1 | # Module to handle the GUI aspects of the table of the delay codes
2 |
3 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | from mlx.gui.common import *
6 |
7 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 |
9 | if pygobject:
10 |
11 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 |
13 | class Viewport(gtk.Viewport):
14 | """Viewport implementation that alleviates the problem with improper
15 | resizing by the VBox."""
16 | def __init__(self):
17 | """Construct the viewport."""
18 | gtk.Viewport.__init__(self)
19 | self._recursive = False
20 | self._vboxHeight = None
21 |
22 | def setVBOXHeight(self, vboxHeight):
23 | """Set the height of the VBox which will be used to calculate the
24 | viewport's height."""
25 | self._vboxHeight = vboxHeight
26 |
27 | def do_size_allocate(self, allocation):
28 | """Called when the viewport's size is allocated.
29 |
30 | The height in the allocation object is modified so that it is only
31 | so high to fit into the VBox."""
32 | if self._vboxHeight is not None:
33 | allocation.height = self._vboxHeight - allocation.y
34 | self._vboxHeight = None
35 | gtk.Viewport.do_size_allocate(self, allocation)
36 |
37 | class DelayCodeTableBase(gtk.VBox, gtk.Scrollable):
38 | """PyGObject-specific base class for the delay code table."""
39 |
40 | # if alloc is not None:
41 | # import gi.repository.cairo
42 | # allocation1 = gi.repository.cairo.RectangleInt()
43 | # allocation1.x = allocation.x
44 | # allocation1.y = allocation.y
45 | # allocation1.width = allocation.width
46 | # allocation1.height = height = alloc[3] - allocation.y
47 | # allocation = allocation1
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 | __gproperties__ = {
52 | "vscroll-policy" : ( gtk.ScrollablePolicy,
53 | "vscroll-policy",
54 | "The vertical scrolling policy",
55 | gtk.ScrollablePolicy.MINIMUM,
56 | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ),
57 | "vadjustment" : ( gtk.Adjustment,
58 | "vadjustment",
59 | "The vertical adjustment",
60 | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ),
61 | "hscroll-policy" : ( gtk.ScrollablePolicy,
62 | "hscroll-policy",
63 | "The horizontal scrolling policy",
64 | gtk.ScrollablePolicy.MINIMUM,
65 | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ),
66 | "hadjustment" : ( gtk.Adjustment,
67 | "hadjustment",
68 | "The horizontal adjustment",
69 | gobject.PARAM_READWRITE ) }
70 |
71 |
72 | @staticmethod
73 | def _createViewport():
74 | """Create an instance of the viewport class used by this base class."""
75 | return Viewport()
76 |
77 | def __init__(self):
78 | """Construct the delay code table."""
79 | super(DelayCodeTableBase, self).__init__()
80 |
81 | def do_size_allocate(self, allocation):
82 | """Allocate the size for the table and its children.
83 |
84 | This sets up the VBox height in the viewport and then calls the
85 | do_size_allocate() function of VBox()."""
86 | self._viewport.setVBOXHeight(allocation.height)
87 | gtk.VBox.do_size_allocate(self, allocation)
88 | self.allocate_column_sizes(allocation)
89 |
90 | def do_get_property(self, prop):
91 | """Get the value of one of the properties defined above.
92 |
93 | The request is forwarded to the viewport."""
94 | if prop.name=="vscroll-policy":
95 | return self._viewport.get_vscroll_policy()
96 | elif prop.name=="hscroll-policy":
97 | return self._viewport.get_hscroll_policy()
98 | elif prop.name=="vadjustment":
99 | return self._viewport.get_vadjustment()
100 | elif prop.name=="hadjustment":
101 | return self._viewport.get_hadjustment()
102 | else:
103 | raise AttributeError("mlx.gui.delaycodes.DelayCodeTableBase: property %s is not handled in do_get_property" %
104 | (prop.name,))
105 |
106 | def do_set_property(self, prop, value):
107 | """Set the value of the adjustment properties defined above.
108 |
109 | The adjustments are forwarded to the viewport."""
110 | if prop.name=="vadjustment":
111 | self._viewport.set_vadjustment(value)
112 | elif prop.name=="hadjustment":
113 | self._viewport.set_hadjustment(value)
114 | else:
115 | raise AttributeError("mlx.gui.delaycodes.DelayCodeTableBase: property %s is not handled in do_set_property" %
116 | (prop.name,))
117 |
118 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 |
120 | else: # pygobject
121 |
122 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 |
124 | class DelayCodeTableBase (gtk.VBox):
125 | """Base class of the delay code table for PyGtk."""
126 |
127 | __gsignals__ = {
128 | "set-scroll-adjustments": (
129 | gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
130 | gobject.TYPE_NONE, (gtk.Adjustment, gtk.Adjustment))
131 | }
132 |
133 | @staticmethod
134 | def _createViewport():
135 | """Create an instance of the viewport class used by this base class."""
136 | return gtk.Viewport()
137 |
138 | def __init__(self):
139 | """Construct the base class."""
140 | super(DelayCodeTableBase, self).__init__()
141 | self.set_set_scroll_adjustments_signal("set-scroll-adjustments")
142 | self.connect("size-allocate", self._do_size_allocate)
143 |
144 | def do_set_scroll_adjustments(self, hAdjustment, vAdjustment):
145 | """Set the adjustments on the viewport."""
146 | self._viewport.set_hadjustment(hAdjustment)
147 | self._viewport.set_vadjustment(vAdjustment)
148 |
149 | def _do_size_allocate(self, widget, allocation):
150 | """Handler of the size-allocate signal.
151 |
152 | Calls allocate_column_sizes()."""
153 | self.allocate_column_sizes(allocation)
154 |
155 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 |
157 | class DelayCodeTable(DelayCodeTableBase):
158 | """The delay code table."""
159 | def __init__(self):
160 | """Construct the delay code table."""
161 | super(DelayCodeTable, self).__init__()
162 |
163 | self._listStore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str)
164 | self._treeView = gtk.TreeView(self._listStore)
165 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("IATA", gtk.CellRendererText())
166 | column.set_sizing(TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
167 | self._treeView.append_column(column)
168 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Description", gtk.CellRendererText())
169 | column.set_sizing(TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
170 | self._treeView.append_column(column)
171 |
172 | self.pack_start(self._treeView, False, False, 0)
173 |
174 | self._table = gtk.Table(10, 2)
175 | for i in range(0, 10):
176 | self._table.attach(gtk.Label("ZZZ" + `i`), 0, 1, i, i+1)
177 | self._table.attach(gtk.Label("AAA" + `i`), 1, 2, i, i+1)
178 |
179 | self._viewport = self._createViewport()
180 | self._viewport.add(self._table)
181 | self._viewport.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_NONE)
182 |
183 | self.pack_start(self._viewport, True, True, 0)
184 |
185 | self._previousWidth = 0
186 |
187 | def allocate_column_sizes(self, allocation):
188 | """Allocate the column sizes."""
189 | if allocation.width!=self._previousWidth:
190 | self._previousWidth = allocation.width
191 | column0 = self._treeView.get_column(0)
192 | column0.set_fixed_width(allocation.width/2)
193 | column1 = self._treeView.get_column(1)
194 | column1.set_fixed_width(allocation.width/2)
195 |
196 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------