1 |
2 | from config import Config
3 | from i18n import setLanguage
4 | from sound import initializeSound
5 | from util import secondaryInstallation
6 |
7 | import os
8 | import sys
9 |
10 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 |
12 | ## @package mlx.mlx
13 | #
14 | # The main program.
15 | #
16 | # This module contains the main program of the logger as well as the \ref
17 | # restart "restart" handling.
18 |
19 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 |
21 | instance = None
22 |
23 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 |
25 | class StdIOHandler(object):
26 | """Handler for the standard I/O messages."""
27 | def __init__(self, gui):
28 | """Construct the handler."""
29 | self._gui = gui
30 |
31 | def write(self, text):
32 | """Write the given text into the log."""
33 | self._gui.writeStdIO(text)
34 |
35 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 |
37 | def restart(args = []):
38 | """Restart the program with the given arguments."""
39 | #print "Restarting with args", args
40 | programPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
41 | "runmlx.exe" if os.name=="nt" else "runmlx.sh")
42 | if os.name=="nt":
43 | import win32api
44 | try:
45 | programPath = win32api.GetShortPathName(programPath)
46 | except:
47 | programPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]),
48 | "runmlx.bat")
49 | programPath = win32api.GetShortPathName(programPath)
50 |
51 | args = [programPath] + args
52 |
53 | instance.close()
54 | os.execv(programPath, args)
55 |
56 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 |
58 | def main():
59 | """The main operation of the program."""
60 | from singleton import SingleInstance, raiseCallbackWrapper
61 |
62 | global instance
63 | instance = SingleInstance("mlx" + ("-secondary" if secondaryInstallation
64 | else ""), raiseCallbackWrapper)
65 | if not instance: return
66 |
67 | programDirectory = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
68 |
69 | config = Config()
70 | config.load()
71 |
72 | if (len(sys.argv)<=1 or sys.argv[1]!="usedeflang") and config.setupLocale():
73 | restart(["usedeflang"] + (["secondary"] if secondaryInstallation else []))
74 |
75 | setLanguage(programDirectory, config.getLanguage())
76 |
77 | from .gui.gui import GUI
78 | gui = GUI(programDirectory, config)
79 |
80 | sys.stdout = StdIOHandler(gui)
81 | sys.stderr = StdIOHandler(gui)
82 |
83 | initializeSound(os.path.join(programDirectory, "sounds"))
84 |
85 | try:
86 | gui.build(programDirectory)
87 |
88 | gui.run()
89 | finally:
90 | gui.flushStdIO()
91 | sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
92 | sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
93 |
94 | config.save()
95 |
96 | if gui.toRestart:
97 | restart()
98 |
99 | #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 |
101 | if __name__ == "__main__":
102 | if instance:
103 | main()