2 | from common import *
3 |
4 | from mlx.i18n import xstr
5 | import mlx.const as const
6 | import mlx.config as config
7 |
8 | import os
9 |
10 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 |
12 | ## @package mlx.gui.bugreport
13 | #
14 | # The bug report dialog
15 | #
16 | # This module implements the bug report dialog.
17 |
18 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 |
20 | class BugReportDialog(gtk.Dialog):
21 | """The dialog to report a bug."""
22 | def __init__(self, gui):
23 | super(BugReportDialog, self).__init__(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
24 | xstr("bugreport_title"),
25 | gui.mainWindow,
27 |
28 | self.add_button(xstr("button_cancel"), RESPONSETYPE_REJECT)
29 | self._sendButton = self.add_button(xstr("button_send"), RESPONSETYPE_ACCEPT)
30 | self._sendButton.set_can_default(True)
31 | self._gui = gui
32 |
33 | contentArea = self.get_content_area()
34 |
35 | contentAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
36 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
37 | contentAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 16,
38 | padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8)
39 |
40 | contentArea.pack_start(contentAlignment, False, False, 0)
41 |
42 | contentVBox = gtk.VBox()
43 | contentAlignment.add(contentVBox)
44 |
45 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("bugreport_summary"))
46 | label.set_use_underline(True)
47 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
48 |
49 | contentVBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 4)
50 |
51 | self._summary = summary = gtk.Entry()
52 | summary.connect("changed", self._summaryChanged)
53 | summary.set_tooltip_text(xstr("bugreport_summary_tooltip"))
54 | summary.set_width_chars(80)
55 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(summary)
56 | contentVBox.pack_start(summary, True, True, 4)
57 |
58 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("bugreport_description"))
59 | label.set_use_underline(True)
60 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
61 |
62 | contentVBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 4)
63 |
64 | self._description = description = gtk.TextView()
65 | description.set_tooltip_text(xstr("bugreport_description_tooltip"))
66 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(description)
67 |
68 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
69 | scrolledWindow.add(description)
70 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(-1, 200)
71 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
72 | scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_IN)
73 |
74 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
75 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
76 |
77 | contentVBox.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 4)
78 |
79 | emailBox = gtk.HBox()
80 | contentVBox.pack_start(emailBox, False, False, 4)
81 |
82 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("bugreport_email"))
83 | label.set_use_underline(True)
84 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
85 |
86 | emailBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0)
87 |
88 | alignment = gtk.Alignment()
89 | emailBox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 8)
90 |
91 | self._email = email = gtk.Entry()
92 | email.set_tooltip_text(xstr("bugreport_email_tooltip"))
93 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(email)
94 | emailBox.pack_start(email, True, True, 0)
95 |
96 |
97 | def run(self):
98 | """Run the checklist editor dialog."""
99 | self.set_sensitive(True)
100 | self._description.set_sensitive(True)
101 | self._updateButtons()
102 | self._sendButton.grab_default()
103 | self.show_all()
104 | response = super(BugReportDialog, self).run()
105 |
106 | print "response", response, RESPONSETYPE_ACCEPT
107 | if response==RESPONSETYPE_ACCEPT:
108 | self._send()
109 | else:
110 | self.hide()
111 |
112 | def _summaryChanged(self, entry):
113 | """Called when the summary has changed."""
114 | self._updateButtons()
115 |
116 | def _updateButtons(self):
117 | """Update the sensitivity of the buttoms."""
118 | self._sendButton.set_sensitive(self._summary.get_text()!="")
119 |
120 | def _send(self):
121 | """Send the bug report."""
122 | descriptionBuffer = self._description.get_buffer()
123 | description = \
124 | descriptionBuffer.get_text(descriptionBuffer.get_start_iter(),
125 | descriptionBuffer.get_end_iter(),
126 | False)
127 | description = text2unicode(description)
128 | self.set_sensitive(False)
129 | self._gui.sendBugReport(text2unicode(self._summary.get_text()),
130 | description,
131 | text2unicode(self._email.get_text()),
132 | self._bugReportSent)
133 |
134 | def _bugReportSent(self, returned, result):
135 | """Called when the bug report was sent."""
136 | self.set_sensitive(True)
137 | self._description.set_sensitive(True)
138 | if returned and result.success:
139 | self.hide()
140 | self._summary.set_text("")
141 | self._description.get_buffer().set_text("")
142 | self._email.set_text("")
143 | else:
144 | self.run()