from common import * from mlx.gui.delaycodes import DelayCodeTable from mlx.gui.faultexplain import FaultExplainWidget from mlx.i18n import xstr import mlx.const as const #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## @package # # The flight info tab. # # This module implements to \ref FlightInfo class, which is the widget for the # extra information related to the flight. It contains a text area for the # comments, the fault list widget, and the frame for the delay codes at the # bottom in the centre. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class FlightInfo(gtk.VBox): """The flight info tab.""" @staticmethod def _createCommentArea(label): """Create a comment area. Returns a tuple of two items: - the top-level widget of the comment area, and - the comment text editor.""" frame = gtk.Frame(label = label) label = frame.get_label_widget() label.set_use_underline(True) alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0) alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4, padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8) scroller = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroller.set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scroller.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_IN) comments = gtk.TextView() comments.set_wrap_mode(WRAP_WORD) scroller.add(comments) alignment.add(scroller) frame.add(alignment) label.set_mnemonic_widget(comments) return (frame, comments) def __init__(self, gui, mainInstance = True): """Construct the flight info tab.""" super(FlightInfo, self).__init__() self._gui = gui self._mainInstance = mainInstance self._commentsAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0) commentsBox = gtk.HBox() commentsBox.set_homogeneous(True) (frame, self._comments) = FlightInfo._createCommentArea(xstr("info_comments")) commentsBox.pack_start(frame, True, True, 8) self._comments.get_buffer().connect("changed", self._commentsChanged) self._faultExplainWidget = FaultExplainWidget(gui) self._faultExplainWidget.connect("explanations-changed", self._faultExplanationsChanged) commentsBox.pack_start(self._faultExplainWidget, True, True, 8) self._commentsAlignment.add(commentsBox) self.pack_start(self._commentsAlignment, True, True, 8) frame = gtk.Frame(label = xstr("info_delay")) label = frame.get_label_widget() label.set_use_underline(True) alignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0) alignment.set_padding(padding_top = 4, padding_bottom = 4, padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8) self._delayCodeTable = table = DelayCodeTable(self) self._delayWindow = scrolledWindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolledWindow.add(table) scrolledWindow.set_size_request(-1, 185) scrolledWindow.set_policy(POLICY_AUTOMATIC, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) scrolledWindow.set_shadow_type(SHADOW_IN) alignment.add(scrolledWindow) frame.add(alignment) self._delayAlignment = gtk.Alignment(xalign = 0.5, yalign = 0.5, xscale = 1.0, yscale = 1.0) self._delayAlignment.add(frame) self._delayAlignment.set_padding(padding_top = 0, padding_bottom = 0, padding_left = 8, padding_right = 8) self.pack_start(self._delayAlignment, False, False, 8) @property def comments(self): """Get the comments.""" buffer = self._comments.get_buffer() return text2unicode(buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter(), True)) @comments.setter def comments(self, comments): """Set the comments.""" self._comments.get_buffer().set_text(comments) @property def hasComments(self): """Get whether there is any text in comments field.""" return self._comments.get_buffer().get_char_count()>0 @property def faultsAndExplanations(self): """Get the faults and explanations as HTML.""" return self._faultExplainWidget.html @property def delayCodes(self): """Get the list of delay codes checked by the user.""" return self._delayCodeTable.delayCodes @property def hasDelayCode(self): """Determine if there is at least one delay code selected.""" return self._delayCodeTable.hasDelayCode @property def faultsFullyExplained(self): """Determine if all the faults have been explained by the pilot.""" return self._faultExplainWidget.fullyExplained def addFault(self, id, faultText): """Add a fault to the list of faults.""" self._faultExplainWidget.addFault(id, faultText) def updateFault(self, id, faultText): """Update a fault to the list of faults.""" self._faultExplainWidget.updateFault(id, faultText) def clearFault(self, id): """Clear a fault to the list of faults.""" self._faultExplainWidget.clearFault(id) def setExplanation(self, id, explanation): """Set the explanation of the given fault.""" self._faultExplainWidget.setExplanation(id, explanation) def enable(self, aircraftType): """Enable the flight info tab.""" self._comments.set_sensitive(True) self._faultExplainWidget.set_sensitive(True) self._delayCodeTable.setType(aircraftType) self._delayWindow.set_sensitive(True) self._delayCodeTable.setStyle() def disable(self): """Enable the flight info tab.""" self._comments.set_sensitive(False) self._faultExplainWidget.set_sensitive(False) self._delayWindow.set_sensitive(False) self._delayCodeTable.setStyle() def reset(self): """Reset the flight info tab.""" self._comments.get_buffer().set_text("") self._faultExplainWidget.reset() self._delayCodeTable.reset() def activateDelayCode(self, code): """Active the checkbox corresponding to the given code.""" self._delayCodeTable.activateCode(code) def delayCodesChanged(self): """Callewd when the delay codes have changed.""" if self._mainInstance: self._gui.delayCodesChanged() def _commentsChanged(self, textbuffer): """Called when the comments have changed.""" if self._mainInstance: self._gui.commentsChanged() def _faultExplanationsChanged(self, faultExplainWidget, fullyExplained): """Called when the status of the fault explanations has changed.""" if self._mainInstance: self._gui.faultExplanationsChanged()