source: src/mlx/gui/ 1111:cb25010707a5

Last change on this file since 1111:cb25010707a5 was 999:e096a5638b87, checked in by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 5 years ago

Removed Gtk 2/3 constant definitions (re #347)

File size: 20.2 KB
[919]2from .common import *
4from mlx.i18n import xstr
5import mlx.const as const
6import mlx.config as config
8import os
[266]9import re
[300]13## @package mlx.gui.callouts
15# Editor dialog for approach callouts.
17# The dialog consists of an aircraft type selector box at the top, and a table
18# with two buttons below it. The table contains the callout files with the
19# corresponding altitudes, and is sorted according to the altitude. When a new
20# file is added, the program finds out a new altitude for it. If the file's
21# name contains numbers that are not used as altitudes yet, the most suitable
22# of those numbers will be used. Otherwise a 'usual' altitude is searched for,
23# in the direction according to the sort order, and if that fails too, the
24# altitudes are tried one-by-one. See the
25# \ref ApproachCalloutsEditor._getNewAltitude function for more details.
[996]29class ApproachCalloutsEditor(Gtk.Dialog):
[264]30 """The dialog to edit the approach callouts."""
[266]31 integerRE = re.compile("[0-9]+")
33 # A list of "usual" altitudes for callouts
34 _usualAltitudes = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000,
35 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000]
37 @staticmethod
38 def _getNextUsualAltitude(altitude, descending):
39 """Get the next altitude coming after the given one in the
40 given direction."""
41 if descending:
42 previous = None
43 for alt in ApproachCalloutsEditor._usualAltitudes:
44 if alt>=altitude: return previous
45 previous = alt
46 else:
47 for alt in ApproachCalloutsEditor._usualAltitudes:
48 if alt>altitude: return alt
50 return None
[264]52 def __init__(self, gui):
53 super(ApproachCalloutsEditor, self).__init__(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
54 xstr("callouts_title"),
55 gui.mainWindow,
[999]56 Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL)
[999]58 self.add_button(xstr("button_cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT)
59 self.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)
61 self._gui = gui
62 self._approachCallouts = {}
63 self._currentAircraftType = const.aircraftTypes[0]
[266]64 self._fileOpenDialog = None
66 contentArea = self.get_content_area()
68 # FIXME: common code with the checklist editor
[996]69 typeBox = Gtk.HBox()
[996]71 label = Gtk.Label(xstr("callouts_aircraftType"))
[264]72 label.set_use_underline(True)
74 typeBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 4)
[996]76 self._aircraftTypeModel = Gtk.ListStore(str, int)
[264]77 for type in const.aircraftTypes:
78 name = aircraftNames[type] if type in aircraftNames \
79 else "Aircraft type #%d" % (type,)
80 self._aircraftTypeModel.append([name, type])
[996]81 self._aircraftType = Gtk.ComboBox(model = self._aircraftTypeModel)
82 renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
[264]83 self._aircraftType.pack_start(renderer, True)
84 self._aircraftType.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
85 self._aircraftType.set_tooltip_text(xstr("callouts_aircraftType_tooltip"))
86 self._aircraftType.set_active(0)
87 self._aircraftType.connect("changed", self._aircraftTypeChanged)
88 label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._aircraftType)
90 typeBox.pack_start(self._aircraftType, True, True, 4)
[996]92 typeBoxAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
[264]93 xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
94 typeBoxAlignment.set_size_request(400, -1)
95 typeBoxAlignment.add(typeBox)
97 contentArea.pack_start(typeBoxAlignment, False, False, 12)
[266]98 # FIXME: common code until here, but note that some texts are different
[996]100 contentBox = Gtk.HBox()
[996]102 controlBox = Gtk.VBox()
103 controlAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
[264]104 xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
105 controlAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0,
106 padding_left = 32, padding_right = 32)
107 controlAlignment.add(controlBox)
[268]108 contentBox.pack_start(controlAlignment, False, False, 0)
[996]110 self._addButton = Gtk.Button(xstr("callouts_add"))
[264]111 self._addButton.set_use_underline(True)
112 self._addButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("callouts_add_tooltip"))
113 self._addButton.connect("clicked", self._addButtonClicked)
[996]114 addAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
[264]115 xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
[266]116 addAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 24, padding_bottom = 0,
[264]117 padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
118 addAlignment.add(self._addButton)
119 controlBox.pack_start(addAlignment, False, False, 0)
[996]121 self._removeButton = Gtk.Button(xstr("callouts_remove"))
[264]122 self._removeButton.set_use_underline(True)
123 self._removeButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("callouts_remove_tooltip"))
124 self._removeButton.set_sensitive(False)
125 self._removeButton.connect("clicked", self._removeButtonClicked)
[996]127 removeAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
[264]128 xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
[266]129 removeAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 24, padding_bottom = 0,
[264]130 padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
131 removeAlignment.add(self._removeButton)
132 controlBox.pack_start(removeAlignment, False, False, 0)
[996]134 self._fileListModel = Gtk.ListStore(int, str, str)
[999]135 self._fileListModel.set_sort_column_id(0, Gtk.SortType.DESCENDING)
137 self._addingFile = False
138 self._fileListModel.connect("row-inserted", self._fileAdded)
[282]139 self._lastAddedAltitude = None
[996]141 self._fileList = Gtk.TreeView(model = self._fileListModel)
[996]143 renderer = Gtk.CellRendererSpin()
[264]144 renderer.set_property("editable", True)
[996]146 adjustment = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 5000, 10, 100)
[264]147 renderer.set_property("adjustment", adjustment);
148 renderer.connect("edited", self._altitudeEdited)
[996]150 column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("callouts_header_altitude"),
[264]151 renderer, text = 0)
152 self._fileList.append_column(column)
153 column.set_expand(True)
154 column.set_clickable(True)
155 column.set_reorderable(False)
156 column.set_sort_indicator(True)
157 column.set_sort_column_id(0)
[999]158 column.set_sort_order(Gtk.SortType.DESCENDING)
[264]159 column.set_expand(False)
[996]161 column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("callouts_header_path"),
162 Gtk.CellRendererText(), text = 1)
[264]163 self._fileList.append_column(column)
164 column.set_expand(True)
165 column.set_clickable(False)
166 column.set_reorderable(False)
167 column.set_expand(True)
169 self._fileList.set_tooltip_column(2)
[268]170 self._fileList.set_size_request(300, -1)
[264]171 self._fileList.set_reorderable(False)
[280]172 self._fileList.connect("button-press-event",
173 self._fileListButtonPressed)
[264]174 selection = self._fileList.get_selection()
[999]175 selection.set_mode(Gtk.SelectionMode.MULTIPLE)
[264]176 selection.connect("changed", self._fileListSelectionChanged)
178 self._buildFileListPopupMenu()
[996]180 scrolledWindow = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
[268]181 scrolledWindow.add(self._fileList)
182 scrolledWindow.set_size_request(300, -1)
[999]183 scrolledWindow.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
184 Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC)
185 scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(Gtk.ShadowType.IN)
[996]187 fileListAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0,
[268]188 xalign=0.5, yalign=0.5)
189 fileListAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 16,
190 padding_left = 0, padding_right = 8)
191 fileListAlignment.add(scrolledWindow)
193 contentBox.pack_start(fileListAlignment, False, False, 4)
[268]195 contentArea.pack_start(contentBox, True, True, 4)
[268]197 self.set_size_request(-1, 300)
199 def run(self):
200 """Run the approach callouts editor dialog."""
201 self._approachCallouts = {}
202 self._displayCurrentApproachCallouts()
203 self.show_all()
204 response = super(ApproachCalloutsEditor, self).run()
205 self.hide()
[999]207 if response==Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
[264]208 self._saveApproachCallouts()
209 config = self._gui.config
210 for (aircraftType, approachCallouts) in \
[919]211 self._approachCallouts.items():
[264]212 config.setApproachCallouts(aircraftType, approachCallouts)
215 def _aircraftTypeChanged(self, comboBox):
216 """Called when the aircraft's type has changed."""
217 self._saveApproachCallouts()
218 self._displayCurrentApproachCallouts()
220 def _addButtonClicked(self, button):
221 """Called when the Add button is clicked."""
[266]222 dialog = self._getFileOpenDialog()
[266]224 dialog.show_all()
225 result =
226 dialog.hide()
[999]228 if result==Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
[266]229 filePath = dialog.get_filename()
230 baseName = os.path.basename(filePath)
231 altitude = self._getNewAltitude(baseName)
232 self._addingFile = True
[282]233 self._lastAddedAltitude = altitude
[266]234 self._fileListModel.append([altitude, baseName, filePath])
235 self._addingFile = False
237 def _fileAdded(self, model, path, iter):
238 """Called when a file is added to the list of callouts.
240 Makes the treeview to edit the altitude in the given row."""
241 if self._addingFile:
[995]242 GObject.idle_add(self._selectFile)
[266]243 self._fileList.grab_focus()
244 self.grab_focus()
246 def _selectFile(self):
247 """Select the file with the last added altitude."""
248 if self._lastAddedAltitude is None: return
250 model = self._fileListModel
251 iter = model.get_iter_first()
252 while iter is not None:
253 if model.get_value(iter, 0)==self._lastAddedAltitude: break
254 iter = model.iter_next(iter)
255 if iter is not None:
256 self._fileList.set_cursor(model.get_path(iter),
257 self._fileList.get_column(0), True)
258 self._lastAddedAltitude = None
[264]260 def _removeButtonClicked(self, button):
261 """Called when the Remove button is clicked."""
[280]262 self._removeSelected()
264 def _removeSelected(self):
265 """Remove the selected files."""
[264]266 selection = self._fileList.get_selection()
267 (model, paths) = selection.get_selected_rows()
269 iters = [model.get_iter(path) for path in paths]
271 for i in iters:
272 if i is not None:
273 model.remove(i)
275 def _fileListSelectionChanged(self, selection):
276 """Called when the selection in the file list changes."""
277 anySelected = selection.count_selected_rows()>0
278 self._removeButton.set_sensitive(anySelected)
280 def _getAircraftType(self):
281 """Get the currently selected aircraft type."""
282 # FIXME: the same code as in the checklist editor
283 index = self._aircraftType.get_active()
284 return self._aircraftTypeModel[index][1]
286 def _altitudeEdited(self, widget, path, value):
287 """Called when an altitude is edited"""
288 newAltitude = int(value)
290 model = self._fileListModel
291 editedIter = model.get_iter_from_string(path)
292 editedPath = model.get_path(editedIter)
[272]293 otherPath = self._hasAltitude(newAltitude, ignorePath = editedPath)
294 if otherPath is not None:
[996]295 dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self,
[999]296 type = Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
[266]297 message_format =
298 xstr("callouts_altitude_clash"))
299 dialog.format_secondary_markup(xstr("callouts_altitude_clash_sec"))
[999]300 dialog.add_button(xstr("button_no"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO)
301 dialog.add_button(xstr("button_yes"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES)
[266]302 dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
[266]304 result =
305 dialog.hide()
[999]307 if result!=Gtk.ResponseType.YES:
[266]308 newAltitude = None
310 if newAltitude is not None:
[266]311 model[editedPath][0] = newAltitude
[272]312 if otherPath is not None:
313 model.remove(model.get_iter(otherPath))
315 def _saveApproachCallouts(self):
316 """Save the currently displayed list of approach callouts for the
317 previously displayed aircraft type."""
318 mapping = {}
319 model = self._fileListModel
320 iter = model.get_iter_first()
321 while iter is not None:
322 altitude = int(model.get(iter, 0)[0])
323 path = model.get(iter, 2)[0]
324 mapping[altitude] = path
325 iter = model.iter_next(iter)
327 self._approachCallouts[self._currentAircraftType] = \
328 config.ApproachCallouts(mapping)
330 def _displayCurrentApproachCallouts(self):
331 """Display the approach callouts for the currently selected aircraft
332 type."""
333 aircraftType = self._getAircraftType()
334 self._currentAircraftType = aircraftType
335 if aircraftType not in self._approachCallouts:
336 self._approachCallouts[aircraftType] = \
337 self._gui.config.getApproachCallouts(aircraftType).clone()
338 approachCallouts = self._approachCallouts[aircraftType]
340 self._fileListModel.clear()
341 for (altitude, path) in approachCallouts:
342 self._fileListModel.append([altitude, os.path.basename(path), path])
344 def _getFileOpenDialog(self):
345 """Get the dialog to open a file.
347 If it does not exist yet, it will be created."""
348 if self._fileOpenDialog is None:
[996]349 dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
[266]350 xstr("callouts_open_title"),
[999]351 action = Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN,
[996]352 buttons = (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
[999]353 Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
354 Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.OK),
[266]355 parent = self)
356 dialog.set_modal(True)
357 dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
359 # FIXME: create the filters in one location and use them
360 # from there
[996]361 filter = Gtk.FileFilter()
[266]362 filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_audio"))
363 filter.add_pattern("*.wav")
364 filter.add_pattern("*.mp3")
365 dialog.add_filter(filter)
[996]367 filter = Gtk.FileFilter()
[266]368 filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_all"))
369 filter.add_pattern("*.*")
370 dialog.add_filter(filter)
372 self._fileOpenDialog = dialog
374 return self._fileOpenDialog
376 def _getNewAltitude(self, baseName):
377 """Get a new, unique altitude for the audio file with the given
378 base name.
380 First the given file name is searched for suitable
381 numbers. Otherwise the smallest altitude in the model is
382 considered, and, depending on the actual ordering of the
383 table, a suitable smaller or greater value is found. It is
384 ensured that the number is unique, unless all numbers are
385 taken.
387 If there is no entry in the table yet, 2500 is returned if the
388 table is sorted descending, 10 otherwise."""
389 altitude = self._getNewAltitudeFromFileName(baseName)
390 if altitude is not None: return altitude
[999]392 descending = self._fileList.get_column(0).get_sort_order()==Gtk.SortType.DESCENDING
[266]393 model = self._fileListModel
394 numEntries = model.iter_n_children(None)
395 if numEntries==0:
396 return 2500 if descending else 10
397 else:
[267]398 selection = self._fileList.get_selection()
399 (_model, paths) = selection.get_selected_rows()
[267]401 if paths:
402 startIter = model.get_iter(max(paths))
403 else:
404 startIter = model.iter_nth_child(None, numEntries-1)
406 startValue = model.get_value(startIter, 0)
408 altitude = self._getNextValidUsualAltitude(startValue, descending)
[266]409 if altitude is None:
[267]410 altitude = self._getNextValidUsualAltitude(startValue,
[266]411 not descending)
413 if altitude is None:
414 for altitude in range(0 if descending else 4999,
415 4999 if descending else 0,
416 1 if descending else -1):
417 if not self._hasAltitude(altitude): break
419 return altitude
421 def _getNewAltitudeFromFileName(self, baseName):
422 """Get a new altitude value from the given file name.
424 The name is traversed for numbers. If a number is less than
425 5000 and there is no such altitude yet in the table, it is
426 checked if it is divisible by 100 or 1000, and if so, it gets
427 a score of 2. If it is divisible by 10, the score will be 1,
428 otherwise 0. The first highest scoring number is returned, if
429 there are any at all, otherwise None."""
430 candidateAltitude = None
431 candidateScore = None
433 (baseName, _) = os.path.splitext(baseName)
434 numbers = ApproachCalloutsEditor.integerRE.findall(baseName)
435 for number in numbers:
436 value = int(number)
437 if value<5000 and not self._hasAltitude(value):
438 score = 2 if (value%100)==0 or (value%1000)==0 \
439 else 1 if (value%10)==0 else 0
440 if candidateAltitude is None or score>candidateScore:
441 candidateAltitude = value
442 candidateScore = score
444 return candidateAltitude
446 def _hasAltitude(self, altitude, ignorePath = None):
447 """Determine if the model already contains the given altitude
448 or not.
[272]450 ignorePath is a path in the model to ignore.
452 Returns the path of the element found, if any, or None, if the
453 altitude is not found."""
[266]454 model = self._fileListModel
455 iter = model.get_iter_first()
456 while iter is not None:
457 path = model.get_path(iter)
458 if path!=ignorePath and altitude==model[path][0]:
[272]459 return path
[266]460 iter = model.iter_next(iter)
[272]462 return None
464 def _getNextValidUsualAltitude(self, startValue, descending):
465 """Get the next valid usual altitude."""
466 value = startValue
467 while value is not None and self._hasAltitude(value):
468 value = \
469 ApproachCalloutsEditor._getNextUsualAltitude(value,
470 descending)
472 return value
[280]474 def _fileListButtonPressed(self, widget, event):
475 """Called when a mouse button is pressed on the file list."""
[999]476 if event.type!=Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS or event.button!=3:
[280]477 return
479 menu = self._fileListPopupMenu
[994]480 menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
482 def _buildFileListPopupMenu(self):
483 """Build the file list popup menu."""
[996]484 menu = Gtk.Menu()
[996]486 menuItem = Gtk.MenuItem()
[280]487 menuItem.set_label(xstr("callouts_remove"))
488 menuItem.set_use_underline(True)
489 menuItem.connect("activate", self._popupRemove)
491 self._popupRemoveItem = menuItem
493 menu.append(menuItem)
495 self._fileListPopupMenu = menu
497 def _popupRemove(self, menuItem):
498 """Remove the currently selected menu items."""
499 self._removeSelected()
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.