from fs import sendMessage import const import util import sys import time import bisect #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @package mlx.logger # # The module for the logger. # # While the program itself is "logger", it contains an internal logger, which # maintains the textual log containing information on the various events and is # the reason why the program is called "logger". # # The log is made up of lines containing an optional timestamp and the text of # the message. A line can be updated after having been put into the log by # referring to its index. # # The logger object also maintains a separate set of faults and ensures that # one fault type has only one score, even if that fault has been reported # multiple times. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Logger(object): """The class with the interface to log the various events. It contains a list of entries ordered by their timestamps and their ever increasing IDs.""" class Entry(object): """An entry in the log.""" # The ID of the next entry to be created _nextID = 1 def __init__(self, timestamp, text, showTimestamp = True, faultID = None, faultScore = 0, id = None): """Construct the entry.""" if id is None: self._id = self._nextID Logger.Entry._nextID += 1 else: self._id = id self._timestamp = timestamp self._text = text self._showTimestamp = showTimestamp self._faultID = faultID self._faultScore = faultScore @property def id(self): """Get the ID of the entry.""" return self._id @property def timestamp(self): """Get the timestamp of this entry.""" return self._timestamp @property def timestampString(self): """Get the timestamp string of this entry. It returns None, if the timestamp of the entry is not visible.""" return util.getTimestampString(self._timestamp) \ if self._showTimestamp else None @property def text(self): """Get the text of this entry.""" return self._text @property def isFault(self): """Determine if this is a log entry about a fault.""" return self._faultID is not None @property def faultID(self): """Get the fault ID of the entry. It may be None, if the entry is not a fault entry.""" return self._faultID @property def faultScore(self): """Get the fault score of the entry, if it is a fault.""" return self._faultScore def copy(self, timestamp = None, clearTimestamp = False, text = None, faultScore = None): """Create a copy of this entry with the given values changed.""" assert faultScore is None or self._faultID is not None return Logger.Entry(None if clearTimestamp else self._timestamp if timestamp is None else timestamp, self._text if text is None else text, showTimestamp = self._showTimestamp, faultID = self._faultID, faultScore = self._faultScore if faultScore is None else faultScore, id = self._id) def __cmp__(self, other): """Compare two entries First their timestamps are compared, and if those are equal, then their IDs.""" result = cmp(self._timestamp, other.timestamp) if result==0: result = cmp(self._id, other._id) return result class Fault(object): """Information about a fault. It contains the list of log entries that belong to this fault. The list is ordered so that the first element contains the entry with the highest score, so that it should be easy to find the actual score.""" def __init__(self, entry): """Construct the fault info with the given log entry as its only one.""" self._entries = [entry] @property def score(self): """Get the score of this fault, i.e. the score of the entry with the highest score.""" return self._entries[0].faultScore if self._entries else 0 def addEntry(self, entry): """Add an entry to this fault. The entries will be sorted.""" entries = self._entries entries.append(entry) entries.sort(key = Logger.Entry.faultScore, reverse = True) def removeEntry(self, entry): """Remove the given entry. Returns True if at least one entry remains, False otherwise.""" entries = self._entries for index in range(0, len(entries)): if entry is entries[index]: del entries[index] break return len(entries)>0 def getLatestEntry(self): """Get the entry with the highest score.""" return self._entries[0] # FIXME: shall we use const.stage2string() instead? _stages = { const.STAGE_BOARDING : "Boarding", const.STAGE_PUSHANDTAXI : "Pushback and Taxi", const.STAGE_TAKEOFF : "Takeoff", const.STAGE_RTO : "RTO", const.STAGE_CLIMB : "Climb", const.STAGE_CRUISE : "Cruise", const.STAGE_DESCENT : "Descent", const.STAGE_LANDING : "Landing", const.STAGE_TAXIAFTERLAND : "Taxi", const.STAGE_PARKING : "Parking", const.STAGE_GOAROUND : "Go-Around", const.STAGE_END : "End" } NO_GO_SCORE = 10000 def __init__(self, output): """Construct the logger.""" self._entries = {} self._lines = [] self._faults = {} self._output = output @property def lines(self): """Get the lines of the log.""" return [(entry.timestampString, entry.text) for entry in self._lines] @property def faultLineIndexes(self): """Get the sorted array of the indexes of those log lines that contain a fault.""" faultLineIndexes = [] lines = self._lines for index in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[index].isFault: faultLineIndexes.append(index) return faultLineIndexes def reset(self): """Reset the logger. The faults logged so far will be cleared.""" self._entries = {} self._lines = [] self._faults = {} def message(self, timestamp, msg): """Put a simple textual message into the log with the given timestamp. Returns an ID of the message so that it could be referred to later.""" return self._addEntry(Logger.Entry(timestamp, msg)) def untimedMessage(self, msg): """Put an untimed message into the log.""" timestamp = self._lines[-1].timestamp if self._lines else 0 return self._addEntry(Logger.Entry(timestamp, msg, showTimestamp = False)) def debug(self, msg): """Log a debug message.""" print "[DEBUG]", msg def stage(self, timestamp, stage): """Report a change in the flight stage.""" s = Logger._stages[stage] if stage in Logger._stages else "" self.message(timestamp, "--- %s ---" % (s,)) if stage==const.STAGE_END: self.untimedMessage("Rating: %.0f" % (self.getRating(),)) else: messageType = \ const.MESSAGETYPE_INFLIGHT if stage in \ [const.STAGE_CLIMB, const.STAGE_CRUISE, \ const.STAGE_DESCENT, const.STAGE_LANDING] \ else const.MESSAGETYPE_INFORMATION sendMessage(messageType, "Flight stage: " + s, 3) def fault(self, faultID, timestamp, what, score, updatePrevious = False): """Report a fault. faultID as a unique ID for the given kind of fault. If another fault of this ID has been reported earlier, it will be reported again only if the score is greater than last time. This ID can be, e.g. the checker the report comes from. If updatePrevious is True, and an instance of the given fault is already in the log, only that instance will be updated with the new timestamp and score. If there are several instances, the latest one (with the highest score) will be updated. If updatePrevious is True, and the new score is not greater than the latest one, the ID of the latest one is returned. Returns an ID of the fault, or -1 if it was not logged.""" fault = self._faults[faultID] if faultID in self._faults else None if fault is not None and score<=fault.score: return fault.getLatestEntry().id if updatePrevious else -1 text = "%s (NO GO)" % (what) if score==Logger.NO_GO_SCORE \ else "%s (%.1f)" % (what, score) if updatePrevious and fault is not None: latestEntry = fault.getLatestEntry() id = newEntry = latestEntry.copy(timestamp = timestamp, text = text, faultScore = score) self._updateEntry(id, newEntry) else: id = self._addEntry(Logger.Entry(timestamp, text, faultID = faultID, faultScore = score)) (messageType, duration) = (const.MESSAGETYPE_NOGO, 10) \ if score==Logger.NO_GO_SCORE \ else (const.MESSAGETYPE_FAULT, 5) sendMessage(messageType, text, duration) return id def noGo(self, faultID, timestamp, what): """Report a No-Go fault.""" return self.fault(faultID, timestamp, what, Logger.NO_GO_SCORE) def getRating(self): """Get the rating of the flight so far.""" totalScore = 100 for fault in self._faults.itervalues(): score = fault.score if score==Logger.NO_GO_SCORE: return -score else: totalScore -= score return totalScore def updateLine(self, id, line): """Update the line with the given ID with the given string. Note, that it does not change the status of the line as a fault!""" self._updateEntry(id, self._entries[id].copy(text = line)) def _addEntry(self, entry): """Add the given entry to the log. @return the ID of the new entry.""" assert not in self._entries self._entries[] = entry if not self._lines or entry>self._lines[-1]: index = len(self._lines) self._lines.append(entry) else: index = bisect.bisect_left(self._lines, entry) self._lines.insert(index, entry) if entry.isFault: self._addFault(entry) self._output.insertFlightLogLine(index, entry.timestampString, entry.text, entry.isFault) return def _updateEntry(self, id, newEntry): """Update the entry with the given ID from the given new entry.""" self._removeEntry(id) self._addEntry(newEntry) def _removeEntry(self, id): """Remove the entry with the given ID.""" assert id in self._entries entry = self._entries[id] del self._entries[id] for index in range(len(self._lines)-1, -1, -1): if self._lines[index] is entry: break del self._lines[index] if entry.isFault: faultID = entry.faultID fault = self._faults[faultID] if not fault.removeEntry(entry): del self._faults[faultID] self._output.removeFlightLogLine(index) def _addFault(self, entry): """Add the given fault entry to the fault with the given ID.""" faultID = entry.faultID if faultID in self._faults: self._faults[faultID].addEntry(entry) else: self._faults[faultID] = Logger.Fault(entry) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------