from common import * from mlx.util import secondaryInstallation from cefpython3 import cefpython from selenium import webdriver from import Options import platform import json import time import os import re import threading import tempfile import traceback #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## @package mlx.gui.cef # # Some helper stuff related to the Chrome Embedded Framework #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Indicate if we should quit _toQuit = False # The Selenium thread _seleniumHandler = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def getArgsFilePath(): """Get the path of the argument file.""" if"nt": return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "mlxcef.args" + (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else "")) else: import pwd return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "mlxcef." + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] + ".args" + (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else "")) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ArgsFileWaiter(threading.Thread): """A thread to wait for the appearance of the arguments file.""" def __init__(self, initializedCallback): """Construct the thread.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self._initializedCallback = initializedCallback def run(self): """Repeatedly check for the existence of the arguments file. If it is found, read it, extract the arguments and insert a job into the GUI loop to perform the actual initialization of CEF.""" argsFilePath = getArgsFilePath() print "Waiting for the arguments file '%s' to appear" % (argsFilePath,) while not os.path.exists(argsFilePath): time.sleep(0.1) print "Got arguments, reading them.""" with open(argsFilePath, "rt") as f: args = gobject.idle_add(_initializeCEF, args, self._initializedCallback) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SeleniumHandler(threading.Thread): """Thread to handle Selenium operations.""" def __init__(self, programDirectory): """Construct the thread.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = False self._programDirectory = programDirectory self._commandsCondition = threading.Condition() self._commands = [] self._toQuit = False def run(self): """Create the Selenium driver and the perform any operations requested.""" scriptName = "mlx_cef_caller" if secondaryInstallation: scriptName += "_secondary" scriptName += ".bat" if"nt" else ".sh" scriptPath = os.path.join(self._programDirectory, scriptName) print "Creating the Selenium driver to call script", scriptPath options = Options() options.binary_location = scriptPath driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options = options) # try: # except: # traceback.print_exc() print "Created Selenium driver." while not self._toQuit: with self._commandsCondition: while not self._commands: self._commandsCondition.wait() command = self._commands[0] del self._commands[0] command() driver.quit() def quit(self): """Instruct the thread to quit and then join it.""" self._enqueue(self._quit) self.join() def _enqueue(self, command): """Enqueue the given command. command should be a function to be executed in the thread.""" with self._commandsCondition: self._commands.append(command) self._commandsCondition.notify() def _quit(self): """Set the _toQuit member variable to indicate that the thread should quit.""" self._toQuit = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def initialize(programDirectory, initializedCallback): """Initialize the Chrome Embedded Framework.""" global _toQuit, _seleniumHandler _toQuit = False gobject.threads_init() argsFilePath = getArgsFilePath() try: os.unlink(argsFilePath) except: pass _seleniumHandler = SeleniumHandler(programDirectory) _seleniumHandler.start() ArgsFileWaiter(initializedCallback).start() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _initializeCEF(args, initializedCallback): """Perform the actual initialization of CEF using the given arguments.""" print "Initializing CEF with args:", args settings = { "debug": True, # cefpython debug messages in console and in log_file "log_severity": cefpython.LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE, # LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE "log_file": "", # Set to "" to disable "release_dcheck_enabled": True, # Enable only when debugging # This directories must be set on Linux "locales_dir_path": os.path.join(cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "locales"), "resources_dir_path": cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "browser_subprocess_path": "%s/%s" % \ (cefpython.GetModuleDirectory(), "subprocess"), } switches={} for arg in args: if arg.startswith("--"): if arg != "--enable-logging": assignIndex = arg.find("=") if assignIndex<0: switches[arg[2:]] = "" else: switches[arg[2:assignIndex]] = arg[assignIndex+1:] else: print "Unhandled switch", arg cefpython.Initialize(settings, switches) gobject.timeout_add(10, _handleTimeout) print "Initialized, executing callback..." initializedCallback() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def getContainer(): """Get a container object suitable for running a browser instance within.""" if"nt": container = gtk.DrawingArea() container.set_property("can-focus", True) container.connect("size-allocate", _handleSizeAllocate) else: container = gtk.VBox(True, 0) return container #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def startInContainer(container, url, browserSettings = {}): """Start a browser instance in the given container with the given URL.""" if"nt": windowID = container.get_window().handle else: m ="GtkVBox at 0x(\w+)", str(container)) hexID = windowID = int(hexID, 16) windowInfo = cefpython.WindowInfo() windowInfo.SetAsChild(windowID) return cefpython.CreateBrowserSync(windowInfo, browserSettings = browserSettings, navigateUrl = url) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def finalize(): """Finalize the Chrome Embedded Framework.""" global _toQuit, _seleniumHandler toQuit = True _seleniumHandler.quit() cefpython.Shutdown() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _handleTimeout(): """Handle the timeout by running the CEF message loop.""" if _toQuit: return False else: cefpython.MessageLoopWork() return True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _handleSizeAllocate(widget, sizeAlloc): """Handle the size-allocate event.""" cefpython.WindowUtils.OnSize(widget.get_window().handle, 0, 0, 0)