1 |
2 | from mlx.common import *
3 |
4 | import mlx.const as _const
5 | from mlx.i18n import xstr
6 |
7 | from mlx.util import secondaryInstallation
8 |
9 | import os
10 | import time
11 | import calendar
12 |
13 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 | ## @package mlx.gui.common
16 | #
17 | # Common definitions and utilities for the GUI
18 |
19 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 |
21 | appIndicator = False
22 |
23 | import gi
24 | gi.require_version("Gdk", "3.0")
25 | from gi.repository import Gdk
26 | from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
27 | gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
28 | from gi.repository import Gtk
29 | try:
30 | gi.require_version("AppIndicator3", "0.1")
31 | from gi.repository import AppIndicator3
32 | appIndicator = True
33 | except:
34 | pass
35 | from gi.repository import Pango
36 |
37 | import codecs
38 | _utf8Decoder = codecs.getdecoder("utf-8")
39 |
40 | import cairo
41 |
42 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 |
44 | class FlightStatusHandler(object):
45 | """Base class for objects that handle the flight status in some way."""
46 | def __init__(self):
47 | self._stage = None
48 | self._rating = 100
49 | self._noGoReason = None
50 |
51 | def resetFlightStatus(self):
52 | """Reset the flight status."""
53 | self._stage = None
54 | self._rating = 100
55 | self._noGoReason = None
56 | self._updateFlightStatus()
57 |
58 | def setStage(self, stage):
59 | """Set the stage of the flight."""
60 | if stage!=self._stage:
61 | self._stage = stage
62 | self._updateFlightStatus()
63 |
64 | def setRating(self, rating):
65 | """Set the rating to the given value."""
66 | if rating!=self._rating:
67 | self._rating = rating
68 | if self._noGoReason is None:
69 | self._updateFlightStatus()
70 |
71 | def setNoGo(self, reason):
72 | """Set a No-Go condition with the given reason."""
73 | if self._noGoReason is None:
74 | self._noGoReason = reason
75 | self._updateFlightStatus()
76 |
77 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
78 |
79 | class IntegerEntry(Gtk.Entry):
80 | """An entry that allows only either an empty value, or an integer."""
81 | def __init__(self, defaultValue = None):
82 | """Construct the entry."""
83 | Gtk.Entry.__init__(self)
84 |
85 | self.set_alignment(1.0)
86 |
87 | self._defaultValue = defaultValue
88 | self._currentInteger = defaultValue
89 | self._selfSetting = False
90 | self._set_text()
91 |
92 | self.connect("changed", self._handle_changed)
93 |
94 | def get_int(self):
95 | """Get the integer."""
96 | return self._currentInteger
97 |
98 | def reset(self):
99 | """Reset the integer."""
100 | self.set_int(None)
101 |
102 | def set_int(self, value):
103 | """Set the integer."""
104 | if value!=self._currentInteger:
105 | self._currentInteger = value
106 | self.emit("integer-changed", self._currentInteger)
107 | self._set_text()
108 |
109 | def _handle_changed(self, widget):
110 | """Handle the changed signal."""
111 | if self._selfSetting:
112 | return
113 | text = self.get_text()
114 | if text=="":
115 | self.set_int(self._defaultValue)
116 | else:
117 | try:
118 | self.set_int(int(text))
119 | except:
120 | self._set_text()
121 |
122 | def _set_text(self):
123 | """Set the text value from the current integer."""
124 | self._selfSetting = True
125 | self.set_text("" if self._currentInteger is None
126 | else str(self._currentInteger))
127 | self._selfSetting = False
128 |
129 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 |
131 | class TimeEntry(Gtk.Entry):
132 | """Widget to display and edit a time value in HH:MM format."""
133 | def __init__(self):
134 | """Construct the entry"""
135 | super(TimeEntry, self).__init__()
136 | self.set_max_width_chars(5)
137 |
138 | self.connect("insert-text", self._insertText)
139 | self.connect("delete-text", self._deleteText)
140 | self.connect("focus-out-event", self._focusOutEvent)
141 |
142 | @property
143 | def hour(self):
144 | """Get the hour from the current text"""
145 | text = self.get_text()
146 | if not text or text==":":
147 | return 0
148 |
149 | words = text.split(":")
150 | if len(words)==1:
151 | return 0
152 | elif len(words)>=2:
153 | return 0 if len(words[0])==0 else int(words[0])
154 | else:
155 | return 0
156 |
157 | @property
158 | def minute(self):
159 | """Get the hour from the current text"""
160 | text = self.get_text()
161 | if not text or text==":":
162 | return 0
163 |
164 | words = text.split(":")
165 | if len(words)==1:
166 | return 0 if len(words[0])==0 else int(words[0])
167 | elif len(words)>=2:
168 | return 0 if len(words[1])==0 else int(words[1])
169 | else:
170 | return 0
171 |
172 | @property
173 | def minutes(self):
174 | """Get the time in minutes, i.e. hour*60+minute."""
175 | return self.hour * 60 + self.minute
176 |
177 | def setTimestamp(self, timestamp):
178 | """Set the hour and minute from the given timestamp in UTC."""
179 | tm = time.gmtime(timestamp)
180 | self.set_text("%02d:%02d" % (tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min))
181 |
182 | def getTimestampFrom(self, timestamp):
183 | """Get the timestamp by replacing the hour and minute from the given
184 | timestamp with what is set in this widget."""
185 | tm = time.gmtime(timestamp)
186 | ts = calendar.timegm((tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday,
187 | self.hour, self.minute, 0,
188 | tm.tm_wday, tm.tm_yday, tm.tm_isdst))
189 |
190 | if ts > (timestamp + (16*60*60)):
191 | ts -= 24*60*60
192 | elif (ts + 16*60*60) < timestamp:
193 | ts += 24*60*60
194 |
195 | return ts
196 |
197 | def _focusOutEvent(self, widget, event):
198 | """Reformat the text to match pattern HH:MM"""
199 | text = "%02d:%02d" % (self.hour, self.minute)
200 | if text!=self.get_text():
201 | self.set_text(text)
202 |
203 | def _insertText(self, entry, text, length, position):
204 | """Called when some text is inserted into the entry."""
205 | text=text[:length]
206 | currentText = self.get_text()
207 | position = self.get_position()
208 | newText = currentText[:position] + text + currentText[position:]
209 | self._checkText(newText, "insert-text")
210 |
211 | def _deleteText(self, entry, start, end):
212 | """Called when some text is erased from the entry."""
213 | currentText = self.get_text()
214 | newText = currentText[:start] + currentText[end:]
215 | self._checkText(newText, "delete-text")
216 |
217 | def _checkText(self, newText, signal):
218 | """Check the given text.
219 |
220 | If it is not suitable, stop the emission of the signal to prevent the
221 | change from appearing."""
222 | if not newText or newText==":":
223 | return
224 |
225 | words = newText.split(":")
226 | if (len(words)==1 and
227 | len(words[0])<=2 and (len(words[0])==0 or
228 | (words[0].isdigit() and int(words[0])<60))) or \
229 | (len(words)==2 and
230 | len(words[0])<=2 and (len(words[0])==0 or
231 | (words[0].isdigit() and int(words[0])<24)) and
232 | len(words[1])<=2 and (len(words[1])==0 or
233 | (words[1].isdigit() and int(words[1])<60))):
234 | pass
235 | else:
236 | Gtk.gdk.display_get_default().beep()
237 | self.stop_emission(signal)
238 |
239 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 |
241 | class CredentialsDialog(Gtk.Dialog):
242 | """A dialog window to ask for a user name and a password."""
243 | def __init__(self, gui, userName, password,
244 | titleLabel, cancelButtonLabel, okButtonLabel,
245 | userNameLabel, userNameTooltip,
246 | passwordLabel, passwordTooltip,
247 | infoText = None,
248 | rememberPassword = None,
249 | rememberLabel = None, rememberTooltip = None):
250 | """Construct the dialog."""
251 | super(CredentialsDialog, self).__init__(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
252 | titleLabel,
253 | gui.mainWindow,
254 | Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL)
255 | self.add_button(cancelButtonLabel, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL)
256 | self.add_button(okButtonLabel, Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
257 |
258 | contentArea = self.get_content_area()
259 |
260 | contentAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
261 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
262 | contentAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 16,
263 | padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8)
264 |
265 | contentArea.pack_start(contentAlignment, False, False, 0)
266 |
267 | contentVBox = Gtk.VBox()
268 | contentAlignment.add(contentVBox)
269 |
270 | if infoText is not None:
271 | label = Gtk.Label(infoText)
272 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
273 |
274 | contentVBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0)
275 |
276 | tableAlignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
277 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
278 | tableAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 24, padding_bottom = 0,
279 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
280 |
281 | table = Gtk.Table(3, 2)
282 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
283 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
284 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
285 |
286 | tableAlignment.add(table)
287 | contentVBox.pack_start(tableAlignment, True, True, 0)
288 |
289 | label = Gtk.Label(userNameLabel)
290 | label.set_use_underline(True)
291 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
292 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
293 |
294 | self._userName = Gtk.Entry()
295 | self._userName.set_width_chars(16)
296 | # FIXME: enabled the OK button only when there is something in thr
297 | # user name and password fields
298 | #self._userName.connect("changed",
299 | # lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
300 | self._userName.set_tooltip_text(userNameTooltip)
301 | self._userName.set_text(userName)
302 | table.attach(self._userName, 1, 2, 0, 1)
303 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._userName)
304 |
305 | label = Gtk.Label(passwordLabel)
306 | label.set_use_underline(True)
307 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
308 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
309 |
310 | self._password = Gtk.Entry()
311 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
312 | #self._password.connect("changed",
313 | # lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
314 | self._password.set_tooltip_text(passwordTooltip)
315 | self._password.set_text(password)
316 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 1, 2)
317 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
318 |
319 | if rememberPassword is not None:
320 | self._rememberButton = Gtk.CheckButton(rememberLabel)
321 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
322 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text(rememberTooltip)
323 | self._rememberButton.set_active(rememberPassword)
324 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, ypadding = 8)
325 | else:
326 | self._rememberButton = None
327 |
328 | @property
329 | def userName(self):
330 | """Get the user name entered."""
331 | return self._userName.get_text()
332 |
333 | @property
334 | def password(self):
335 | """Get the password entered."""
336 | return self._password.get_text()
337 |
338 | @property
339 | def rememberPassword(self):
340 | """Get whether the password is to be remembered."""
341 | return None if self._rememberButton is None \
342 | else self._rememberButton.get_active()
343 |
344 | def run(self):
345 | """Run the dialog."""
346 | self.show_all()
347 |
348 | response = super(CredentialsDialog, self).run()
349 |
350 | self.hide()
351 |
352 | return response
353 |
354 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 |
356 | GObject.signal_new("integer-changed", IntegerEntry, GObject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
357 | None, (object,))
358 |
359 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
360 |
361 | PROGRAM_NAME = "MAVA Logger X"
362 |
364 | if secondaryInstallation:
365 | WINDOW_TITLE_BASE += " (" + xstr("secondary") + ")"
366 |
367 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 |
369 | # A mapping of aircraft types to their screen names
370 | aircraftNames = { _const.AIRCRAFT_B736 : xstr("aircraft_b736"),
371 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B737 : xstr("aircraft_b737"),
372 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B738 : xstr("aircraft_b738"),
373 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B738C : xstr("aircraft_b738c"),
374 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B732 : xstr("aircraft_b732"),
375 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B733 : xstr("aircraft_b733"),
376 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B734 : xstr("aircraft_b734"),
377 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B735 : xstr("aircraft_b735"),
378 | _const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D : xstr("aircraft_dh8d"),
379 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B762 : xstr("aircraft_b762"),
380 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B763 : xstr("aircraft_b763"),
381 | _const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2 : xstr("aircraft_crj2"),
382 | _const.AIRCRAFT_F70 : xstr("aircraft_f70"),
383 | _const.AIRCRAFT_DC3 : xstr("aircraft_dc3"),
384 | _const.AIRCRAFT_T134 : xstr("aircraft_t134"),
385 | _const.AIRCRAFT_T154 : xstr("aircraft_t154"),
386 | _const.AIRCRAFT_YK40 : xstr("aircraft_yk40"),
387 | _const.AIRCRAFT_B462 : xstr("aircraft_b462") }
388 |
389 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 |
391 | aircraftFamilyNames = {
392 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_B737NG: xstr("aircraft_family_b737ng"),
393 |
394 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_B737CL: xstr("aircraft_family_b737cl"),
395 |
396 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_DH8D: xstr("aircraft_family_dh8d"),
397 |
398 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_B767: xstr("aircraft_family_b767"),
399 |
400 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_CRJ2: xstr("aircraft_family_crj2"),
401 |
402 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_F70: xstr("aircraft_family_f70"),
403 |
404 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_DC3: xstr("aircraft_family_dc3"),
405 |
406 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_T134: xstr("aircraft_family_t134"),
407 |
408 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_T154: xstr("aircraft_family_t154"),
409 |
410 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_YK40: xstr("aircraft_family_yk40"),
411 |
412 | _const.AIRCRAFT_FAMILY_B462: xstr("aircraft_family_b462")
413 | }
414 |
415 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 |
417 | def formatFlightLogLine(timeStr, line):
418 | """Format the given flight log line."""
419 | """Format the given line for flight logging."""
420 | if timeStr is not None:
421 | line = timeStr + ": " + line
422 | return line + "\n"
423 |
424 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 |
426 | def addFaultTag(buffer):
427 | """Add a tag named 'fault' to the given buffer."""
428 | buffer.create_tag("fault", foreground="red", weight=Pango.Weight.BOLD)
429 |
430 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 |
432 | def appendTextBuffer(buffer, text, isFault = False):
433 | """Append the given line at the end of the given text buffer.
434 |
435 | If isFault is set, use the tag named 'fault'."""
436 | insertTextBuffer(buffer, buffer.get_end_iter(), text, isFault)
437 |
438 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
439 |
440 | def insertTextBuffer(buffer, iter, text, isFault = False):
441 | """Insert the given line into the given text buffer at the given iterator.
442 |
443 | If isFault is set, use the tag named 'fault' else use the tag named
444 | 'normal'."""
445 | line = iter.get_line()
446 |
447 | buffer.insert(iter, text)
448 |
449 | iter0 = buffer.get_iter_at_line(line)
450 | iter1 = buffer.get_iter_at_line(line+1)
451 | if isFault:
452 | buffer.apply_tag_by_name("fault", iter0, iter1)
453 | else:
454 | buffer.remove_all_tags(iter0, iter1)
455 |
456 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
457 |
458 | def askYesNo(question, parent = None, title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE):
459 | """Ask a Yes/No question.
460 |
461 | Return a boolean indicating the answer."""
462 | dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(parent = parent,
463 | type = Gtk.MessageType.QUESTION,
464 | message_format = question)
465 |
466 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_no"), Gtk.ResponseType.NO)
467 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_yes"), Gtk.ResponseType.YES)
468 |
469 | dialog.set_title(title)
470 | result = dialog.run()
471 | dialog.hide()
472 |
473 | return result==Gtk.ResponseType.YES
474 |
475 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
476 |
477 | def errorDialog(message, parent = None, secondary = None,
478 | title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE):
479 | """Display an error dialog box with the given message."""
480 | dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(parent = parent,
481 | type = Gtk.MessageType.ERROR,
482 | message_format = message)
483 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK)
484 | dialog.set_title(title)
485 | if secondary is not None:
486 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
487 |
488 | dialog.run()
489 | dialog.hide()
490 |
491 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 |
493 | def communicationErrorDialog(parent = None, title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE):
494 | """Display a communication error dialog."""
495 | errorDialog(xstr("error_communication"), parent = parent,
496 | secondary = xstr("error_communication_secondary"),
497 | title = title)
498 |
499 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 |
501 | def createFlightTypeComboBox():
502 | flightTypeModel = Gtk.ListStore(str, int)
503 | for type in _const.flightTypes:
504 | name = "flighttype_" + _const.flightType2string(type)
505 | flightTypeModel.append([xstr(name), type])
506 |
507 | flightType = Gtk.ComboBox(model = flightTypeModel)
508 | renderer = Gtk.CellRendererText()
509 | flightType.pack_start(renderer, True)
510 | flightType.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
511 |
512 | return flightType
513 |
514 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 |
516 | def getTextViewText(textView):
517 | """Get the text from the given text view."""
518 | buffer = textView.get_buffer()
519 | return buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
520 |
521 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------