1 |
2 | import time
3 |
4 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 |
6 | ## @package mlx.pyuipc_emu
7 | #
8 | # A very simple PyUIPC emulator.
9 | #
10 | # This is not used currently.
11 |
12 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 |
14 | ## The ratio between kg and lbs
15 | KGTOLBS=1/0.4536
16 |
17 | ## Feet to metres
18 | FEETTOMETRES=0.3048
19 |
20 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 |
22 | def interpolate_proportion(proportion, value0, value1):
23 | """
24 | Interpolate between value0 and value1 using the given proportion.
25 | """
26 | return value0 + (value1-value0)*1.0*proportion
27 |
28 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 |
30 | def interpolate(point0, point, point1, value0, value1):
31 | """
32 | Interpolate linearly between the given points for the given
33 | values.
34 | """
35 | if point0==point1:
36 | if point>=point1: return value1
37 | else: return value0
38 | else:
39 | return interpolate_proportion((point-point0)*1.0/(point1-point0),
40 | value0, value1)
41 |
42 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 |
44 | ## Version constants
45 | SIM_ANY=0
46 | SIM_FS98=1
47 | SIM_FS2K=2
48 | SIM_CFS2=3
49 | SIM_CFS1=4
50 | SIM_FLY=5
51 | SIM_FS2K2=6
52 | SIM_FS2K4=7
53 |
54 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 |
56 | ## Error constants
57 | ERR_OK=0
58 | ERR_OPEN=1
59 | ERR_NOFS=2
61 | ERR_ATOM=4
62 | ERR_MAP=5
63 | ERR_VIEW=6
67 | ERR_NODATA=10
70 | ERR_DATA=13
72 | ERR_SIZE=15
73 |
74 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 |
76 | ## The version of FSUIPC
77 | fsuipc_version=0x0401
78 | lib_version=0x0302
79 | fs_version=SIM_FS2K4
80 |
81 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 |
83 | class FSUIPCException(Exception):
84 | """
85 | FSUIPC exception class. It contains a member variable named
86 | errorCode. The string is a text describing the error.
87 | """
88 |
89 | errors=["OK",
90 | "Attempt to Open when already Open",
91 | "Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient",
92 | "Failed to Register common message with Windows",
93 | "Failed to create Atom for mapping filename",
94 | "Failed to create a file mapping object",
95 | "Failed to open a view to the file map",
96 | "Incorrect version of FSUIPC, or not FSUIPC",
97 | "Sim is not version requested",
98 | "Call cannot execute, link not Open",
99 | "Call cannot execute: no requests accumulated",
100 | "IPC timed out all retries",
101 | "IPC sendmessage failed all retries",
102 | "IPC request contains bad data",
103 | "Maybe running on WideClient, but FS not running on Server, or wrong FSUIPC",
104 | "Read or Write request cannot be added, memory for Process is full"]
105 |
106 | def __init__(self, errorCode):
107 | """
108 | Construct the exception
109 | """
110 | if errorCode<len(self.errors):
111 | self.errorString = self.errors[errorCode]
112 | else:
113 | self.errorString = "Unknown error"
114 | Exception.__init__(self, self.errorString)
115 | self.errorCode = errorCode
116 |
117 | def __str__(self):
118 | """
119 | Convert the excption to string
120 | """
121 | return "FSUIPC error: %d (%s)" % (self.errorCode, self.errorString)
122 |
123 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 |
125 | open_count=0
126 | read_count=0
127 |
128 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 |
130 | def open(request):
131 | """
132 | Open the connection.
133 | """
134 |
135 | global open_count, read_count
136 |
137 | open_count += 1
138 | if open_count<5:
139 | raise FSUIPCException(open_count+2)
140 | elif open_count==5:
141 | return True
142 | else:
143 | raise FSUIPCException(ERR_OPEN)
144 |
145 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 |
147 | def prepare_data(pattern, forRead = True):
148 | """
149 | Prepate the given pattern for reading and/or writing
150 | """
151 | return pattern
152 |
153 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 |
155 | flight=None
156 | schedule_points=None
157 |
158 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 |
160 | def set_flight(f):
161 | """
162 | Set the flight to use for providing the data
163 | """
164 |
165 | global flight, schedule_points, read_count
166 |
167 | flight=f
168 | schedule_points=flight.get_schedule_points()
169 | read_count = 0
170 |
171 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 |
173 | fuel_weight=4.5
174 | centre_tank_capacity=12900
175 | side_tank_capacity=3900
176 |
177 | def read(data):
178 | """
179 | Read the given data.
180 | """
181 |
182 | global open_count, read_count
183 | if open_count<5:
184 | raise FSUIPCException(ERR_NOTOPEN)
185 |
186 | global flight, schedule_points
187 |
188 | tm=time.gmtime()
189 |
190 | if read_count<=10:
191 | latitude = 0
192 | longitude = 0
193 | altitude = 0
194 | tas = 0
195 | vs = 0.0
196 | fuel_flow = 0.0
197 | fuel_remaining = 1000
198 | ground_altitude = 0
199 | else:
200 | dist = read_count - 10
201 |
202 | latitude = 0
203 | longitude = 0
204 | altitude = dist*20
205 | tas = 100+dist*20
206 | vs = dist*100.0
207 | fuel_flow = 3.0
208 | fuel_remaining = 1000 - dist*2
209 |
210 | ground_altitude = 0
211 |
212 | results=[]
213 | for (offset, type) in data:
214 | if offset==0x02b8: # True airspeed (128*knots)
215 | results.append(int(tas*128))
216 | elif offset==0x02c8: # Vertical speed (256*m/s)
217 | results.append(int(vs / 60.0 * 0.3048 * 256))
218 | elif offset==0x0560: # Latitude
219 | results.append(int(latitude*10001750.0*65536.0*65536.0/90.0))
220 | elif offset==0x0568: # Longitude
221 | results.append(int(longitude*65536.9*65536.0*65536.0*65536.0/360.0))
222 | elif offset==0x0570: # Aircraft altitude in metres (fractional part)
223 | results.append(int( (altitude*0.3048*65536*65536)%(65536*65536)))
224 | elif offset==0x0574: # Aircraft altitude in metres (whole part)
225 | results.append(int(altitude*.3048))
226 | elif offset==0x0918 or \
227 | offset==0x09b0: # Engine 1 and 2 fuel flow (pounds per hour)
228 | results.append(fuel_flow*KGTOLBS/2.0)
229 | elif offset==0x0a48 or \
230 | offset==0x0ae0: # Engine 3 and 4 fuel flow (pounds per hour)
231 | results.append(0.0)
232 | elif offset==0x0aec: # Number of engines
233 | results.append(2)
234 | elif offset==0x0af4: # Fuel weight (pounds per gallon)
235 | results.append(int(round(fuel_weight * 256)))
236 | elif offset==0x0b74: # Centre tank level (%*128*65536)
237 | centre_fuel = fuel_remaining - 2*side_tank_capacity
238 | if centre_fuel<0: centre_fuel = 0.0
239 | results.append(int(round(centre_fuel/centre_tank_capacity*128.0*65536.0)))
240 | elif offset==0x0b78: # Centre tank capacity (gallons)
241 | results.append(int(round(centre_tank_capacity*KGTOLBS/fuel_weight)))
242 | elif offset==0x0b7c or \
243 | offset==0x0b94: # Left and right main tank level (%*128*65536)
244 | fuel = fuel_remaining/2
245 | if fuel>side_tank_capacity: fuel = side_tank_capacity
246 | results.append(int(round(fuel/side_tank_capacity*128.0*65536.0)))
247 | elif offset==0x0b80 or \
248 | offset==0x0b98: # Left and right main tank capacity (gallons)
249 | results.append(int(round(side_tank_capacity*KGTOLBS/fuel_weight)))
250 | elif offset in [0x0b84, 0x0b88, 0x0b8c, 0x0b90,
251 | 0x0b9c, 0x0ba0, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8,
252 | 0x1244, 0x1248, 0x124c, 0x1250,
253 | 0x1254, 0x1258, 0x125c, 0x1260]:
254 | # Other tank capacities and levels
255 | results.append(int(0))
256 | elif offset==0x023a: # Second of time
257 | results.append(int(tm[5]))
258 | elif offset==0x023b: # Hour of UTC time
259 | results.append(int(tm[3]))
260 | elif offset==0x023c: # Minute of UTC time
261 | results.append(int(tm[4]))
262 | elif offset==0x023e: # Day number in year
263 | results.append(int(tm[7]))
264 | elif offset==0x0240: # Year
265 | results.append(int(tm[0]))
266 | elif offset==0x0020: # Ground altitude (metres*256)
267 | results.append(int(round(ground_altitude*FEETTOMETRES*256.0)))
268 | else:
269 | raise FSUIPCException(ERR_DATA)
270 |
271 | read_count += 1
272 |
273 | return results
274 |
275 |
276 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
277 |
278 | def close():
279 | """
280 | Close the connection
281 | """
282 | global open_count
283 | open_count = 0
284 |
285 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
286 |