1 | from . import const
2 | from . import rpccommon
3 |
4 | from .common import MAVA_BASE_URL, fixUnpickled
5 |
6 | import jsonrpclib
7 | import hashlib
8 | import datetime
9 | import calendar
10 | import sys
11 | import ssl
12 | import certifi
13 |
14 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 |
16 | class RPCObject(object):
17 | """Base class for objects read from RPC calls.
18 |
19 | It is possible to construct it from a dictionary."""
20 | def __init__(self, value, instructions = {}):
21 | """Construct the object.
22 |
23 | value is the dictionary returned by the call.
24 |
25 | info is a mapping from names to 'instructions' on what to do with the
26 | corresponding values. If the instruction is None, it will be ignored.
27 | If the instruction is a function, the value will be passed to it and
28 | the return value will be stored in the object.
29 |
30 | For all other names, the value will be stored as the same-named
31 | attribute."""
32 | for (key, value) in value.items():
33 | if key in instructions:
34 | instruction = instructions[key]
35 | if instruction is None:
36 | continue
37 |
38 | try:
39 | value = instruction(value)
40 | except:
41 | print("Failed to convert value '%s' of attribute '%s':" % \
42 | (value, key), file=sys.stderr)
43 | import traceback
44 | traceback.print_exc()
45 | setattr(self, key, value)
46 |
47 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 |
49 | class Reply(RPCObject):
50 | """The generic reply structure."""
51 |
52 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 |
54 | class ScheduledFlight(RPCObject):
55 | """A scheduled flight in the time table."""
56 | # The instructions for the construction
57 | # Type: normal flight
58 | TYPE_NORMAL = 0
59 |
60 | # Type: VIP flight
61 | TYPE_VIP = 1
62 |
63 | _instructions = {
64 | "id" : int,
65 | "pairID": int,
66 | "typeCode": lambda value: BookedFlight._decodeAircraftType(value),
67 | "departureTime": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeTime(value),
68 | "arrivalTime": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeTime(value),
69 | "duration": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeDuration(value),
70 | "spec": int,
71 | "validFrom": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeDate(value),
72 | "validTo": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeDate(value),
73 | "date": lambda value: ScheduledFlight._decodeDate(value)
74 | }
75 |
76 | @staticmethod
77 | def _decodeTime(value):
78 | """Decode the given value as a time value."""
79 | return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%H:%M:%S").time()
80 |
81 | @staticmethod
82 | def _decodeDate(value):
83 | """Decode the given value as a date value."""
84 | if not value or value=="0000-00-00":
85 | return const.defaultDate
86 | else:
87 | return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
88 |
89 | @staticmethod
90 | def _decodeDuration(value):
91 | """Decode the given value as a duration.
92 |
93 | A number of seconds will be returned."""
94 | t = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%H:%M:%S")
95 | return (t.hour*60 + t.minute) * 60 + t.second
96 |
97 | def __init__(self, value):
98 | """Construct the scheduled flight object from the given JSON value."""
99 | super(ScheduledFlight, self).__init__(value,
100 | ScheduledFlight._instructions)
101 | self.aircraftType = self.typeCode
102 | del self.typeCode
103 |
104 | self.type = ScheduledFlight.TYPE_VIP if self.spec==1 \
105 | else ScheduledFlight.TYPE_NORMAL
106 | del self.spec
107 |
108 | def compareBy(self, other, name):
109 | """Compare this flight with the other one according to the given
110 | attribute name."""
111 | if name=="callsign":
112 | try:
113 | cs1 = int(self.callsign[2:])
114 | cs2 = int(other.callsign[2:])
115 | return 0 if cs1==cs2 else -1 if cs1<cs2 else 1
116 | except:
117 | return 0 if self.callsign==other.callsign \
118 | else -1 if self.callsign<other.callsign else 1
119 | else:
120 | v1 = getattr(self, name)
121 | v2 = getattr(other, name)
122 | return 0 if v1==v2 else -1 if v1<v2 else 1
123 |
124 | def __repr__(self):
125 | return "ScheduledFlight<%d, %d, %s, %s (%s) - %s (%s) -> %d, %d>" % \
126 | (self.id, self.pairID, BookedFlight.TYPE2TYPECODE[self.aircraftType],
127 | self.departureICAO, str(self.departureTime),
128 | self.arrivalICAO, str(self.arrivalTime),
129 | self.duration, self.type)
130 |
131 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 |
133 | class ScheduledFlightPair(object):
134 | """A pair of scheduled flights.
135 |
136 | Occasionally, one of the flights may be missing."""
137 | @staticmethod
138 | def scheduledFlights2Pairs(scheduledFlights, date):
139 | """Convert the given list of scheduled flights into a list of flight
140 | pairs."""
141 | weekday = str(date.weekday()+1)
142 |
143 | flights = {}
144 | weekdayFlights = {}
145 | for flight in scheduledFlights:
146 | flights[flight.id] = flight
147 | if (flight.type==ScheduledFlight.TYPE_NORMAL and
148 | flight.arrivalICAO!="LHBP" and weekday in flight.days and
149 | flight.validFrom<=date and flight.validTo>=date) or \
150 | flight.type==ScheduledFlight.TYPE_VIP:
151 | weekdayFlights[flight.id] = flight
152 |
153 | flightPairs = []
154 |
155 | while weekdayFlights:
156 | (id, flight) = weekdayFlights.popitem()
157 | if flight.type==ScheduledFlight.TYPE_NORMAL:
158 | pairID = flight.pairID
159 | if pairID in flights:
160 | pairFlight = flights[pairID]
161 | if flight.departureICAO=="LHBP" or \
162 | (pairFlight.departureICAO!="LHBP" and
163 | flight.callsign<pairFlight.callsign):
164 | flightPairs.append(ScheduledFlightPair(flight, pairFlight))
165 | else:
166 | flightPairs.append(ScheduledFlightPair(pairFlight, flight))
167 | del flights[pairID]
168 | if pairID in weekdayFlights:
169 | del weekdayFlights[pairID]
170 | elif flight.type==ScheduledFlight.TYPE_VIP:
171 | flightPairs.append(ScheduledFlightPair(flight))
172 |
173 | flightPairs.sort(key = lambda pair: pair.flight0.date)
174 |
175 | return flightPairs
176 |
177 | def __init__(self, flight0, flight1 = None):
178 | """Construct the pair with the given flights."""
179 | self.flight0 = flight0
180 | self.flight1 = flight1
181 |
182 | def compareBy(self, other, name):
183 | """Compare this flight pair with the other one according to the given
184 | attribute name, considering the first flights."""
185 | return self.flight0.compareBy(other.flight0, name)
186 |
187 | def __repr__(self):
188 | return "ScheduledFlightPair<%s, %s, %s>" % \
189 | (self.flight0.callsign, self.flight0.departureICAO,
190 | self.flight0.arrivalICAO)
191 |
192 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 |
194 | class BookedFlight(RPCObject):
195 | """A booked flight."""
196 | TYPECODE2TYPE = { "B736" : const.AIRCRAFT_B736,
197 | "736" : const.AIRCRAFT_B736,
198 | "B737" : const.AIRCRAFT_B737,
199 | "73G" : const.AIRCRAFT_B737,
200 | "B738" : const.AIRCRAFT_B738,
201 | "738" : const.AIRCRAFT_B738,
202 | "B738C" : const.AIRCRAFT_B738C,
203 | "B73H" : const.AIRCRAFT_B738C,
204 | "73H" : const.AIRCRAFT_B738C,
205 | "B732" : const.AIRCRAFT_B732,
206 | "732" : const.AIRCRAFT_B732,
207 | "B733" : const.AIRCRAFT_B733,
208 | "733" : const.AIRCRAFT_B733,
209 | "B734" : const.AIRCRAFT_B734,
210 | "734" : const.AIRCRAFT_B734,
211 | "B735" : const.AIRCRAFT_B735,
212 | "735" : const.AIRCRAFT_B735,
213 | "DH8D" : const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D,
214 | "DH4" : const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D,
215 | "B762" : const.AIRCRAFT_B762,
216 | "762" : const.AIRCRAFT_B762,
217 | "B763" : const.AIRCRAFT_B763,
218 | "763" : const.AIRCRAFT_B763,
219 | "CRJ2" : const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2,
220 | "CR2" : const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2,
221 | "F70" : const.AIRCRAFT_F70,
222 | "LI2" : const.AIRCRAFT_DC3,
223 | "T134" : const.AIRCRAFT_T134,
224 | "TU3" : const.AIRCRAFT_T134,
225 | "T154" : const.AIRCRAFT_T154,
226 | "TU5" : const.AIRCRAFT_T154,
227 | "YK40" : const.AIRCRAFT_YK40,
228 | "YK4" : const.AIRCRAFT_YK40,
229 | "B462" : const.AIRCRAFT_B462,
230 | "146" : const.AIRCRAFT_B462,
231 | "IL62" : const.AIRCRAFT_IL62 }
232 |
233 | TYPE2TYPECODE = { const.AIRCRAFT_B736 : "B736",
234 | const.AIRCRAFT_B737 : "B737",
235 | const.AIRCRAFT_B738 : "B738",
236 | const.AIRCRAFT_B738C : "B73H",
237 | const.AIRCRAFT_B732 : "B732",
238 | const.AIRCRAFT_B733 : "B733",
239 | const.AIRCRAFT_B734 : "B734",
240 | const.AIRCRAFT_B735 : "B735",
241 | const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D : "DH8D",
242 | const.AIRCRAFT_B762 : "B762",
243 | const.AIRCRAFT_B763 : "B763",
244 | const.AIRCRAFT_CRJ2 : "CRJ2",
245 | const.AIRCRAFT_F70 : "F70",
246 | const.AIRCRAFT_DC3 : "LI2",
247 | const.AIRCRAFT_T134 : "T134",
248 | const.AIRCRAFT_T154 : "T154",
249 | const.AIRCRAFT_YK40 : "YK40",
250 | const.AIRCRAFT_B462 : "B462",
251 | const.AIRCRAFT_IL62 : "IL62" }
252 |
253 | checkFlightTypes = [ const.AIRCRAFT_B736, const.AIRCRAFT_B737,
254 | const.AIRCRAFT_B738, const.AIRCRAFT_DH8D ]
255 |
256 | @staticmethod
257 | def _decodeAircraftType(typeCode):
258 | """Decode the aircraft type from the given typeCode."""
259 | if typeCode in BookedFlight.TYPECODE2TYPE:
260 | return BookedFlight.TYPECODE2TYPE[typeCode]
261 | else:
262 | raise Exception("Invalid aircraft type code: '" + typeCode + "'")
263 |
264 | @staticmethod
265 | def _decodeStatus(status):
266 | """Decode the status from the status string."""
267 | if status=="booked":
268 | return BookedFlight.STATUS_BOOKED
269 | elif status=="reported":
270 | return BookedFlight.STATUS_REPORTED
271 | elif status=="accepted":
272 | return BookedFlight.STATUS_ACCEPTED
273 | elif status=="rejected":
274 | return BookedFlight.STATUS_REJECTED
275 | else:
276 | raise Exception("Invalid flight status code: '" + status + "'")
277 |
278 | @staticmethod
279 | def _convertFlightType(ft):
280 | """Convert the in-database flight-type to one of our constants."""
281 | ft = int(ft)
282 | if ft==0:
283 | return const.FLIGHTTYPE_SCHEDULED
284 | elif ft==1:
285 | return const.FLIGHTTYPE_VIP
286 | elif ft==2:
287 | return const.FLIGHTTYPE_CHARTER
288 | else:
289 | return const.FLIGHTTYPE_SCHEDULED
290 |
291 | @staticmethod
292 | def getDateTime(date, time):
293 | """Get a datetime object from the given textual date and time."""
294 | return datetime.datetime.strptime(date + " " + time,
295 | "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
296 |
298 |
300 |
302 |
304 |
305 | @staticmethod
306 | def forCheckFlight(aircraftType):
307 | """Create a booked flight for a check flight with the given aircraft
308 | type."""
309 | flight = BookedFlight()
310 |
311 | flight.departureICAO = "LHBP"
312 | flight.arrivalICAO = "LHBP"
313 |
314 | flight.aircraftType = aircraftType
315 | flight.aircraftTypeName = BookedFlight.TYPE2TYPECODE[aircraftType]
316 |
317 | # FIXME: perhaps find one for the type
318 | flight.tailNumber = "HA-CHK"
319 | flight.callsign = "HA-CHK"
320 |
321 | flight.numPassengers = 0
322 | flight.numChildren = 0
323 | flight.numInfants = 0
324 | flight.numCabinCrew = 0
325 | flight.bagWeight = 0
326 | flight.cargoWeight = 0
327 | flight.mailWeight = 0
328 | flight.route = "DCT"
329 |
330 | t = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 20)
331 | flight.departureTime = datetime.datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day,
332 | t.hour, t.minute)
333 | t = flight.departureTime + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 30)
334 | flight.arrivalTime = datetime.datetime(t.year, t.month, t.day,
335 | t.hour, t.minute)
336 |
337 | return flight
338 |
339 | # The instructions for the construction
340 | _instructions = {
341 | "numPassengers" : int,
342 | "numChildren" : int,
343 | "numInfants" : int,
344 | "numCabinCrew" : int,
345 | "dowNumCabinCrew" : int,
346 | "numCockpitCrew" : int,
347 | "bagWeight" : int,
348 | "cargoWeight" : int,
349 | "mailWeight" : int,
350 | "flightType" : lambda value: BookedFlight._convertFlightType(value),
351 | "dow": int,
352 | "maxPassengers": int,
353 | "aircraftType" : lambda value: BookedFlight._decodeAircraftType(value),
354 | "status" : lambda value: BookedFlight._decodeStatus(value)
355 | }
356 |
357 | def __init__(self, value = None, id = None):
358 | """Construct the booked flight object from the given RPC result
359 | value."""
360 | self.status = BookedFlight.STATUS_BOOKED
361 | if value is None:
362 | self.id = id
363 | else:
364 | super(BookedFlight, self).__init__(value, BookedFlight._instructions)
365 | self.departureTime = \
366 | BookedFlight.getDateTime(self.date, self.departureTime)
367 | self.arrivalTime = \
368 | BookedFlight.getDateTime(self.date, self.arrivalTime)
369 | if self.arrivalTime<self.departureTime:
370 | self.arrivalTime += datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
371 |
372 | @property
373 | def payload(self):
374 | """Get the default payload of the flight."""
375 | payload= (self.numCabinCrew - self.dowNumCabinCrew) * \
377 | payload += self.numPassengers * \
379 | if self.flightType==const.FLIGHTTYPE_CHARTER
380 | else const.WEIGHT_PASSENGER)
381 | payload += self.numChildren * const.WEIGHT_CHILD
382 | payload += self.numInfants * const.WEIGHT_INFANT
383 | payload += self.bagWeight
384 | payload += self.cargoWeight
385 | payload += self.mailWeight
386 | return payload
387 |
388 | def readFromFile(self, f, fleet):
389 | """Read the data of the flight from a file via the given file
390 | object."""
391 | date = None
392 | departureTime = None
393 | arrivalTime = None
394 |
395 | line = f.readline()
396 | lineNumber = 0
397 | self.numChildren = 0
398 | self.numInfants = 0
399 | self.numCockpitCrew = 2
400 | self.flightType = const.FLIGHTTYPE_SCHEDULED
401 | while line:
402 | lineNumber += 1
403 | line = line.strip()
404 |
405 | hashIndex = line.find("#")
406 | if hashIndex>=0: line = line[:hashIndex]
407 | if line:
408 | equalIndex = line.find("=")
409 | lineOK = equalIndex>0
410 |
411 | if lineOK:
412 | key = line[:equalIndex].strip()
413 | value = line[equalIndex+1:].strip().replace("\:", ":")
414 |
415 | lineOK = key and value
416 |
417 | if lineOK:
418 | if key=="callsign": self.callsign = value
419 | elif key=="date": date = value
420 | elif key=="dep_airport": self.departureICAO = value
421 | elif key=="dest_airport": self.arrivalICAO = value
422 | elif key=="planecode": self.aircraftType = \
423 | BookedFlight._decodeAircraftType(value)
424 | elif key=="planetype": self.aircraftTypeName = value
425 | elif key=="tail_nr": self.tailNumber = value
426 | elif key=="passenger": self.numPassengers = int(value)
427 | elif key=="child": self.numChildren = int(value)
428 | elif key=="infant": self.numInfants = int(value)
429 | elif key=="crew": self.numCabinCrew = int(value) - 2
430 | elif key=="cabin_crew": self.numCabinCrew = int(value)
431 | elif key=="cockpit_crew": self.numCockpitCrew = int(value)
432 | elif key=="bag": self.bagWeight = int(value)
433 | elif key=="cargo": self.cargoWeight = int(value)
434 | elif key=="mail": self.mailWeight = int(value)
435 | elif key=="flight_route": self.route = value
436 | elif key=="departure_time": departureTime = value
437 | elif key=="arrival_time": arrivalTime = value
438 | elif key=="foglalas_id":
439 | self.id = None if value=="0" else value
440 | elif key=="flight_type": self.flightType = int(value)
441 | else: lineOK = False
442 |
443 | if not lineOK:
444 | print("web.BookedFlight.readFromFile: line %d is invalid" % \
445 | (lineNumber,))
446 |
447 | line = f.readline()
448 |
449 | self.date = date
450 | if date is not None:
451 | if departureTime is not None:
452 | self.departureTime = BookedFlight.getDateTime(date,
453 | departureTime)
454 | if arrivalTime is not None:
455 | self.arrivalTime = BookedFlight.getDateTime(date,
456 | arrivalTime)
457 |
458 | d = dir(self)
459 | for attribute in ["callsign", "departureICAO", "arrivalICAO",
460 | "aircraftType", "tailNumber",
461 | "numPassengers", "numCockpitCrew", "numCabinCrew",
462 | "bagWeight", "cargoWeight", "mailWeight",
463 | "route", "departureTime", "arrivalTime"]:
464 | if attribute not in d:
465 | raise Exception("Attribute %s could not be read" % (attribute,))
466 |
467 | if "aircraftTypeName" not in d:
468 | self.aircraftTypeName = \
469 | BookedFlight.TYPE2TYPECODE[self.aircraftType]
470 |
471 | plane = fleet[self.tailNumber]
472 | if plane is None:
473 | self.dow = 0
474 | self.maxPassengers = 0
475 | self.dowNumCabinCrew = 0
476 | else:
477 | self.dow = plane.dow
478 | self.maxPassengers = plane.maxPassengers
479 | self.dowNumCabinCrew = plane.dowNumCabinCrew
480 |
481 | def setupFromPIREPData(self, pirepData):
482 | """Setup the booked flight from the given PIREP data."""
483 | bookedFlightData = pirepData["bookedFlight"]
484 |
485 | self.callsign = bookedFlightData["callsign"]
486 |
487 | date = bookedFlightData["date"]
488 |
489 | departureTime = bookedFlightData["departureTime"]
490 | self.departureTime = BookedFlight.getDateTime(date, departureTime)
491 |
492 | arrivalTime = bookedFlightData["arrivalTime"]
493 | self.arrivalTime = BookedFlight.getDateTime(date, arrivalTime)
494 | if self.arrivalTime<self.departureTime:
495 | self.arrivalTime += datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
496 |
497 | self.departureICAO = bookedFlightData["departureICAO"]
498 | self.arrivalICAO = bookedFlightData["arrivalICAO"]
499 |
500 | self.aircraftType = \
501 | BookedFlight._decodeAircraftType(bookedFlightData["aircraftType"])
502 | self.tailNumber = bookedFlightData["tailNumber"]
503 | self.numPassengers = int(bookedFlightData["numPassengers"])
504 | self.numChildren = int(bookedFlightData["numChildren"])
505 | self.numInfants = int(bookedFlightData["numInfants"])
506 | self.maxPassengers = int(bookedFlightData["maxPassengers"])
507 | self.numCockpitCrew = int(bookedFlightData["numCockpitCrew"])
508 | self.numCabinCrew = int(bookedFlightData["numCabinCrew"])
509 | self.bagWeight = int(bookedFlightData["bagWeight"])
510 | self.cargoWeight = int(bookedFlightData["cargoWeight"])
511 | self.mailWeight = int(bookedFlightData["mailWeight"])
512 | self.route = bookedFlightData["route"]
513 | self.flightType = BookedFlight._convertFlightType(bookedFlightData["flightType"])
514 |
515 | def writeIntoFile(self, f):
516 | """Write the flight into a file."""
517 | print("callsign=%s" % (self.callsign,), file=f)
518 | date = self.departureTime.date()
519 | print("date=%04d-%02d-%0d" % (date.year, date.month, date.day), file=f)
520 | print("dep_airport=%s" % (self.departureICAO,), file=f)
521 | print("dest_airport=%s" % (self.arrivalICAO,), file=f)
522 | print("planecode=%s" % \
523 | (BookedFlight.TYPE2TYPECODE[self.aircraftType],), file=f)
524 | print("planetype=%s" % (self.aircraftTypeName,), file=f)
525 | print("tail_nr=%s" % (self.tailNumber,), file=f)
526 | print("passenger=%d" % (self.numPassengers,), file=f)
527 | print("child=%d" % (self.numChildren,), file=f)
528 | print("infant=%d" % (self.numInfants,), file=f)
529 | print("cockpit_crew=%d" % (self.numCockpitCrew,), file=f)
530 | print("cabin_crew=%d" % (self.numCabinCrew,), file=f)
531 | print("bag=%d" % (self.bagWeight,), file=f)
532 | print("cargo=%d" % (self.cargoWeight,), file=f)
533 | print("mail=%d" % (self.mailWeight,), file=f)
534 | print("flight_route=%s" % (self.route,), file=f)
535 | departureTime = self.departureTime
536 | print("departure_time=%02d\\:%02d\\:%02d" % \
537 | (departureTime.hour, departureTime.minute, departureTime.second), file=f)
538 | arrivalTime = self.arrivalTime
539 | print("arrival_time=%02d\\:%02d\\:%02d" % \
540 | (arrivalTime.hour, arrivalTime.minute, arrivalTime.second), file=f)
541 | print("foglalas_id=%s" % ("0" if self.id is None else self.id,), file=f)
542 | print("flight_type=%d" % (self.flightType,))
543 |
544 | def __setstate__(self, state):
545 | """Set the state from the given unpickled dictionary."""
546 | self.__dict__.update(fixUnpickled(state))
547 |
548 | def __repr__(self):
549 | """Get a representation of the flight."""
550 | s = "<Flight: %s-%s, %s, %s-%s," % (self.departureICAO,
551 | self.arrivalICAO,
552 | self.route,
553 | self.departureTime, self.arrivalTime)
554 | s += " %d %s," % (self.aircraftType, self.tailNumber)
555 | s += " pax=%d+%d+%d, crew=%d+%d, bag=%d, cargo=%d, mail=%d" % \
556 | (self.numPassengers, self.numChildren, self.numInfants,
557 | self.numCockpitCrew, self.numCabinCrew,
558 | self.bagWeight, self.cargoWeight, self.mailWeight)
559 | s += ">"
560 | return s
561 |
562 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
563 |
564 | class AcceptedFlight(RPCObject):
565 | """A flight that has been already accepted."""
566 | # The instructions for the construction
567 | @staticmethod
568 | def parseTimestamp(s):
569 | """Parse the given RPC timestamp."""
570 | dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
571 | return calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
572 |
573 | _instructions = {
574 | "bookedFlight" : lambda value: BookedFlight(value),
575 | "numPassengers" : int,
576 | "numChildren" : int,
577 | "numInfants" : int,
578 | "fuelUsed" : int,
579 | "rating" : lambda value: float(value) if value else 0.0
580 | }
581 |
582 | def __init__(self, value):
583 | """Construct the booked flight object from the given RPC result
584 | value."""
585 | super(AcceptedFlight, self).__init__(value, AcceptedFlight._instructions)
586 | self.flightTimeStart = \
587 | AcceptedFlight.parseTimestamp(self.flightDate + " " +
588 | self.flightTimeStart)
589 | self.flightTimeEnd = \
590 | AcceptedFlight.parseTimestamp(self.flightDate + " " +
591 | self.flightTimeEnd)
592 | if self.flightTimeEnd<self.flightTimeStart:
593 | self.flightTimeEnd += 24*60*60
594 |
595 | self.totalNumPassengers = self.numPassengers + self.numChildren + self.numInfants
596 |
597 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
598 |
599 | class Plane(rpccommon.Plane, RPCObject):
600 | """An airplane in the fleet."""
601 | _instructions = {
602 | "status" : lambda value: rpccommon.Plane.str2status(value),
603 | "gateNumber" : lambda value: value if value else None,
604 | "typeCode": lambda value: BookedFlight._decodeAircraftType(value),
605 | "dow": int,
606 | "dowNumCabinCrew": int,
607 | "maxPassengers": int,
608 | }
609 |
610 | def __init__(self, value):
611 | """Construct the plane."""
612 | RPCObject.__init__(self, value, instructions = Plane._instructions)
613 | self.aircraftType = self.typeCode
614 | del self.typeCode
615 |
616 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
617 |
618 | class Fleet(rpccommon.Fleet):
619 | """The fleet."""
620 | def __init__(self, value):
621 | """Construct the fleet."""
622 | super(Fleet, self).__init__()
623 | for planeValue in value:
624 | self._addPlane(Plane(planeValue))
625 |
626 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
627 |
628 | class Registration(object):
629 | """Data for registration."""
630 | def __init__(self, surName, firstName, nameOrder,
631 | yearOfBirth, emailAddress, emailAddressPublic,
632 | vatsimID, ivaoID, phoneNumber, nationality, password):
633 | """Construct the registration data."""
634 | self.surName = surName
635 | self.firstName = firstName
636 | self.nameOrder = nameOrder
637 | self.yearOfBirth = yearOfBirth
638 | self.emailAddress = emailAddress
639 | self.emailAddressPublic = 1 if emailAddressPublic is True else \
640 | 0 if emailAddressPublic is False else emailAddressPublic
641 | self.vatsimID = "" if vatsimID is None else vatsimID
642 | self.ivaoID = "" if ivaoID is None else ivaoID
643 | self.phoneNumber = phoneNumber
644 | self.nationality = nationality
645 | self.password = password
646 |
647 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
648 |
649 | class RPCException(Exception):
650 | """An exception thrown by RPC operations."""
651 | def __init__(self, result, message = None):
652 | """Construct the exception."""
653 | self._result = result
654 | if message is None:
655 | message = "RPC call failed with result code: %d" % (result,)
656 | super(RPCException, self).__init__(message)
657 |
658 | @property
659 | def result(self):
660 | """Get the result code."""
661 | return self._result
662 |
663 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
664 |
665 | class Client(object):
666 | """The RPC client interface."""
667 | # The client protocol version
668 | VERSION = 2
669 |
670 | # Result code: OK
671 | RESULT_OK = 0
672 |
673 | # Result code: the login has failed
675 |
676 | # Result code: the given session ID is unknown (it might have expired).
678 |
679 | # Result code: some database error
681 |
682 | # Result code: invalid data
684 |
685 | # Result code: the flight does not exist
687 |
688 | # Result code: the flight has already been reported.
690 |
691 | # Result code: a user with the given e-mail address already exists
693 |
694 | def __init__(self, getCredentialsFn):
695 | """Construct the client."""
696 | self._getCredentialsFn = getCredentialsFn
697 |
698 | sslContext = ssl.SSLContext()
699 | sslContext.load_verify_locations(cafile = certifi.where())
700 | transport = jsonrpclib.jsonrpc.SafeTransport(jsonrpclib.config.DEFAULT,
701 | sslContext)
702 |
703 | self._server = jsonrpclib.Server(MAVA_BASE_URL + "/jsonrpc1.php",
704 | transport = transport)
705 |
706 | self._userName = None
707 | self._passwordHash = None
708 | self._sessionID = None
709 | self._loginCount = 0
710 |
711 | @property
712 | def valid(self):
713 | """Determine if the client is valid, i.e. there is a session ID
714 | stored."""
715 | return self._sessionID is not None
716 |
717 | def setCredentials(self, userName, password):
718 | """Set the credentials for future logins."""
719 |
720 | self._userName = userName
721 |
722 | md5 = hashlib.md5()
723 | md5.update(password.encode("utf-8"))
724 | self._passwordHash = md5.hexdigest()
725 |
726 | self._sessionID = None
727 |
728 | def register(self, registrationData):
729 | """Register with the given data.
730 |
731 | Returns a tuple of:
732 | - the error code,
733 | - the PID if there is no error."""
734 | reply = Reply(self._server.register(registrationData))
735 |
736 | return (reply.result,
737 | reply.value["pid"] if reply.result==Client.RESULT_OK else None)
738 |
739 | def login(self):
740 | """Login using the given previously set credentials.
741 |
742 | The session ID is stored in the object and used for later calls.
743 |
744 | Returns the name of the pilot on success, or None on error."""
745 | self._sessionID = None
746 |
747 | reply = Reply(self._server.login(self._userName, self._passwordHash,
748 | Client.VERSION))
749 | if reply.result == Client.RESULT_OK:
750 | self._loginCount += 1
751 | self._sessionID = reply.value["sessionID"]
752 |
753 | types = [BookedFlight.TYPECODE2TYPE[typeCode]
754 | for typeCode in reply.value["typeCodes"]]
755 |
756 | return (reply.value["name"], reply.value["rank"], types,
757 | self._sessionID)
758 | else:
759 | return None
760 |
761 | def getFlights(self):
762 | """Get the flights available for performing."""
763 | bookedFlights = []
764 | reportedFlights = []
765 | rejectedFlights = []
766 |
767 | value = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
768 | self._server.getFlights(sessionID))
769 | for flightData in value:
770 | flight = BookedFlight(flightData)
771 | if flight.status == BookedFlight.STATUS_BOOKED:
772 | bookedFlights.append(flight)
773 | elif flight.status == BookedFlight.STATUS_REPORTED:
774 | reportedFlights.append(flight)
775 | elif flight.status == BookedFlight.STATUS_REJECTED:
776 | rejectedFlights.append(flight)
777 |
778 | for flights in [bookedFlights, reportedFlights, rejectedFlights]:
779 | flights.sort(key = lambda flight: flight.departureTime)
780 |
781 | return (bookedFlights, reportedFlights, rejectedFlights)
782 |
783 | def getAcceptedFlights(self):
784 | """Get the flights that are already accepted."""
785 | value = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
786 | self._server.getAcceptedFlights(sessionID))
787 | flights = []
788 | for flight in value:
789 | flights.append(AcceptedFlight(flight))
790 | return flights
791 |
792 | def getEntryExamStatus(self):
793 | """Get the status of the exams needed for joining MAVA."""
794 | value = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
795 | self._server.getEntryExamStatus(sessionID))
796 | return (value["entryExamPassed"], value["entryExamLink"],
797 | value["checkFlightStatus"], value["madeFO"])
798 |
799 | def getFleet(self):
800 | """Query and return the fleet."""
801 | value = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
802 | self._server.getFleet(sessionID))
803 |
804 | return Fleet(value)
805 |
806 | def updatePlane(self, tailNumber, status, gateNumber):
807 | """Update the state and position of the plane with the given tail
808 | number."""
809 | status = rpccommon.Plane.status2str(status)
810 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
811 | self._server.updatePlane(sessionID, tailNumber,
812 | status, gateNumber))
813 |
814 | def addPIREP(self, flightID, pirep, update = False):
815 | """Add the PIREP for the given flight."""
816 | (result, _value) = \
817 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
818 | self._server.addPIREP(sessionID, flightID, pirep,
819 | update),
820 | acceptResults = [Client.RESULT_FLIGHT_ALREADY_REPORTED,
822 | return result
823 |
824 | def updateOnlineACARS(self, acars):
825 | """Update the online ACARS from the given data."""
826 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
827 | self._server.updateOnlineACARS(sessionID, acars))
828 |
829 | def setCheckFlightPassed(self, type):
830 | """Mark the check flight of the user passed with the given type."""
831 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
832 | self._server.setCheckFlightPassed(sessionID, type))
833 |
834 | def getPIREP(self, flightID):
835 | """Get the PIREP data for the flight with the given ID."""
836 | value = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
837 | self._server.getPIREP(sessionID, flightID))
838 | return value
839 |
840 | def reflyFlights(self, flightIDs):
841 | """Mark the flights with the given IDs for reflying."""
842 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
843 | self._server.reflyFlights(sessionID, flightIDs))
844 |
845 | def deleteFlights(self, flightIDs):
846 | """Delete the flights with the given IDs."""
847 | self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
848 | self._server.deleteFlights(sessionID, flightIDs))
849 |
850 | def getTimetable(self, date, types = None):
851 | """Get the time table for the given date restricted to the given list
852 | of type codes, if any."""
853 | typeCodes = None if types is None else \
854 | [BookedFlight.TYPE2TYPECODE[type] for type in types]
855 |
856 | values = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
857 | self._server.getTimetable(sessionID,
858 | date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
859 | date.weekday()+1,
860 | typeCodes))
861 | return ScheduledFlightPair.scheduledFlights2Pairs([ScheduledFlight(value)
862 | for value in values],
863 | date)
864 |
865 | def bookFlights(self, flightIDs, date, tailNumber):
866 | """Book the flights with the given IDs on the given date to be flown
867 | with the plane of the given tail number."""
868 | values = self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
869 | self._server.bookFlights(sessionID,
870 | flightIDs,
871 | date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
872 | tailNumber))
873 | return [BookedFlight(value) for value in values]
874 |
875 | def getSimBriefResult(self, timestamp):
876 | """Get the SimBrief results for the given timestamp."""
877 | return self._performCall(lambda sessionID:
878 | self._server.getSimBriefResult(sessionID,
879 | timestamp))
880 |
881 | def _performCall(self, callFn, acceptResults = []):
882 | """Perform a call using the given call function.
883 |
884 | acceptResults should be a list of result codes that should be accepted
885 | besides RESULT_OK. If this list is not empty, the returned value is a
886 | tuple of the result code and the corresponding value. Otherwise only
887 | RESULT_OK is accepted, and the value is returned.
888 |
889 | All other error codes are converted to exceptions."""
890 | numAttempts = 0
891 | while True:
892 | reply = Reply(callFn(self._ensureSession()))
893 | numAttempts += 1
894 | result = reply.result
895 | if result==Client.RESULT_SESSION_INVALID:
896 | self._sessionID = None
897 | if numAttempts==3:
898 | raise RPCException(result)
899 | elif result!=Client.RESULT_OK and result not in acceptResults:
900 | raise RPCException(result)
901 | elif acceptResults:
902 | return (result, reply.value)
903 | else:
904 | return reply.value
905 |
906 | def _ensureSession(self):
907 | """Ensure that there is a valid session ID."""
908 | while self._sessionID is None:
909 | if self._userName is not None and self._passwordHash is not None:
910 | if not self.login():
911 | self._userName = self._passwordHash = None
912 |
913 | if self._userName is None or self._passwordHash is None:
914 | (self._userName, password) = self._getCredentialsFn()
915 | if self._userName is None:
916 | raise RPCException(Client.RESULT_LOGIN_FAILED)
917 |
918 | md5 = hashlib.md5()
919 | md5.update(password)
920 | self._passwordHash = md5.hexdigest()
921 |
922 | return self._sessionID
923 |
924 | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------