1 | # A widget which is a generic list of flights
2 |
3 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 | from mlx.gui.common import *
6 |
7 | import mlx.const as const
8 |
9 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 |
11 | class ColumnDescriptor(object):
12 | """A descriptor for a column in the list."""
13 | def __init__(self, attribute, heading, type = str,
14 | convertFn = None, renderer = gtk.CellRendererText(),
15 | extraColumnAttributes = None, sortable = False,
16 | defaultSortable = False):
17 | """Construct the descriptor."""
18 | self._attribute = attribute
19 | self._heading = heading
20 | self._type = type
21 | self._convertFn = convertFn
22 | self._renderer = renderer
23 | self._extraColumnAttributes = extraColumnAttributes
24 | self._sortable = sortable
25 | self._defaultSortable = defaultSortable
26 |
27 | @property
28 | def defaultSortable(self):
29 | """Determine if this column is the default sortable one."""
30 | return self._defaultSortable
31 |
32 | def appendType(self, types):
33 | """Append the type of this column to the given list of types."""
34 | types.append(self._type)
35 |
36 | def getViewColumn(self, index):
37 | """Get a new column object for a tree view.
38 |
39 | @param index is the 0-based index of the column."""
40 | if self._extraColumnAttributes is None:
41 | if isinstance(self._renderer, gtk.CellRendererText):
42 | extraColumnAttributes = {"text" : index}
43 | else:
44 | extraColumnAttributes = {}
45 | else:
46 | extraColumnAttributes = self._extraColumnAttributes
47 |
48 | column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(self._heading, self._renderer,
49 | text = index)
50 | column.set_expand(True)
51 | if self._sortable:
52 | column.set_sort_column_id(index)
53 | column.set_sort_indicator(True)
54 |
55 | return column
56 |
57 | def getValueFrom(self, flight):
58 | """Get the value from the given flight."""
59 | value = getattr(flight, self._attribute)
60 | return self._type(value) if self._convertFn is None \
61 | else self._convertFn(value, flight)
62 |
63 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 |
65 | class FlightList(gtk.Alignment):
66 | """Construct the flight list.
67 |
68 | This is a complete widget with a scroll window. It is alignment centered
69 | horizontally and expandable vertically."""
70 |
71 | defaultColumnDescriptors = [
72 | ColumnDescriptor("callsign", xstr("flightsel_no")),
73 | ColumnDescriptor("departureTime", xstr("flightsel_deptime"),
74 | sortable = True, defaultSortable = True),
75 | ColumnDescriptor("departureICAO", xstr("flightsel_from"),
76 | sortable = True),
77 | ColumnDescriptor("arrivalICAO", xstr("flightsel_to"), sortable = True)
78 | ]
79 |
80 | def __init__(self, columnDescriptors = defaultColumnDescriptors,
81 | popupMenuProducer = None, widthRequest = None,
82 | multiSelection = False):
83 | """Construct the flight list with the given column descriptors."""
84 |
85 | self._columnDescriptors = columnDescriptors
86 | self._popupMenuProducer = popupMenuProducer
87 | self._popupMenu = None
88 |
89 | types = [int]
90 | defaultSortableIndex = None
91 | for columnDescriptor in self._columnDescriptors:
92 | if columnDescriptor.defaultSortable:
93 | defaultSortableIndex = len(types)
94 | columnDescriptor.appendType(types)
95 |
96 | self._model = gtk.ListStore(*types)
97 | if defaultSortableIndex is not None:
98 | self._model.set_sort_column_id(defaultSortableIndex,
100 | self._view = gtk.TreeView(self._model)
101 |
102 | flightIndexColumn = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
103 | flightIndexColumn.set_visible(False)
104 | self._view.append_column(flightIndexColumn)
105 |
106 | index = 1
107 | for columnDescriptor in self._columnDescriptors:
108 | column = columnDescriptor.getViewColumn(index)
109 | self._view.append_column(column)
110 | index += 1
111 |
112 | self._view.connect("row-activated", self._rowActivated)
113 | self._view.connect("button-press-event", self._buttonPressEvent)
114 |
115 | selection = self._view.get_selection()
116 | selection.connect("changed", self._selectionChanged)
117 | if multiSelection:
118 | selection.set_mode(SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
119 |
120 | scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
121 | scrolledWindow.add(self._view)
122 | if widthRequest is not None:
123 | scrolledWindow.set_size_request(widthRequest, -1)
124 | # FIXME: these should be constants in common.py
125 | scrolledWindow.set_policy(gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
126 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,
127 | gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC if pygobject
128 | else gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
129 | scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.ShadowType.IN if pygobject
130 | else gtk.SHADOW_IN)
131 |
132 | super(FlightList, self).__init__(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.0,
133 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 1.0)
134 | self.add(scrolledWindow)
135 |
136 | @property
137 | def selectedIndexes(self):
138 | """Get the indexes of the selected entries, if any.
139 |
140 | The indexes are sorted."""
141 | selection = self._view.get_selection()
142 | (model, rows) = selection.get_selected_rows()
143 |
144 | indexes = [self._getIndexForPath(path) for path in rows]
145 | indexes.sort()
146 | return indexes
147 |
148 | @property
149 | def hasFlights(self):
150 | """Determine if there are any flights in the list."""
151 | return self._model.get_iter_root() is not None
152 |
153 | def clear(self):
154 | """Clear the model."""
155 | self._model.clear()
156 |
157 | def addFlight(self, flight):
158 | """Add the given booked flight."""
159 | values = [self._model.iter_n_children(None)]
160 | for columnDescriptor in self._columnDescriptors:
161 | values.append(columnDescriptor.getValueFrom(flight))
162 | self._model.append(values)
163 |
164 | def removeFlights(self, indexes):
165 | """Remove the flights with the given indexes."""
166 | model = self._model
167 | idx = 0
168 | iter = model.get_iter_first()
169 | while iter is not None:
170 | nextIter = model.iter_next(iter)
171 | if model.get_value(iter, 0) in indexes:
172 | model.remove(iter)
173 | else:
174 | model.set_value(iter, 0, idx)
175 | idx += 1
176 | iter = nextIter
177 |
178 | def _getIndexForPath(self, path):
179 | """Get the index for the given path."""
180 | iter = self._model.get_iter(path)
181 | return self._model.get_value(iter, 0)
182 |
183 | def _rowActivated(self, flightList, path, column):
184 | """Called when a row is selected."""
185 | self.emit("row-activated", self._getIndexForPath(path))
186 |
187 | def _buttonPressEvent(self, widget, event):
188 | """Called when a mouse button is pressed or released."""
189 | if event.type!=EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS or event.button!=3 or \
190 | self._popupMenuProducer is None:
191 | return
192 |
193 | (path, _, _, _) = self._view.get_path_at_pos(int(event.x),
194 | int(event.y))
195 | selection = self._view.get_selection()
196 | selection.unselect_all()
197 | selection.select_path(path)
198 |
199 | if self._popupMenu is None:
200 | self._popupMenu = self._popupMenuProducer()
201 | menu = self._popupMenu
202 | if pygobject:
203 | menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
204 | else:
205 | menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
206 |
207 | def _selectionChanged(self, selection):
208 | """Called when the selection has changed."""
209 | self.emit("selection-changed", self.selectedIndexes)
210 |
211 | #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 |
213 | gobject.signal_new("row-activated", FlightList, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
214 | None, (int,))
215 |
216 | gobject.signal_new("selection-changed", FlightList, gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST,
217 | None, (object,))
218 |
219 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 |
221 | class PendingFlightsFrame(gtk.Frame):
222 | """A frame for a list of pending (reported or rejected) flights.
223 |
224 | It contains the list and the buttons available."""
225 | def getAircraft(tailNumber, bookedFlight):
226 | """Get the aircraft from the given booked flight.
227 |
228 | This is the tail number followed by the ICAO code of the aircraft's
229 | type."""
230 | return tailNumber + \
231 | " (" + const.icaoCodes[bookedFlight.aircraftType] + ")"
232 |
233 | columnDescriptors = [
234 | ColumnDescriptor("callsign", xstr("flightsel_no")),
235 | ColumnDescriptor("departureTime", xstr("flightsel_deptime"),
236 | sortable = True, defaultSortable = True),
237 | ColumnDescriptor("departureICAO", xstr("flightsel_from"),
238 | sortable = True),
239 | ColumnDescriptor("arrivalICAO", xstr("flightsel_to"),
240 | sortable = True),
241 | ColumnDescriptor("tailNumber", xstr("pendflt_acft"),
242 | convertFn = getAircraft)
243 | ]
244 |
245 | def __init__(self, which, wizard):
246 | """Construct the frame with the given title."""
247 | super(PendingFlightsFrame, self).__init__(xstr("pendflt_title_" + which))
248 |
249 | self._which = which
250 | self._wizard = wizard
251 |
252 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
253 | alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 2, padding_bottom = 8,
254 | padding_left = 4, padding_right = 4)
255 |
256 | hbox = gtk.HBox()
257 |
258 | self._flights = []
259 | self._flightList = FlightList(columnDescriptors =
260 | PendingFlightsFrame.columnDescriptors,
261 | widthRequest = 500, multiSelection = True)
262 | self._flightList.connect("selection-changed", self._selectionChanged)
263 |
264 | hbox.pack_start(self._flightList, True, True, 4)
265 |
266 | buttonBox = gtk.VBox()
267 |
268 | self._editButton = gtk.Button(xstr("pendflt_edit_" + which))
269 | self._editButton.set_sensitive(False)
270 | buttonBox.pack_start(self._editButton, False, False, 2)
271 |
272 | self._reflyButton = gtk.Button(xstr("pendflt_refly_" + which))
273 | self._reflyButton.set_sensitive(False)
274 | self._reflyButton.connect("clicked", self._reflyClicked)
275 | buttonBox.pack_start(self._reflyButton, False, False, 2)
276 |
277 | self._deleteButton = gtk.Button(xstr("pendflt_delete_" + which))
278 | self._deleteButton.set_sensitive(False)
279 | buttonBox.pack_start(self._deleteButton, False, False, 2)
280 |
281 | hbox.pack_start(buttonBox, False, False, 4)
282 |
283 | alignment.add(hbox)
284 | self.add(alignment)
285 |
286 | @property
287 | def hasFlights(self):
288 | """Determine if there are any flights in the list."""
289 | return self._flightList.hasFlights
290 |
291 | def clear(self):
292 | """Clear the lists."""
293 | self._flights = []
294 | self._flightList.clear()
295 |
296 | def addFlight(self, flight):
297 | """Add a flight to the list."""
298 | self._flights.append(flight)
299 | self._flightList.addFlight(flight)
300 |
301 | def _selectionChanged(self, flightList, selectedIndexes):
302 | """Called when the selection in the list has changed."""
303 | self._editButton.set_sensitive(len(selectedIndexes)==1)
304 | self._reflyButton.set_sensitive(len(selectedIndexes)>0)
305 | self._deleteButton.set_sensitive(len(selectedIndexes)>0)
306 |
307 | def _reflyClicked(self, button):
308 | """Called when the Refly button is clicked."""
309 | gui = self._wizard.gui
310 | gui.beginBusy(xstr("pendflt_refly_busy"))
311 | self.set_sensitive(False)
312 |
313 | flightIDs = [self._flights[i].id
314 | for i in self._flightList.selectedIndexes]
315 | gui.webHandler.reflyFlights(self._reflyResultCallback, flightIDs)
316 |
317 | def _reflyResultCallback(self, returned, result):
318 | """Called when the refly result is available."""
319 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleReflyResult, returned, result)
320 |
321 | def _handleReflyResult(self, returned, result):
322 | """Handle the refly result."""
323 |
324 | self.set_sensitive(True)
325 | gui = self._wizard.gui
326 | gui.endBusy()
327 |
328 | print "PendingFlightsFrame._handleReflyResult", returned, result
329 |
330 | if returned:
331 | indexes = self._flightList.selectedIndexes
332 |
333 | flights = [self._flights[index] for index in indexes]
334 |
335 | self._flightList.removeFlights(indexes)
336 | for index in indexes[::-1]:
337 | del self._flights[index]
338 |
339 | for flight in flights:
340 | self._wizard.reflyFlight(flight)
341 |
342 |
343 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 |
345 | class PendingFlightsWindow(gtk.Window):
346 | """The window to display the lists of the pending (reported or rejected)
347 | flights."""
348 | def __init__(self, wizard):
349 | """Construct the window"""
350 | super(PendingFlightsWindow, self).__init__()
351 |
352 | gui = wizard.gui
353 |
354 | self.set_title(WINDOW_TITLE_BASE + " - " + xstr("pendflt_title"))
355 | self.set_size_request(-1, 450)
356 | self.set_transient_for(gui.mainWindow)
357 | self.set_modal(True)
358 |
359 | mainAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
360 | xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
361 | mainAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 12,
362 | padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8)
363 |
364 | vbox = gtk.VBox()
365 |
366 | self._reportedFrame = PendingFlightsFrame("reported", wizard)
367 | vbox.pack_start(self._reportedFrame, True, True, 2)
368 |
369 | self._rejectedFrame = PendingFlightsFrame("rejected", wizard)
370 | vbox.pack_start(self._rejectedFrame, True, True, 2)
371 |
372 | alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5,
373 | xscale = 0.0, yscale = 0.0)
374 | self._closeButton = gtk.Button(xstr("button_ok"))
375 | self._closeButton.connect("clicked", self._closeClicked)
376 | alignment.add(self._closeButton)
377 | vbox.pack_start(alignment, False, False, 2)
378 |
379 | mainAlignment.add(vbox)
380 |
381 | self.add(mainAlignment)
382 |
383 | self.connect("key-press-event", self._keyPressed)
384 |
385 | @property
386 | def hasFlights(self):
387 | """Determine if the window has any flights."""
388 | return self._reportedFrame.hasFlights or self._rejectedFrame.hasFlights
389 |
390 | def clear(self):
391 | """Clear the lists."""
392 | self._reportedFrame.clear()
393 | self._rejectedFrame.clear()
394 |
395 | def addReportedFlight(self, flight):
396 | """Add a reported flight."""
397 | self._reportedFrame.addFlight(flight)
398 |
399 | def addRejectedFlight(self, flight):
400 | """Add a rejected flight."""
401 | self._rejectedFrame.addFlight(flight)
402 |
403 | def _closeClicked(self, button):
404 | """Called when the Close button is clicked.
405 |
406 | A 'delete-event' is emitted to close the window."""
407 | self.emit("delete-event", None)
408 |
409 | def _keyPressed(self, window, event):
410 | """Called when a key is pressed in the window.
411 |
412 | If the Escape key is pressed, 'delete-event' is emitted to close the
413 | window."""
414 | if gdk.keyval_name(event.keyval) == "Escape":
415 | self.emit("delete-event", None)
416 | return True
417 |
418 | #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------