1 |
2 | from mlx.gui.common import *
3 | import mlx.gui.cef as cef
4 |
5 | import mlx.const as const
6 | import mlx.fs as fs
7 | import mlx.acft as acft
8 | from mlx.flight import Flight
9 | from mlx.checks import PayloadChecker
10 | from mlx.gates import lhbpGates
11 | import mlx.util as util
12 | from mlx.pirep import PIREP
13 | from mlx.i18n import xstr
14 | from mlx.sound import startSound
15 | import mlx.web as web
16 |
17 | import datetime
18 | import time
19 | import os
20 | import tempfile
21 | import threading
22 | import re
23 |
24 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 |
26 | ## @package mlx.gui.flight
27 | #
28 | # The flight "wizard".
29 | #
30 | # This module implements the main tab of the application, the flight
31 | # wizard. The wizard consists of \ref Page "pages", that come one after the
32 | # other. As some pages might be skipped, the pages dynamically store the index
33 | # of the previous page so that going back to it is simpler. The \ref
34 | # Page.activate "activate" function is called before a page is first shown
35 | # during a flight. This function should initialize the page's controls and fill
36 | # it with initial data. When a page is left for the first time, its \ref
37 | # Page.finalize "finalize" function is called. It should set those controls
38 | # insensitive, that will not be available if the user comes back to this page.
39 | #
40 | # Each page has a title at the top displayed in inverted colors and a big
41 | # font. There is a help text below it centered, that shortly describes what is
42 | # expected on the page. There can be two help texts: one shown when the page is
43 | # first displayed during a flight, another shown when the user goes back to the
44 | # page. The main content area is below this, also centered. Finally, there are
45 | # some buttons at the bottom on the right. As some buttons occur very
46 | # frequently, there are functions to add them (\ref Page.addCancelFlightButton
47 | # "addCancelFlightButton", \ref Page.addPreviousButton "addPreviousButton" and
48 | # \ref Page.addNextButton "addNextButton".
49 | #
50 | # The \ref Wizard class is the main class to collect the pages. It also stores
51 | # some data passed from one page to another and provides properties to access
52 | # data items set via the wizard pages.
53 |
54 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 |
56 | comboModel = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
57 | comboModel.append(("N/A",))
58 | comboModel.append(("VECTORS",))
59 |
60 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 |
62 | class Page(gtk.Alignment):
63 | """A page in the flight wizard."""
64 | def __init__(self, wizard, id, title, help, completedHelp = None):
65 | """Construct the page."""
66 | super(Page, self).__init__(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
67 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
68 | self.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4,
69 | padding_left = 12, padding_right = 12)
70 |
71 | frame = gtk.Frame()
72 | self.add(frame)
73 |
74 | self._vbox = gtk.VBox()
75 | self._vbox.set_homogeneous(False)
76 | frame.add(self._vbox)
77 |
78 | eventBox = gtk.EventBox()
79 |
80 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0)
81 |
82 | titleLabel = gtk.Label(title)
83 | titleLabel.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("bold 24"))
84 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4,
85 | padding_left = 6, padding_right = 0)
86 |
87 | alignment.add(titleLabel)
88 | eventBox.add(alignment)
89 |
90 | self._vbox.pack_start(eventBox, False, False, 0)
91 |
92 | self._titleEventBox = eventBox
93 | self._titleLabel = titleLabel
94 |
95 | mainBox = gtk.VBox()
96 |
97 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
98 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
99 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 16, padding_bottom = 16,
100 | padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16)
101 | alignment.add(mainBox)
102 | self._vbox.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 0)
103 |
104 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
105 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
106 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 16,
107 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
108 |
109 | self._help = help
110 | self._completedHelp = completedHelp
111 |
112 | if self._completedHelp is None or \
113 | len(help.splitlines())>=len(completedHelp.splitlines()):
114 | longerHelp = help
115 | else:
116 | longerHelp = completedHelp
117 |
118 | self._helpLabel = gtk.Label(longerHelp)
119 | # FIXME: should be a constant in common
120 | self._helpLabel.set_justify(gtk.Justification.CENTER if pygobject
121 | else gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER)
122 | self._helpLabel.set_use_markup(True)
123 | alignment.add(self._helpLabel)
124 | mainBox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 0)
125 |
126 | self._mainAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
127 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
128 | mainBox.pack_start(self._mainAlignment, True, True, 0)
129 |
130 | buttonAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, xscale=0.0, yscale = 0.0)
131 | buttonAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 10,
132 | padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16)
133 |
134 | self._buttonBox = gtk.HBox()
135 | self._buttonBox.set_homogeneous(False)
136 | self._defaultButton = None
137 | buttonAlignment.add(self._buttonBox)
138 |
139 | self._vbox.pack_start(buttonAlignment, False, False, 0)
140 |
141 | self._wizard = wizard
142 | self._id = id
143 | self._nextPageID = None
144 |
145 | self._cancelFlightButton = None
146 |
147 | self._completed = False
148 | self._fromPage = None
149 |
150 | @property
151 | def id(self):
152 | """Get the identifier of the page."""
153 | return self._id
154 |
155 | @property
156 | def nextPageID(self):
157 | """Get the identifier of the next page, if set."""
158 | return self._nextPageID
159 |
160 | @nextPageID.setter
161 | def nextPageID(self, nextPageID):
162 | """Set the identifier of the next page."""
163 | self._nextPageID = nextPageID
164 |
165 | def setMainWidget(self, widget):
166 | """Set the given widget as the main one."""
167 | self._mainAlignment.add(widget)
168 |
169 | def addButton(self, label, default = False, sensitive = True,
170 | tooltip = None, clicked = None, padding = 4):
171 | """Add a button with the given label.
172 |
173 | Return the button object created."""
174 | button = gtk.Button(label)
175 | self._buttonBox.pack_start(button, False, False, padding)
176 | button.set_use_underline(True)
177 | if default:
178 | button.set_can_default(True)
179 | self._defaultButton = button
180 | button.set_sensitive(sensitive)
181 | if tooltip is not None:
182 | button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip)
183 | if clicked is not None:
184 | button.connect("clicked", clicked)
185 | return button
186 |
187 | def addCancelFlightButton(self):
188 | """Add the 'Cancel flight' button to the page."""
189 | self._cancelFlightButton = \
190 | self.addButton(xstr("button_cancelFlight"),
191 | sensitive = True,
192 | tooltip = xstr("button_cancelFlight_tooltip"),
193 | clicked = self._cancelFlight,
194 | padding = 16)
195 | return self._cancelFlightButton
196 |
197 | def addPreviousButton(self, sensitive = True, clicked = None):
198 | """Add the 'Next' button to the page."""
199 | return self.addButton(xstr("button_previous"),
200 | sensitive = sensitive,
201 | tooltip = xstr("button_previous_tooltip"),
202 | clicked = clicked)
203 |
204 | def addNextButton(self, default = True, sensitive = True,
205 | clicked = None):
206 | """Add the 'Next' button to the page."""
207 | return self.addButton(xstr("button_next"),
208 | default = default,
209 | sensitive = sensitive,
210 | tooltip = xstr("button_next_tooltip"),
211 | clicked = clicked)
212 |
213 | def setStyle(self):
214 | """Set the styles of some of the items on the page."""
215 | if pygobject:
216 | context = self.get_style_context()
217 | color = context.get_background_color(gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED)
218 | self._titleEventBox.modify_bg(0, color.to_color())
219 | color = context.get_color(gtk.StateFlags.SELECTED)
220 | self._titleLabel.modify_fg(0, color.to_color())
221 | else:
222 | style = self.rc_get_style()
223 | self._titleEventBox.modify_bg(0, style.bg[3])
224 | self._titleLabel.modify_fg(0, style.fg[3])
225 |
226 | def initialize(self):
227 | """Initialize the page.
228 |
229 | It sets up the primary help, and calls the activate() function."""
230 | self._helpLabel.set_markup(self._help)
231 | self._helpLabel.set_sensitive(True)
232 | self.activate()
233 |
234 | def activate(self):
235 | """Called when this page becomes active.
236 |
237 | This default implementation does nothing."""
238 | pass
239 |
240 | def setHelp(self, help):
241 | """Set the help string."""
242 | self._help = help
243 | if not self._completed:
244 | self._helpLabel.set_markup(self._help)
245 | self._helpLabel.set_sensitive(True)
246 |
247 | def complete(self):
248 | """Called when the page is completed.
249 |
250 | It greys out/changes the help text and then calls finalize()."""
251 | self.finalize()
252 | if self._completedHelp is None:
253 | self._helpLabel.set_sensitive(False)
254 | else:
255 | self._helpLabel.set_markup(self._completedHelp)
256 | self._completed = True
257 |
258 | def finalize(self):
259 | """Called when the page is finalized."""
260 | pass
261 |
262 | def grabDefault(self):
263 | """If the page has a default button, make it the default one."""
264 | if self._defaultButton is not None:
265 | self._defaultButton.grab_default()
266 |
267 | def reset(self):
268 | """Reset the page if the wizard is reset."""
269 | self._completed = False
270 | self._fromPage = None
271 | if self._cancelFlightButton is not None:
272 | self._cancelFlightButton.set_sensitive(True)
273 |
274 | def goBack(self):
275 | """Go to the page we were invoked from."""
276 | assert self._fromPage is not None
277 |
278 | self._wizard.setCurrentPage(self._fromPage, finalize = False)
279 |
280 | def flightEnded(self):
281 | """Called when the flight has ended.
282 |
283 | This default implementation disables the cancel flight button."""
284 | if self._cancelFlightButton is not None:
285 | self._cancelFlightButton.set_sensitive(False)
286 |
287 | def _cancelFlight(self, button):
288 | """Called when the Cancel flight button is clicked."""
289 | self._wizard.gui.cancelFlight()
290 |
291 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 |
293 | class LoginPage(Page):
294 | """The login page."""
295 | def __init__(self, wizard):
296 | """Construct the login page."""
297 | super(LoginPage, self).__init__(wizard, "login",
298 | xstr("login"), xstr("loginHelp"))
299 |
300 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
301 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
302 |
303 | table = gtk.Table(4, 2)
304 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
305 | table.set_col_spacings(32)
306 | alignment.add(table)
307 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
308 |
309 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
310 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
311 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("label_pilotID"))
312 | label.set_use_underline(True)
313 | labelAlignment.add(label)
314 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 0, 1)
315 |
316 | self._pilotID = gtk.Entry()
317 | self._pilotID.connect("changed", self._pilotIDChanged)
318 | self._pilotID.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_pilotID_tooltip"))
319 | table.attach(self._pilotID, 1, 2, 0, 1)
320 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._pilotID)
321 |
322 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
323 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
324 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("label_password"))
325 | label.set_use_underline(True)
326 | labelAlignment.add(label)
327 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 1, 2)
328 |
329 | self._password = gtk.Entry()
330 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
331 | self._password.connect("changed", self._setControls)
332 | self._password.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_password_tooltip"))
333 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 1, 2)
334 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
335 |
336 | self._rememberButton = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("remember_password"))
337 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
338 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_remember_tooltip"))
339 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, ypadding = 8)
340 |
341 | self._entranceExam = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("login_entranceExam"))
342 | self._entranceExam.set_use_underline(True)
343 | self._entranceExam.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_entranceExam_tooltip"))
344 | self._entranceExam.connect("toggled", self._setControls)
345 | table.attach(self._entranceExam, 1, 2, 3, 4, ypadding = 12)
346 |
347 | self.addButton(xstr("button_login_register"),
348 | clicked = self._registerClicked,
349 | tooltip = xstr("button_login_register_tooltip"))
350 |
351 | self.addButton(xstr("button_offline"),
352 | clicked = self._offlineClicked,
353 | tooltip = xstr("button_offline_tooltip"))
354 |
355 | self._loginButton = self.addButton(xstr("button_login"), default = True)
356 | self._loginButton.connect("clicked", self._loginClicked)
357 | self._loginButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_button_tooltip"))
358 |
359 |
360 | @property
361 | def entranceExam(self):
362 | """Get whether an entrance exam is being performed."""
363 | return self._entranceExam.get_active() and \
364 | self._pilotID.get_text()!=""
365 |
366 | @property
367 | def pilotID(self):
368 | """Get the pilot ID, if given."""
369 | return self._pilotID.get_text()
370 |
371 | def activate(self):
372 | """Activate the page."""
373 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
374 | self._pilotID.set_text(config.pilotID)
375 | self._password.set_text(config.password)
376 | self._rememberButton.set_active(config.rememberPassword)
377 | self._setControls(None)
378 |
379 | def _pilotIDChanged(self, entry):
380 | """Called when the pilot ID has changed.
381 |
382 | It sets the text to upper-case and calls _setControls to update other
383 | stuff."""
384 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
385 | self._setControls(entry)
386 |
387 | def _setControls(self, entry = None):
388 | """Set the sensitivity of the various controls.
389 |
390 | The login button is sensitive only if both the pilot ID and the
391 | password fields contain values.
392 |
393 | The password field is sensitive only, if the entrance exam checkbox is
394 | not selected.
395 |
396 | The remember password checkbox is sensitive only, if the password field
397 | contains text.
398 |
399 | The entrance exam checkbox is sensitive only, if the pilot ID is not
400 | empty."""
401 | pilotID = self._pilotID.get_text()
402 | password = self._password.get_text()
403 | entranceExam = self._entranceExam.get_active()
404 | self._password.set_sensitive(not entranceExam)
405 | self._rememberButton.set_sensitive(password!="" and not entranceExam)
406 | self._entranceExam.set_sensitive(pilotID!="")
407 | self._loginButton.set_sensitive(pilotID!="" and
408 | (password!="" or entranceExam))
409 |
410 | def _registerClicked(self, button):
411 | """Called when the Register button was clicked."""
412 | self._wizard.jumpPage("register")
413 |
414 | def _offlineClicked(self, button):
415 | """Called when the offline button was clicked."""
416 | print "mlx.flight.LoginPage: offline flight selected"
417 | self._wizard.nextPage()
418 |
419 | def _loginClicked(self, button):
420 | """Called when the login button was clicked."""
421 | print "mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in"
422 | self._wizard.login(self._handleLoginResult,
423 | self._pilotID.get_text(),
424 | self._password.get_text(),
425 | self.entranceExam)
426 |
427 | def _handleLoginResult(self, returned, result):
428 | """Handle the login result."""
429 | self._loginButton.set_sensitive(True)
430 | if returned and result.loggedIn:
431 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
432 |
433 | config.pilotID = self._pilotID.get_text()
434 |
435 | rememberPassword = self._rememberButton.get_active()
436 | config.password = result.password if rememberPassword else ""
437 |
438 | config.rememberPassword = rememberPassword
439 |
440 | config.save()
441 | self._wizard.nextPage()
442 |
443 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
444 |
445 | class FlightSelectionPage(Page):
446 | """The page to select the flight."""
447 | def __init__(self, wizard):
448 | """Construct the flight selection page."""
449 | help = xstr("flightsel_help")
450 | completedHelp = xstr("flightsel_chelp")
451 | super(FlightSelectionPage, self).__init__(wizard, "flightsel",
452 | xstr("flightsel_title"),
453 | help, completedHelp = completedHelp)
454 |
455 |
456 | self._listStore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, str, str)
457 | self._flightList = gtk.TreeView(self._listStore)
458 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("flightsel_no"), gtk.CellRendererText(),
459 | text = 1)
460 | column.set_expand(True)
461 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
462 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("flightsel_deptime"), gtk.CellRendererText(),
463 | text = 0)
464 | column.set_expand(True)
465 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
466 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("flightsel_from"), gtk.CellRendererText(),
467 | text = 2)
468 | column.set_expand(True)
469 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
470 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(xstr("flightsel_to"), gtk.CellRendererText(),
471 | text = 3)
472 | column.set_expand(True)
473 | self._flightList.append_column(column)
474 | self._flightList.connect("row-activated", self._rowActivated)
475 | self._flightList.connect("button-press-event", self._listButtonPressed)
476 |
477 | self._flightListPopupMenu = None
478 |
479 | flightSelection = self._flightList.get_selection()
480 | flightSelection.connect("changed", self._selectionChanged)
481 |
482 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
483 | scrolledWindow.add(self._flightList)
484 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(400, -1)
485 | # FIXME: these should be constants in common.py
486 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
487 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
488 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
489 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
490 | scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.ShadowType.IN if pygobject
491 | else gtk.SHADOW_IN)
492 |
493 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
494 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
495 |
496 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
497 |
498 | self._saveButton = self.addButton(xstr("flightsel_save"),
499 | sensitive = False,
500 | clicked = self._saveClicked,
501 | tooltip = xstr("flightsel_save_tooltip"))
502 | self._saveDialog = None
503 |
504 | self._refreshButton = self.addButton(xstr("flightsel_refresh"),
505 | sensitive = True,
506 | clicked = self._refreshClicked,
507 | tooltip = xstr("flightsel_refresh_tooltip"))
508 |
509 | self._loadButton = self.addButton(xstr("flightsel_load"),
510 | sensitive = True,
511 | tooltip = xstr("flightsel_load_tooltip"))
512 | self._loadButton.connect("clicked", self._loadButtonClicked)
513 | self._loadDialog = None
514 |
515 | self._button = self.addNextButton(sensitive = False,
516 | clicked = self._forwardClicked)
517 |
518 | self._flights = []
519 |
520 | def activate(self):
521 | """Fill the flight list."""
522 | self._flightList.set_sensitive(True)
523 | self._loadButton.set_sensitive(True)
524 | self._refreshButton.set_sensitive(self._wizard.loggedIn)
525 | self._buildFlights()
526 |
527 | def finalize(self):
528 | """Finalize the page."""
529 | self._flightList.set_sensitive(False)
530 | self._loadButton.set_sensitive(False)
531 | self._refreshButton.set_sensitive(False)
532 |
533 | def _buildFlights(self):
534 | """Rebuild the flights from the login result."""
535 | self._flights = []
536 | self._listStore.clear()
537 | if self._wizard.loggedIn:
538 | for flight in self._wizard.loginResult.flights:
539 | self._addFlight(flight)
540 |
541 | def _addFlight(self, flight):
542 | """Add the given file to the list of flights."""
543 | self._flights.append(flight)
544 | self._listStore.append([str(flight.departureTime),
545 | flight.callsign,
546 | flight.departureICAO,
547 | flight.arrivalICAO])
548 |
549 | def _saveClicked(self, button):
550 | """Called when the Save flight button is clicked."""
551 | self._saveSelected()
552 |
553 | def _saveSelected(self):
554 | """Save the selected flight."""
555 | flight = self._getSelectedFlight()
556 | date = flight.departureTime.date()
557 | name = "%04d-%02d-%02d %s %s-%s.vaflight" % \
558 | (date.year, date.month, date.day, flight.callsign,
559 | flight.departureICAO, flight.arrivalICAO)
560 |
561 | dialog = self._getSaveDialog()
562 | dialog.set_current_name(name)
563 | dialog.show_all()
564 | response = dialog.run()
565 | dialog.hide()
566 |
567 | if response==RESPONSETYPE_OK:
568 | fileName = text2unicode(dialog.get_filename())
569 | print "Saving", fileName
570 | try:
571 | with open(fileName, "wt") as f:
572 | flight.writeIntoFile(f)
573 | except Exception, e:
574 | print "Failed to save flight:", util.utf2unicode(str(e))
575 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self._wizard.gui.mainWindow,
577 | message_format =
578 | xstr("flightsel_save_failed"))
579 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
580 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
581 | secondary = xstr("flightsel_save_failed_sec")
582 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
583 | dialog.run()
584 | dialog.hide()
585 |
586 | def _refreshClicked(self, button):
587 | """Called when the refresh button is clicked."""
588 | self._wizard.reloadFlights(self._refreshCallback)
589 |
590 | def _refreshCallback(self, returned, result):
591 | """Callback for the refresh."""
592 | if returned and result.loggedIn:
593 | self._buildFlights()
594 |
595 | def _selectionChanged(self, selection):
596 | """Called when the selection is changed."""
597 | selected = selection.count_selected_rows()==1
598 | self._saveButton.set_sensitive(selected)
599 | self._button.set_sensitive(selected)
600 |
601 | def _loadButtonClicked(self, loadButton):
602 | """Called when the load a flight button is clicked."""
603 | dialog = self._getLoadDialog()
604 | dialog.show_all()
605 | response = dialog.run()
606 | dialog.hide()
607 |
608 | if response==RESPONSETYPE_OK:
609 | fileName = text2unicode(dialog.get_filename())
610 | print "Loading", fileName
611 | bookedFlight = web.BookedFlight()
612 | try:
613 | with open(fileName, "rt") as f:
614 | bookedFlight.readFromFile(f)
615 | self._addFlight(bookedFlight)
616 | except Exception, e:
617 | print "Failed to load flight:", util.utf2unicode(str(e))
618 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self._wizard.gui.mainWindow,
620 | message_format =
621 | xstr("flightsel_load_failed"))
622 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
623 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
624 | secondary = xstr("flightsel_load_failed_sec")
625 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
626 | dialog.run()
627 | dialog.hide()
628 |
629 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
630 | """Called when the forward button was clicked."""
631 | if self._completed:
632 | self._wizard.jumpPage(self._nextID, finalize = False)
633 | else:
634 | self._flightSelected()
635 |
636 | def _rowActivated(self, flightList, path, column):
637 | """Called when a row is activated."""
638 | if not self._completed:
639 | self._flightSelected()
640 |
641 | def _flightSelected(self):
642 | """Called when a flight has been selected."""
643 | flight = self._getSelectedFlight()
644 | self._wizard._bookedFlight = flight
645 | self._wizard.gui.enableFlightInfo(flight.aircraftType)
646 |
647 | self._updateDepartureGate()
648 |
649 | def _getSelectedFlight(self):
650 | """Get the currently selected flight."""
651 | selection = self._flightList.get_selection()
652 | (listStore, iter) = selection.get_selected()
653 | path = listStore.get_path(iter)
654 | [index] = path.get_indices() if pygobject else path
655 |
656 | return self._flights[index]
657 |
658 | def _listButtonPressed(self, widget, event):
659 | """Called when a mouse button is pressed on the flight list."""
660 | if event.type!=EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS or event.button!=3:
661 | return
662 |
663 | (path, _, _, _) = self._flightList.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x),
664 | int(event.y))
665 | selection = self._flightList.get_selection()
666 | selection.unselect_all()
667 | selection.select_path(path)
668 |
669 | menu = self._getListPopupMenu()
670 | if pygobject:
671 | menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
672 | else:
673 | menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
674 |
675 | def _updateDepartureGate(self):
676 | """Update the departure gate for the booked flight."""
677 | flight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
678 | if self._wizard.gui.config.onlineGateSystem and \
679 | self._wizard.loggedIn and not self._wizard.entranceExam:
680 | if flight.departureICAO=="LHBP":
681 | self._wizard.getFleet(self._fleetRetrieved)
682 | else:
683 | self._wizard.updatePlane(self._planeUpdated,
684 | flight.tailNumber,
685 | const.PLANE_AWAY)
686 | else:
687 | self._nextID = "connect"
688 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
689 |
690 | def _fleetRetrieved(self, fleet):
691 | """Called when the fleet has been retrieved."""
692 | if fleet is None:
693 | self._nextID = "connect"
694 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
695 | else:
696 | plane = fleet[self._wizard._bookedFlight.tailNumber]
697 | if plane is None:
698 | self._nextID = "connect"
699 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
700 | elif plane.gateNumber is not None and \
701 | not fleet.isGateConflicting(plane):
702 | self._wizard._departureGate = plane.gateNumber
703 | self._nextID = "connect"
704 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
705 | else:
706 | self._nextID = "gatesel"
707 | self._wizard.jumpPage("gatesel")
708 |
709 | def _planeUpdated(self, success):
710 | """Callback for the plane updating."""
711 | self._nextID = "connect"
712 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
713 |
714 | def _getSaveDialog(self):
715 | """Get the dialog to load a flight file."""
716 | if self._saveDialog is not None:
717 | return self._saveDialog
718 |
719 | gui = self._wizard.gui
720 | dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
721 | xstr("flightsel_save_title"),
723 | buttons = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
726 | parent = gui.mainWindow)
727 | dialog.set_modal(True)
728 | dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
729 |
730 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
731 | filter.set_name(xstr("flightsel_filter_flights"))
732 | filter.add_pattern("*.vaflight")
733 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
734 |
735 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
736 | filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_all"))
737 | filter.add_pattern("*.*")
738 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
739 |
740 | self._saveDialog = dialog
741 |
742 | return dialog
743 |
744 | def _getLoadDialog(self):
745 | """Get the dialog to load a flight file."""
746 | if self._loadDialog is not None:
747 | return self._loadDialog
748 |
749 | gui = self._wizard.gui
750 | dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
751 | xstr("flightsel_load_title"),
753 | buttons = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
756 | parent = gui.mainWindow)
757 | dialog.set_modal(True)
758 |
759 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
760 | filter.set_name(xstr("flightsel_filter_flights"))
761 | filter.add_pattern("*.vaflight")
762 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
763 |
764 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
765 | filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_all"))
766 | filter.add_pattern("*.*")
767 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
768 |
769 | self._loadDialog = dialog
770 |
771 | return dialog
772 |
773 | def _getListPopupMenu(self):
774 | """Get the flight list popup menu."""
775 | if self._flightListPopupMenu is None:
776 | menu = gtk.Menu()
777 |
778 | menuItem = gtk.MenuItem()
779 | menuItem.set_label(xstr("flightsel_popup_select"))
780 | menuItem.set_use_underline(True)
781 | menuItem.connect("activate", self._popupSelect)
782 | menuItem.show()
783 |
784 | menu.append(menuItem)
785 |
786 | menuItem = gtk.MenuItem()
787 | menuItem.set_label(xstr("flightsel_popup_save"))
788 | menuItem.set_use_underline(True)
789 | menuItem.connect("activate", self._popupSave)
790 | menuItem.show()
791 |
792 | menu.append(menuItem)
793 |
794 | self._flightListPopupMenu = menu
795 |
796 | return self._flightListPopupMenu
797 |
798 | def _popupSelect(self, menuItem):
799 | """Called when the Select menu item is activated in the popup menu."""
800 | if not self._completed:
801 | self._flightSelected()
802 |
803 | def _popupSave(self, menuItem):
804 | """Called when the Save menu item is activated in the popup menu."""
805 | if not self._completed:
806 | self._saveSelected()
807 |
808 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
809 |
810 | class GateSelectionPage(Page):
811 | """Page to select a free gate at LHBP.
812 | This page should be displayed only if we have fleet information!."""
813 | def __init__(self, wizard):
814 | """Construct the gate selection page."""
815 | super(GateSelectionPage, self).__init__(wizard, "gatesel",
816 | xstr("gatesel_title"),
817 | xstr("gatesel_help"))
818 |
819 | self._listStore = gtk.ListStore(str)
820 | self._gateList = gtk.TreeView(self._listStore)
821 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(None, gtk.CellRendererText(),
822 | text = 0)
823 | column.set_expand(True)
824 | self._gateList.append_column(column)
825 | self._gateList.set_headers_visible(False)
826 | self._gateList.connect("row-activated", self._rowActivated)
827 |
828 | gateSelection = self._gateList.get_selection()
829 | gateSelection.connect("changed", self._selectionChanged)
830 |
831 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
832 | scrolledWindow.add(self._gateList)
833 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(50, -1)
834 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
835 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
836 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
837 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
838 | scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.ShadowType.IN if pygobject
839 | else gtk.SHADOW_IN)
840 |
841 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0, xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
842 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
843 |
844 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
845 |
846 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
847 |
848 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
849 |
850 | self._button = self.addNextButton(sensitive = False,
851 | clicked = self._forwardClicked)
852 |
853 | def activate(self):
854 | """Fill the gate list."""
855 | self._listStore.clear()
856 | self._gateList.set_sensitive(True)
857 | occupiedGateNumbers = self._wizard._fleet.getOccupiedGateNumbers()
858 | for gate in lhbpGates.gates:
859 | if gate.isAvailable(lhbpGates, occupiedGateNumbers):
860 | self._listStore.append([gate.number])
861 |
862 | def finalize(self):
863 | """Finalize the page."""
864 | self._gateList.set_sensitive(False)
865 |
866 | def _selectionChanged(self, selection):
867 | """Called when the selection is changed."""
868 | self._button.set_sensitive(selection.count_selected_rows()==1)
869 |
870 | def _backClicked(self, button):
871 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
872 | self.goBack()
873 |
874 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
875 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
876 | if not self._completed:
877 | self._gateSelected()
878 | else:
879 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
880 |
881 | def _rowActivated(self, flightList, path, column):
882 | """Called when a row is activated."""
883 | if not self._completed:
884 | self._gateSelected()
885 |
886 | def _gateSelected(self):
887 | """Called when a gate has been selected."""
888 | selection = self._gateList.get_selection()
889 | (listStore, iter) = selection.get_selected()
890 | (gateNumber,) = listStore.get(iter, 0)
891 |
892 | self._wizard._departureGate = gateNumber
893 |
894 | self._wizard.updatePlane(self._planeUpdated,
895 | self._wizard._bookedFlight.tailNumber,
896 | const.PLANE_HOME, gateNumber)
897 |
898 | def _planeUpdated(self, success):
899 | """Callback for the plane updating call."""
900 | if success is None or success:
901 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
902 | else:
903 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self._wizard.gui.mainWindow,
905 | message_format = xstr("gatesel_conflict"))
906 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
907 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
908 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(xstr("gatesel_conflict_sec"))
909 | dialog.run()
910 | dialog.hide()
911 |
912 | self._wizard.getFleet(self._fleetRetrieved)
913 |
914 | def _fleetRetrieved(self, fleet):
915 | """Called when the fleet has been retrieved."""
916 | if fleet is None:
917 | self._wizard.jumpPage("connect")
918 | else:
919 | self.activate()
920 |
921 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
922 |
923 | class RegisterPage(Page):
924 | """A page to enter the registration data."""
925 |
926 | # The minimal year of birth
927 | _minYearOfBirth = 1900
928 |
929 | # The maximal year of birth
930 | _maxYearOfBirth = datetime.date.today().year
931 |
932 | # The regular expression to check the e-mail address with
933 | _emailAddressRE = re.compile("[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+")
934 |
935 | def __init__(self, wizard):
936 | """Construct the registration page."""
937 | super(RegisterPage, self).__init__(wizard, "register",
938 | xstr("register_title"),
939 | xstr("register_help"))
940 |
941 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
942 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
943 |
944 | table = gtk.Table(11, 3)
945 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
946 | table.set_col_spacings(32)
947 | alignment.add(table)
948 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
949 |
950 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
951 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
952 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_name"))
953 | label.set_use_underline(True)
954 | labelAlignment.add(label)
955 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 0, 1)
956 |
957 | self._name = gtk.Entry()
958 | self._name.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
959 | self._name.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_name_tooltip"))
960 | self._name.set_width_chars(30)
961 | table.attach(self._name, 1, 2, 0, 1)
962 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._name)
963 |
964 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
965 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
966 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_year_of_birth"))
967 | label.set_use_underline(True)
968 | labelAlignment.add(label)
969 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 1, 2)
970 |
971 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
972 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
973 |
974 | self._yearOfBirth = gtk.SpinButton()
975 | self._yearOfBirth.set_increments(step = 1, page = 10)
976 | self._yearOfBirth.set_range(min = RegisterPage._minYearOfBirth,
977 | max = RegisterPage._maxYearOfBirth)
978 | self._yearOfBirth.set_numeric(True)
979 | self._yearOfBirth.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_year_of_birth_tooltip"))
980 | self._yearOfBirth.set_width_chars(5)
981 | self._yearOfBirth.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
982 | self._yearOfBirth.connect("value-changed", self._updateButtons)
983 | alignment.add(self._yearOfBirth)
984 | table.attach(alignment, 1, 2, 1, 2)
985 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._yearOfBirth)
986 |
987 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
988 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
989 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_email"))
990 | label.set_use_underline(True)
991 | labelAlignment.add(label)
992 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 2, 3)
993 |
994 | self._emailAddress = gtk.Entry()
995 | self._emailAddress.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
996 | self._emailAddress.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_email_tooltip"))
997 | table.attach(self._emailAddress, 1, 2, 2, 3)
998 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._emailAddress)
999 |
1000 | self._emailAddressPublic = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("register_email_public"))
1001 | self._emailAddressPublic.set_use_underline(True)
1002 | self._emailAddressPublic.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_email_public_tooltip"))
1003 | table.attach(self._emailAddressPublic, 2, 3, 2, 3)
1004 |
1005 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1006 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1007 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_vatsim_id"))
1008 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1009 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1010 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 3, 4)
1011 |
1012 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
1013 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1014 | self._vatsimID = IntegerEntry()
1015 | self._vatsimID.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
1016 | self._vatsimID.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_vatsim_id_tooltip"))
1017 | self._vatsimID.set_width_chars(7)
1018 | alignment.add(self._vatsimID)
1019 | table.attach(alignment, 1, 2, 3, 4)
1020 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._vatsimID)
1021 |
1022 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1023 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1024 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_ivao_id"))
1025 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1026 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1027 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 4, 5)
1028 |
1029 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
1030 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1031 | self._ivaoID = IntegerEntry()
1032 | self._ivaoID.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
1033 | self._ivaoID.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_ivao_id_tooltip"))
1034 | self._ivaoID.set_width_chars(7)
1035 | alignment.add(self._ivaoID)
1036 | table.attach(alignment, 1, 2, 4, 5)
1037 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._ivaoID)
1038 |
1039 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1040 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1041 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_phone_num"))
1042 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1043 | label.set_use_markup(True)
1044 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1045 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 5, 6)
1046 |
1047 | self._phoneNumber = gtk.Entry()
1048 | self._phoneNumber.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_phone_num_tooltip"))
1049 | table.attach(self._phoneNumber, 1, 2, 5, 6)
1050 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._phoneNumber)
1051 |
1052 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1053 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1054 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_nationality"))
1055 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1056 | label.set_use_markup(True)
1057 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1058 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 6, 7)
1059 |
1060 |
1061 | self._nationality = gtk.Entry()
1062 | self._nationality.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_nationality_tooltip"))
1063 | table.attach(self._nationality, 1, 2, 6, 7)
1064 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._nationality)
1065 |
1066 | placeholder = gtk.Label()
1067 | placeholder.set_text(xstr("register_password_mismatch"))
1068 | placeholder.set_use_markup(True)
1069 | placeholder.set_child_visible(False)
1070 | placeholder.hide()
1071 | table.attach(placeholder, 2, 3, 6, 7)
1072 |
1073 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1074 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1075 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_password"))
1076 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1077 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1078 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 8, 9)
1079 |
1080 | self._password = gtk.Entry()
1081 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
1082 | self._password.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
1083 | self._password.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_password_tooltip"))
1084 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 8, 9)
1085 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
1086 |
1087 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.5,
1088 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1089 | self._passwordStatus = gtk.Label()
1090 | alignment.add(self._passwordStatus)
1091 | table.attach(alignment, 2, 3, 8, 9)
1092 |
1093 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, yalign = 0.5,
1094 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1095 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("register_password2"))
1096 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1097 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1098 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 9, 10)
1099 |
1100 | self._password2 = gtk.Entry()
1101 | self._password2.set_visibility(False)
1102 | self._password2.connect("changed", self._updateButtons)
1103 | self._password2.set_tooltip_text(xstr("register_password2_tooltip"))
1104 | table.attach(self._password2, 1, 2, 9, 10)
1105 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password2)
1106 |
1107 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.5,
1108 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1109 | self._password2Status = gtk.Label()
1110 | alignment.add(self._password2Status)
1111 | table.attach(alignment, 2, 3, 9, 10)
1112 |
1113 | self._rememberButton = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("remember_password"))
1114 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
1115 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("login_remember_tooltip"))
1116 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 10, 11)
1117 |
1118 | cancelButton = \
1119 | self.addButton(xstr("button_cancel"))
1120 | cancelButton.connect("clicked", self._cancelClicked)
1121 |
1122 | self._registerButton = \
1123 | self.addButton(xstr("button_register"), default = True,
1124 | tooltip = xstr("button_register_tooltip"))
1125 | self._registerButton.connect("clicked", self._registerClicked)
1126 |
1127 | self._updateButtons()
1128 |
1129 | def activate(self):
1130 | """Setup the route from the booked flight."""
1131 | self._yearOfBirth.set_value(0)
1132 | self._yearOfBirth.set_text("")
1133 | self._updateButtons()
1134 |
1135 | def _updateButtons(self, widget = None):
1136 | """Update the sensitive state of the buttons"""
1137 | name = self._name.get_text()
1138 | nameLength = len(name)
1139 | nameSpacePosition = name.find(" ")
1140 |
1141 | yearOfBirthText = self._yearOfBirth.get_text()
1142 | yearOfBirth = int(yearOfBirthText) if yearOfBirthText else 0
1143 |
1144 | emailAddressText = self._emailAddress.get_text()
1145 | emailAddressMatch = RegisterPage._emailAddressRE.match(emailAddressText)
1146 |
1147 | vatsimID = self._vatsimID.get_int()
1148 | ivaoID = self._ivaoID.get_int()
1149 |
1150 | password = self._password.get_text()
1151 | password2 = self._password2.get_text()
1152 | if not password:
1153 | self._passwordStatus.set_text("")
1154 | elif len(password)<5:
1155 | self._passwordStatus.set_text(xstr("register_password_too_short"))
1156 | else:
1157 | self._passwordStatus.set_text(xstr("register_password_ok"))
1158 | self._passwordStatus.set_use_markup(True)
1159 |
1160 | if len(password)<5 or not password2:
1161 | self._password2Status.set_text("")
1162 | elif password!=password2:
1163 | self._password2Status.set_text(xstr("register_password_mismatch"))
1164 | else:
1165 | self._password2Status.set_text(xstr("register_password_ok"))
1166 | self._password2Status.set_use_markup(True)
1167 |
1168 | sensitive = \
1169 | nameLength >= 5 and nameSpacePosition != -1 and \
1170 | nameSpacePosition<(nameLength-2) and \
1171 | yearOfBirth>=RegisterPage._minYearOfBirth and \
1172 | yearOfBirth<=RegisterPage._maxYearOfBirth and \
1173 | emailAddressMatch is not None and \
1174 | (vatsimID>=800000 or ivaoID>=100000) and \
1175 | len(password)>=5 and password==password2
1176 |
1177 | self._registerButton.set_sensitive(sensitive)
1178 |
1179 | def _cancelClicked(self, button):
1180 | """Called when the Cancel button is clicked."""
1181 | self.goBack()
1182 |
1183 | def _registerClicked(self, button):
1184 | """Called when the Register button is clicked."""
1185 |
1186 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1187 |
1188 | class StudentPage(Page):
1189 | """A page displayed to students after logging in."""
1190 | def __init__(self, wizard):
1191 | """Construct the student page."""
1192 | super(StudentPage, self).__init__(wizard, "student",
1193 | xstr("student_title"),
1194 | xstr("student_help"))
1195 |
1196 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1197 |
1198 | class ConnectPage(Page):
1199 | """Page which displays the departure airport and gate (if at LHBP)."""
1200 | def __init__(self, wizard):
1201 | """Construct the connect page."""
1202 | help = "Load the aircraft below into the simulator and park it\n" \
1203 | "at the given airport, at the gate below, if present.\n\n" \
1204 | "Then press the Connect button to connect to the simulator."
1205 | completedHelp = "The basic data of your flight can be read below."
1206 | super(ConnectPage, self).__init__(wizard, "connect",
1207 | xstr("connect_title"),
1208 | xstr("connect_help"),
1209 | completedHelp = xstr("connect_chelp"))
1210 |
1211 | self._selectSimulator = os.name=="nt" or "FORCE_SELECT_SIM" in os.environ
1212 |
1213 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1214 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1215 |
1216 | table = gtk.Table(7 if self._selectSimulator else 5, 2)
1217 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
1218 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
1219 | table.set_homogeneous(True)
1220 | alignment.add(table)
1221 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
1222 |
1223 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
1224 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_flightno"))
1225 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1226 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 0, 1)
1227 |
1228 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
1229 | self._flightNumber = gtk.Label()
1230 | self._flightNumber.set_width_chars(9)
1231 | self._flightNumber.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1232 | labelAlignment.add(self._flightNumber)
1233 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, 0, 1)
1234 |
1235 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
1236 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_acft"))
1237 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1238 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 1, 2)
1239 |
1240 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
1241 | self._aircraft = gtk.Label()
1242 | self._aircraft.set_width_chars(25)
1243 | self._aircraft.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1244 | labelAlignment.add(self._aircraft)
1245 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, 1, 2)
1246 |
1247 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
1248 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_tailno"))
1249 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1250 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 2, 3)
1251 |
1252 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
1253 | self._tailNumber = gtk.Label()
1254 | self._tailNumber.set_width_chars(10)
1255 | self._tailNumber.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1256 | labelAlignment.add(self._tailNumber)
1257 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, 2, 3)
1258 |
1259 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
1260 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_airport"))
1261 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1262 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 3, 4)
1263 |
1264 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
1265 | self._departureICAO = gtk.Label()
1266 | self._departureICAO.set_width_chars(6)
1267 | self._departureICAO.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1268 | labelAlignment.add(self._departureICAO)
1269 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, 3, 4)
1270 |
1271 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
1272 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_gate"))
1273 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1274 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 4, 5)
1275 |
1276 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
1277 | self._departureGate = gtk.Label()
1278 | self._departureGate.set_width_chars(5)
1279 | self._departureGate.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1280 | labelAlignment.add(self._departureGate)
1281 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, 4, 5)
1282 |
1283 | if self._selectSimulator:
1284 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0, yalign=0.5)
1285 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("connect_sim"))
1286 | labelAlignment.add(label)
1287 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, 5, 7)
1288 |
1289 | selectAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0, yalign=0.5)
1290 |
1291 | selectBox = gtk.HBox()
1292 | if pygobject:
1293 | self._selectMSFS = \
1294 | gtk.RadioButton.new_with_mnemonic_from_widget(None,
1295 | xstr("connect_sim_msfs"))
1296 | else:
1297 | self._selectMSFS = gtk.RadioButton(None,
1298 | xstr("connect_sim_msfs"))
1299 |
1300 | selectBox.pack_start(self._selectMSFS, False, False, 0);
1301 |
1302 | if pygobject:
1303 | self._selectXPlane = \
1304 | gtk.RadioButton.new_with_mnemonic_from_widget(self._selectMSFS,
1305 | xstr("connect_sim_xplane"))
1306 | else:
1307 | self._selectXPlane = gtk.RadioButton(self._selectMSFS,
1308 | xstr("connect_sim_xplane"))
1309 |
1310 | selectBox.pack_start(self._selectXPlane, False, False, 8);
1311 |
1312 | selectAlignment.add(selectBox)
1313 | table.attach(selectAlignment, 1, 2, 5, 7)
1314 |
1315 |
1316 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
1317 |
1318 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
1319 |
1320 | self._button = self.addButton(xstr("button_connect"), default = True,
1321 | tooltip = xstr("button_connect_tooltip"))
1322 | self._clickedID = self._button.connect("clicked", self._connectClicked)
1323 |
1324 | def activate(self):
1325 | """Setup the departure information."""
1326 | self._button.set_label(xstr("button_connect"))
1327 | self._button.set_use_underline(True)
1328 | self._button.set_tooltip_text(xstr("button_connect_tooltip"))
1329 | self._button.disconnect(self._clickedID)
1330 | self._clickedID = self._button.connect("clicked", self._connectClicked)
1331 |
1332 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
1333 |
1334 | self._flightNumber.set_markup("<b>" + bookedFlight.callsign + "</b>")
1335 |
1336 | aircraftType = aircraftNames[bookedFlight.aircraftType]
1337 | self._aircraft.set_markup("<b>" + aircraftType + "</b>")
1338 |
1339 | self._tailNumber.set_markup("<b>" + bookedFlight.tailNumber + "</b>")
1340 |
1341 | icao = bookedFlight.departureICAO
1342 | self._departureICAO.set_markup("<b>" + icao + "</b>")
1343 | gate = self._wizard._departureGate
1344 | if gate!="-":
1345 | gate = "<b>" + gate + "</b>"
1346 | self._departureGate.set_markup(gate)
1347 |
1348 | if self._selectSimulator:
1349 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
1350 | self._selectMSFS.set_active(config.defaultMSFS)
1351 | self._selectXPlane.set_active(not config.defaultMSFS)
1352 |
1353 | def finalize(self):
1354 | """Finalize the page."""
1355 | self._button.set_label(xstr("button_next"))
1356 | self._button.set_use_underline(True)
1357 | self._button.set_tooltip_text(xstr("button_next_tooltip"))
1358 | self._button.disconnect(self._clickedID)
1359 | self._clickedID = self._button.connect("clicked", self._forwardClicked)
1360 |
1361 | def _backClicked(self, button):
1362 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
1363 | self.goBack()
1364 |
1365 | def _connectClicked(self, button):
1366 | """Called when the Connect button is pressed."""
1367 | if self._selectSimulator:
1368 | simulatorType = const.SIM_MSFS9 if self._selectMSFS.get_active() \
1369 | else const.SIM_XPLANE10
1370 | else:
1371 | simulatorType = const.SIM_MSFS9 if os.name=="nt" \
1372 | else const.SIM_XPLANE10
1373 |
1374 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
1375 | config.defaultMSFS = simulatorType == const.SIM_MSFS9
1376 | config.save()
1377 |
1378 | self._wizard._connectSimulator(simulatorType)
1379 |
1380 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
1381 | """Called when the Forward button is pressed."""
1382 | self._wizard.nextPage()
1383 |
1384 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1385 |
1386 | class PayloadPage(Page):
1387 | """Page to allow setting up the payload."""
1388 | def __init__(self, wizard):
1389 | """Construct the page."""
1390 | super(PayloadPage, self).__init__(wizard, "payload",
1391 | xstr("payload_title"),
1392 | xstr("payload_help"),
1393 | completedHelp = xstr("payload_chelp"))
1394 |
1395 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1396 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1397 |
1398 | table = gtk.Table(7, 3)
1399 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
1400 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
1401 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
1402 | alignment.add(table)
1403 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
1404 |
1405 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("payload_crew"))
1406 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1407 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1408 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
1409 |
1410 | self._numCrew = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
1411 | self._numCrew.set_width_chars(6)
1412 | self._numCrew.connect("integer-changed", self._weightChanged)
1413 | self._numCrew.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_crew_tooltip"))
1414 | table.attach(self._numCrew, 1, 2, 0, 1)
1415 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._numCrew)
1416 |
1417 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("payload_pax"))
1418 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1419 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1420 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
1421 |
1422 | self._numPassengers = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
1423 | self._numPassengers.set_width_chars(6)
1424 | self._numPassengers.connect("integer-changed", self._weightChanged)
1425 | self._numPassengers.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_pax_tooltip"))
1426 | table.attach(self._numPassengers, 1, 2, 1, 2)
1427 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._numPassengers)
1428 |
1429 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("payload_bag"))
1430 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1431 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1432 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 2, 3)
1433 |
1434 | self._bagWeight = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
1435 | self._bagWeight.set_width_chars(6)
1436 | self._bagWeight.connect("integer-changed", self._weightChanged)
1437 | self._bagWeight.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_bag_tooltip"))
1438 | table.attach(self._bagWeight, 1, 2, 2, 3)
1439 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._bagWeight)
1440 |
1441 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 2, 3)
1442 |
1443 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("payload_cargo"))
1444 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1445 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1446 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 3, 4)
1447 |
1448 | self._cargoWeight = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
1449 | self._cargoWeight.set_width_chars(6)
1450 | self._cargoWeight.connect("integer-changed", self._weightChanged)
1451 | self._cargoWeight.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_cargo_tooltip"))
1452 | table.attach(self._cargoWeight, 1, 2, 3, 4)
1453 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._cargoWeight)
1454 |
1455 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 3, 4)
1456 |
1457 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("payload_mail"))
1458 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1459 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1460 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 4, 5)
1461 |
1462 | self._mailWeight = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
1463 | self._mailWeight.set_width_chars(6)
1464 | self._mailWeight.connect("integer-changed", self._weightChanged)
1465 | self._mailWeight.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_mail_tooltip"))
1466 | table.attach(self._mailWeight, 1, 2, 4, 5)
1467 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._mailWeight)
1468 |
1469 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 4, 5)
1470 |
1471 | label = gtk.Label("<b>" + xstr("payload_zfw") + "</b>")
1472 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1473 | label.set_use_markup(True)
1474 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 5, 6)
1475 |
1476 | self._calculatedZFW = gtk.Label()
1477 | self._calculatedZFW.set_width_chars(6)
1478 | self._calculatedZFW.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5)
1479 | table.attach(self._calculatedZFW, 1, 2, 5, 6)
1480 |
1481 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 5, 6)
1482 |
1483 | self._zfwButton = gtk.Button(xstr("payload_fszfw"))
1484 | self._zfwButton.set_use_underline(True)
1485 | self._zfwButton.connect("clicked", self._zfwRequested)
1486 | self._zfwButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("payload_fszfw_tooltip"))
1487 | table.attach(self._zfwButton, 0, 1, 6, 7)
1488 |
1489 | self._simulatorZFW = gtk.Label("-")
1490 | self._simulatorZFW.set_width_chars(6)
1491 | self._simulatorZFW.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5)
1492 | table.attach(self._simulatorZFW, 1, 2, 6, 7)
1493 | self._simulatorZFWValue = None
1494 |
1495 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 6, 7)
1496 |
1497 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
1498 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
1499 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
1500 |
1501 | @property
1502 | def numCrew(self):
1503 | """The number of the crew members on the flight."""
1504 | return self._numCrew.get_int()
1505 |
1506 | @property
1507 | def numPassengers(self):
1508 | """The number of the passengers on the flight."""
1509 | return self._numPassengers.get_int()
1510 |
1511 | @property
1512 | def bagWeight(self):
1513 | """Get the bag weight entered."""
1514 | return self._bagWeight.get_int()
1515 |
1516 | @property
1517 | def cargoWeight(self):
1518 | """Get the cargo weight entered."""
1519 | return self._cargoWeight.get_int()
1520 |
1521 | @property
1522 | def mailWeight(self):
1523 | """Get the bag weight entered."""
1524 | return self._mailWeight.get_int()
1525 |
1526 | def activate(self):
1527 | """Setup the information."""
1528 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
1529 |
1530 | self._numCrew.set_int(bookedFlight.numCrew)
1531 | self._numCrew.set_sensitive(True)
1532 | self._numPassengers.set_int(bookedFlight.numPassengers)
1533 | self._numPassengers.set_sensitive(True)
1534 |
1535 | self._bagWeight.set_int(bookedFlight.bagWeight)
1536 | self._bagWeight.set_sensitive(True)
1537 | self._cargoWeight.set_int(bookedFlight.cargoWeight)
1538 | self._cargoWeight.set_sensitive(True)
1539 | self._mailWeight.set_int(bookedFlight.mailWeight)
1540 | self._mailWeight.set_sensitive(True)
1541 |
1542 | self._simulatorZFW.set_text("-")
1543 | self._simulatorZFWValue = None
1544 | self._zfwButton.set_sensitive(True)
1545 | self._updateCalculatedZFW()
1546 |
1547 | def finalize(self):
1548 | """Finalize the payload page."""
1549 | self._numCrew.set_sensitive(False)
1550 | self._numPassengers.set_sensitive(False)
1551 | self._bagWeight.set_sensitive(False)
1552 | self._cargoWeight.set_sensitive(False)
1553 | self._mailWeight.set_sensitive(False)
1554 | self._wizard.gui.initializeWeightHelp()
1555 |
1556 | def calculateZFW(self):
1557 | """Calculate the ZFW value."""
1558 | zfw = self._wizard.gui._flight.aircraft.dow
1559 | zfw += (self._numCrew.get_int() + self._numPassengers.get_int()) * 82
1560 | zfw += self._bagWeight.get_int()
1561 | zfw += self._cargoWeight.get_int()
1562 | zfw += self._mailWeight.get_int()
1563 | return zfw
1564 |
1565 | def _updateCalculatedZFW(self):
1566 | """Update the calculated ZFW"""
1567 | zfw = self.calculateZFW()
1568 |
1569 | markupBegin = "<b>"
1570 | markupEnd = "</b>"
1571 | if self._simulatorZFWValue is not None and \
1572 | PayloadChecker.isZFWFaulty(self._simulatorZFWValue, zfw):
1573 | markupBegin += '<span foreground="red">'
1574 | markupEnd = "</span>" + markupEnd
1575 | self._calculatedZFW.set_markup(markupBegin + str(zfw) + markupEnd)
1576 |
1577 | def _weightChanged(self, entry, weight):
1578 | """Called when one of the weight values or humanm counts has changed."""
1579 | self._updateCalculatedZFW()
1580 |
1581 | def _zfwRequested(self, button):
1582 | """Called when the ZFW is requested from the simulator."""
1583 | self._zfwButton.set_sensitive(False)
1584 | self._backButton.set_sensitive(False)
1585 | self._button.set_sensitive(False)
1586 | gui = self._wizard.gui
1587 | gui.beginBusy(xstr("payload_zfw_busy"))
1588 | gui.simulator.requestZFW(self._handleZFW)
1589 |
1590 | def _handleZFW(self, zfw):
1591 | """Called when the ZFW value is retrieved."""
1592 | gobject.idle_add(self._processZFW, zfw)
1593 |
1594 | def _processZFW(self, zfw):
1595 | """Process the given ZFW value received from the simulator."""
1596 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
1597 | self._zfwButton.set_sensitive(True)
1598 | self._backButton.set_sensitive(True)
1599 | self._button.set_sensitive(True)
1600 | self._simulatorZFWValue = zfw
1601 | self._simulatorZFW.set_text("%.0f" % (zfw,))
1602 | self._updateCalculatedZFW()
1603 |
1604 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
1605 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
1606 | self._wizard.nextPage()
1607 |
1608 | def _backClicked(self, button):
1609 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
1610 | self.goBack()
1611 |
1612 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1613 |
1614 | class TimePage(Page):
1615 | """Page displaying the departure and arrival times and allows querying the
1616 | current time from the flight simulator."""
1617 | def __init__(self, wizard):
1618 | super(TimePage, self).__init__(wizard, "time",
1619 | xstr("time_title"),
1620 | xstr("time_help"),
1621 | completedHelp = xstr("time_chelp"))
1622 |
1623 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1624 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1625 |
1626 | table = gtk.Table(3, 2)
1627 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
1628 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
1629 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
1630 | alignment.add(table)
1631 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
1632 |
1633 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("time_departure"))
1634 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1635 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
1636 |
1637 | self._departure = gtk.Label()
1638 | self._departure.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1639 | table.attach(self._departure, 1, 2, 0, 1)
1640 |
1641 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("time_arrival"))
1642 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1643 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
1644 |
1645 | self._arrival = gtk.Label()
1646 | self._arrival.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1647 | table.attach(self._arrival, 1, 2, 1, 2)
1648 |
1649 | self._timeButton = gtk.Button(xstr("time_fs"))
1650 | self._timeButton.set_use_underline(True)
1651 | self._timeButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("time_fs_tooltip"))
1652 | self._timeButton.connect("clicked", self._timeRequested)
1653 | table.attach(self._timeButton, 0, 1, 2, 3)
1654 |
1655 | self._simulatorTime = gtk.Label("-")
1656 | self._simulatorTime.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1657 | table.attach(self._simulatorTime, 1, 2, 2, 3)
1658 |
1659 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
1660 |
1661 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
1662 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
1663 |
1664 | def activate(self):
1665 | """Activate the page."""
1666 | self._timeButton.set_sensitive(True)
1667 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
1668 | self._departure.set_text(str(bookedFlight.departureTime.time()))
1669 | self._arrival.set_text(str(bookedFlight.arrivalTime.time()))
1670 | self._simulatorTime.set_text("-")
1671 |
1672 | def _timeRequested(self, button):
1673 | """Request the time from the simulator."""
1674 | self._timeButton.set_sensitive(False)
1675 | self._backButton.set_sensitive(False)
1676 | self._button.set_sensitive(False)
1677 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy(xstr("time_busy"))
1678 | self._wizard.gui.simulator.requestTime(self._handleTime)
1679 |
1680 | def _handleTime(self, timestamp):
1681 | """Handle the result of a time retrieval."""
1682 | gobject.idle_add(self._processTime, timestamp)
1683 |
1684 | def _processTime(self, timestamp):
1685 | """Process the given time."""
1686 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
1687 | self._timeButton.set_sensitive(True)
1688 | self._backButton.set_sensitive(True)
1689 | self._button.set_sensitive(True)
1690 | tm = time.gmtime(timestamp)
1691 | t = datetime.time(tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec)
1692 | self._simulatorTime.set_text(str(t))
1693 |
1694 | ts = tm.tm_hour * 3600 + tm.tm_min * 60 + tm.tm_sec
1695 | dt = self._wizard._bookedFlight.departureTime.time()
1696 | dts = dt.hour * 3600 + dt.minute * 60 + dt.second
1697 | diff = dts-ts
1698 |
1699 | markupBegin = ""
1700 | markupEnd = ""
1701 | if diff < 0:
1702 | markupBegin = '<b><span foreground="red">'
1703 | markupEnd = '</span></b>'
1704 | elif diff < 3*60 or diff > 30*60:
1705 | markupBegin = '<b><span foreground="orange">'
1706 | markupEnd = '</span></b>'
1707 |
1708 | self._departure.set_markup(markupBegin + str(dt) + markupEnd)
1709 |
1710 | def _backClicked(self, button):
1711 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
1712 | self.goBack()
1713 |
1714 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
1715 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
1716 | if not self._completed:
1717 | gui = self._wizard.gui
1718 | gui.beginBusy(xstr("fuel_get_busy"))
1719 |
1720 | gui.simulator.getFuel(self._handleFuel)
1721 | else:
1722 | self._wizard.nextPage()
1723 |
1724 | def _handleFuel(self, fuelData):
1725 | """Callback for the fuel query operation."""
1726 | gobject.idle_add(self._processFuel, fuelData)
1727 |
1728 | def _processFuel(self, fuelData):
1729 | """Process the given fuel data."""
1730 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
1731 | self._wizard._fuelData = fuelData
1732 | self._wizard.nextPage()
1733 |
1734 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1735 |
1736 | class RoutePage(Page):
1737 | """The page containing the route and the flight level."""
1738 | def __init__(self, wizard):
1739 | """Construct the page."""
1740 | super(RoutePage, self).__init__(wizard, "route",
1741 | xstr("route_title"),
1742 | xstr("route_help"),
1743 | completedHelp = xstr("route_chelp"))
1744 |
1745 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1746 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1747 |
1748 | mainBox = gtk.VBox()
1749 | alignment.add(mainBox)
1750 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
1751 |
1752 | levelBox = gtk.HBox()
1753 |
1754 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("route_level"))
1755 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1756 | levelBox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
1757 |
1758 | self._cruiseLevel = gtk.SpinButton()
1759 | self._cruiseLevel.set_increments(step = 10, page = 100)
1760 | self._cruiseLevel.set_range(min = 0, max = 500)
1761 | self._cruiseLevel.set_tooltip_text(xstr("route_level_tooltip"))
1762 | self._cruiseLevel.set_numeric(True)
1763 | self._cruiseLevel.connect("changed", self._cruiseLevelChanged)
1764 | self._cruiseLevel.connect("value-changed", self._cruiseLevelChanged)
1765 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._cruiseLevel)
1766 |
1767 | levelBox.pack_start(self._cruiseLevel, False, False, 8)
1768 |
1769 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.5,
1770 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1771 | alignment.add(levelBox)
1772 |
1773 | mainBox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 0)
1774 |
1775 |
1776 | routeBox = gtk.VBox()
1777 |
1778 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.5,
1779 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1780 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("route_route"))
1781 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1782 | alignment.add(label)
1783 | routeBox.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 0)
1784 |
1785 | routeWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
1786 | routeWindow.set_size_request(400, 80)
1787 | routeWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.ShadowType.IN if pygobject
1788 | else gtk.SHADOW_IN)
1789 | routeWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
1790 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
1791 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
1792 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
1793 |
1794 | self._uppercasingRoute = False
1795 |
1796 | self._route = gtk.TextView()
1797 | self._route.set_tooltip_text(xstr("route_route_tooltip"))
1798 | self._route.set_wrap_mode(WRAP_WORD)
1799 | self._route.get_buffer().connect("changed", self._routeChanged)
1800 | self._route.get_buffer().connect_after("insert-text", self._routeInserted)
1801 | routeWindow.add(self._route)
1802 |
1803 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._route)
1804 | routeBox.pack_start(routeWindow, True, True, 0)
1805 |
1806 | mainBox.pack_start(routeBox, True, True, 8)
1807 |
1808 | alternateBox = gtk.HBox()
1809 |
1810 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("route_altn"))
1811 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1812 | alternateBox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
1813 |
1814 | self._alternate = gtk.Entry()
1815 | self._alternate.set_width_chars(6)
1816 | self._alternate.connect("changed", self._alternateChanged)
1817 | self._alternate.set_tooltip_text(xstr("route_altn_tooltip"))
1818 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._alternate)
1819 |
1820 | alternateBox.pack_start(self._alternate, False, False, 8)
1821 |
1822 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.5,
1823 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1824 | alignment.add(alternateBox)
1825 |
1826 | mainBox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 0)
1827 |
1828 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
1829 |
1830 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
1831 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
1832 |
1833 | @property
1834 | def filedCruiseLevel(self):
1835 | """Get the filed cruise level."""
1836 | return self._cruiseLevel.get_value_as_int()
1837 |
1838 | @property
1839 | def route(self):
1840 | """Get the route."""
1841 | return self._getRoute()
1842 |
1843 | @property
1844 | def alternate(self):
1845 | """Get the ICAO code of the alternate airport."""
1846 | return self._alternate.get_text()
1847 |
1848 | def activate(self):
1849 | """Setup the route from the booked flight."""
1850 | self._cruiseLevel.set_value(0)
1851 | self._cruiseLevel.set_text("")
1852 | self._route.get_buffer().set_text(self._wizard._bookedFlight.route)
1853 | self._alternate.set_text("")
1854 | self._updateForwardButton()
1855 |
1856 | def _getRoute(self):
1857 | """Get the text of the route."""
1858 | buffer = self._route.get_buffer()
1859 | return buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
1860 | buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
1861 |
1862 | def _updateForwardButton(self):
1863 | """Update the sensitivity of the forward button."""
1864 | cruiseLevelText = self._cruiseLevel.get_text()
1865 | cruiseLevel = int(cruiseLevelText) if cruiseLevelText else 0
1866 | alternate = self._alternate.get_text()
1867 | self._button.set_sensitive(cruiseLevel>=50 and self._getRoute()!="" and
1868 | len(alternate)==4)
1869 |
1870 | def _cruiseLevelChanged(self, *arg):
1871 | """Called when the cruise level has changed."""
1872 | self._updateForwardButton()
1873 |
1874 | def _routeChanged(self, textBuffer):
1875 | """Called when the route has changed."""
1876 | if not self._uppercasingRoute:
1877 | self._updateForwardButton()
1878 |
1879 | def _routeInserted(self, textBuffer, iter, text, length):
1880 | """Called when new characters are inserted into the route.
1881 |
1882 | It uppercases all characters."""
1883 | if not self._uppercasingRoute:
1884 | self._uppercasingRoute = True
1885 |
1886 | iter1 = iter.copy()
1887 | iter1.backward_chars(length)
1888 | textBuffer.delete(iter, iter1)
1889 |
1890 | textBuffer.insert(iter, text.upper())
1891 |
1892 | self._uppercasingRoute = False
1893 |
1894 | def _alternateChanged(self, entry):
1895 | """Called when the alternate airport has changed."""
1896 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
1897 | self._updateForwardButton()
1898 |
1899 | def _backClicked(self, button):
1900 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
1901 | self.goBack()
1902 |
1903 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
1904 | """Called when the Forward button is clicked."""
1905 | if self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft.simBriefData is None:
1906 | self._wizard.usingSimBrief = False
1907 | if self._wizard.gui.config.useSimBrief and \
1908 | self._wizard.usingSimBrief is not False:
1909 | self._wizard.jumpPage("simbrief_setup")
1910 | else:
1911 | self._wizard.usingSimBrief = False
1912 | self._wizard.jumpPage("fuel")
1913 |
1914 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1915 |
1916 | class SimBriefCredentialsDialog(gtk.Dialog):
1917 | """A dialog window to ask for SimBrief credentials."""
1918 | def __init__(self, gui, userName, password, rememberPassword):
1919 | """Construct the dialog."""
1920 | super(SimBriefCredentialsDialog, self).__init__(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
1921 | xstr("simbrief_credentials_title"),
1922 | gui.mainWindow,
1924 | self.add_button(xstr("button_cancel"), RESPONSETYPE_CANCEL)
1925 | self.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
1926 |
1927 | contentArea = self.get_content_area()
1928 |
1929 | contentAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1930 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1931 | contentAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 16,
1932 | padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8)
1933 |
1934 | contentArea.pack_start(contentAlignment, False, False, 0)
1935 |
1936 | contentVBox = gtk.VBox()
1937 | contentAlignment.add(contentVBox)
1938 |
1939 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_login_failed"))
1940 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0)
1941 |
1942 | contentVBox.pack_start(label, False, False, 0)
1943 |
1944 | tableAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
1945 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
1946 | tableAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 24, padding_bottom = 0,
1947 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
1948 |
1949 | table = gtk.Table(3, 2)
1950 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
1951 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
1952 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
1953 |
1954 | tableAlignment.add(table)
1955 | contentVBox.pack_start(tableAlignment, True, True, 0)
1956 |
1957 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_username"))
1958 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1959 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1960 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
1961 |
1962 | self._userName = gtk.Entry()
1963 | self._userName.set_width_chars(16)
1964 | #self._userName.connect("changed",
1965 | # lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
1966 | self._userName.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_username_tooltip"))
1967 | self._userName.set_text(userName)
1968 | table.attach(self._userName, 1, 2, 0, 1)
1969 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._userName)
1970 |
1971 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_password"))
1972 | label.set_use_underline(True)
1973 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
1974 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
1975 |
1976 | self._password = gtk.Entry()
1977 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
1978 | #self._password.connect("changed",
1979 | # lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
1980 | self._password.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_password_tooltip"))
1981 | self._password.set_text(password)
1982 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 1, 2)
1983 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
1984 |
1985 | self._rememberButton = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("simbrief_remember_password"))
1986 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
1987 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_remember_tooltip"))
1988 | self._rememberButton.set_active(rememberPassword)
1989 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, ypadding = 8)
1990 |
1991 | @property
1992 | def userName(self):
1993 | """Get the user name entered."""
1994 | return self._userName.get_text()
1995 |
1996 | @property
1997 | def password(self):
1998 | """Get the password entered."""
1999 | return self._password.get_text()
2000 |
2001 | @property
2002 | def rememberPassword(self):
2003 | """Get whether the password is to be remembered."""
2004 | return self._rememberButton.get_active()
2005 |
2006 | def run(self):
2007 | """Run the dialog."""
2008 | self.show_all()
2009 |
2010 | response = super(SimBriefCredentialsDialog, self).run()
2011 |
2012 | self.hide()
2013 |
2014 | return response
2015 |
2016 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2017 |
2018 | class SimBriefSetupPage(Page):
2019 | """Page for setting up some parameters for SimBrief."""
2020 | monthNum2Name = [
2021 | "JAN",
2022 | "FEB",
2023 | "MAR",
2024 | "APR",
2025 | "MAY",
2026 | "JUN",
2027 | "JUL",
2028 | "AUG",
2029 | "SEP",
2030 | "OCT",
2031 | "NOV",
2032 | "DEC"
2033 | ]
2034 |
2035 | progress2Message = {
2036 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_SEARCHING_BROWSER: "simbrief_progress_searching_browser",
2037 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_LOADING_FORM: "simbrief_progress_loading_form",
2038 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_FILLING_FORM: "simbrief_progress_filling_form",
2039 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_WAITING_LOGIN: "simbrief_progress_waiting_login",
2040 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_LOGGING_IN: "simbrief_progress_logging_in",
2041 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_WAITING_RESULT: "simbrief_progress_waiting_result",
2042 | cef.SIMBRIEF_PROGRESS_RETRIEVING_BRIEFING: "simbrief_progress_retrieving_briefing"
2043 | }
2044 |
2045 | result2Message = {
2046 | cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_ERROR_OTHER: "simbrief_result_error_other",
2047 | cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_ERROR_NO_FORM: "simbrief_result_error_no_form",
2048 | cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_ERROR_NO_POPUP: "simbrief_result_error_no_popup",
2049 | cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED: "simbrief_result_error_login_failed"
2050 | }
2051 |
2052 | @staticmethod
2053 | def getHTMLFilePath():
2054 | """Get the path of the HTML file to contain the generated flight
2055 | plan."""
2056 | if os.name=="nt":
2057 | return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
2058 | "mlx_simbrief" +
2059 | (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else "") +
2060 | ".html")
2061 | else:
2062 | import pwd
2063 | return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
2064 | "mlx_simbrief." + pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] + "" +
2065 | (".secondary" if secondaryInstallation else "") +
2066 | ".html")
2067 |
2068 | def __init__(self, wizard):
2069 | """Construct the setup page."""
2070 |
2071 | super(SimBriefSetupPage, self).__init__(wizard, "simbrief_setup",
2072 | xstr("simbrief_setup_title"),
2073 | xstr("simbrief_setup_help"),
2074 | xstr("simbrief_setup_chelp"))
2075 |
2076 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2077 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
2078 |
2079 | table = gtk.Table(9, 3)
2080 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
2081 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
2082 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
2083 | alignment.add(table)
2084 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
2085 |
2086 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_username"))
2087 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2088 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2089 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 0, 1)
2090 |
2091 | self._userName = gtk.Entry()
2092 | self._userName.set_width_chars(16)
2093 | self._userName.connect("changed",
2094 | lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
2095 | self._userName.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_username_tooltip"))
2096 | table.attach(self._userName, 1, 2, 0, 1)
2097 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._userName)
2098 |
2099 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_password"))
2100 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2101 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2102 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 1, 2)
2103 |
2104 | self._password = gtk.Entry()
2105 | self._password.set_visibility(False)
2106 | self._password.connect("changed",
2107 | lambda button: self._updateForwardButton())
2108 | self._password.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_password_tooltip"))
2109 | table.attach(self._password, 1, 2, 1, 2)
2110 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._password)
2111 |
2112 | self._rememberButton = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("simbrief_remember_password"))
2113 | self._rememberButton.set_use_underline(True)
2114 | self._rememberButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_remember_tooltip"))
2115 | table.attach(self._rememberButton, 1, 2, 2, 3, ypadding = 8)
2116 |
2117 | self._credentialsCondition = threading.Condition()
2118 | self._credentialsAvailable = False
2119 | self._credentialsUserName = None
2120 | self._credentialsPassword = None
2121 |
2122 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_extra_fuel"))
2123 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2124 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2125 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 3, 4)
2126 |
2127 | self._extraFuel = IntegerEntry(defaultValue = 0)
2128 | self._extraFuel.set_width_chars(6)
2129 | self._extraFuel.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_extra_fuel_tooltip"))
2130 | table.attach(self._extraFuel, 1, 2, 3, 4)
2131 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._extraFuel)
2132 |
2133 | table.attach(gtk.Label("kg"), 2, 3, 3, 4)
2134 |
2135 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_takeoff_runway"))
2136 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2137 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2138 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 4, 5)
2139 |
2140 | self._takeoffRunway = gtk.Entry()
2141 | self._takeoffRunway.set_width_chars(10)
2142 | self._takeoffRunway.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_takeoff_runway_tooltip"))
2143 | self._takeoffRunway.connect("changed", self._upperChanged)
2144 | table.attach(self._takeoffRunway, 1, 2, 4, 5)
2145 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._takeoffRunway)
2146 |
2147 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_landing_runway"))
2148 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2149 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2150 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 5, 6)
2151 |
2152 | self._landingRunway = gtk.Entry()
2153 | self._landingRunway.set_width_chars(10)
2154 | self._landingRunway.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_takeoff_runway_tooltip"))
2155 | self._landingRunway.connect("changed", self._upperChanged)
2156 | table.attach(self._landingRunway, 1, 2, 5, 6)
2157 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._landingRunway)
2158 |
2159 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_climb_profile"))
2160 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2161 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2162 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 6, 7)
2163 |
2164 | self._climbProfile = gtk.ComboBox()
2165 | renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
2166 | self._climbProfile.pack_start(renderer, True)
2167 | self._climbProfile.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
2168 | self._climbProfile.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_climb_profile_tooltip"))
2169 | table.attach(self._climbProfile, 1, 2, 6, 7)
2170 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._climbProfile)
2171 |
2172 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_cruise_profile"))
2173 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2174 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2175 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 7, 8)
2176 |
2177 | self._cruiseProfile = gtk.ComboBox()
2178 | renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
2179 | self._cruiseProfile.pack_start(renderer, True)
2180 | self._cruiseProfile.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
2181 | self._cruiseProfile.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_cruise_profile_tooltip"))
2182 | table.attach(self._cruiseProfile, 1, 2, 7, 8)
2183 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._cruiseProfile)
2184 |
2185 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("simbrief_descent_profile"))
2186 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2187 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
2188 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, 8, 9)
2189 |
2190 | self._descentProfile = gtk.ComboBox()
2191 | renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
2192 | self._descentProfile.pack_start(renderer, True)
2193 | self._descentProfile.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
2194 | self._descentProfile.set_tooltip_text(xstr("simbrief_descent_profile_tooltip"))
2195 | table.attach(self._descentProfile, 1, 2, 8, 9)
2196 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._descentProfile)
2197 |
2198 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
2199 |
2200 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
2201 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
2202 |
2203 | def activate(self):
2204 | """Activate the SimBrief setup page"""
2205 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
2206 |
2207 | self._userName.set_text(config.simBriefUserName)
2208 | self._userName.set_sensitive(True)
2209 |
2210 | self._password.set_text(config.simBriefPassword)
2211 | self._password.set_sensitive(True)
2212 |
2213 | self._rememberButton.set_active(config.rememberSimBriefPassword)
2214 | self._rememberButton.set_sensitive(True)
2215 |
2216 | self._extraFuel.set_int(0)
2217 | self._extraFuel.set_sensitive(True)
2218 |
2219 | self._takeoffRunway.set_text("")
2220 | self._takeoffRunway.set_sensitive(True)
2221 |
2222 | self._landingRunway.set_text("")
2223 | self._landingRunway.set_sensitive(True)
2224 |
2225 | simBriefData = self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft.simBriefData
2226 | for (control, profiles) in [(self._climbProfile,
2227 | simBriefData.climbProfiles),
2228 | (self._cruiseProfile,
2229 | simBriefData.cruiseProfiles),
2230 | (self._descentProfile,
2231 | simBriefData.descentProfiles)]:
2232 | model = gtk.ListStore(str)
2233 | for profile in profiles:
2234 | model.append([profile])
2235 | control.set_model(model)
2236 | control.set_sensitive(True)
2237 |
2238 | self._climbProfile.set_active(0)
2239 | self._cruiseProfile.set_active(0)
2240 | self._descentProfile.set_active(0)
2241 |
2242 | self._updateForwardButton()
2243 |
2244 | def _updateForwardButton(self):
2245 | """Update the sensitivity of the forward button."""
2246 | self._button.set_sensitive(len(self._userName.get_text())>0 and
2247 | len(self._password.get_text())>0)
2248 |
2249 | def _backClicked(self, button):
2250 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
2251 | self.goBack()
2252 |
2253 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
2254 | if self._completed:
2255 | self._wizard.nextPage()
2256 | else:
2257 | config = self._wizard.gui.config
2258 |
2259 | config.simBriefUserName = self._userName.get_text()
2260 |
2261 | rememberPassword = self._rememberButton.get_active()
2262 | config.simBriefPassword = \
2263 | self._password.get_text() if rememberPassword else ""
2264 | config.rememberSimBriefPassword = rememberPassword
2265 |
2266 | config.save()
2267 |
2268 | plan = self._getPlan()
2269 | print "plan:", plan
2270 |
2271 | takeoffRunway = self._takeoffRunway.get_text()
2272 | if takeoffRunway:
2273 | self._wizard.takeoffRunway = takeoffRunway
2274 |
2275 | landingRunway = self._landingRunway.get_text()
2276 | if landingRunway:
2277 | self._wizard.landingRunway = landingRunway
2278 |
2279 | self._userName.set_sensitive(False)
2280 | self._password.set_sensitive(False)
2281 | self._rememberButton.set_sensitive(False)
2282 | self._extraFuel.set_sensitive(False)
2283 | self._takeoffRunway.set_sensitive(False)
2284 | self._landingRunway.set_sensitive(False)
2285 |
2286 | self._climbProfile.set_sensitive(False)
2287 | self._cruiseProfile.set_sensitive(False)
2288 | self._descentProfile.set_sensitive(False)
2289 |
2290 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy(xstr("simbrief_calling"))
2291 |
2292 | cef.startFastTimeout()
2293 | cef.callSimBrief(plan,
2294 | self._getCredentialsCallback,
2295 | self._simBriefProgressCallback,
2296 | SimBriefSetupPage.getHTMLFilePath())
2297 |
2298 | startSound(const.SOUND_NOTAM)
2299 |
2300 | def _getCredentialsCallback(self, count):
2301 | """Called when the SimBrief home page requests the credentials."""
2302 | with self._credentialsCondition:
2303 | self._credentialsAvailable = False
2304 |
2305 | gobject.idle_add(self._getCredentials, count)
2306 |
2307 | while not self._credentialsAvailable:
2308 | self._credentialsCondition.wait()
2309 |
2310 | return (self._credentialsUserName, self._credentialsPassword)
2311 |
2312 | def _getCredentials(self, count):
2313 | """Get the credentials.
2314 |
2315 | If count is 0, the user name and password entered into the setup page
2316 | are returned. Otherwise a dialog box is displayed informing the user of
2317 | invalid credentials and requesting another set of them."""
2318 | with self._credentialsCondition:
2319 | if count==0:
2320 | self._credentialsUserName = self._userName.get_text()
2321 | self._credentialsPassword = self._password.get_text()
2322 | else:
2323 | gui = self._wizard.gui
2324 | config = gui.config
2325 |
2326 | dialog = SimBriefCredentialsDialog(gui,
2327 | config.simBriefUserName,
2328 | config.simBriefPassword,
2329 | config.rememberSimBriefPassword)
2330 | response = dialog.run()
2331 |
2332 | if response==RESPONSETYPE_OK:
2333 | self._credentialsUserName = dialog.userName
2334 | self._userName.set_text(self._credentialsUserName)
2335 | self._credentialsPassword = dialog.password
2336 | self._password.set_text(self._credentialsPassword)
2337 | rememberPassword = dialog.rememberPassword
2338 |
2339 | config.simBriefUserName = self._credentialsUserName
2340 |
2341 | config.simBriefPassword = \
2342 | self._credentialsPassword if rememberPassword else ""
2343 | config.rememberSimBriefPassword = rememberPassword
2344 |
2345 | config.save()
2346 | else:
2347 | self._credentialsUserName = None
2348 | self._credentialsPassword = None
2349 |
2350 | self._credentialsAvailable = True
2351 | self._credentialsCondition.notify()
2352 |
2353 | def _simBriefProgressCallback(self, progress, result, flightInfo):
2354 | """Called by the SimBrief handling thread."""
2355 | gobject.idle_add(self._simBriefProgress, progress, result, flightInfo)
2356 |
2357 | def _simBriefProgress(self, progress, result, flightInfo):
2358 | """The real SimBrief progress handler."""
2359 | print "_simBriefProgress", progress, result, flightInfo
2360 | if result==cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_NONE:
2361 | message = SimBriefSetupPage.progress2Message.get(progress,
2362 | "simbrief_progress_unknown")
2363 | self._wizard.gui.updateBusyState(xstr(message))
2364 | else:
2365 | cef.stopFastTimeout()
2366 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
2367 |
2368 | if result==cef.SIMBRIEF_RESULT_OK:
2369 | self._wizard.departureMETARChanged(flightInfo["orig_metar"],
2370 | self)
2371 | self._wizard.arrivalMETARChanged(flightInfo["dest_metar"], self)
2372 | self._wizard.nextPage()
2373 | else:
2374 | message = SimBriefSetupPage.result2Message.get(result,
2375 | "simbrief_result_unknown")
2376 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self._wizard.gui.mainWindow,
2377 | type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
2378 | message_format =
2379 | xstr(message) + "\n"+
2380 | xstr("simbrief_cancelled"))
2381 |
2382 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
2383 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
2384 | secondary = xstr("flightsel_save_failed_sec")
2385 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
2386 | dialog.run()
2387 | dialog.hide()
2388 |
2389 | self._wizard.usingSimBrief = False
2390 | self._wizard.jumpPage("fuel", fromPageShift = 1)
2391 |
2392 | def _getPlan(self):
2393 | """Get the flight plan data for SimBrief."""
2394 | plan = {
2395 | "airline": "MAH",
2396 | "selcal": "XXXX",
2397 | "fuelfactor": "P000",
2398 | "contpct": "0.05",
2399 | "resvrule": "45",
2400 | "taxiout": "10",
2401 | "taxiin": "10",
2402 | "civalue": "AUTO"
2403 | }
2404 |
2405 | wizard = self._wizard
2406 | gui = wizard.gui
2407 |
2408 | loginResult = wizard.loginResult
2409 | plan["cpt"] = loginResult.pilotName
2410 | plan["pid"] = loginResult.pilotID
2411 |
2412 | bookedFlight = wizard.bookedFlight
2413 | plan["fltnum"] = wizard.bookedFlight.callsign[2:]
2414 | plan["type"] = const.icaoCodes[bookedFlight.aircraftType]
2415 | plan["orig"] = bookedFlight.departureICAO
2416 | plan["dest"] = bookedFlight.arrivalICAO
2417 | plan["reg"] = bookedFlight.tailNumber
2418 | plan["fin"] = bookedFlight.tailNumber[3:]
2419 | plan["pax"] = str(bookedFlight.numPassengers)
2420 |
2421 | departureTime = bookedFlight.departureTime
2422 | plan["date"] = "%d%s%d" % (departureTime.day,
2423 | SimBriefSetupPage.monthNum2Name[departureTime.month-1],
2424 | departureTime.year%100)
2425 | plan["deph"] = str(departureTime.hour)
2426 | plan["depm"] = str(departureTime.minute)
2427 |
2428 | arrivalTime = bookedFlight.arrivalTime
2429 | plan["steh"] = str(arrivalTime.hour)
2430 | plan["stem"] = str(arrivalTime.minute)
2431 |
2432 | plan["manualzfw"] = str(wizard.zfw / 1000.0)
2433 | plan["cargo"] = str((wizard.bagWeight + wizard.cargoWeight + wizard.mailWeight)/1000.0)
2434 |
2435 | plan["route"] = wizard.route
2436 | plan["fl"] = str(wizard.filedCruiseAltitude)
2437 | plan["altn"] = wizard.alternate
2438 |
2439 | plan["addedfuel"] = str(self._extraFuel.get_int() / 1000.0)
2440 | plan["origrwy"] = self._takeoffRunway.get_text()
2441 | plan["destrwy"] = self._landingRunway.get_text()
2442 |
2443 | for (key, control) in [("climb", self._climbProfile),
2444 | ("cruise", self._cruiseProfile),
2445 | ("descent", self._descentProfile)]:
2446 | model = control.get_model()
2447 | active = control.get_active_iter()
2448 | value = model.get_value(active, 0)
2449 | plan[key] = value
2450 |
2451 | return plan
2452 |
2453 | def _upperChanged(self, entry, arg = None):
2454 | """Called when the value of some entry widget has changed and the value
2455 | should be converted to uppercase."""
2456 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
2457 |
2458 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2459 |
2460 | class SimBriefingPage(Page):
2461 | """Page to display the SimBrief HTML briefing."""
2462 | class BrowserLifeSpanHandler(object):
2463 | """The life-span handler of a browser."""
2464 | def __init__(self, simBriefingPage):
2465 | """Construct the life-span handler for the given page."""
2466 | self._simBriefingPage = simBriefingPage
2467 |
2468 | def OnBeforeClose(self, browser):
2469 | """Called before closing the browser."""
2470 | self._simBriefingPage._invalidateBrowser()
2471 |
2472 | def __init__(self, wizard):
2473 | """Construct the setup page."""
2474 |
2475 | super(SimBriefingPage, self).__init__(wizard, "simbrief_result",
2476 | xstr("simbrief_result_title"), "")
2477 |
2478 | self._alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2479 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
2480 |
2481 | self._container = cef.getContainer()
2482 | self._alignment.add(self._container)
2483 |
2484 | self.setMainWidget(self._alignment)
2485 |
2486 | self._browser = None
2487 |
2488 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
2489 |
2490 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
2491 |
2492 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
2493 | self._button.set_label(xstr("briefing_button"))
2494 | self._button.set_has_tooltip(False)
2495 | self._button.set_use_stock(False)
2496 |
2497 | def activate(self):
2498 | """Activate the SimBrief flight plan page"""
2499 | if self._browser is None:
2500 | self._startBrowser()
2501 | else:
2502 | self._browser.Reload()
2503 |
2504 | def grabDefault(self):
2505 | """If the page has a default button, make it the default one."""
2506 | super(SimBriefingPage, self).grabDefault()
2507 |
2508 | if self._browser is None:
2509 | self._startBrowser()
2510 |
2511 | def _backClicked(self, button):
2512 | """Called when the Back button has been pressed."""
2513 | self.goBack()
2514 |
2515 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
2516 | """Called when the Forward button has been pressed."""
2517 | if not self._completed:
2518 | self._button.set_label(xstr("button_next"))
2519 | self._button.set_tooltip_text(xstr("button_next_tooltip"))
2520 | self._wizard.usingSimBrief = True
2521 | self.complete()
2522 |
2523 | self._wizard.nextPage()
2524 |
2525 | def _startBrowser(self):
2526 | """Start the browser.
2527 |
2528 | If a container is needed, create one."""
2529 | if self._container is None:
2530 | self._container = cef.getContainer()
2531 | self._alignment.add(self._container)
2532 |
2533 | url = "file://" + SimBriefSetupPage.getHTMLFilePath()
2534 | self._browser = cef.startInContainer(self._container, url)
2535 |
2536 | lifeSpanHandler = SimBriefingPage.BrowserLifeSpanHandler(self)
2537 | self._browser.SetClientHandler(lifeSpanHandler)
2538 |
2539 | def _invalidateBrowser(self):
2540 | """Invalidate the browser (and associated stuff)."""
2541 | self._alignment.remove(self._container)
2542 | self._container = None
2543 | self._browser = None
2544 |
2545 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2546 |
2547 | class FuelTank(gtk.VBox):
2548 | """Widget for the fuel tank."""
2549 | def __init__(self, fuelTank, name, capacity, currentWeight):
2550 | """Construct the widget for the tank with the given name."""
2551 | super(FuelTank, self).__init__()
2552 |
2553 | self._enabled = True
2554 | self.fuelTank = fuelTank
2555 | self.capacity = capacity
2556 | self.currentWeight = currentWeight
2557 | self.expectedWeight = currentWeight
2558 |
2559 | label = gtk.Label("<b>" + name + "</b>")
2560 | label.set_use_markup(True)
2561 | label.set_use_underline(True)
2562 | label.set_justify(JUSTIFY_CENTER)
2563 | label.set_alignment(0.5, 1.0)
2564 | self.pack_start(label, False, False, 4)
2565 |
2566 | self._tankFigure = gtk.EventBox()
2567 | self._tankFigure.set_size_request(38, -1)
2568 | self._tankFigure.set_visible_window(False)
2569 | self._tankFigure.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("fuel_tank_tooltip"))
2570 |
2571 | if pygobject:
2572 | self._tankFigure.connect("draw", self._drawTankFigure)
2573 | else:
2574 | self._tankFigure.connect("expose_event", self._drawTankFigure)
2575 | self._tankFigure.connect("button_press_event", self._buttonPressed)
2576 | self._tankFigure.connect("motion_notify_event", self._motionNotify)
2577 | self._tankFigure.connect("scroll-event", self._scrolled)
2578 |
2579 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2580 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
2581 | alignment.add(self._tankFigure)
2582 |
2583 | self.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 4)
2584 |
2585 | self._expectedButton = gtk.SpinButton()
2586 | self._expectedButton.set_numeric(True)
2587 | self._expectedButton.set_range(0, self.capacity)
2588 | self._expectedButton.set_increments(10, 100)
2589 | self._expectedButton.set_value(currentWeight)
2590 | self._expectedButton.set_alignment(1.0)
2591 | self._expectedButton.set_width_chars(5)
2592 | self._expectedButton.connect("value-changed", self._expectedChanged)
2593 |
2594 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._expectedButton)
2595 |
2596 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2597 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
2598 | alignment.add(self._expectedButton)
2599 | self.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 4)
2600 |
2601 | def setCurrent(self, currentWeight):
2602 | """Set the current weight."""
2603 | self.currentWeight = currentWeight
2604 | self._redraw()
2605 |
2606 | def isCorrect(self):
2607 | """Determine if the contents of the fuel tank are as expected"""
2608 | return abs(self.expectedWeight - self.currentWeight)<=1
2609 |
2610 | def disable(self):
2611 | """Disable the fuel tank."""
2612 | self._expectedButton.set_sensitive(False)
2613 | self._enabled = False
2614 |
2615 | def _redraw(self):
2616 | """Redraw the tank figure."""
2617 | self._tankFigure.queue_draw()
2618 |
2619 | def _drawTankFigure(self, tankFigure, eventOrContext):
2620 | """Draw the tank figure."""
2621 | triangleSize = 5
2622 |
2623 | context = eventOrContext if pygobject else tankFigure.window.cairo_create()
2624 | (xOffset, yOffset) = (0, 0) if pygobject \
2625 | else (tankFigure.allocation.x, tankFigure.allocation.y)
2626 |
2627 | width = tankFigure.get_allocated_width() if pygobject \
2628 | else tankFigure.allocation.width
2629 | height = tankFigure.get_allocated_height() if pygobject \
2630 | else tankFigure.allocation.height
2631 |
2632 | rectangleX0 = triangleSize
2633 | rectangleY0 = triangleSize
2634 | rectangleX1 = width - 1 - triangleSize
2635 | rectangleY1 = height - 1 - triangleSize
2636 | rectangleLineWidth = 2.0
2637 |
2638 | context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
2639 | context.set_line_width(rectangleLineWidth)
2640 | context.rectangle(xOffset + rectangleX0 + rectangleLineWidth/2,
2641 | yOffset + rectangleY0 + rectangleLineWidth/2,
2642 | rectangleX1 - rectangleX0 - rectangleLineWidth,
2643 | rectangleY1 - rectangleY0 - rectangleLineWidth)
2644 | context.stroke()
2645 |
2646 | rectangleInnerLeft = rectangleX0 + rectangleLineWidth
2647 | rectangleInnerRight = rectangleX1 - rectangleLineWidth
2648 | self._rectangleInnerTop = rectangleInnerTop = rectangleY0 + rectangleLineWidth
2649 | self._rectangleInnerBottom = rectangleInnerBottom = rectangleY1 - rectangleLineWidth
2650 |
2651 | rectangleInnerWidth = rectangleInnerRight - rectangleInnerLeft
2652 | rectangleInnerHeight = rectangleInnerBottom - rectangleInnerTop
2653 |
2654 | context.set_source_rgb(1.0, 0.9, 0.6)
2655 | currentHeight = self.currentWeight * rectangleInnerHeight / self.capacity
2656 | currentX = rectangleInnerTop + rectangleInnerHeight - currentHeight
2657 | context.rectangle(xOffset + rectangleInnerLeft,
2658 | yOffset + rectangleInnerTop +
2659 | rectangleInnerHeight - currentHeight,
2660 | rectangleInnerWidth, currentHeight)
2661 | context.fill()
2662 |
2663 | expectedHeight = self.expectedWeight * rectangleInnerHeight / self.capacity
2664 | expectedY = rectangleInnerTop + rectangleInnerHeight - expectedHeight
2665 |
2666 | context.set_line_width(1.5)
2667 | context.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.85, 0.85)
2668 | context.move_to(xOffset + rectangleX0, yOffset + expectedY)
2669 | context.line_to(xOffset + rectangleX1, yOffset + expectedY)
2670 | context.stroke()
2671 |
2672 | context.set_line_width(0.0)
2673 | context.move_to(xOffset + 0, yOffset + expectedY - triangleSize)
2674 | context.line_to(xOffset + 0, yOffset + expectedY + triangleSize)
2675 | context.line_to(xOffset + rectangleX0 + 1, yOffset + expectedY)
2676 | context.line_to(xOffset + 0, yOffset + expectedY - triangleSize)
2677 | context.fill()
2678 |
2679 | context.set_line_width(0.0)
2680 | context.move_to(xOffset + width, yOffset + expectedY - triangleSize)
2681 | context.line_to(xOffset + width, yOffset + expectedY + triangleSize)
2682 | context.line_to(xOffset + rectangleX1 - 1, yOffset + expectedY)
2683 | context.line_to(xOffset + width, yOffset + expectedY - triangleSize)
2684 | context.fill()
2685 |
2686 | return True
2687 |
2688 | def _setExpectedFromY(self, y):
2689 | """Set the expected weight from the given Y-coordinate."""
2690 | level = (self._rectangleInnerBottom - y) / \
2691 | (self._rectangleInnerBottom - self._rectangleInnerTop)
2692 | level = min(1.0, max(0.0, level))
2693 | self._expectedButton.set_value(level * self.capacity)
2694 |
2695 | def _buttonPressed(self, tankFigure, event):
2696 | """Called when a button is pressed in the figure.
2697 |
2698 | The expected level will be set there."""
2699 | if self._enabled and event.button==1:
2700 | self._setExpectedFromY(event.y)
2701 |
2702 | def _motionNotify(self, tankFigure, event):
2703 | """Called when the mouse pointer moves within the area of a tank figure."""
2704 | if self._enabled and event.state==BUTTON1_MASK:
2705 | self._setExpectedFromY(event.y)
2706 |
2707 | def _scrolled(self, tankFigure, event):
2708 | """Called when a scroll event is received."""
2709 | if self._enabled:
2710 | increment = 1 if event.state==CONTROL_MASK \
2711 | else 100 if event.state==SHIFT_MASK \
2712 | else 10 if event.state==0 else 0
2713 | if increment!=0:
2714 | if event.direction==SCROLL_DOWN:
2715 | increment *= -1
2716 | self._expectedButton.spin(SPIN_USER_DEFINED, increment)
2717 |
2718 | def _expectedChanged(self, spinButton):
2719 | """Called when the expected value has changed."""
2720 | self.expectedWeight = spinButton.get_value_as_int()
2721 | self._redraw()
2722 |
2723 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2724 |
2725 | class FuelPage(Page):
2726 | """The page containing the fuel tank filling."""
2727 | _pumpStep = 0.02
2728 |
2729 | def __init__(self, wizard):
2730 | """Construct the page."""
2731 | super(FuelPage, self).__init__(wizard, "fuel",
2732 | xstr("fuel_title"),
2733 | xstr("fuel_help_pre") +
2734 | xstr("fuel_help_post"),
2735 | completedHelp = xstr("fuel_chelp"))
2736 |
2737 | self._fuelTanks = []
2738 | self._fuelTable = None
2739 | self._fuelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2740 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
2741 | self.setMainWidget(self._fuelAlignment)
2742 |
2743 | tankData = [(tank, 2500, 3900) for tank in acft.mostFuelTanks]
2744 | self._setupTanks(tankData)
2745 |
2746 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
2747 |
2748 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
2749 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
2750 |
2751 | self._pumpIndex = 0
2752 |
2753 | def activate(self):
2754 | """Activate the page."""
2755 | self._setupTanks(self._wizard._fuelData)
2756 |
2757 | aircraft = self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft
2758 | minLandingFuel = aircraft.minLandingFuel
2759 | recommendedLandingFuel = aircraft.recommendedLandingFuel
2760 |
2761 | middleHelp = "" if minLandingFuel is None else \
2762 | (xstr("fuel_help_min") % (minLandingFuel,)) \
2763 | if recommendedLandingFuel is None else \
2764 | (xstr("fuel_help_min_rec") % (minLandingFuel,
2765 | recommendedLandingFuel))
2766 | self.setHelp(xstr("fuel_help_pre") + middleHelp + xstr("fuel_help_post"))
2767 |
2768 | def finalize(self):
2769 | """Finalize the page."""
2770 | for fuelTank in self._fuelTanks:
2771 | fuelTank.disable()
2772 |
2773 | def _backClicked(self, button):
2774 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
2775 | self.goBack()
2776 |
2777 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
2778 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
2779 | if not self._completed:
2780 | self._pumpIndex = 0
2781 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy(xstr("fuel_pump_busy"))
2782 | self._pump()
2783 | elif self._wizard.usingSimBrief:
2784 | self._wizard.jumpPage("takeoff")
2785 | else:
2786 | self._wizard.jumpPage("briefing1")
2787 |
2788 | def _setupTanks(self, tankData):
2789 | """Setup the tanks for the given data."""
2790 | numTanks = len(tankData)
2791 | if self._fuelTable is not None:
2792 | self._fuelAlignment.remove(self._fuelTable)
2793 |
2794 | self._fuelTanks = []
2795 | self._fuelTable = gtk.Table(numTanks, 1)
2796 | self._fuelTable.set_col_spacings(16)
2797 | index = 0
2798 | for (tank, current, capacity) in tankData:
2799 | fuelTank = FuelTank(tank,
2800 | xstr("fuel_tank_" +
2801 | const.fuelTank2string(tank)),
2802 | capacity, current)
2803 | self._fuelTable.attach(fuelTank, index, index+1, 0, 1)
2804 | self._fuelTanks.append(fuelTank)
2805 | index += 1
2806 |
2807 | self._fuelAlignment.add(self._fuelTable)
2808 | self.show_all()
2809 |
2810 | def _pump(self):
2811 | """Perform one step of pumping.
2812 |
2813 | It is checked, if the current tank's contents are of the right
2814 | quantity. If not, it is filled one step further to the desired
2815 | contents. Otherwise the next tank is started. If all tanks are are
2816 | filled, the next page is selected."""
2817 | numTanks = len(self._fuelTanks)
2818 |
2819 | fuelTank = None
2820 | while self._pumpIndex < numTanks:
2821 | fuelTank = self._fuelTanks[self._pumpIndex]
2822 | if fuelTank.isCorrect():
2823 | self._pumpIndex += 1
2824 | fuelTank = None
2825 | else:
2826 | break
2827 |
2828 | if fuelTank is None:
2829 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
2830 | if self._wizard.usingSimBrief:
2831 | self._wizard.gui.startMonitoring()
2832 | self._wizard.jumpPage("takeoff")
2833 | else:
2834 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
2835 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy(xstr("route_down_notams"))
2836 | self._wizard.gui.webHandler.getNOTAMs(self._notamsCallback,
2837 | bookedFlight.departureICAO,
2838 | bookedFlight.arrivalICAO)
2839 | startSound(const.SOUND_NOTAM)
2840 | else:
2841 | currentLevel = fuelTank.currentWeight / fuelTank.capacity
2842 | expectedLevel = fuelTank.expectedWeight / fuelTank.capacity
2843 | if currentLevel<expectedLevel:
2844 | currentLevel += FuelPage._pumpStep
2845 | if currentLevel>expectedLevel: currentLevel = expectedLevel
2846 | else:
2847 | currentLevel -= FuelPage._pumpStep
2848 | if currentLevel<expectedLevel: currentLevel = expectedLevel
2849 | fuelTank.setCurrent(currentLevel * fuelTank.capacity)
2850 | self._wizard.gui.simulator.setFuelLevel([(fuelTank.fuelTank,
2851 | currentLevel)])
2852 | gobject.timeout_add(50, self._pump)
2853 |
2854 | def _notamsCallback(self, returned, result):
2855 | """Callback for the NOTAMs."""
2856 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleNOTAMs, returned, result)
2857 |
2858 | def _handleNOTAMs(self, returned, result):
2859 | """Handle the NOTAMs."""
2860 | if returned:
2861 | self._wizard._departureNOTAMs = result.departureNOTAMs
2862 | self._wizard._arrivalNOTAMs = result.arrivalNOTAMs
2863 | else:
2864 | self._wizard._departureNOTAMs = None
2865 | self._wizard._arrivalNOTAMs = None
2866 |
2867 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
2868 | self._wizard.gui.beginBusy(xstr("route_down_metars"))
2869 | self._wizard.gui.webHandler.getMETARs(self._metarsCallback,
2870 | [bookedFlight.departureICAO,
2871 | bookedFlight.arrivalICAO])
2872 |
2873 | def _metarsCallback(self, returned, result):
2874 | """Callback for the METARs."""
2875 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleMETARs, returned, result)
2876 |
2877 | def _handleMETARs(self, returned, result):
2878 | """Handle the METARs."""
2879 | self._wizard._departureMETAR = None
2880 | self._wizard._arrivalMETAR = None
2881 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
2882 | if returned:
2883 | if bookedFlight.departureICAO in result.metars:
2884 | self._wizard._departureMETAR = result.metars[bookedFlight.departureICAO]
2885 | if bookedFlight.arrivalICAO in result.metars:
2886 | self._wizard._arrivalMETAR = result.metars[bookedFlight.arrivalICAO]
2887 |
2888 | self._wizard.gui.endBusy()
2889 | self._backButton.set_sensitive(True)
2890 | self._button.set_sensitive(True)
2891 | self._wizard.nextPage()
2892 |
2893 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2894 |
2895 | class BriefingPage(Page):
2896 | """Page for the briefing."""
2897 | def __init__(self, wizard, departure):
2898 | """Construct the briefing page."""
2899 | self._departure = departure
2900 |
2901 | number = 1 if departure else 2
2902 |
2903 | title = xstr("briefing_title") % (number,
2904 | xstr("briefing_departure")
2905 | if departure
2906 | else xstr("briefing_arrival"))
2907 | super(BriefingPage, self).__init__(wizard,
2908 | "briefing%d" % (number,),
2909 | title, xstr("briefing_help"),
2910 | completedHelp = xstr("briefing_chelp"))
2911 |
2912 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
2913 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
2914 |
2915 | mainBox = gtk.VBox()
2916 | alignment.add(mainBox)
2917 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
2918 |
2919 | self._notamsFrame = gtk.Frame()
2920 | self._notamsFrame.set_label(xstr("briefing_notams_init"))
2921 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
2922 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(-1, 128)
2923 | # FIXME: these constants should be in common
2924 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
2925 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
2926 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
2927 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
2928 | self._notams = gtk.TextView()
2929 | self._notams.set_editable(False)
2930 | self._notams.set_accepts_tab(False)
2931 | self._notams.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WrapMode.WORD if pygobject else gtk.WRAP_WORD)
2932 | scrolledWindow.add(self._notams)
2933 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
2934 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
2935 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 0,
2936 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
2937 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
2938 | self._notamsFrame.add(alignment)
2939 | mainBox.pack_start(self._notamsFrame, True, True, 4)
2940 |
2941 | self._metarFrame = gtk.Frame()
2942 | self._metarFrame.set_label(xstr("briefing_metar_init"))
2943 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
2944 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(-1, 32)
2945 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
2946 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
2947 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
2948 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
2949 |
2950 | self._updatingMETAR = False
2951 |
2952 | self._metar = gtk.TextView()
2953 | self._metar.set_accepts_tab(False)
2954 | self._metar.set_wrap_mode(gtk.WrapMode.WORD if pygobject else gtk.WRAP_WORD)
2955 | self._metar.get_buffer().connect("changed", self._metarChanged)
2956 | self._metar.get_buffer().connect_after("insert-text", self._metarInserted)
2957 | scrolledWindow.add(self._metar)
2958 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
2959 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
2960 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 0,
2961 | padding_left = 0, padding_right = 0)
2962 | alignment.add(scrolledWindow)
2963 | self._metarFrame.add(alignment)
2964 | mainBox.pack_start(self._metarFrame, True, True, 4)
2965 | self.metarEdited = False
2966 |
2967 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
2968 |
2969 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
2970 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
2971 |
2972 | @property
2973 | def metar(self):
2974 | """Get the METAR on the page."""
2975 | buffer = self._metar.get_buffer()
2976 | return buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
2977 | buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
2978 |
2979 | def setMETAR(self, metar):
2980 | """Set the METAR."""
2981 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(metar)
2982 | self.metarEdited = False
2983 |
2984 | def changeMETAR(self, metar):
2985 | """Change the METAR as a result of an edit on one of the other
2986 | pages."""
2987 | self._updatingMETAR = True
2988 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(metar)
2989 | self._updatingMETAR = False
2990 |
2991 | self._updateButton()
2992 | self.metarEdited = True
2993 |
2994 | def activate(self):
2995 | """Activate the page."""
2996 | if not self._departure:
2997 | self._button.set_label(xstr("briefing_button"))
2998 | self._button.set_has_tooltip(False)
2999 | self._button.set_use_stock(False)
3000 |
3001 | bookedFlight = self._wizard._bookedFlight
3002 |
3003 | icao = bookedFlight.departureICAO if self._departure \
3004 | else bookedFlight.arrivalICAO
3005 | notams = self._wizard._departureNOTAMs if self._departure \
3006 | else self._wizard._arrivalNOTAMs
3007 | metar = self._wizard._departureMETAR if self._departure \
3008 | else self._wizard._arrivalMETAR
3009 |
3010 | self._notamsFrame.set_label(xstr("briefing_notams_template") % (icao,))
3011 | buffer = self._notams.get_buffer()
3012 | if notams is None:
3013 | buffer.set_text(xstr("briefing_notams_failed"))
3014 | elif not notams:
3015 | buffer.set_text(xstr("briefing_notams_missing"))
3016 | else:
3017 | s = ""
3018 | for notam in notams:
3019 | s += str(notam)
3020 | s += "-------------------- * --------------------\n"
3021 | buffer.set_text(s)
3022 |
3023 | self._metarFrame.set_label(xstr("briefing_metar_template") % (icao,))
3024 | buffer = self._metar.get_buffer()
3025 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3026 | if metar is None:
3027 | buffer.set_text("")
3028 | self.setHelp(xstr("briefing_help_nometar"))
3029 | else:
3030 | buffer.set_text(metar)
3031 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3032 | self._updateButton()
3033 |
3034 | label = self._metarFrame.get_label_widget()
3035 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3036 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._metar)
3037 |
3038 | self.metarEdited = False
3039 |
3040 | def _backClicked(self, button):
3041 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
3042 | self.goBack()
3043 |
3044 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
3045 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
3046 | if not self._departure:
3047 | if not self._completed:
3048 | self._wizard.gui.startMonitoring()
3049 | self._button.set_label(xstr("button_next"))
3050 | self._button.set_tooltip_text(xstr("button_next_tooltip"))
3051 | self.complete()
3052 |
3053 | self._wizard.nextPage()
3054 |
3055 | def _metarChanged(self, buffer):
3056 | """Called when the METAR has changed."""
3057 | print "BriefingPage.metarChanged", self._updatingMETAR
3058 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3059 | self.metarEdited = True
3060 | self._updateButton()
3061 | metar = buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
3062 | buffer.get_end_iter(), True)
3063 | self._wizard.metarChanged(metar, self)
3064 |
3065 | def _metarInserted(self, textBuffer, iter, text, length):
3066 | """Called when new characters are inserted into the METAR.
3067 |
3068 | It uppercases all characters."""
3069 | print "BriefingPage.metarInserted", self._updatingMETAR
3070 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3071 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3072 |
3073 | iter1 = iter.copy()
3074 | iter1.backward_chars(length)
3075 | textBuffer.delete(iter, iter1)
3076 |
3077 | textBuffer.insert(iter, text.upper())
3078 |
3079 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3080 |
3081 | def _updateButton(self):
3082 | """Update the sensitivity of the Next button based on the contents of
3083 | the METAR field."""
3084 | buffer = self._metar.get_buffer()
3085 | self._button.set_sensitive(buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(),
3086 | buffer.get_end_iter(),
3087 | True)!="")
3088 |
3089 |
3090 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3091 |
3092 | class TakeoffPage(Page):
3093 | """Page for entering the takeoff data."""
3094 | def __init__(self, wizard):
3095 | """Construct the takeoff page."""
3096 | super(TakeoffPage, self).__init__(wizard, "takeoff",
3097 | xstr("takeoff_title"),
3098 | xstr("takeoff_help"),
3099 | completedHelp = xstr("takeoff_chelp"))
3100 |
3101 | self._forwardAllowed = False
3102 |
3103 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
3104 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
3105 |
3106 | table = gtk.Table(9, 24)
3107 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
3108 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
3109 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
3110 | alignment.add(table)
3111 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
3112 |
3113 | row = 0
3114 |
3115 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_metar"))
3116 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3117 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3118 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3119 |
3120 | self._metar = gtk.Entry()
3121 | self._metar.set_width_chars(40)
3122 | self._metar.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_metar_tooltip"))
3123 | self._metar.connect("changed", self._metarChanged)
3124 | self._metar.get_buffer().connect_after("inserted-text", self._metarInserted)
3125 | table.attach(self._metar, 1, 24, row, row+1)
3126 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._metar)
3127 |
3128 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3129 |
3130 | row += 1
3131 |
3132 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_runway"))
3133 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3134 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3135 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3136 |
3137 | self._runway = gtk.Entry()
3138 | self._runway.set_width_chars(10)
3139 | self._runway.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_runway_tooltip"))
3140 | self._runway.connect("changed", self._upperChanged)
3141 | table.attach(self._runway, 1, 3, row, row+1)
3142 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._runway)
3143 |
3144 | row += 1
3145 |
3146 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_sid"))
3147 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3148 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3149 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3150 |
3151 | if pygobject:
3152 | self._sid = gtk.ComboBox.new_with_model_and_entry(comboModel)
3153 | else:
3154 | self._sid = gtk.ComboBoxEntry(comboModel)
3155 |
3156 | self._sid.set_entry_text_column(0)
3157 | self._sid.get_child().set_width_chars(10)
3158 | self._sid.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_sid_tooltip"))
3159 | self._sid.connect("changed", self._upperChangedComboBox)
3160 | table.attach(self._sid, 1, 3, row, row+1)
3161 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._sid)
3162 |
3163 | row += 1
3164 |
3165 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_v1"))
3166 | label.set_use_markup(True)
3167 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3168 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3169 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3170 |
3171 | self._v1 = IntegerEntry()
3172 | self._v1.set_width_chars(4)
3173 | self._v1.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_v1_tooltip_knots"))
3174 | self._v1.connect("integer-changed", self._valueChanged)
3175 | table.attach(self._v1, 2, 3, row, row+1)
3176 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._v1)
3177 |
3178 | self._v1Unit = gtk.Label(xstr("label_knots"))
3179 | self._v1Unit.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3180 | table.attach(self._v1Unit, 3, 4, row, row+1)
3181 |
3182 | row += 1
3183 |
3184 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_vr"))
3185 | label.set_use_markup(True)
3186 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3187 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3188 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3189 |
3190 | self._vr = IntegerEntry()
3191 | self._vr.set_width_chars(4)
3192 | self._vr.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_vr_tooltip_knots"))
3193 | self._vr.connect("integer-changed", self._valueChanged)
3194 | table.attach(self._vr, 2, 3, row, row+1)
3195 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._vr)
3196 |
3197 | self._vrUnit = gtk.Label(xstr("label_knots"))
3198 | self._vrUnit.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3199 | table.attach(self._vrUnit, 3, 4, row, row+1)
3200 |
3201 | row += 1
3202 |
3203 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("takeoff_v2"))
3204 | label.set_use_markup(True)
3205 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3206 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3207 | table.attach(label, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3208 |
3209 | self._v2 = IntegerEntry()
3210 | self._v2.set_width_chars(4)
3211 | self._v2.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_v2_tooltip_knots"))
3212 | self._v2.connect("integer-changed", self._valueChanged)
3213 | table.attach(self._v2, 2, 3, row, row+1)
3214 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._v2)
3215 |
3216 | self._v2Unit = gtk.Label(xstr("label_knots"))
3217 | self._v2Unit.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3218 | table.attach(self._v2Unit, 3, 4, row, row+1)
3219 |
3220 | row += 1
3221 |
3222 | self._derateType = acft.DERATE_NONE
3223 |
3224 | self._derateLabel = gtk.Label()
3225 | self._derateLabel.set_use_underline(True)
3226 | self._derateLabel.set_markup(xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev"))
3227 | self._derateLabel.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3228 | table.attach(self._derateLabel, 0, 1, row, row+1)
3229 |
3230 | self._derate = gtk.Alignment()
3231 | table.attach(self._derate, 2, 4, row, row+1)
3232 | self._derateWidget = None
3233 | self._derateEntry = None
3234 | self._derateUnit = None
3235 | self._derateButtons = None
3236 |
3237 | row += 1
3238 |
3239 | self._antiIceOn = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("takeoff_antiice"))
3240 | self._antiIceOn.set_use_underline(True)
3241 | self._antiIceOn.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_antiice_tooltip"))
3242 | table.attach(self._antiIceOn, 2, 4, row, row+1)
3243 |
3244 | row += 1
3245 |
3246 | self._rto = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("takeoff_rto"))
3247 | self._rto.set_use_underline(True)
3248 | self._rto.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_rto_tooltip"))
3249 | self._rto.connect("toggled", self._rtoToggled)
3250 | table.attach(self._rto, 2, 4, row, row+1, ypadding = 8)
3251 |
3252 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
3253 |
3254 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
3255 |
3256 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
3257 |
3258 | self._active = False
3259 |
3260 | @property
3261 | def runway(self):
3262 | """Get the runway."""
3263 | return self._runway.get_text()
3264 |
3265 | @property
3266 | def sid(self):
3267 | """Get the SID."""
3268 | text = self._sid.get_child().get_text()
3269 | return text if self._sid.get_active()!=0 and text and text!="N/A" \
3270 | else None
3271 |
3272 | @property
3273 | def v1(self):
3274 | """Get the v1 speed."""
3275 | return self._v1.get_int()
3276 |
3277 | @property
3278 | def vr(self):
3279 | """Get the vr speed."""
3280 | return self._vr.get_int()
3281 |
3282 | @property
3283 | def v2(self):
3284 | """Get the v2 speed."""
3285 | return self._v2.get_int()
3286 |
3287 | @property
3288 | def derate(self):
3289 | """Get the derate value, if any."""
3290 | if self._derateWidget is None:
3291 | return None
3292 | if self._derateType==acft.DERATE_BOEING:
3293 | derate = self._derateEntry.get_text()
3294 | return derate if derate else None
3295 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_EPR:
3296 | derate = self._derateWidget.get_text()
3297 | return derate if derate else None
3298 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_TUPOLEV:
3299 | return acft.DERATE_TUPOLEV_NOMINAL \
3300 | if self._derateButtons[0].get_active() \
3302 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_B462:
3303 | return self._derateWidget.get_active()
3304 | else:
3305 | return None
3306 |
3307 | @property
3308 | def antiIceOn(self):
3309 | """Get whether the anti-ice system has been turned on."""
3310 | return self._antiIceOn.get_active()
3311 |
3312 | @antiIceOn.setter
3313 | def antiIceOn(self, value):
3314 | """Set the anti-ice indicator."""
3315 | self._antiIceOn.set_active(value)
3316 |
3317 | @property
3318 | def rtoIndicated(self):
3319 | """Get whether the pilot has indicated if there was an RTO."""
3320 | return self._rto.get_active()
3321 |
3322 | def activate(self):
3323 | """Activate the page."""
3324 | print "TakeoffPage.activate"
3325 |
3326 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3327 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(self._wizard.departureMETAR, -1)
3328 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3329 |
3330 | if self._wizard.takeoffRunway is None:
3331 | self._runway.set_text("")
3332 | else:
3333 | self._runway.set_text(self._wizard.takeoffRunway)
3334 | self._runway.set_sensitive(True)
3335 | self._sid.set_active(0)
3336 | self._sid.set_sensitive(True)
3337 | self._v1.set_int(None)
3338 | self._v1.set_sensitive(True)
3339 | self._vr.set_int(None)
3340 | self._vr.set_sensitive(True)
3341 | self._v2.set_int(None)
3342 | self._v2.set_sensitive(True)
3343 |
3344 | i18nSpeedUnit = self._wizard.gui.flight.getI18NSpeedUnit()
3345 | speedUnit = xstr("label" + i18nSpeedUnit)
3346 | self._v1Unit.set_text(speedUnit)
3347 | self._vrUnit.set_text(speedUnit)
3348 | self._v2Unit.set_text(speedUnit)
3349 |
3350 | self._v1.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_v1_tooltip" + i18nSpeedUnit))
3351 | self._vr.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_vr_tooltip" + i18nSpeedUnit))
3352 | self._v2.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("takeoff_v2_tooltip" + i18nSpeedUnit))
3353 |
3354 | self._derateType = self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft.derateType
3355 |
3356 | self._setupDerateWidget()
3357 |
3358 | self._rto.set_active(False)
3359 | self._rto.set_sensitive(False)
3360 |
3361 | self._button.set_sensitive(False)
3362 | self._forwardAllowed = False
3363 |
3364 | self._active = True
3365 |
3366 | def allowForward(self):
3367 | """Allow going to the next page."""
3368 | print "TakeoffPage.allowForward"
3369 | self._forwardAllowed = True
3370 | self._updateForwardButton()
3371 |
3372 | def reset(self):
3373 | """Reset the page if the wizard is reset."""
3374 | print "TakeoffPage.reset"
3375 |
3376 | super(TakeoffPage, self).reset()
3377 | self._v1.reset()
3378 | self._vr.reset()
3379 | self._v2.reset()
3380 | self._hasDerate = False
3381 | self._antiIceOn.set_active(False)
3382 | self._active = False
3383 |
3384 | def setRTOEnabled(self, enabled):
3385 | """Set the RTO checkbox enabled or disabled."""
3386 | if not enabled:
3387 | self._rto.set_active(False)
3388 | self._rto.set_sensitive(enabled)
3389 |
3390 | def changeMETAR(self, metar):
3391 | """Change the METAR as a result of an edit on one of the other
3392 | pages."""
3393 | if self._active:
3394 | print "TakeoffPage.changeMETAR"
3395 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3396 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(metar, -1)
3397 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3398 |
3399 | self._updateForwardButton()
3400 |
3401 | def _updateForwardButton(self):
3402 | """Update the sensitivity of the forward button based on some conditions."""
3403 | sensitive = self._forwardAllowed and \
3404 | self._metar.get_text()!="" and \
3405 | self._runway.get_text()!="" and \
3406 | self.sid is not None and \
3407 | self.v1 is not None and \
3408 | self.vr is not None and \
3409 | self.v2 is not None and \
3410 | self.v1 <= self.vr and \
3411 | self.vr <= self.v2 and \
3412 | (self._derateType==acft.DERATE_NONE or
3413 | self.derate is not None)
3414 |
3415 | print "TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed:", self._forwardAllowed, ", sensitive:", sensitive
3416 | if self._forwardAllowed:
3417 | print " METAR: ", self._metar.get_text()
3418 | print " runway: ", self._runway.get_text()
3419 | print " SID:", self.sid
3420 | print " V1:", self.v1
3421 | print " VR:", self.vr
3422 | print " V2:", self.v2
3423 | print " derateType:", self._derateType
3424 | print " derate:", self.derate
3425 |
3426 | self._button.set_sensitive(sensitive)
3427 |
3428 | def _valueChanged(self, widget, arg = None):
3429 | """Called when the value of some widget has changed."""
3430 | print "TakeoffPage._valueChanged"
3431 |
3432 | self._updateForwardButton()
3433 |
3434 | def _upperChanged(self, entry, arg = None):
3435 | """Called when the value of some entry widget has changed and the value
3436 | should be converted to uppercase."""
3437 | print "TakeoffPage._upperChanged"
3438 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
3439 | self._valueChanged(entry, arg)
3440 |
3441 | def _upperChangedComboBox(self, comboBox):
3442 | """Called for combo box widgets that must be converted to uppercase."""
3443 | entry = comboBox.get_child()
3444 | if comboBox.get_active()==-1:
3445 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
3446 | self._valueChanged(entry)
3447 |
3448 | def _derateChanged(self, entry):
3449 | """Called when the value of the derate is changed."""
3450 | print "TakeoffPage._derateChanged"
3451 | self._updateForwardButton()
3452 |
3453 | def _rtoToggled(self, button):
3454 | """Called when the RTO check button is toggled."""
3455 | self._wizard.rtoToggled(button.get_active())
3456 |
3457 | def _backClicked(self, button):
3458 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
3459 | self.goBack()
3460 |
3461 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
3462 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
3463 | aircraft = self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft
3464 | aircraft.updateV1R2()
3465 | if self.derate is not None:
3466 | aircraft.updateDerate()
3467 | aircraft.updateTakeoffAntiIce()
3468 | self._wizard.nextPage()
3469 |
3470 | def _setupDerateWidget(self):
3471 | """Setup the derate widget."""
3472 | if self._derateWidget is not None:
3473 | self._derate.remove(self._derateWidget)
3474 |
3475 | if self._derateType==acft.DERATE_BOEING:
3476 | self._derateLabel.set_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_boeing"))
3477 | self._derateLabel.set_use_underline(True)
3478 | self._derateLabel.set_sensitive(True)
3479 |
3480 | self._derateEntry = gtk.Entry()
3481 | self._derateEntry.set_width_chars(7)
3482 | self._derateEntry.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_boeing_tooltip"))
3483 | self._derateEntry.set_alignment(1.0)
3484 | self._derateEntry.connect("changed", self._derateChanged)
3485 | self._derateLabel.set_mnemonic_widget(self._derateEntry)
3486 |
3487 | self._derateUnit = gtk.Label("%")
3488 | self._derateUnit.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3489 |
3490 | self._derateWidget = gtk.Table(3, 1)
3491 | self._derateWidget.set_row_spacings(4)
3492 | self._derateWidget.set_col_spacings(16)
3493 | self._derateWidget.set_homogeneous(False)
3494 |
3495 | self._derateWidget.attach(self._derateEntry, 0, 2, 0, 1)
3496 | self._derateWidget.attach(self._derateUnit, 2, 3, 0, 1)
3497 |
3498 | self._derate.add(self._derateWidget)
3499 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_EPR:
3500 | self._derateLabel.set_text("_EPR:")
3501 | self._derateLabel.set_use_underline(True)
3502 | self._derateLabel.set_sensitive(True)
3503 |
3504 | self._derateWidget = gtk.Entry()
3505 | self._derateWidget.set_width_chars(7)
3506 | self._derateWidget.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_epr_tooltip"))
3507 | self._derateWidget.set_alignment(1.0)
3508 | self._derateWidget.connect("changed", self._derateChanged)
3509 | self._derateLabel.set_mnemonic_widget(self._derateWidget)
3510 |
3511 | self._derate.add(self._derateWidget)
3512 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_TUPOLEV:
3513 | self._derateLabel.set_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev"))
3514 | self._derateLabel.set_use_underline(True)
3515 | self._derateLabel.set_sensitive(True)
3516 |
3517 | if pygobject:
3518 | nominal = gtk.RadioButton.\
3519 | new_with_label_from_widget(None,
3520 | xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_nominal"))
3521 | else:
3522 | nominal = gtk.RadioButton(None,
3523 | xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_nominal"))
3524 | nominal.set_use_underline(True)
3525 | nominal.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_nominal_tooltip"))
3526 | nominal.connect("toggled", self._derateChanged)
3527 |
3528 | if pygobject:
3529 | takeoff = gtk.RadioButton.\
3530 | new_with_label_from_widget(nominal,
3531 | xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_takeoff"))
3532 | else:
3533 | takeoff = gtk.RadioButton(nominal,
3534 | xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_takeoff"))
3535 |
3536 | takeoff.set_use_underline(True)
3537 | takeoff.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_tupolev_takeoff_tooltip"))
3538 | takeoff.connect("toggled", self._derateChanged)
3539 |
3540 | self._derateButtons = [nominal, takeoff]
3541 |
3542 | self._derateWidget = gtk.HBox()
3543 | self._derateWidget.pack_start(nominal, False, False, 4)
3544 | self._derateWidget.pack_start(takeoff, False, False, 4)
3545 |
3546 | self._derate.add(self._derateWidget)
3547 | elif self._derateType==acft.DERATE_B462:
3548 | self._derateLabel.set_text("")
3549 |
3550 | self._derateWidget = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("takeoff_derate_b462"))
3551 | self._derateWidget.set_tooltip_text(xstr("takeoff_derate_b462_tooltip"))
3552 | self._derateWidget.set_use_underline(True)
3553 | self._derate.add(self._derateWidget)
3554 | else:
3555 | self._derateWidget = None
3556 | self._derateLabel.set_text("")
3557 | self._derateLabel.set_sensitive(False)
3558 |
3559 | def _metarChanged(self, entry):
3560 | """Called when the METAR has changed."""
3561 | print "TakeoffPage.metarChanged", self._updatingMETAR
3562 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3563 | self._updateForwardButton()
3564 | self._wizard.metarChanged(entry.get_text(), self)
3565 |
3566 | def _metarInserted(self, buffer, position, text, length):
3567 | """Called when new characters are inserted into the METAR.
3568 |
3569 | It uppercases all characters."""
3570 | print "TakeoffPage.metarInserted", self._updatingMETAR
3571 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3572 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3573 |
3574 | buffer.delete_text(position, length)
3575 | buffer.insert_text(position, text.upper(), length)
3576 |
3577 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3578 |
3579 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3580 |
3581 | class CruisePage(Page):
3582 | """The page containing the flight level that might change during flight."""
3583 | def __init__(self, wizard):
3584 | """Construct the page."""
3585 | super(CruisePage, self).__init__(wizard, "cruise",
3586 | xstr("cruise_title"),
3587 | xstr("cruise_help"))
3588 |
3589 | self._loggable = False
3590 | self._loggedCruiseLevel = 240
3591 | self._activated = False
3592 |
3593 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
3594 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
3595 |
3596 | mainBox = gtk.VBox()
3597 | alignment.add(mainBox)
3598 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
3599 |
3600 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
3601 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
3602 | mainBox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 16)
3603 |
3604 | levelBox = gtk.HBox()
3605 |
3606 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("route_level"))
3607 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3608 | levelBox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
3609 |
3610 | self._cruiseLevel = gtk.SpinButton()
3611 | self._cruiseLevel.set_increments(step = 10, page = 100)
3612 | self._cruiseLevel.set_range(min = 50, max = 500)
3613 | self._cruiseLevel.set_tooltip_text(xstr("cruise_route_level_tooltip"))
3614 | self._cruiseLevel.set_numeric(True)
3615 | self._cruiseLevel.connect("value-changed", self._cruiseLevelChanged)
3616 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._cruiseLevel)
3617 |
3618 | levelBox.pack_start(self._cruiseLevel, False, False, 8)
3619 |
3620 | self._updateButton = gtk.Button(xstr("cruise_route_level_update"));
3621 | self._updateButton.set_use_underline(True)
3622 | self._updateButton.set_tooltip_text(xstr("cruise_route_level_update_tooltip"))
3623 | self._updateButton.connect("clicked", self._updateButtonClicked)
3624 |
3625 | levelBox.pack_start(self._updateButton, False, False, 16)
3626 |
3627 | mainBox.pack_start(levelBox, False, False, 0)
3628 |
3629 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.0, yalign = 0.0,
3630 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
3631 | mainBox.pack_start(alignment, True, True, 0)
3632 |
3633 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
3634 |
3635 | self._backButton = self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
3636 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
3637 |
3638 | @property
3639 | def activated(self):
3640 | """Determine if the page is already activated or not."""
3641 | return self._activated
3642 |
3643 | @property
3644 | def cruiseLevel(self):
3645 | """Get the cruise level."""
3646 | return self._loggedCruiseLevel
3647 |
3648 | @property
3649 | def loggableCruiseLevel(self):
3650 | """Get the cruise level which should be logged."""
3651 | return self._cruiseLevel.get_value_as_int()
3652 |
3653 | def setLoggable(self, loggable):
3654 | """Set whether the cruise altitude can be logged."""
3655 | self._loggable = loggable
3656 | self._updateButtons()
3657 |
3658 | def activate(self):
3659 | """Setup the route from the booked flight."""
3660 | self._loggedCruiseLevel = self._wizard.filedCruiseLevel
3661 | self._cruiseLevel.set_value(self._loggedCruiseLevel)
3662 | self._activated = True
3663 |
3664 | def reset(self):
3665 | """Reset the page."""
3666 | self._loggable = False
3667 | self._activated = False
3668 | super(CruisePage, self).reset()
3669 |
3670 | def _updateButtons(self):
3671 | """Update the sensitivity of the buttons."""
3672 | self._updateButton.set_sensitive(self._loggable and
3673 | self.loggableCruiseLevel!=
3674 | self._loggedCruiseLevel)
3675 |
3676 | def _cruiseLevelChanged(self, spinButton):
3677 | """Called when the cruise level has changed."""
3678 | self._updateButtons()
3679 |
3680 | def _updateButtonClicked(self, button):
3681 | """Called when the update button is clicked."""
3682 | if self._wizard.cruiseLevelChanged():
3683 | self._loggedCruiseLevel = self.loggableCruiseLevel
3684 | self._updateButtons()
3685 |
3686 | def _backClicked(self, button):
3687 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
3688 | self.goBack()
3689 |
3690 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
3691 | """Called when the Forward button is clicked."""
3692 | self._wizard.nextPage()
3693 |
3694 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3695 |
3696 | class LandingPage(Page):
3697 | """Page for entering landing data."""
3698 | def __init__(self, wizard):
3699 | """Construct the landing page."""
3700 | super(LandingPage, self).__init__(wizard, "landing",
3701 | xstr("landing_title"),
3702 | xstr("landing_help"),
3703 | completedHelp = xstr("landing_chelp"))
3704 |
3705 | self._flightEnded = False
3706 |
3707 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
3708 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
3709 |
3710 | table = gtk.Table(7, 24)
3711 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
3712 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
3713 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
3714 | alignment.add(table)
3715 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
3716 |
3717 | row = 0
3718 |
3719 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_metar"))
3720 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3721 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3722 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row+1)
3723 |
3724 | self._metar = gtk.Entry()
3725 | self._metar.set_width_chars(40)
3726 | self._metar.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_metar_tooltip"))
3727 | self._metar.connect("changed", self._metarChanged)
3728 | self._metar.get_buffer().connect_after("inserted-text", self._metarInserted)
3729 | table.attach(self._metar, 2, 24, row, row+1)
3730 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._metar)
3731 |
3732 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3733 |
3734 | row += 1
3735 |
3736 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_star"))
3737 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3738 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3739 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
3740 |
3741 | if pygobject:
3742 | self._star = gtk.ComboBox.new_with_model_and_entry(comboModel)
3743 | else:
3744 | self._star = gtk.ComboBoxEntry(comboModel)
3745 |
3746 | self._star.set_entry_text_column(0)
3747 | self._star.get_child().set_width_chars(10)
3748 | self._star.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_star_tooltip"))
3749 | self._star.connect("changed", self._upperChangedComboBox)
3750 | self._star.set_sensitive(False)
3751 | table.attach(self._star, 2, 4, row, row + 1)
3752 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._star)
3753 |
3754 | row += 1
3755 |
3756 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_transition"))
3757 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3758 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3759 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
3760 |
3761 | if pygobject:
3762 | self._transition = gtk.ComboBox.new_with_model_and_entry(comboModel)
3763 | else:
3764 | self._transition = gtk.ComboBoxEntry(comboModel)
3765 |
3766 | self._transition.set_entry_text_column(0)
3767 | self._transition.get_child().set_width_chars(10)
3768 | self._transition.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_transition_tooltip"))
3769 | self._transition.connect("changed", self._upperChangedComboBox)
3770 | self._transition.set_sensitive(False)
3771 | table.attach(self._transition, 2, 4, row, row + 1)
3772 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._transition)
3773 |
3774 | row += 1
3775 |
3776 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_runway"))
3777 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3778 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3779 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
3780 |
3781 | self._runway = gtk.Entry()
3782 | self._runway.set_width_chars(10)
3783 | self._runway.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_runway_tooltip"))
3784 | self._runway.connect("changed", self._upperChanged)
3785 | table.attach(self._runway, 2, 4, row, row + 1)
3786 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._runway)
3787 |
3788 | row += 1
3789 |
3790 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_approach"))
3791 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3792 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3793 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
3794 |
3795 | self._approachType = gtk.Entry()
3796 | self._approachType.set_width_chars(10)
3797 | self._approachType.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_approach_tooltip"))
3798 | self._approachType.connect("changed", self._upperChanged)
3799 | table.attach(self._approachType, 2, 4, row, row + 1)
3800 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._approachType)
3801 |
3802 | row += 1
3803 |
3804 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("landing_vref"))
3805 | label.set_use_markup(True)
3806 | label.set_use_underline(True)
3807 | label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
3808 | table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
3809 |
3810 | self._vref = IntegerEntry()
3811 | self._vref.set_width_chars(5)
3812 | self._vref.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("landing_vref_tooltip_knots"))
3813 | self._vref.connect("integer-changed", self._vrefChanged)
3814 | table.attach(self._vref, 3, 4, row, row + 1)
3815 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._vref)
3816 |
3817 | self._vrefUnit = gtk.Label(xstr("label_knots"))
3818 | table.attach(self._vrefUnit, 4, 5, row, row + 1)
3819 |
3820 | row += 1
3821 |
3822 | self._antiIceOn = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("landing_antiice"))
3823 | self._antiIceOn.set_use_underline(True)
3824 | self._antiIceOn.set_tooltip_text(xstr("landing_antiice_tooltip"))
3825 | table.attach(self._antiIceOn, 3, 5, row, row + 1)
3826 |
3827 | self.addCancelFlightButton()
3828 |
3829 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
3830 |
3831 | self._button = self.addNextButton(clicked = self._forwardClicked)
3832 |
3833 | self._active = False
3834 |
3835 | @property
3836 | def star(self):
3837 | """Get the STAR or None if none entered."""
3838 | text = self._star.get_child().get_text()
3839 | return text if self._star.get_active()!=0 and text and text!="N/A" \
3840 | else None
3841 |
3842 | @property
3843 | def transition(self):
3844 | """Get the transition or None if none entered."""
3845 | text = self._transition.get_child().get_text()
3846 | return text if self._transition.get_active()!=0 and text and text!="N/A" \
3847 | else None
3848 |
3849 | @property
3850 | def approachType(self):
3851 | """Get the approach type."""
3852 | return self._approachType.get_text()
3853 |
3854 | @property
3855 | def runway(self):
3856 | """Get the runway."""
3857 | return self._runway.get_text()
3858 |
3859 | @property
3860 | def vref(self):
3861 | """Return the landing reference speed."""
3862 | return self._vref.get_int()
3863 |
3864 | @property
3865 | def antiIceOn(self):
3866 | """Get whether the anti-ice system has been turned on."""
3867 | return self._antiIceOn.get_active()
3868 |
3869 | @antiIceOn.setter
3870 | def antiIceOn(self, value):
3871 | """Set the anti-ice indicator."""
3872 | self._antiIceOn.set_active(value)
3873 |
3874 | def reset(self):
3875 | """Reset the page if the wizard is reset."""
3876 | super(LandingPage, self).reset()
3877 | self._vref.reset()
3878 | self._antiIceOn.set_active(False)
3879 | self._flightEnded = False
3880 | self._active = False
3881 |
3882 | def activate(self):
3883 | """Called when the page is activated."""
3884 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3885 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(self._wizard.arrivalMETAR, -1)
3886 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3887 |
3888 | self._star.set_active(0)
3889 | self._star.set_sensitive(True)
3890 |
3891 | self._transition.set_active(0)
3892 | self._transition.set_sensitive(True)
3893 |
3894 | if self._wizard.landingRunway is None:
3895 | self._runway.set_text("")
3896 | else:
3897 | self._runway.set_text(self._wizard.landingRunway)
3898 | self._runway.set_sensitive(True)
3899 |
3900 | self._approachType.set_text("")
3901 | self._approachType.set_sensitive(True)
3902 |
3903 | self._vref.set_int(None)
3904 | self._vref.set_sensitive(True)
3905 |
3906 | i18nSpeedUnit = self._wizard.gui.flight.getI18NSpeedUnit()
3907 | speedUnit = xstr("label" + i18nSpeedUnit)
3908 | self._vrefUnit.set_text(speedUnit)
3909 |
3910 | self._vref.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("landing_vref_tooltip" +
3911 | i18nSpeedUnit))
3912 |
3913 | self._updateForwardButton()
3914 |
3915 | self._active = True
3916 |
3917 | def flightEnded(self):
3918 | """Called when the flight has ended."""
3919 | super(LandingPage, self).flightEnded()
3920 | self._flightEnded = True
3921 | self._updateForwardButton()
3922 |
3923 | def changeMETAR(self, metar):
3924 | """Change the METAR as a result of an edit on one of the other
3925 | pages."""
3926 | if self._active:
3927 | print "LandingPage.changeMETAR"
3928 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3929 | self._metar.get_buffer().set_text(metar, -1)
3930 | self._updatingMETAR = False
3931 |
3932 | self._updateForwardButton()
3933 |
3934 | def _updateForwardButton(self):
3935 | """Update the sensitivity of the forward button."""
3936 | sensitive = self._flightEnded and \
3937 | self._metar.get_text()!="" and \
3938 | (self.star is not None or
3939 | self.transition is not None) and \
3940 | self._runway.get_text()!="" and \
3941 | self._approachType.get_text()!="" and \
3942 | self.vref is not None
3943 | self._button.set_sensitive(sensitive)
3944 |
3945 | def _upperChanged(self, entry):
3946 | """Called for entry widgets that must be converted to uppercase."""
3947 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
3948 | self._updateForwardButton()
3949 |
3950 | def _upperChangedComboBox(self, comboBox):
3951 | """Called for combo box widgets that must be converted to uppercase."""
3952 | if comboBox.get_active()==-1:
3953 | entry = comboBox.get_child()
3954 | entry.set_text(entry.get_text().upper())
3955 | self._updateForwardButton()
3956 |
3957 | def _vrefChanged(self, widget, value):
3958 | """Called when the Vref has changed."""
3959 | self._updateForwardButton()
3960 |
3961 | def _backClicked(self, button):
3962 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
3963 | self.goBack()
3964 |
3965 | def _forwardClicked(self, button):
3966 | """Called when the forward button is clicked."""
3967 | aircraft = self._wizard.gui.flight.aircraft
3968 | aircraft.updateVRef()
3969 | aircraft.updateLandingAntiIce()
3970 | if self._wizard.gui.config.onlineGateSystem and \
3971 | self._wizard.loggedIn and not self._completed and \
3972 | self._wizard.bookedFlight.arrivalICAO=="LHBP" and \
3973 | not self._wizard.entranceExam:
3974 | self._wizard.getFleet(callback = self._fleetRetrieved,
3975 | force = True)
3976 | else:
3977 | self._wizard.nextPage()
3978 |
3979 | def _fleetRetrieved(self, fleet):
3980 | """Callback for the fleet retrieval."""
3981 | self._wizard.nextPage()
3982 |
3983 | def _metarChanged(self, entry):
3984 | """Called when the METAR has changed."""
3985 | print "LandingPage.metarChanged", self._updatingMETAR
3986 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3987 | self._updateForwardButton()
3988 | self._wizard.metarChanged(entry.get_text(), self)
3989 |
3990 | def _metarInserted(self, buffer, position, text, length):
3991 | """Called when new characters are inserted into the METAR.
3992 |
3993 | It uppercases all characters."""
3994 | print "LandingPage.metarInserted", self._updatingMETAR
3995 | if not self._updatingMETAR:
3996 | self._updatingMETAR = True
3997 |
3998 | buffer.delete_text(position, length)
3999 | buffer.insert_text(position, text.upper(), length)
4000 |
4001 | self._updatingMETAR = False
4002 |
4003 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4004 |
4005 | class FinishPage(Page):
4006 | """Flight finish page."""
4007 | _flightTypes = [ ("flighttype_scheduled", const.FLIGHTTYPE_SCHEDULED),
4008 | ("flighttype_ot", const.FLIGHTTYPE_OLDTIMER),
4009 | ("flighttype_vip", const.FLIGHTTYPE_VIP),
4010 | ("flighttype_charter", const.FLIGHTTYPE_CHARTER) ]
4011 |
4012 | def __init__(self, wizard):
4013 | """Construct the finish page."""
4014 | help = xstr("finish_help") + xstr("finish_help_goodtime")
4015 | super(FinishPage, self).__init__(wizard, "finish",
4016 | xstr("finish_title"), help)
4017 |
4018 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
4019 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
4020 |
4021 | table = gtk.Table(10, 2)
4022 | table.set_row_spacings(4)
4023 | table.set_col_spacings(16)
4024 | table.set_homogeneous(False)
4025 | alignment.add(table)
4026 | self.setMainWidget(alignment)
4027 |
4028 | row = 0
4029 |
4030 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4031 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_rating"))
4032 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4033 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4034 |
4035 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4036 | self._flightRating = gtk.Label()
4037 | self._flightRating.set_width_chars(8)
4038 | self._flightRating.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4039 | self._flightRating.set_use_markup(True)
4040 | labelAlignment.add(self._flightRating)
4041 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4042 |
4043 | row += 1
4044 |
4045 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4046 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_dep_time"))
4047 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4048 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4049 |
4050 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4051 | self._depTime = gtk.Label()
4052 | self._depTime.set_width_chars(13)
4053 | self._depTime.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4054 | self._depTime.set_use_markup(True)
4055 | self._depTime.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("finish_dep_time_tooltip"))
4056 | labelAlignment.add(self._depTime)
4057 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4058 |
4059 | row += 1
4060 |
4061 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4062 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_flight_time"))
4063 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4064 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4065 |
4066 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4067 | self._flightTime = gtk.Label()
4068 | self._flightTime.set_width_chars(10)
4069 | self._flightTime.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4070 | self._flightTime.set_use_markup(True)
4071 | labelAlignment.add(self._flightTime)
4072 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4073 |
4074 | row += 1
4075 |
4076 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4077 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_block_time"))
4078 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4079 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4080 |
4081 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4082 | self._blockTime = gtk.Label()
4083 | self._blockTime.set_width_chars(10)
4084 | self._blockTime.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4085 | self._blockTime.set_use_markup(True)
4086 | labelAlignment.add(self._blockTime)
4087 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4088 |
4089 | row += 1
4090 |
4091 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4092 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_arr_time"))
4093 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4094 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4095 |
4096 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4097 | self._arrTime = gtk.Label()
4098 | self._arrTime.set_width_chars(13)
4099 | self._arrTime.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4100 | self._arrTime.set_use_markup(True)
4101 | self._arrTime.set_tooltip_markup(xstr("finish_arr_time_tooltip"))
4102 | labelAlignment.add(self._arrTime)
4103 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4104 |
4105 | row += 1
4106 |
4107 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4108 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_distance"))
4109 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4110 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4111 |
4112 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4113 | self._distanceFlown = gtk.Label()
4114 | self._distanceFlown.set_width_chars(10)
4115 | self._distanceFlown.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4116 | self._distanceFlown.set_use_markup(True)
4117 | labelAlignment.add(self._distanceFlown)
4118 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4119 |
4120 | row += 1
4121 |
4122 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=1.0, xscale=0.0)
4123 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_fuel"))
4124 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4125 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4126 |
4127 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4128 | self._fuelUsed = gtk.Label()
4129 | self._fuelUsed.set_width_chars(10)
4130 | self._fuelUsed.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5)
4131 | self._fuelUsed.set_use_markup(True)
4132 | labelAlignment.add(self._fuelUsed)
4133 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4134 |
4135 | row += 1
4136 |
4137 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, xscale = 0.0,
4138 | yalign = 0.5, yscale = 0.0)
4139 | label = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_type"))
4140 | label.set_use_underline(True)
4141 | labelAlignment.add(label)
4142 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4143 |
4144 | flightTypeModel = gtk.ListStore(str, int)
4145 | for (name, type) in FinishPage._flightTypes:
4146 | flightTypeModel.append([xstr(name), type])
4147 |
4148 | self._flightType = gtk.ComboBox(model = flightTypeModel)
4149 | renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
4150 | self._flightType.pack_start(renderer, True)
4151 | self._flightType.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
4152 | self._flightType.set_tooltip_text(xstr("finish_type_tooltip"))
4153 | self._flightType.set_active(0)
4154 | self._flightType.connect("changed", self._flightTypeChanged)
4155 | flightTypeAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4156 | flightTypeAlignment.add(self._flightType)
4157 | table.attach(flightTypeAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4158 | label.set_mnemonic_widget(self._flightType)
4159 |
4160 | row += 1
4161 |
4162 | self._onlineFlight = gtk.CheckButton(xstr("finish_online"))
4163 | self._onlineFlight.set_use_underline(True)
4164 | self._onlineFlight.set_tooltip_text(xstr("finish_online_tooltip"))
4165 | onlineFlightAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=0.0)
4166 | onlineFlightAlignment.add(self._onlineFlight)
4167 | table.attach(onlineFlightAlignment, 1, 2, row, row + 1)
4168 |
4169 | row += 1
4170 |
4171 | labelAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 1.0, xscale = 0.0,
4172 | yalign = 0.5, yscale = 0.0)
4173 | self._gateLabel = gtk.Label(xstr("finish_gate"))
4174 | self._gateLabel.set_use_underline(True)
4175 | labelAlignment.add(self._gateLabel)
4176 | table.attach(labelAlignment, 0, 1, row, row+1)
4177 |
4178 | self._gatesModel = gtk.ListStore(str)
4179 |
4180 | self._gate = gtk.ComboBox(model = self._gatesModel)
4181 | renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
4182 | self._gate.pack_start(renderer, True)
4183 | self._gate.add_attribute(renderer, "text", 0)
4184 | self._gate.set_tooltip_text(xstr("finish_gate_tooltip"))
4185 | self._gate.connect("changed", self._gateChanged)
4186 | gateAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign=0.0, xscale=1.0)
4187 | gateAlignment.add(self._gate)
4188 | table.attach(gateAlignment, 1, 2, row, row+1)
4189 | self._gateLabel.set_mnemonic_widget(self._gate)
4190 |
4191 | self.addButton(xstr("finish_newFlight"),
4192 | sensitive = True,
4193 | clicked = self._newFlightClicked,
4194 | tooltip = xstr("finish_newFlight_tooltip"),
4195 | padding = 16)
4196 |
4197 | self.addPreviousButton(clicked = self._backClicked)
4198 |
4199 | self._saveButton = self.addButton(xstr("finish_save"),
4200 | sensitive = False,
4201 | clicked = self._saveClicked,
4202 | tooltip = xstr("finish_save_tooltip"))
4203 | self._savePIREPDialog = None
4204 | self._lastSavePath = None
4205 |
4206 | self._tooBigTimeDifference = False
4207 | self._deferredAutoSave = False
4208 | self._pirepSaved = False
4209 | self._pirepSent = False
4210 |
4211 | self._sendButton = self.addButton(xstr("sendPIREP"), default = True,
4212 | sensitive = False,
4213 | clicked = self._sendClicked,
4214 | tooltip = xstr("sendPIREP_tooltip"))
4215 |
4216 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 10), 10*60.0)
4217 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 10), 20*60.0)
4218 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 10), 0*60.0)
4219 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 10), (23*60.0+50)*60.0)
4220 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 0), (1*60.0+5)*60.0)
4221 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 0), (0*60.0+50)*60.0)
4222 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 23, 55), (0*60.0+5)*60.0)
4223 | # self._formatTime(datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 23, 55), (23*60.0+45)*60.0)
4224 |
4225 | @property
4226 | def flightType(self):
4227 | """Get the flight type."""
4228 | index = self._flightType.get_active()
4229 | return None if index<0 else self._flightType.get_model()[index][1]
4230 |
4231 | @property
4232 | def online(self):
4233 | """Get whether the flight was an online flight or not."""
4234 | return self._onlineFlight.get_active()
4235 |
4236 | def activate(self):
4237 | """Activate the page."""
4238 | self._deferredAutoSave = False
4239 | self._pirepSaved = False
4240 | self._pirepSent = False
4241 |
4242 | flight = self._wizard.gui._flight
4243 | rating = flight.logger.getRating()
4244 | if rating<0:
4245 | self._flightRating.set_markup('<b><span foreground="red">NO GO</span></b>')
4246 | else:
4247 | self._flightRating.set_markup("<b>%.1f %%</b>" % (rating,))
4248 |
4249 | flightLength = flight.flightTimeEnd - flight.flightTimeStart
4250 | self._flightTime.set_markup("<b>%s</b>" % \
4251 | (util.getTimeIntervalString(flightLength),))
4252 |
4253 | blockLength = flight.blockTimeEnd - flight.blockTimeStart
4254 | self._blockTime.set_markup("<b>%s</b>" % \
4255 | (util.getTimeIntervalString(blockLength),))
4256 |
4257 | self._distanceFlown.set_markup("<b>%.2f NM</b>" % \
4258 | (flight.flownDistance,))
4259 |
4260 | self._fuelUsed.set_markup("<b>%.0f kg</b>" % \
4261 | (flight.startFuel - flight.endFuel,))
4262 |
4263 | self._flightType.set_active(-1)
4264 | self._onlineFlight.set_active(self._wizard.loggedIn)
4265 |
4266 | self._gatesModel.clear()
4267 | if self._wizard.gui.config.onlineGateSystem and \
4268 | self._wizard.loggedIn and \
4269 | self._wizard.bookedFlight.arrivalICAO=="LHBP" and \
4270 | not self._wizard.entranceExam:
4271 | occupiedGateNumbers = self._wizard._fleet.getOccupiedGateNumbers()
4272 | for gate in lhbpGates.gates:
4273 | if gate.isAvailable(lhbpGates, occupiedGateNumbers):
4274 | self._gatesModel.append([gate.number])
4275 | self._gateLabel.set_sensitive(True)
4276 | self._gate.set_sensitive(True)
4277 | self._gate.set_active(-1)
4278 | else:
4279 | self._gateLabel.set_sensitive(False)
4280 | self._gate.set_sensitive(False)
4281 |
4282 | self._updateTimes()
4283 |
4284 | def updateButtons(self):
4285 | """Update the sensitivity state of the buttons."""
4286 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4287 | faultsExplained = gui.faultsFullyExplained
4288 | timesCorrect = self.flightType is None or \
4289 | not self._tooBigTimeDifference or \
4290 | gui.hasComments or gui.hasDelayCode
4291 | sensitive = gui.flight is not None and \
4292 | gui.flight.stage==const.STAGE_END and \
4293 | self._flightType.get_active()>=0 and \
4294 | (self._gatesModel.get_iter_first() is None or
4295 | self._gate.get_active()>=0) and \
4296 | faultsExplained and timesCorrect
4297 |
4298 | self._updateHelp(faultsExplained, timesCorrect)
4299 |
4300 | wasSensitive = self._saveButton.get_sensitive()
4301 |
4302 | if gui.config.pirepAutoSave and sensitive and not wasSensitive:
4303 | if gui.isWizardActive():
4304 | self._autoSavePIREP()
4305 | else:
4306 | self._deferredAutoSave = True
4307 |
4308 | if not sensitive:
4309 | self._deferredAutoSave = False
4310 |
4311 | self._saveButton.set_sensitive(sensitive)
4312 | self._sendButton.set_sensitive(sensitive and
4313 | self._wizard.bookedFlight.id is not None)
4314 |
4315 | def grabDefault(self):
4316 | """If the page has a default button, make it the default one."""
4317 | super(FinishPage, self).grabDefault()
4318 | if self._deferredAutoSave:
4319 | self._autoSavePIREP()
4320 | self._deferredAutoSave = False
4321 |
4322 | def _autoSavePIREP(self):
4323 | """Perform the automatic saving of the PIREP."""
4324 | self._lastSavePath = os.path.join(self._wizard.gui.config.pirepDirectory,
4325 | self._getDefaultPIREPName())
4326 | self._lastSavePath = text2unicode(self._lastSavePath)
4327 | self._savePIREP(automatic = True)
4328 |
4329 | def _backClicked(self, button):
4330 | """Called when the Back button is pressed."""
4331 | self.goBack()
4332 |
4333 | def _flightTypeChanged(self, comboBox):
4334 | """Called when the flight type has changed."""
4335 | self._updateTimes()
4336 |
4337 | def _gateChanged(self, comboBox):
4338 | """Called when the arrival gate has changed."""
4339 | self.updateButtons()
4340 |
4341 | def _newFlightClicked(self, button):
4342 | """Called when the new flight button is clicked."""
4343 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4344 | if not self._pirepSent and not self._pirepSaved:
4345 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = gui.mainWindow,
4347 | message_format = xstr("finish_newFlight_question"))
4348 |
4349 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_no"), RESPONSETYPE_NO)
4350 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_yes"), RESPONSETYPE_YES)
4351 |
4352 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
4353 | result = dialog.run()
4354 | dialog.hide()
4355 | if result!=RESPONSETYPE_YES:
4356 | return
4357 |
4358 | gui.reset()
4359 |
4360 | def _getDefaultPIREPName(self):
4361 | """Get the default name of the PIREP."""
4362 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4363 |
4364 | bookedFlight = gui.bookedFlight
4365 | tm = time.gmtime()
4366 |
4367 | pilotID = self._wizard.pilotID
4368 | if pilotID: pilotID += " "
4369 | return "%s%s %02d%02d %s-%s.pirep" % \
4370 | (pilotID, str(bookedFlight.departureTime.date()),
4371 | tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min,
4372 | bookedFlight.departureICAO, bookedFlight.arrivalICAO)
4373 |
4374 |
4375 | def _saveClicked(self, button):
4376 | """Called when the Save PIREP button is clicked."""
4377 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4378 |
4379 | fileName = self._getDefaultPIREPName()
4380 |
4381 | dialog = self._getSaveDialog()
4382 |
4383 | if self._lastSavePath is None:
4384 | pirepDirectory = gui.config.pirepDirectory
4385 | if pirepDirectory is not None:
4386 | dialog.set_current_folder(pirepDirectory)
4387 | else:
4388 | dialog.set_current_folder(os.path.dirname(self._lastSavePath))
4389 |
4390 | dialog.set_current_name(fileName)
4391 | result = dialog.run()
4392 | dialog.hide()
4393 |
4394 | if result==RESPONSETYPE_OK:
4395 | self._lastSavePath = text2unicode(dialog.get_filename())
4396 | self._savePIREP()
4397 |
4398 | def _savePIREP(self, automatic = False):
4399 | """Perform the saving of the PIREP."""
4400 |
4401 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4402 |
4403 | if automatic:
4404 | gui.beginBusy(xstr("finish_autosave_busy"))
4405 |
4406 | pirep = PIREP(gui.flight)
4407 | error = pirep.save(self._lastSavePath)
4408 |
4409 | if automatic:
4410 | gui.endBusy()
4411 |
4412 | if error:
4414 | message = xstr("finish_save_failed")
4415 | secondary = xstr("finish_save_failed_sec") % (text2unicode(error),)
4416 | else:
4417 | type = MESSAGETYPE_INFO
4418 | message = xstr("finish_save_done")
4419 | if automatic:
4420 | secondary = xstr("finish_save_done_sec") % (self._lastSavePath,)
4421 | else:
4422 | secondary = None
4423 | self._pirepSaved = True
4424 |
4425 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = gui.mainWindow,
4426 | type = type, message_format = message)
4427 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
4428 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
4429 | if secondary is not None:
4430 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
4431 |
4432 | dialog.run()
4433 | dialog.hide()
4434 |
4435 | def _getSaveDialog(self):
4436 | """Get the PIREP saving dialog.
4437 |
4438 | If it does not exist yet, create it."""
4439 | if self._savePIREPDialog is None:
4440 | gui = self._wizard.gui
4441 | dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog(title = WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " +
4442 | xstr("finish_save_title"),
4444 | buttons = (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
4447 | parent = gui.mainWindow)
4448 | dialog.set_modal(True)
4449 | dialog.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
4450 |
4451 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
4452 | filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_pireps"))
4453 | filter.add_pattern("*.pirep")
4454 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
4455 |
4456 | filter = gtk.FileFilter()
4457 | filter.set_name(xstr("file_filter_all"))
4458 | filter.add_pattern("*.*")
4459 | dialog.add_filter(filter)
4460 |
4461 | self._savePIREPDialog = dialog
4462 |
4463 | return self._savePIREPDialog
4464 |
4465 |
4466 | def _sendClicked(self, button):
4467 | """Called when the Send button is clicked."""
4468 | pirep = PIREP(self._wizard.gui.flight)
4469 | self._wizard.gui.sendPIREP(pirep,
4470 | callback = self._handlePIREPSent)
4471 |
4472 | def _handlePIREPSent(self, returned, result):
4473 | """Callback for the PIREP sending result."""
4474 | self._pirepSent = returned and result.success
4475 | if self._wizard.gui.config.onlineGateSystem and \
4476 | self._wizard.loggedIn and not self._wizard.entranceExam and \
4477 | returned and result.success:
4478 | bookedFlight = self._wizard.bookedFlight
4479 | if bookedFlight.arrivalICAO=="LHBP":
4480 | iter = self._gate.get_active_iter()
4481 | gateNumber = None if iter is None \
4482 | else self._gatesModel.get_value(iter, 0)
4483 |
4484 | status = const.PLANE_PARKING if gateNumber is None \
4485 | else const.PLANE_HOME
4486 | else:
4487 | gateNumber = None
4488 | status = const.PLANE_AWAY
4489 |
4490 | self._wizard.updatePlane(self._planeUpdated,
4491 | bookedFlight.tailNumber,
4492 | status, gateNumber = gateNumber)
4493 |
4494 | def _planeUpdated(self, success):
4495 | """Callback for the plane updating."""
4496 | pass
4497 |
4498 | def _formatTime(self, scheduledTime, realTimestamp, (warning, error)):
4499 | """Format the departure or arrival time based on the given data as a
4500 | markup for a label."""
4501 | realTime = time.gmtime(realTimestamp)
4502 |
4503 | if warning:
4504 | colour = "red" if error else "orange"
4505 | markupBegin = '<span foreground="%s">' % (colour,)
4506 | markupEnd = '</span>'
4507 | else:
4508 | markupBegin = markupEnd = ""
4509 |
4510 | markup = "<b>%s%02d:%02d [%02d:%02d]%s</b>" % \
4511 | (markupBegin,
4512 | realTime.tm_hour, realTime.tm_min,
4513 | scheduledTime.hour, scheduledTime.minute,
4514 | markupEnd)
4515 |
4516 | return markup
4517 |
4518 | def _updateTimes(self):
4519 | """Format the flight times and the help text according to the flight
4520 | type.
4521 |
4522 | The buttons are also updated.
4523 | """
4524 | flight = self._wizard.gui._flight
4525 | bookedFlight = flight.bookedFlight
4526 |
4527 | (departureWarning, departureError) = flight.blockTimeStartWrong
4528 | (arrivalWarning, arrivalError) = flight.blockTimeEndWrong
4529 |
4530 | if self.flightType==const.FLIGHTTYPE_VIP:
4531 | departureError = arrivalError = False
4532 |
4533 | self._tooBigTimeDifference = departureError or arrivalError
4534 |
4535 | self._depTime.set_markup(self._formatTime(bookedFlight.departureTime,
4536 | flight.blockTimeStart,
4537 | (departureWarning,
4538 | departureError)))
4539 |
4540 | self._arrTime.set_markup(self._formatTime(bookedFlight.arrivalTime,
4541 | flight.blockTimeEnd,
4542 | (arrivalWarning,
4543 | arrivalError)))
4544 |
4545 | self.updateButtons()
4546 |
4547 | def _updateHelp(self, faultsExplained, timesCorrect):
4548 | """Update the help text according to the actual situation."""
4549 | if not faultsExplained:
4550 | self.setHelp(xstr("finish_help") + xstr("finish_help_faults"))
4551 | elif not timesCorrect:
4552 | self.setHelp(xstr("finish_help") + xstr("finish_help_wrongtime"))
4553 | else:
4554 | self.setHelp(xstr("finish_help") + xstr("finish_help_goodtime"))
4555 |
4556 |
4557 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4558 |
4559 | class Wizard(gtk.VBox):
4560 | """The flight wizard."""
4561 | def __init__(self, gui):
4562 | """Construct the wizard."""
4563 | super(Wizard, self).__init__()
4564 |
4565 | self.gui = gui
4566 |
4567 | self._pages = []
4568 | self._currentPage = None
4569 |
4570 | self._loginPage = LoginPage(self)
4571 | self._pages.append(self._loginPage)
4572 | self._pages.append(FlightSelectionPage(self))
4573 | self._pages.append(GateSelectionPage(self))
4574 | self._pages.append(RegisterPage(self))
4575 | self._pages.append(StudentPage(self))
4576 | self._pages.append(ConnectPage(self))
4577 | self._payloadPage = PayloadPage(self)
4578 | self._pages.append(self._payloadPage)
4579 | self._payloadIndex = len(self._pages)
4580 | self._pages.append(TimePage(self))
4581 | self._routePage = RoutePage(self)
4582 | self._pages.append(self._routePage)
4583 | self._simBriefSetupPage = SimBriefSetupPage(self)
4584 | self._pages.append(self._simBriefSetupPage)
4585 | self._simBriefingPage = SimBriefingPage(self)
4586 | self._pages.append(self._simBriefingPage)
4587 | self._pages.append(FuelPage(self))
4588 | self._departureBriefingPage = BriefingPage(self, True)
4589 | self._pages.append(self._departureBriefingPage)
4590 | self._arrivalBriefingPage = BriefingPage(self, False)
4591 | self._pages.append(self._arrivalBriefingPage)
4592 | self._arrivalBriefingIndex = len(self._pages)
4593 | self._takeoffPage = TakeoffPage(self)
4594 | self._pages.append(self._takeoffPage)
4595 | self._cruisePage = CruisePage(self)
4596 | self._pages.append(self._cruisePage)
4597 | self._landingPage = LandingPage(self)
4598 | self._pages.append(self._landingPage)
4599 | self._finishPage = FinishPage(self)
4600 | self._pages.append(self._finishPage)
4601 |
4602 | self._requestedWidth = None
4603 | self._requestedHeight = None
4604 |
4605 | self.connect("size-allocate", self._sizeAllocate)
4606 |
4607 | for page in self._pages:
4608 | page.show_all()
4609 | page.setStyle()
4610 |
4611 | self._initialize()
4612 |
4613 | def _sizeAllocate(self, widget, allocation):
4614 | if self._requestedWidth is not None and \
4615 | self._requestedHeight is not None:
4616 | return
4617 |
4618 | if self._currentPage is not None:
4619 | self.remove(self._pages[self._currentPage])
4620 |
4621 | maxWidth = 0
4622 | maxHeight = 0
4623 | for page in self._pages:
4624 | self.add(page)
4625 | self.show_all()
4626 | pageSizeRequest = page.size_request()
4627 | width = pageSizeRequest.width if pygobject else pageSizeRequest[0]
4628 | height = pageSizeRequest.height if pygobject else pageSizeRequest[1]
4629 | maxWidth = max(maxWidth, width)
4630 | maxHeight = max(maxHeight, height)
4631 | self.remove(page)
4632 |
4633 | if self._currentPage is not None:
4634 | self.add(self._pages[self._currentPage])
4635 |
4636 | self._requestedWidth = maxWidth
4637 | self._requestedHeight = maxHeight
4638 | self.set_size_request(maxWidth, maxHeight)
4639 |
4640 | @property
4641 | def pilotID(self):
4642 | """Get the pilot ID, if given."""
4643 | return self._loginPage.pilotID
4644 |
4645 | @property
4646 | def entranceExam(self):
4647 | """Get whether an entrance exam is about to be taken."""
4648 | return self._loginPage.entranceExam
4649 |
4650 | @property
4651 | def loggedIn(self):
4652 | """Indicate if there was a successful login."""
4653 | return self._loginResult is not None
4654 |
4655 | @property
4656 | def loginResult(self):
4657 | """Get the login result."""
4658 | return self._loginResult
4659 |
4660 | def setCurrentPage(self, index, finalize = False, fromPageShift = None):
4661 | """Set the current page to the one with the given index.
4662 |
4663 | @param fromPageShift if given, the relative index of one of the
4664 | previous pages that should be used as the from-page of the next
4665 | page. E.g. if fromPageShift is 1, the previous page will be the
4666 | from-page."""
4667 | assert index < len(self._pages)
4668 |
4669 | fromPage = self._currentPage
4670 | if fromPage is not None:
4671 | page = self._pages[fromPage]
4672 | if finalize and not page._completed:
4673 | page.complete()
4674 | self.remove(page)
4675 | if fromPageShift is not None:
4676 | fromPage -= fromPageShift
4677 |
4678 | self._currentPage = index
4679 | page = self._pages[index]
4680 | self.add(page)
4681 | if page._fromPage is None:
4682 | page._fromPage = fromPage
4683 | page.initialize()
4684 | self.show_all()
4685 | if fromPage is not None:
4686 | self.grabDefault()
4687 |
4688 | @property
4689 | def bookedFlight(self):
4690 | """Get the booked flight selected."""
4691 | return self._bookedFlight
4692 |
4693 | @property
4694 | def numCrew(self):
4695 | """Get the number of crew members."""
4696 | return self._payloadPage.numCrew
4697 |
4698 | @property
4699 | def numPassengers(self):
4700 | """Get the number of passengers."""
4701 | return self._payloadPage.numPassengers
4702 |
4703 | @property
4704 | def bagWeight(self):
4705 | """Get the baggage weight."""
4706 | return self._payloadPage.bagWeight
4707 |
4708 | @property
4709 | def cargoWeight(self):
4710 | """Get the cargo weight."""
4711 | return self._payloadPage.cargoWeight
4712 |
4713 | @property
4714 | def mailWeight(self):
4715 | """Get the mail weight."""
4716 | return self._payloadPage.mailWeight
4717 |
4718 | @property
4719 | def zfw(self):
4720 | """Get the calculated ZFW value."""
4721 | return 0 if self._bookedFlight is None \
4722 | else self._payloadPage.calculateZFW()
4723 |
4724 | @property
4725 | def filedCruiseLevel(self):
4726 | """Get the filed cruise level."""
4727 | return self._routePage.filedCruiseLevel
4728 |
4729 | @property
4730 | def filedCruiseAltitude(self):
4731 | """Get the filed cruise altitude."""
4732 | return self._routePage.filedCruiseLevel * 100
4733 |
4734 | @property
4735 | def cruiseAltitude(self):
4736 | """Get the cruise altitude."""
4737 | level = self._cruisePage.cruiseLevel if self._cruisePage.activated \
4738 | else self._routePage.filedCruiseLevel
4739 | return level * 100
4740 |
4741 | @property
4742 | def loggableCruiseAltitude(self):
4743 | """Get the cruise altitude that can be logged."""
4744 | if self._cruisePage.activated:
4745 | return self._cruisePage.loggableCruiseLevel * 100
4746 | else:
4747 | return 0
4748 |
4749 | @property
4750 | def route(self):
4751 | """Get the route."""
4752 | return self._routePage.route
4753 |
4754 | @property
4755 | def alternate(self):
4756 | """Get the ICAO code of the alternate airport."""
4757 | return self._routePage.alternate
4758 |
4759 | @property
4760 | def departureMETAR(self):
4761 | """Get the METAR of the departure airport."""
4762 | return self._departureBriefingPage.metar
4763 |
4764 | @property
4765 | def arrivalMETAR(self):
4766 | """Get the METAR of the arrival airport."""
4767 | return self._arrivalBriefingPage.metar
4768 |
4769 | @property
4770 | def departureRunway(self):
4771 | """Get the departure runway."""
4772 | return self._takeoffPage.runway
4773 |
4774 | @property
4775 | def sid(self):
4776 | """Get the SID."""
4777 | return self._takeoffPage.sid
4778 |
4779 | @property
4780 | def v1(self):
4781 | """Get the V1 speed."""
4782 | return self._takeoffPage.v1
4783 |
4784 | @property
4785 | def vr(self):
4786 | """Get the Vr speed."""
4787 | return self._takeoffPage.vr
4788 |
4789 | @property
4790 | def v2(self):
4791 | """Get the V2 speed."""
4792 | return self._takeoffPage.v2
4793 |
4794 | @property
4795 | def derate(self):
4796 | """Get the derate value."""
4797 | return self._takeoffPage.derate
4798 |
4799 | @property
4800 | def takeoffAntiIceOn(self):
4801 | """Get whether the anti-ice system was on during take-off."""
4802 | return self._takeoffPage.antiIceOn
4803 |
4804 | @takeoffAntiIceOn.setter
4805 | def takeoffAntiIceOn(self, value):
4806 | """Set anti-ice on indicator."""
4807 | self._takeoffPage.antiIceOn = value
4808 |
4809 | @property
4810 | def rtoIndicated(self):
4811 | """Get whether the pilot has indicated that an RTO has occured."""
4812 | return self._takeoffPage.rtoIndicated
4813 |
4814 | @property
4815 | def arrivalRunway(self):
4816 | """Get the arrival runway."""
4817 | return self._landingPage.runway
4818 |
4819 | @property
4820 | def star(self):
4821 | """Get the STAR."""
4822 | return self._landingPage.star
4823 |
4824 | @property
4825 | def transition(self):
4826 | """Get the transition."""
4827 | return self._landingPage.transition
4828 |
4829 | @property
4830 | def approachType(self):
4831 | """Get the approach type."""
4832 | return self._landingPage.approachType
4833 |
4834 | @property
4835 | def vref(self):
4836 | """Get the Vref speed."""
4837 | return self._landingPage.vref
4838 |
4839 | @property
4840 | def landingAntiIceOn(self):
4841 | """Get whether the anti-ice system was on during landing."""
4842 | return self._landingPage.antiIceOn
4843 |
4844 | @landingAntiIceOn.setter
4845 | def landingAntiIceOn(self, value):
4846 | """Set anti-ice on indicator."""
4847 | self._landingPage.antiIceOn = value
4848 |
4849 | @property
4850 | def flightType(self):
4851 | """Get the flight type."""
4852 | return self._finishPage.flightType
4853 |
4854 | @property
4855 | def online(self):
4856 | """Get whether the flight was online or not."""
4857 | return self._finishPage.online
4858 |
4859 | @property
4860 | def usingSimBrief(self):
4861 | """Indicate if we are using a SimBrief briefing or not."""
4862 | return self._usingSimBrief
4863 |
4864 | @usingSimBrief.setter
4865 | def usingSimBrief(self, x):
4866 | """Set whether we are using a SimBrief briefing or not."""
4867 | self._usingSimBrief = x
4868 |
4869 | def nextPage(self, finalize = True):
4870 | """Go to the next page."""
4871 | nextPageID = self._pages[self._currentPage].nextPageID
4872 | self.jumpPage(1 if nextPageID is None else nextPageID, finalize)
4873 |
4874 | def jumpPage(self, countOrID, finalize = True, fromPageShift = None):
4875 | """Go to the page which is 'count' pages after the current one."""
4876 | if isinstance(countOrID, str):
4877 | targetIndex = self._getIndexOf(countOrID)
4878 | else:
4879 | targetIndex = self._currentPage + countOrID
4880 | self.setCurrentPage(targetIndex,
4881 | finalize = finalize, fromPageShift = fromPageShift)
4882 |
4883 | def grabDefault(self):
4884 | """Make the default button of the current page the default."""
4885 | self._pages[self._currentPage].grabDefault()
4886 |
4887 | def connected(self, fsType, descriptor):
4888 | """Called when the connection could be made to the simulator."""
4889 | self.nextPage()
4890 |
4891 | def reset(self, loginResult):
4892 | """Resets the wizard to go back to the login page."""
4893 | self._initialize(keepLoginResult = loginResult is None,
4894 | loginResult = loginResult)
4895 |
4896 | def setStage(self, stage):
4897 | """Set the flight stage to the given one."""
4898 | if stage!=const.STAGE_END:
4899 | self._cruisePage.setLoggable(Flight.canLogCruiseAltitude(stage))
4900 |
4901 | if stage==const.STAGE_TAKEOFF:
4902 | self._takeoffPage.allowForward()
4903 | elif stage==const.STAGE_LANDING:
4904 | if not self._arrivalBriefingPage.metarEdited:
4905 | print "Downloading arrival METAR again"
4906 | self.gui.webHandler.getMETARs(self._arrivalMETARCallback,
4907 | [self._bookedFlight.arrivalICAO])
4908 |
4909 | elif stage==const.STAGE_END:
4910 | for page in self._pages:
4911 | page.flightEnded()
4912 |
4913 | def _initialize(self, keepLoginResult = False, loginResult = None):
4914 | """Initialize the wizard."""
4915 | if not keepLoginResult:
4916 | self._loginResult = loginResult
4917 |
4918 | self._loginCallback = None
4919 |
4920 | self._fleet = None
4921 | self._fleetCallback = None
4922 |
4923 | self._bookedFlight = None
4924 | self._departureGate = "-"
4925 | self._fuelData = None
4926 | self._departureNOTAMs = None
4927 | self._departureMETAR = None
4928 | self._arrivalNOTAMs = None
4929 | self._arrivalMETAR = None
4930 | self._usingSimBrief = None
4931 | self.takeoffRunway = None
4932 | self.landingRunway = None
4933 |
4934 | firstPage = 0 if self._loginResult is None else 1
4935 | for page in self._pages[firstPage:]:
4936 | page.reset()
4937 |
4938 | self.setCurrentPage(firstPage)
4939 | #self.setCurrentPage(10)
4940 |
4941 | def login(self, callback, pilotID, password, entranceExam):
4942 | """Called when the login button was clicked."""
4943 | self._loginCallback = callback
4944 | if pilotID is None:
4945 | loginResult = self._loginResult
4946 | assert loginResult is not None and loginResult.loggedIn
4947 | pilotID = loginResult.pilotID
4948 | password = loginResult.password
4949 | entranceExam = loginResult.entranceExam
4950 | busyMessage = xstr("reload_busy")
4951 | else:
4952 | self._loginResult = None
4953 | busyMessage = xstr("login_busy")
4954 |
4955 | self.gui.beginBusy(busyMessage)
4956 |
4957 | self.gui.webHandler.login(self._loginResultCallback,
4958 | pilotID, password,
4959 | entranceExam = entranceExam)
4960 |
4961 | def reloadFlights(self, callback):
4962 | """Reload the flights from the MAVA server."""
4963 | self.login(callback, None, None, None)
4964 |
4965 | def cruiseLevelChanged(self):
4966 | """Called when the cruise level is changed."""
4967 | return self.gui.cruiseLevelChanged()
4968 |
4969 | def metarChanged(self, metar, originator):
4970 | """Called when a METER is changed on on of the pages.
4971 |
4972 | originator is the page that originated the changed. It will be used to
4973 | determine which METAR (departure or arrival) has changed."""
4974 | metar = metar.upper()
4975 | if originator in [self._departureBriefingPage, self._takeoffPage]:
4976 | self.departureMETARChanged(metar, originator)
4977 | else:
4978 | self.arrivalMETARChanged(metar, originator)
4979 |
4980 | def departureMETARChanged(self, metar, originator):
4981 | """Called when the departure METAR has been edited on one of the
4982 | pages.
4983 |
4984 | originator is the page that originated the change. It will not be
4985 | called to set the METAR, while others will be."""
4986 | for page in [self._departureBriefingPage, self._takeoffPage]:
4987 | if page is not originator:
4988 | page.changeMETAR(metar)
4989 |
4990 | def arrivalMETARChanged(self, metar, originator):
4991 | """Called when the arrival METAR has been edited on one of the
4992 | pages.
4993 |
4994 | originator is the page that originated the change. It will not be
4995 | called to set the METAR, while others will be."""
4996 | for page in [self._arrivalBriefingPage, self._landingPage]:
4997 | if page is not originator:
4998 | page.changeMETAR(metar)
4999 |
5000 | def _loginResultCallback(self, returned, result):
5001 | """The login result callback, called in the web handler's thread."""
5002 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleLoginResult, returned, result)
5003 |
5004 | def _handleLoginResult(self, returned, result):
5005 | """Handle the login result."""
5006 | self.gui.endBusy()
5007 | isReload = self._loginResult is not None
5008 | if returned:
5009 | if result.loggedIn:
5010 | self._loginResult = result
5011 | else:
5012 | if isReload:
5013 | message = xstr("reload_failed")
5014 | else:
5015 | message = xstr("login_entranceExam_invalid"
5016 | if self.entranceExam else
5017 | xstr("login_invalid"))
5018 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self.gui.mainWindow,
5019 | type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
5020 | message_format = message)
5021 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
5022 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
5023 | if isReload:
5024 | secondary = xstr("reload_failed_sec")
5025 | else:
5026 | secondary = xstr("login_entranceExam_invalid_sec"
5027 | if self.entranceExam else
5028 | xstr("login_invalid_sec"))
5029 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
5030 | dialog.run()
5031 | dialog.hide()
5032 | else:
5033 | message = xstr("reload_failconn") if isReload \
5034 | else xstr("login_failconn")
5035 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self.gui.mainWindow,
5036 | type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
5037 | message_format = message)
5038 | dialog.add_button(xstr("button_ok"), RESPONSETYPE_OK)
5039 | dialog.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE)
5040 | secondary = xstr("reload_failconn_sec") if isReload \
5041 | else xstr("login_failconn_sec")
5042 | dialog.format_secondary_markup(secondary)
5043 |
5044 | dialog.run()
5045 | dialog.hide()
5046 |
5047 | callback = self._loginCallback
5048 | self._loginCallback = None
5049 | callback(returned, result)
5050 |
5051 | def getFleet(self, callback, force = False):
5052 | """Get the fleet via the GUI and call the given callback."""
5053 | self._fleetCallback = callback
5054 | self.gui.getFleet(callback = self._fleetRetrieved, force = force)
5055 |
5056 | def _fleetRetrieved(self, fleet):
5057 | """Callback for the fleet retrieval."""
5058 | self._fleet = fleet
5059 | if self._fleetCallback is not None:
5060 | self._fleetCallback(fleet)
5061 | self._fleetCallback = None
5062 |
5063 | def updatePlane(self, callback, tailNumber, status, gateNumber = None):
5064 | """Update the given plane's gate information."""
5065 | self.gui.updatePlane(tailNumber, status, gateNumber = gateNumber,
5066 | callback = callback)
5067 |
5068 | def updateRTO(self):
5069 | """Update the RTO state.
5070 |
5071 | The RTO checkbox will be enabled if the flight has an RTO state and the
5072 | comments field contains some text."""
5073 | flight = self.gui.flight
5074 | rtoEnabled = flight is not None and flight.hasRTO and \
5075 | self.gui.hasComments
5076 | self._takeoffPage.setRTOEnabled(rtoEnabled)
5077 |
5078 | def commentsChanged(self):
5079 | """Called when the comments have changed."""
5080 | self.updateRTO()
5081 | self._finishPage.updateButtons()
5082 |
5083 | def delayCodesChanged(self):
5084 | """Called when the delay codes have changed."""
5085 | self._finishPage.updateButtons()
5086 |
5087 | def faultExplanationsChanged(self):
5088 | """Called when the faults and their explanations have changed."""
5089 | self._finishPage.updateButtons()
5090 |
5091 | def rtoToggled(self, indicated):
5092 | """Called when the RTO indication has changed."""
5093 | self.gui.rtoToggled(indicated)
5094 |
5095 | def _connectSimulator(self, simulatorType):
5096 | """Connect to the simulator."""
5097 | self.gui.connectSimulator(self._bookedFlight.aircraftType,
5098 | simulatorType)
5099 |
5100 | def _arrivalMETARCallback(self, returned, result):
5101 | """Called when the METAR of the arrival airport is retrieved."""
5102 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleArrivalMETAR, returned, result)
5103 |
5104 | def _handleArrivalMETAR(self, returned, result):
5105 | """Called when the METAR of the arrival airport is retrieved."""
5106 | icao = self._bookedFlight.arrivalICAO
5107 | if returned and icao in result.metars:
5108 | metar = result.metars[icao]
5109 | if metar!="":
5110 | self._arrivalBriefingPage.setMETAR(metar)
5111 |
5112 | def _getIndexOf(self, pageID):
5113 | """Get the index for the given page ID.
5114 |
5115 | It is an assertion failure if the ID is not found."""
5116 | for index in range(0, len(self._pages)):
5117 | page = self._pages[index]
5118 | if page.id==pageID:
5119 | return index
5120 | assert False
5121 |
5122 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------