[604] | 1 | # Module to provide a widget displaying faults that occured during the flight
| 2 | # and giving the user some space to explain it
| 3 |
| 4 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 5 |
| 6 | from mlx.gui.common import *
| 7 |
| 8 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 9 |
[608] | 10 | ## @package mlx.gui.faultexplain
[604] | 11 | #
| 12 | # The widget and associated logic to display faults and allow the pilot to
| 13 | # explain them. Each fault is displayed as the text it is accompanied by in the
| 14 | # log and there is a text entry field where the user can enter the
| 15 | # corresponding explanation. \ref FaultFrame belongs to one fault, while
| 16 | # \ref FaultExplainWidget contains the collection of all frames, which is a
| 17 | # VBox in a scrolled window.
| 18 |
| 19 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 20 |
| 21 | class FaultFrame(gtk.Frame):
| 22 | """A frame containing the information about a single fault.
| 23 |
| 24 | It consists of a text view with the text of the fault and an editable text
| 25 | view for the explanation."""
| 26 | def __init__(self, faultText):
| 27 | """Construct the frame."""
| 28 | gtk.Frame.__init__(self)
| 29 |
| 30 | self._faultText = faultText
| 31 |
| 32 | vbox = gtk.VBox()
| 33 |
| 34 | self._fault = fault = gtk.TextView()
| 35 | fault.set_editable(False)
| 36 | fault.set_can_focus(False)
| 37 | fault.set_wrap_mode(WRAP_WORD)
| 38 |
| 39 | buffer = fault.get_buffer()
| 40 | self._faultTag = buffer.create_tag("fault", weight=WEIGHT_BOLD)
| 41 |
| 42 | self.faultText = faultText
| 43 |
| 44 | faultAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
| 45 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 0.0)
| 46 | faultAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0,
| 47 | padding_left = 2, padding_right = 2)
| 48 | faultAlignment.add(fault)
| 49 | vbox.pack_start(faultAlignment, True, True, 4)
| 50 |
| 51 | self._explanation = explanation = gtk.TextView()
| 52 | explanation.set_wrap_mode(WRAP_WORD)
| 53 | explanation.set_accepts_tab(False)
| 54 | explanation.set_size_request(-1, 100)
| 55 |
| 56 | buffer = explanation.get_buffer()
| 57 | buffer.connect("changed", self._explanationChanged)
| 58 |
| 59 | vbox.pack_start(explanation, True, True, 4)
| 60 |
| 61 | self.add(vbox)
| 62 | self.show_all()
| 63 |
| 64 | if pygobject:
| 65 | styleContext = self.get_style_context()
| 66 | color = styleContext.get_background_color(gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL)
| 67 | fault.override_background_color(0, color)
| 68 | else:
| 69 | style = self.rc_get_style()
| 70 | fault.modify_base(0, style.bg[0])
| 71 |
| 72 | self._hasExplanation = False
| 73 |
| 74 | @property
| 75 | def faultText(self):
| 76 | """Get the text of the fault."""
| 77 | return self._faultText
| 78 |
| 79 | @faultText.setter
| 80 | def faultText(self, faultText):
| 81 | """Update the text of the fault."""
| 82 | self._faultText = faultText
| 83 |
| 84 | buffer = self._fault.get_buffer()
| 85 | buffer.set_text(faultText)
| 86 | buffer.apply_tag(self._faultTag,
| 87 | buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter())
| 88 |
| 89 | @property
| 90 | def explanation(self):
| 91 | """Get the text of the explanation."""
| 92 | buffer = self._explanation.get_buffer()
| 93 | return buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
| 94 | buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
| 95 |
| 96 | @property
| 97 | def hasExplanation(self):
| 98 | """Determine if there is a valid explanation."""
| 99 | return self._hasExplanation
| 100 |
| 101 | @property
| 102 | def html(self):
| 103 | """Convert the contents of the widget into HTML."""
| 104 | return self._faultText + "<br/></b>" + self.explanation + "<b>"
| 105 |
| 106 | def setMnemonicFor(self, widget):
| 107 | """Set the explanation text view as the mnemonic widget for the given
| 108 | one."""
| 109 | widget.set_mnemonic_widget(self._explanation)
| 110 |
| 111 | def _explanationChanged(self, textBuffer):
| 112 | """Called when the explanation's text has changed."""
| 113 | hasExplanation = len(textBuffer.get_text(textBuffer.get_start_iter(),
| 114 | textBuffer.get_end_iter(),
| 115 | True))>3
| 116 | if self._hasExplanation != hasExplanation:
| 117 | self._hasExplanation = hasExplanation
| 118 | self.emit("explanation-changed", hasExplanation)
| 119 |
| 120 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 121 |
| 122 | gobject.signal_new("explanation-changed", FaultFrame, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
| 123 | None, (bool,))
| 124 |
| 125 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 126 |
| 127 | class FaultExplainWidget(gtk.Frame):
| 128 | """The widget for the failts and their explanations."""
| 129 | @staticmethod
| 130 | def getFaultFrame(alignment):
| 131 | """Get the fault frame from the given alignment."""
| 132 | return alignment.get_children()[0]
| 133 |
[620] | 134 | def __init__(self, gui):
[604] | 135 | gtk.Frame.__init__(self)
[620] | 136 |
| 137 | self._gui = gui
[604] | 138 | self.set_label(xstr("info_faults"))
| 139 | label = self.get_label_widget()
| 140 | label.set_use_underline(True)
| 141 |
| 142 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
| 143 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
| 144 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4,
[620] | 145 | padding_left = 4, padding_right = 4)
| 146 |
| 147 | self._outerBox = outerBox = gtk.EventBox()
| 148 | outerBox.add(alignment)
| 149 |
| 150 | self._innerBox = innerBox = gtk.EventBox()
| 151 | alignment.add(self._innerBox)
| 152 |
| 153 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
| 154 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
| 155 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0,
| 156 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
| 157 |
| 158 | innerBox.add(alignment)
[604] | 159 |
| 160 | scroller = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
| 161 | scroller.set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
[620] | 162 | scroller.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_NONE)
[604] | 163 |
| 164 | self._faults = gtk.VBox()
| 165 | self._faults.set_homogeneous(False)
| 166 | scroller.add_with_viewport(self._faults)
| 167 |
[620] | 168 | alignment.add(scroller)
| 169 |
[604] | 170 | self._faultWidgets = {}
| 171 |
[620] | 172 | self.add(outerBox)
| 173 | self.show_all()
[604] | 174 |
| 175 | self._numFaults = 0
| 176 | self._numExplanations = 0
| 177 |
| 178 | @property
| 179 | def fullyExplained(self):
| 180 | """Indicate if the faults have been fully explained."""
| 181 | return self._numExplanations>=self._numFaults
| 182 |
| 183 | @property
| 184 | def html(self):
| 185 | """Convert the contents of the widget into HTML."""
| 186 | html = ""
| 187 | for alignment in self._faults.get_children():
| 188 | faultFrame = FaultExplainWidget.getFaultFrame(alignment)
| 189 | if html:
| 190 | html += "<br><br>"
| 191 | html += faultFrame.html
| 192 | return html
| 193 |
| 194 | def addFault(self, id, faultText):
| 195 | """Add a fault with the given ID and text."""
| 196 |
| 197 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
| 198 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 0.0)
| 199 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 2, padding_bottom = 2,
| 200 | padding_left = 4, padding_right = 4)
| 201 |
| 202 | faultFrame = FaultFrame(faultText)
| 203 | if self._numFaults==0:
| 204 | faultFrame.setMnemonicFor(self.get_label_widget())
| 205 | faultFrame.connect("explanation-changed", self._explanationChanged)
| 206 |
| 207 | alignment.add(faultFrame)
| 208 | self._faults.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 4)
| 209 | self._faults.show_all()
| 210 |
| 211 | self._faultWidgets[id] = (alignment, faultFrame)
| 212 |
| 213 | self._updateStats(numFaults = self._numFaults + 1)
| 214 |
| 215 | def updateFault(self, id, faultText):
| 216 | """Update the text of the fault with the given ID."""
| 217 | self._faultWidgets[id][1].faultText = faultText
| 218 |
| 219 | def clearFault(self, id):
| 220 | """Clear (remove) the fault with the given ID."""
| 221 | (alignment, faultFrame) = self._faultWidgets[id]
| 222 | hasExplanation = faultFrame.hasExplanation
| 223 |
| 224 | children = self._faults.get_children()
| 225 | if alignment is children[0] and len(children)>1:
| 226 | faultFrame = FaultExplainWidget.getFaultFrame(children[1])
| 227 | faultFrame.setMnemonicFor(self.get_label_widget())
| 228 |
| 229 | self._faults.remove(alignment)
| 230 | self._faults.show_all()
| 231 |
| 232 | del self._faultWidgets[id]
| 233 |
| 234 | self._updateStats(numFaults = self._numFaults - 1,
| 235 | numExplanations = self._numExplanations -
| 236 | (1 if hasExplanation else 0))
| 237 |
| 238 | def reset(self):
| 239 | """Reset the widget by removing all faults."""
| 240 | for (alignment, faultFrame) in self._faultWidgets.itervalues():
| 241 | self._faults.remove(alignment)
| 242 | self._faults.show_all()
| 243 |
| 244 | self._faultWidgets = {}
[617] | 245 | self._numFaults = self._numExplanations = 0
[620] | 246 | self._setColor()
| 247 |
| 248 | def set_sensitive(self, sensitive):
| 249 | """Set the sensitiviy of the widget.
| 250 |
| 251 | The outer event box's sensitivity is changed only."""
| 252 | self._outerBox.set_sensitive(sensitive)
[604] | 253 |
| 254 | def _updateStats(self, numFaults = None, numExplanations = None):
| 255 | """Update the statistics.
| 256 |
| 257 | If the explanation status has changed, emit the corresponding
| 258 | signal."""
| 259 | before = self.fullyExplained
| 260 |
| 261 | if numFaults is None:
| 262 | numFaults = self._numFaults
| 263 |
| 264 | if numExplanations is None:
| 265 | numExplanations = self._numExplanations
| 266 |
| 267 | after = numExplanations >= numFaults
| 268 |
| 269 | self._numFaults = numFaults
| 270 | self._numExplanations = numExplanations
| 271 |
| 272 | if before!=after:
[620] | 273 | self._setColor()
[604] | 274 | self.emit("explanations-changed", after)
| 275 |
| 276 | def _explanationChanged(self, faultFrame, hasExplanation):
| 277 | """Called when the status of an explanation has changed."""
| 278 | self._updateStats(numExplanations = (self._numExplanations +
| 279 | (1 if hasExplanation else -1)))
| 280 |
[620] | 281 | def _setColor(self):
| 282 | """Set the color to indicate if an unexplained fault is present or
| 283 | not."""
| 284 | allExplained = self._numExplanations >= self._numFaults
| 285 | if pygobject:
| 286 | styleContext = self.get_style_context()
| 287 | if allExplained:
| 288 | outerColour = innerColour = gdk.RGBA(red = 0.0, green=0.0,
| 289 | blue=0.0, alpha=0.0)
| 290 | else:
| 291 | outerColour = \
| 292 | styleContext.get_background_color(gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED)
| 293 | innerColour = self._gui.backgroundColour
| 294 |
| 295 | self._outerBox.override_background_color(gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL,
| 296 | outerColour)
| 297 | self._innerBox.override_background_color(gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL,
| 298 | innerColour)
| 299 | else:
| 300 | style = self.rc_get_style()
| 301 | self._outerBox.modify_bg(0, style.bg[0 if allExplained else 3])
| 302 |
[604] | 303 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 304 |
| 305 | gobject.signal_new("explanations-changed", FaultExplainWidget,
| 306 | gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (bool,))