from config import Config from i18n import setLanguage from sound import initializeSound from util import secondaryInstallation from const import VERSION import os import sys #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @package mlx.mlx # # The main program. # # This module contains the main program of the logger as well as the \ref # restart "restart" handling. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance = None #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class StdIOHandler(object): """Handler for the standard I/O messages.""" def __init__(self, gui): """Construct the handler.""" self._gui = gui def write(self, text): """Write the given text into the log.""" self._gui.writeStdIO(text) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def restart(args = []): """Restart the program with the given arguments.""" #print "Restarting with args", args programPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "runmlx.exe" if"nt" else "") if"nt": import win32api try: programPath = win32api.GetShortPathName(programPath) except: programPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "runmlx.bat") programPath = win32api.GetShortPathName(programPath) args = [programPath] + args instance.close() os.execv(programPath, args) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(): """The main operation of the program.""" from singleton import SingleInstance, raiseCallbackWrapper global instance instance = SingleInstance("mlx" + ("-secondary" if secondaryInstallation else ""), raiseCallbackWrapper) if not instance: return programDirectory = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) config = Config() config.load() secondaryArgs = ["secondary"] if secondaryInstallation else [] if "usedeflang" not in sys.argv and config.setupLocale(): restart(["usedeflang"] + secondaryArgs) setLanguage(programDirectory, config.getLanguage()) from .gui.gui import GUI gui = GUI(programDirectory, config) sys.stdout = StdIOHandler(gui) sys.stderr = StdIOHandler(gui) print "MAVA Logger X " + VERSION + " debug log" print "The initial configuration:" config.log() initializeSound(os.path.join(programDirectory, "sounds")) try: finally: gui.flushStdIO() sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ if gui.toRestart: restart(secondaryArgs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == "__main__": if instance: main()