1 | # The flight handling "wizard"
2 |
3 | from mlx.gui.common import *
4 |
5 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
7 | class Page(gtk.Alignment):
8 | """A page in the flight wizard."""
9 | def __init__(self, wizard, title, help):
10 | """Construct the page."""
11 | super(Page, self).__init__(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
12 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
13 | self.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4,
14 | padding_left = 12, padding_right = 12)
15 |
16 | frame = gtk.Frame()
17 | self.add(frame)
18 |
19 | style = self.get_style() if pygobject else self.rc_get_style()
20 |
21 | self._vbox = gtk.VBox()
22 | self._vbox.set_homogeneous(False)
23 | frame.add(self._vbox)
24 |
25 | eventBox = gtk.EventBox()
26 | eventBox.modify_bg(0, style.bg[3])
27 |
28 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0)
29 |
30 | label = gtk.Label(title)
31 | label.modify_fg(0, style.fg[3])
32 | label.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("bold 24"))
33 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4,
34 | padding_left = 6, padding_right = 0)
35 |
36 | alignment.add(label)
37 | eventBox.add(alignment)
38 |
39 | self._vbox.pack_start(eventBox, False, False, 0)
40 |
41 | table = gtk.Table(3, 1)
42 | table.set_homogeneous(True)
43 |
44 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
45 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
46 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 16, padding_bottom = 16,
47 | padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16)
48 | alignment.add(table)
49 | self._vbox.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 0)
50 |
51 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
52 | xscale = 0, yscale = 0.0)
53 |
54 | label = gtk.Label(help)
55 | label.set_justify(gtk.Justification.CENTER if pygobject
56 | else gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER)
57 | alignment.add(label)
58 | table.attach(alignment, 0, 1, 0, 1)
59 |
60 | self._mainAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
61 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
62 | table.attach(self._mainAlignment, 0, 1, 1, 3)
63 |
64 | buttonAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, xscale=0.0, yscale = 0.0)
65 | buttonAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 10,
66 | padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16)
67 |
68 | self._buttonBox = gtk.HButtonBox()
69 | self._defaultButton = None
70 | buttonAlignment.add(self._buttonBox)
71 |
72 | self._vbox.pack_start(buttonAlignment, False, False, 0)
73 |
74 | self._wizard = wizard
75 |
76 | def setMainWidget(self, widget):
77 | """Set the given widget as the main one."""
78 | self._mainAlignment.add(widget)
79 |
80 | def addButton(self, label, default = False):
81 | """Add a button with the given label.
82 |
83 | Return the button object created."""
84 | button = gtk.Button(label)
85 | self._buttonBox.add(button)
86 | button.set_use_underline(True)
87 | if default:
88 | button.set_can_default(True)
89 | self._defaultButton = button
90 | return button
91 |
92 | def activate(self):
93 | """Called when this page becomes active.
94 |
95 | This default implementation does nothing."""
96 | pass
97 |
98 | def grabDefault(self):
99 | """If the page has a default button, make it the default one."""
100 | if self._defaultButton is not None:
101 | self._defaultButton.grab_default()
102 |
103 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
104 |
105 | class LoginPage(Page):
106 | """The login page."""
107 | def __init__(self, wizard):
108 | """Construct the login page."""
109 | help = "Enter your MAVA pilot's ID and password to\n" \
110 | "log in to the MAVA website and download\n" \
111 | "your booked flights."
112 | super(LoginPage, self).__init__(wizard, "Login", help)
113 |
114 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
115 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
116 |
117 | table = gtk.Table(2, 3)
118 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
119 | table.set_col_spacings(32)
120 | alignment.add(table)
121 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
122 |
123 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
124 | label = gtk.Label("Pilot _ID:")
125 | label.set_use_underline(True)
126 | labelAlignment.add(label)
127 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 0, 1)
128 |
129 | self._pilotID = gtk.Entry()
130 | self._pilotID.connect("changed", self._setLoginButton)
131 | self._pilotID.set_tooltip_text("Enter your MAVA pilot's ID. This "
132 | "usually starts with a "
133 | "'P' followed by 3 digits.")
134 | table.attach(self._pilotID, 1, 2, 0, 1)
135 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._pilotID)
136 |
137 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
138 | label = gtk.Label("_Password:")
139 | label.set_use_underline(True)
140 | labelAlignment.add(label)
141 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 1, 2)
142 |
143 | self._password = gtk.Entry()
144 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
145 | self._password.connect("changed", self._setLoginButton)
146 | self._password.set_tooltip_text("Enter the password for your pilot's ID")
147 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 1, 2)
148 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
149 |
150 | self._rememberButton = gtk.CheckButton("_Remember password")
151 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
152 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text("If checked, your password will "
153 | "be stored, so that you should "
154 | "not have to enter it every time. "
155 | "Note, however, that the password "
156 | "is stored as text, and anybody "
157 | "who can access your files will "
158 | "be able to read it.")
159 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, ypadding = 8)
160 |
161 | self._loginButton = self.addButton("_Login", default = True)
162 | self._loginButton.set_sensitive(False)
163 | self._loginButton.connect("clicked", self._loginClicked)
164 | self._loginButton.set_tooltip_text("Click to log in.")
165 |
166 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
167 | self._pilotID.set_text(config.pilotID)
168 | self._password.set_text(config.password)
169 | self._rememberButton.set_active(config.rememberPassword)
170 |
171 | def _setLoginButton(self, entry):
172 | """Set the login button's sensitivity.
173 |
174 | The button is sensitive only if both the pilot ID and the password
175 | fields contain values."""
176 | self._loginButton.set_sensitive(self._pilotID.get_text()!="" and
177 | self._password.get_text()!="")
178 |
179 | def _loginClicked(self, button):
180 | """Called when the login button was clicked."""
181 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy("Logging in...")
182 | self._wizard.gui.webHandler.login(self._pilotID.get_text(),
183 | self._password.get_text(),
184 | self._loginResultCallback)
185 |
186 | def _loginResultCallback(self, returned, result):
187 | """The login result callback, called in the web handler's thread."""
188 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleLoginResult, returned, result)
189 |
190 | def _handleLoginResult(self, returned, result):
191 | """Handle the login result."""
192 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
193 | if returned:
194 | if result.loggedIn:
195 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
196 |
197 | config.pilotID = self._pilotID.get_text()
198 |
199 | rememberPassword = self._rememberButton.get_active()
200 | config.password = self._password.get_text() if rememberPassword \
201 | else ""
202 |
203 | config.rememberPassword = rememberPassword
204 |
205 | config.save()
206 | self._wizard._loginResult = result
207 | self._wizard.nextPage()
208 | else:
209 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
210 | buttons = BUTTONSTYPE_OK,
211 | message_format =
212 | "Invalid pilot's ID or password.")
213 | dialog.format_secondary_markup("Check the ID and try to reenter"
214 | " the password.")
215 | dialog.run()
216 | dialog.hide()
217 | else:
218 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
219 | buttons = BUTTONSTYPE_OK,
220 | message_format =
221 | "Failed to connect to the MAVA website.")
222 | dialog.format_secondary_markup("Try again in a few minutes.")
223 | dialog.run()
224 | dialog.hide()
225 |
226 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 |
228 | class FlightSelectionPage(Page):
229 | """The page to select the flight."""
230 | def __init__(self, wizard):
231 | """Construct the flight selection page."""
232 | super(FlightSelectionPage, self).__init__(wizard, "Flight selection",
233 | "Select the flight you want "
234 | "to perform.")
235 |
236 |
237 | self._listStore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str)
238 | self._flightList = gtk.TreeView(self._listStore)
239 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Flight no.", gtk.CellRendererText(),
240 | text = 1)
241 | column.set_expand(True)
242 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
243 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Departure time [UTC]", gtk.CellRendererText(),
244 | text = 0)
245 | column.set_expand(True)
246 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
247 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("From", gtk.CellRendererText(),
248 | text = 2)
249 | column.set_expand(True)
250 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
251 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn("To", gtk.CellRendererText(),
252 | text = 3)
253 | column.set_expand(True)
254 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
255 |
256 | flightSelection = self._flightList.get_selection()
257 | flightSelection.connect("changed", self._selectionChanged)
258 |
259 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
260 | scrolledWindow.add(self._flightList)
261 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(400, -1)
262 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
263 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
264 | gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS if pygobject
265 | else gtk.POLICY_ALWAYS)
266 |
267 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
268 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
269 |
270 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
271 |
272 | self._button = self.addButton(gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, default = True)
273 | self._button.set_use_stock(True)
274 | self._button.set_sensitive(False)
275 |
276 | self._activated = False
277 |
278 | def activate(self):
279 | """Fill the flight list."""
280 | if not self._activated:
281 | for flight in self._wizard.loginResult.flights:
282 | self._listStore.append([str(flight.departureTime),
283 | flight.callsign,
284 | flight.departureICAO,
285 | flight.arrivalICAO])
286 | self._activated = True
287 |
288 | def _selectionChanged(self, selection):
289 | """Called when the selection is changed."""
290 | self._button.set_sensitive(selection.count_selected_rows()==1)
291 |
292 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 |
294 | class Wizard(gtk.VBox):
295 | """The flight wizard."""
296 | def __init__(self, gui):
297 | """Construct the wizard."""
298 | super(Wizard, self).__init__()
299 |
300 | self.gui = gui
301 |
302 | self._pages = []
303 | self._currentPage = None
304 |
305 | self._pages.append(LoginPage(self))
306 | self._pages.append(FlightSelectionPage(self))
307 |
308 | self._loginResult = None
309 |
310 | self.setCurrentPage(0)
311 |
312 | @property
313 | def loginResult(self):
314 | """Get the login result."""
315 | return self._loginResult
316 |
317 | def setCurrentPage(self, index):
318 | """Set the current page to the one with the given index."""
319 | assert index < len(self._pages)
320 |
321 | if self._currentPage is not None:
322 | self.remove(self._pages[self._currentPage])
323 |
324 | self._currentPage = index
325 | self.add(self._pages[index])
326 | self._pages[index].activate()
327 | self.show_all()
328 |
329 | def nextPage(self):
330 | """Go to the next page."""
331 | self.setCurrentPage(self._currentPage + 1)
332 | self.grabDefault()
333 |
334 | def grabDefault(self):
335 | """Make the default button of the current page the default."""
336 | self._pages[self._currentPage].grabDefault()
337 |
338 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
339 |