# needed for os specific separators import os # selenium is needed for browser manipulation from selenium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchWindowException from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait, Select from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # urllib is needed to obtain the xml import urllib2 # xmlparser from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO import lxml.html import time class MavaSimbriefIntegrator(): """Implements the integration with the excellent Simbrief pilot briefing system for MALEV Virtual.""" # Progress stage: searching the suitable browser window PROGRESS_SEARCHING_BROWSER = 1 # Progress stage: retrieving the form from the server PROGRESS_LOADING_FORM = 2 # Progress stage: filling the form PROGRESS_FILLING_FORM = 3 # Progress stage: waiting for the login PROGRESS_WAITING_LOGIN = 4 # Progress stage: logging in PROGRESS_LOGGING_IN = 5 # Progress stage: waiting for result PROGRESS_WAITING_RESULT = 6 # The maximal reserved progress stage PROGRESS_MAX = 16 # Result code: none (i.e. the SimBrief query is in progress). RESULT_NONE = 0 # Result code: success RESULT_OK = 1 # Result code: other error RESULT_ERROR_OTHER = 2 # Result code: form could not be loaded RESULT_ERROR_NO_FORM = 11 # Result code: no popup (i.e. login) window found RESULT_ERROR_NO_POPUP = 12 # Result code: login failed RESULT_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED = 13 # The maximal reserved result code RESULT_MAX = 32 def __init__(self, plan, driver=None, simbrief_query_settings=None, mava_simbrief_url=None, xml_link_fix_part=None): """Init the integrator with settings that are typical of our use. @param: plan - flightplan dictionary @param: webdriver - a selenium webdriver @param: simbrief_query_settings - a dictionary of query settings @param: mava_simbrief_url - url to the form that is sent to simbrief on the mava server @param: xml_link_fix_part = url to the simbrief website under which the xml is to be found""" self.plan = plan if simbrief_query_settings is None: self.simbrief_query_settings = { 'navlog': True, 'etops': True, 'stepclimbs': True, 'tlr': True, 'notams': True, 'firnot': True, 'maps': 'Simple', } else: self.simbrief_query_settings = simbrief_query_settings if driver is None: self.driver = webdriver.Firefox() else: self.driver = driver if mava_simbrief_url is None: self.mava_simbrief_url = "http://flare.privatedns.org/" \ "mava_simbrief/simbrief_form.html" else: self.mava_simbrief_url = mava_simbrief_url if xml_link_fix_part is None: self.xml_link_fix_part = "http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/" \ "flightplans/xml/" else: self.xml_link_fix_part = xml_link_fix_part def fill_form(self, plan, simbrief_query_settings): """Fills the form of the webpage using the paramteres that the class has been initialized with. @param: driver - a selenium webdriver @param: plan - dictionary containing plan details @param: simbrief_query_settings - dictionary containing plan settings""" for plan_input_field in plan.iterkeys(): self.driver.find_element_by_name(plan_input_field).send_keys( plan[plan_input_field]) for option_checkbox in simbrief_query_settings.iterkeys(): if (isinstance(simbrief_query_settings[option_checkbox], bool) and simbrief_query_settings[option_checkbox]): # if setting is a boolean type and true self.driver.find_element_by_name(option_checkbox).click() elif isinstance(simbrief_query_settings[option_checkbox], str): # if setting is a select Select(self.driver.find_element_by_name(option_checkbox)).\ select_by_visible_text(simbrief_query_settings[ option_checkbox]) def get_xml_link(self, get_credentials, update_progress, local_xml_debug=False, local_html_debug=False): """Obtains the link of the xml to be processed. @param get_credentials - a function, which should return a pair of the user name and password to log in to SimBrief. It gets an integer which is the number of times it has been called so far. @param local_xml_debug - if True then not the real location will be checked but the current working dir will be searched for 'xml.xml' @param local_html_debug - if True then not real mava_simbrief_url will be used but the current working dir will be searched for 'mava_simbrief.html' @returns: the string of the xml link if it could be obtained and None otherwise""" # Finding xml_link is_briefing_available = False if local_xml_debug: # set link for locally debugging an existing xml file xml_link = ("file://" + os.getcwd() + os.sep + "xml.xml") is_briefing_available = True else: update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_SEARCHING_BROWSER, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) # There must be window whose title is 'SimBrief' so that we # could find our one among several if self._find_window_by_title("SimBrief") is None: print "No SimBrief window was found!" update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_SEARCHING_BROWSER, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_ERROR_OTHER, None) return None # normal operation with a real xml file update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_LOADING_FORM, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) if local_html_debug: self.driver.get( "file://" + os.getcwd() + os.sep + "simbrief_form.html") is_briefing_available = True else: self.driver.get(self.mava_simbrief_url) main_handle = self._find_window_by_title("Malev Virtual Simbrief Integration System") if main_handle is None: print "No SimBrief Integration window was found!" update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_LOADING_FORM, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_ERROR_NO_FORM, None) return None # Make a copy of the window handles before submitting the form, # so that we could find the popup handles = self.driver.window_handles[:] # Entering form data update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_FILLING_FORM, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) self.driver.switch_to_window(main_handle) self.fill_form(self.plan, self.simbrief_query_settings) # Loading page button = self.driver.find_element_by_name("submitform") button.send_keys(Keys.RETURN) update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_WAITING_LOGIN, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) popup_handle = self._find_popup(handles) if popup_handle is None: update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_WAITING_LOGIN, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_ERROR_NO_POPUP, None) return None login_count = 0 end_time = time.time() + 120.0 while not is_briefing_available and end_time > time.time(): try: self.driver.switch_to.window(popup_handle) userElement = self.driver.find_element_by_name("user") if userElement is not None: update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_LOGGING_IN, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) (userName, password) = get_credentials(login_count) if userName is None or password is None: update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_WAITING_LOGIN, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED, None) return None userElement.send_keys(userName) self.driver.find_element_by_name("pass").send_keys(password) self.driver.find_element_by_name("staylogged").click() self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, "//input[@value='Login']").send_keys(Keys.RETURN) login_count += 1 except NoSuchElementException: pass except NoSuchWindowException: pass update_progress(MavaSimbriefIntegrator.PROGRESS_WAITING_RESULT, MavaSimbriefIntegrator.RESULT_NONE, None) self.driver.switch_to.window(main_handle) try: if self.driver.find_element_by_name("hidden_is_briefing_available") is not None: is_briefing_available = True xml_link_element = self.driver.find_element_by_name( 'hidden_link') xml_link_generated_part = xml_link_element.get_attribute( 'value') xml_link = self.xml_link_fix_part + xml_link_generated_part + '.xml' print(xml_link) except NoSuchElementException: pass self.driver.quit() if is_briefing_available: return xml_link else: return None def get_results(self, xml_link, html_file_path = None): """Parses the xml for information. @param xml_link - a path to the xml file @return a dictionary of the found information""" # Setup variables ## Holds analysis data not used available_info = {} ## Holds analysis data to be used flight_info = {} ## Holds notams notams_list = [] ## Notam counter i = 0 # Obtaining the xml response = urllib2.urlopen(xml_link) xml_content = response.read() # Processing xml tree = etree.parse(StringIO(xml_content)) context = etree.iterparse(StringIO(xml_content)) for action, element in context: # Processing tags that occur multiple times ## NOTAMS if element.tag == 'notamdrec': notams_element_list = list(element) notam_dict = {} for notam in notams_element_list: notam_dict[notam.tag] = notam.text notams_list.append(notam_dict) i += 1 ## WEATHER elif element.tag == 'weather': weather_element_list = list(element) for weather in weather_element_list: flight_info[weather.tag] = weather.text else: available_info[element.tag] = element.text # Processing plan_html ## Obtaining chart links image_links = [] for image_link_a_element in lxml.html.find_class( available_info['plan_html'], 'ofpmaplink'): for image_link_tuple in image_link_a_element.iterlinks(): if image_link_tuple[1] == 'src': image_links.append(image_link_tuple[2]) flight_info['image_links'] = image_links print(sorted(available_info.keys())) if html_file_path is None: html_file_path = 'simbrief_plan.html' with open(html_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(available_info['plan_html']) return flight_info def _find_window_by_title(self, title, timeout = 10.0): """Find the window with the given title. Switch to that window and return its handle.""" def predicate(handle): self.driver.switch_to.window(handle) return self.driver.title == title return self._find_window(predicate, timeout = timeout) def _find_popup(self, handles, timeout = 10.0): """Find a popup, i.e. a new window being created. handles is a list of window handles that existed before the popup was expected to be created. If a new handle is found, that is assumed to be the popup window.""" return self._find_window(lambda handle: handle not in handles, timeout = timeout) def _find_window(self, predicate, timeout = 10.0): """Find a window that fulfills the given predicate.""" window_handle = None end_time = time.time() + timeout while window_handle is None and end_time > time.time(): for handle in self.driver.window_handles: if predicate(handle): window_handle = handle break return window_handle if __name__ == "__main__": mava_simbrief_url = "http://flare.privatedns.org/" \ "mava_simbrief/simbrief_form.html" xml_link_fix_part = "http://www.simbrief.com/ofp/" \ "flightplans/xml/" plan = { 'airline': 'MAH', 'fltnum': '764', 'type': 'B738', 'orig': 'LHBP', 'dest': 'LSZH', 'date': '25FEB15', 'deph': '20', 'depm': '00', 'route': 'GILEP DCT ARSIN UL851 SITNI UL856 NEGRA', 'steh': '22', 'stem': '05', 'reg': 'HA-LOC', 'fin': 'LOC', 'selcal': 'XXXX', 'pax': '100', 'altn': 'LSGG', 'fl': '36000', 'cpt': 'BALINT SZEBENYI', 'pid': 'P008', 'fuelfactor': 'P000', 'manualzfw': '42.7', 'addedfuel': '2.5', 'contpct': '0.05', 'resvrule': '45', 'taxiout': '10', 'taxiin': '4', 'cargo': '5.0', 'origrwy': '31L', 'destrwy': '34', 'climb': '250/300/78', 'descent': '80/280/250', 'cruise': 'LRC', 'civalue': 'AUTO', } integrator = MavaSimbriefIntegrator(plan=plan) link = integrator.get_xml_link(local_xml_debug=False, local_html_debug=False) flight_info = integrator.get_results(link) print(flight_info)