1 | # The main file for the GUI
2 |
3 | from statusicon import StatusIcon
4 | from statusbar import Statusbar
5 | from update import Updater
6 | from mlx.gui.common import *
7 | from mlx.gui.flight import Wizard
8 | from mlx.gui.monitor import MonitorWindow
9 |
10 | import mlx.const as const
11 | import mlx.fs as fs
12 | import mlx.flight as flight
13 | import mlx.logger as logger
14 | import mlx.acft as acft
15 | import mlx.web as web
16 |
17 | import time
18 | import threading
19 | import sys
20 |
21 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 |
23 | class GUI(fs.ConnectionListener):
24 | """The main GUI class."""
25 | def __init__(self, programDirectory, config):
26 | """Construct the GUI."""
27 | gobject.threads_init()
28 |
29 | self._programDirectory = programDirectory
30 | self.config = config
31 | self._connecting = False
32 | self._reconnecting = False
33 | self._connected = False
34 | self._logger = logger.Logger(output = self)
35 | self._flight = None
36 | self._simulator = None
37 | self._monitoring = False
38 |
39 | self._stdioLock = threading.Lock()
40 | self._stdioText = ""
41 | self._stdioAfterNewLine = True
42 |
43 | self.webHandler = web.Handler()
44 | self.webHandler.start()
45 |
46 | self.toRestart = False
47 |
48 | def build(self, iconDirectory):
49 | """Build the GUI."""
50 |
51 | window = gtk.Window()
52 | window.set_title("MAVA Logger X " + const.VERSION)
53 | window.set_icon_from_file(os.path.join(iconDirectory, "logo.ico"))
54 | window.connect("delete-event",
55 | lambda a, b: self.hideMainWindow())
56 | window.connect("window-state-event", self._handleMainWindowState)
57 |
58 | mainVBox = gtk.VBox()
59 | window.add(mainVBox)
60 |
61 | notebook = gtk.Notebook()
62 | mainVBox.add(notebook)
63 |
64 | self._wizard = Wizard(self)
65 | label = gtk.Label("_Flight")
66 | label.set_use_underline(True)
67 | label.set_tooltip_text("Flight wizard")
68 | notebook.append_page(self._wizard, label)
69 |
70 | logVBox = gtk.VBox()
71 | label = gtk.Label("_Log")
72 | label.set_use_underline(True)
73 | label.set_tooltip_text("Flight log")
74 | notebook.append_page(logVBox, label)
75 |
76 | logFrame = self._buildLogFrame()
77 | logFrame.set_border_width(8)
78 | logVBox.pack_start(logFrame, True, True, 0)
79 |
80 | mainVBox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), False, False, 0)
81 |
82 | self._statusbar = Statusbar()
83 | mainVBox.pack_start(self._statusbar, False, False, 0)
84 |
85 | notebook.connect("switch-page", self._notebookPageSwitch)
86 |
87 | self._monitorWindow = MonitorWindow(self, iconDirectory)
88 | self._monitorWindowX = None
89 | self._monitorWindowY = None
90 |
91 | window.show_all()
92 | self._wizard.grabDefault()
93 |
94 | self._mainWindow = window
95 |
96 | self._statusIcon = StatusIcon(iconDirectory, self)
97 |
98 | self._busyCursor = gdk.Cursor(gdk.CursorType.WATCH if pygobject
99 | else gdk.WATCH)
100 |
101 | @property
102 | def simulator(self):
103 | """Get the simulator used by us."""
104 | return self._simulator
105 |
106 | @property
107 | def flight(self):
108 | """Get the flight being performed."""
109 | return self._flight
110 |
111 | @property
112 | def zfw(self):
113 | """Get Zero-Fuel Weight calculated for the current flight."""
114 | return self._wizard.zfw
115 |
116 | @property
117 | def cruiseAltitude(self):
118 | """Get cruise altitude calculated for the current flight."""
119 | return self._wizard.cruiseAltitude
120 |
121 | @property
122 | def v1(self):
123 | """Get the V1 speed calculated for the flight."""
124 | return self._wizard.v1
125 |
126 | @property
127 | def vr(self):
128 | """Get the Vr speed calculated for the flight."""
129 | return self._wizard.vr
130 |
131 | @property
132 | def v2(self):
133 | """Get the V2 speed calculated for the flight."""
134 | return self._wizard.v2
135 |
136 | @property
137 | def vref(self):
138 | """Get the Vref speed calculated for the flight."""
139 | return self._wizard.vref
140 |
141 | def run(self):
142 | """Run the GUI."""
143 | if self.config.autoUpdate:
144 | self._updater = Updater(self,
145 | self._programDirectory,
146 | self.config.updateURL,
147 | self._mainWindow)
148 | self._updater.start()
149 |
150 | gtk.main()
151 |
152 | if self._flight is not None:
153 | simulator = self._flight.simulator
154 | if self._monitoring:
155 | simulator.stopMonitoring()
156 | self._monitoring = False
157 | simulator.disconnect()
158 |
159 | def connected(self, fsType, descriptor):
160 | """Called when we have connected to the simulator."""
161 | self._connected = True
162 | self._logger.untimedMessage("Connected to the simulator %s" % (descriptor,))
163 | gobject.idle_add(self._handleConnected, fsType, descriptor)
164 |
165 | def _handleConnected(self, fsType, descriptor):
166 | """Called when the connection to the simulator has succeeded."""
167 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
168 | self.endBusy()
169 | if not self._reconnecting:
170 | self._wizard.connected(fsType, descriptor)
171 | self._reconnecting = False
172 |
173 | def connectionFailed(self):
174 | """Called when the connection failed."""
175 | self._logger.untimedMessage("Connection to the simulator failed")
176 | gobject.idle_add(self._connectionFailed)
177 |
178 | def _connectionFailed(self):
179 | """Called when the connection failed."""
180 | self.endBusy()
181 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
182 |
183 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
184 | message_format =
185 | "Cannot connect to the simulator.",
186 | parent = self._mainWindow)
187 | dialog.format_secondary_markup("Rectify the situation, and press <b>Try again</b> "
188 | "to try the connection again, "
189 | "or <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the flight.")
190 |
191 | dialog.add_button("_Cancel", 0)
192 | dialog.add_button("_Try again", 1)
193 | dialog.set_default_response(1)
194 |
195 | result = dialog.run()
196 | dialog.hide()
197 | if result == 1:
198 | self.beginBusy("Connecting to the simulator.")
199 | self._simulator.reconnect()
200 | else:
201 | self._connecting = False
202 | self._reconnecting = False
203 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
204 | self._wizard.connectionFailed()
205 |
206 | def disconnected(self):
207 | """Called when we have disconnected from the simulator."""
208 | self._connected = False
209 | self._logger.untimedMessage("Disconnected from the simulator")
210 |
211 | gobject.idle_add(self._disconnected)
212 |
213 | def _disconnected(self):
214 | """Called when we have disconnected from the simulator unexpectedly."""
215 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
216 |
217 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = MESSAGETYPE_ERROR,
218 | message_format =
219 | "The connection to the simulator failed unexpectedly.",
220 | parent = self._mainWindow)
221 | dialog.format_secondary_markup("If the simulator has crashed, restart it "
222 | "and restore your flight as much as possible "
223 | "to the state it was in before the crash.\n"
224 | "Then press <b>Reconnect</b> to reconnect.\n\n"
225 | "If you want to cancel the flight, press <b>Cancel</b>.")
226 |
227 | dialog.add_button("_Cancel", 0)
228 | dialog.add_button("_Reconnect", 1)
229 | dialog.set_default_response(1)
230 |
231 | result = dialog.run()
232 | dialog.hide()
233 | if result == 1:
234 | self.beginBusy("Connecting to the simulator.")
235 | self._reconnecting = True
236 | self._simulator.reconnect()
237 | else:
238 | self._connecting = False
239 | self._reconnecting = False
240 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
241 | self._wizard.disconnected()
242 |
243 | def write(self, msg):
244 | """Write the given message to the log."""
245 | gobject.idle_add(self._writeLog, msg)
246 |
247 | def check(self, flight, aircraft, logger, oldState, state):
248 | """Update the data."""
249 | gobject.idle_add(self._monitorWindow.setData, state)
250 | gobject.idle_add(self._statusbar.updateTime, state.timestamp)
251 |
252 | def resetFlightStatus(self):
253 | """Reset the status of the flight."""
254 | self._statusbar.resetFlightStatus()
255 | self._statusbar.updateTime()
256 | self._statusIcon.resetFlightStatus()
257 |
258 | def setStage(self, stage):
259 | """Set the stage of the flight."""
260 | gobject.idle_add(self._setStage, stage)
261 |
262 | def _setStage(self, stage):
263 | """Set the stage of the flight."""
264 | self._statusbar.setStage(stage)
265 | self._statusIcon.setStage(stage)
266 | self._wizard.setStage(stage)
267 |
268 | def setRating(self, rating):
269 | """Set the rating of the flight."""
270 | gobject.idle_add(self._setRating, rating)
271 |
272 | def _setRating(self, rating):
273 | """Set the rating of the flight."""
274 | self._statusbar.setRating(rating)
275 | self._statusIcon.setRating(rating)
276 |
277 | def setNoGo(self, reason):
278 | """Set the rating of the flight to No-Go with the given reason."""
279 | gobject.idle_add(self._setNoGo, reason)
280 |
281 | def _setNoGo(self, reason):
282 | """Set the rating of the flight."""
283 | self._statusbar.setNoGo(reason)
284 | self._statusIcon.setNoGo(reason)
285 |
286 | def _handleMainWindowState(self, window, event):
287 | """Hande a change in the state of the window"""
288 | iconified = gdk.WindowState.ICONIFIED if pygobject \
290 | if (event.changed_mask&iconified)!=0 and (event.new_window_state&iconified)!=0:
291 | self.hideMainWindow(savePosition = False)
292 |
293 | def hideMainWindow(self, savePosition = True):
294 | """Hide the main window and save its position."""
295 | if savePosition:
296 | (self._mainWindowX, self._mainWindowY) = \
297 | self._mainWindow.get_window().get_root_origin()
298 | else:
299 | self._mainWindowX = self._mainWindowY = None
300 | self._mainWindow.hide()
301 | self._statusIcon.mainWindowHidden()
302 | return True
303 |
304 | def showMainWindow(self):
305 | """Show the main window at its former position."""
306 | if self._mainWindowX is not None and self._mainWindowY is not None:
307 | self._mainWindow.move(self._mainWindowX, self._mainWindowY)
308 |
309 | self._mainWindow.show()
310 | self._mainWindow.deiconify()
311 |
312 | self._statusIcon.mainWindowShown()
313 |
314 | def toggleMainWindow(self):
315 | """Toggle the main window."""
316 | if self._mainWindow.get_visible():
317 | self.hideMainWindow()
318 | else:
319 | self.showMainWindow()
320 |
321 | def hideMonitorWindow(self, savePosition = True):
322 | """Hide the monitor window."""
323 | if savePosition:
324 | (self._monitorWindowX, self._monitorWindowY) = \
325 | self._monitorWindow.get_window().get_root_origin()
326 | else:
327 | self._monitorWindowX = self._monitorWindowY = None
328 | self._monitorWindow.hide()
329 | self._statusIcon.monitorWindowHidden()
330 | return True
331 |
332 | def showMonitorWindow(self):
333 | """Show the monitor window."""
334 | if self._monitorWindowX is not None and self._monitorWindowY is not None:
335 | self._monitorWindow.move(self._monitorWindowX, self._monitorWindowY)
336 | self._monitorWindow.show_all()
337 | self._statusIcon.monitorWindowShown()
338 |
339 | def restart(self):
340 | """Quit and restart the application."""
341 | self.toRestart = True
342 | self._quit(force = True)
343 |
344 | def flushStdIO(self):
345 | """Flush any text to the standard error that could not be logged."""
346 | if self._stdioText:
347 | sys.__stderr__.write(self._stdioText)
348 |
349 | def writeStdIO(self, text):
350 | """Write the given text into standard I/O log."""
351 | with self._stdioLock:
352 | self._stdioText += text
353 |
354 | gobject.idle_add(self._writeStdIO)
355 |
356 | def beginBusy(self, message):
357 | """Begin a period of background processing."""
358 | self._mainWindow.get_window().set_cursor(self._busyCursor)
359 | self._statusbar.updateBusyState(message)
360 |
361 | def endBusy(self):
362 | """End a period of background processing."""
363 | self._mainWindow.get_window().set_cursor(None)
364 | self._statusbar.updateBusyState(None)
365 |
366 | def _writeStdIO(self):
367 | """Perform the real writing."""
368 | with self._stdioLock:
369 | text = self._stdioText
370 | self._stdioText = ""
371 | if not text: return
372 |
373 | lines = text.splitlines()
374 | if text[-1]=="\n":
375 | text = ""
376 | else:
377 | text = lines[-1]
378 | lines = lines[:-1]
379 |
380 | for line in lines:
381 | if self._stdioAfterNewLine:
382 | line = "[STDIO] " + line
383 | self._writeLog(line + "\n")
384 | self._stdioAfterNewLine = True
385 |
386 | if text:
387 | if self._stdioAfterNewLine:
388 | text = "[STDIO] " + text
389 | self._writeLog(text)
390 | self._stdioAfterNewLine = False
391 |
392 | def connectSimulator(self, aircraftType):
393 | """Connect to the simulator for the first time."""
394 | self._logger.reset()
395 |
396 | self._flight = flight.Flight(self._logger, self)
397 | self._flight.aircraftType = aircraftType
398 | self._flight.aircraft = acft.Aircraft.create(self._flight)
399 | self._flight.aircraft._checkers.append(self)
400 |
401 | if self._simulator is None:
402 | self._simulator = fs.createSimulator(const.SIM_MSFS9, self)
403 |
404 | self._flight.simulator = self._simulator
405 |
406 | self.beginBusy("Connecting to the simulator...")
407 | self._statusbar.updateConnection(self._connecting, self._connected)
408 |
409 | self._connecting = True
410 | self._simulator.connect(self._flight.aircraft)
411 |
412 | def startMonitoring(self):
413 | """Start monitoring."""
414 | self._simulator.startMonitoring()
415 | self._monitoring = True
416 |
417 | def stopMonitoring(self):
418 | """Stop monitoring."""
419 | self._simulator.stoptMonitoring()
420 | self._monitoring = False
421 |
422 | def _buildLogFrame(self):
423 | """Build the frame for the log."""
424 | logFrame = gtk.Frame(label = "Log")
425 |
426 | frameAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0)
427 |
428 | frameAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 10,
429 | padding_left = 16, padding_right = 16)
430 |
431 | logFrame.add(frameAlignment)
432 |
433 | logScroller = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
434 | self._logView = gtk.TextView()
435 | self._logView.set_editable(False)
436 | logScroller.add(self._logView)
437 |
438 | logBox = gtk.VBox()
439 | logBox.pack_start(logScroller, True, True, 0)
440 | logBox.set_size_request(-1, 200)
441 |
442 | frameAlignment.add(logBox)
443 |
444 | return logFrame
445 |
446 | def _writeLog(self, msg):
447 | """Write the given message to the log."""
448 | buffer = self._logView.get_buffer()
449 | buffer.insert(buffer.get_end_iter(), msg)
450 | self._logView.scroll_mark_onscreen(buffer.get_insert())
451 |
452 | def _quit(self, what = None, force = False):
453 | """Quit from the application."""
454 | if force:
456 | else:
457 | dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(type = MESSAGETYPE_QUESTION,
458 | buttons = BUTTONSTYPE_YES_NO,
459 | message_format =
460 | "Are you sure to quit the logger?")
461 | result = dialog.run()
462 | dialog.hide()
463 |
464 | if result==RESPONSETYPE_YES:
465 | self._statusIcon.destroy()
466 | return gtk.main_quit()
467 |
468 | def _notebookPageSwitch(self, notebook, page, page_num):
469 | """Called when the current page of the notebook has changed."""
470 | if page_num==0:
471 | gobject.idle_add(self._wizard.grabDefault)
472 | else:
473 | self._mainWindow.set_default(None)