# Module to allow for a single instance of an application to run import os import time #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if os.name=="nt": import win32event import win32file import win32pipe import win32api import winerror import threading class _PipeServer(threading.Thread): """A server that creates a named pipe, and waits for messages on that.""" BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 def __init__(self, pipeName, raiseCallback): """Construct the server thread.""" super(_PipeServer, self).__init__() self._pipeName = pipeName self._raiseCallback = raiseCallback self.daemon = True def run(self): """Perform the operation of the thread.""" try: while True: handle = self._createPipe() if handle is None: break print "singleton._PipeServer.run: created the pipe" try: if win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(handle)==0: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: client connection received" (code, message) = \ win32file.ReadFile(handle, _PipeServer.BUFFER_SIZE, None) if code==0: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: message received from client" self._raiseCallback() else: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: failed to read from the pipe" except Exception, e: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: exception:", str(e) finally: win32pipe.DisconnectNamedPipe(handle) win32file.CloseHandle(handle) except Exception, e: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: fatal exception:", str(e) def _createPipe(self): """Create the pipe.""" handle = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe(self._pipeName, win32pipe.PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | win32pipe.PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | win32pipe.PIPE_WAIT, win32pipe.PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, _PipeServer.BUFFER_SIZE, _PipeServer.BUFFER_SIZE, 1000, None) if handle==win32file.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE: print "singleton._PipeServer.run: could not create the handle" return None else: return handle class SingleInstance(object): """Creating an instance of this object checks if only one instance of the process runs.""" def __init__(self, baseName, raiseCallback): """Construct the single instance object. raiseCallback is a function that will be called, if another instance of the program is started.""" self._name = baseName + "_" + win32api.GetUserName() self._mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, False, self._name) self._isSingle = win32api.GetLastError() != \ winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if self._isSingle: self._startPipeServer(raiseCallback) else: self._notifySingleton() def _getPipeName(self): """Get the name of the pipe to be used for communication.""" return r'\\.\pipe\\' + self._name def _startPipeServer(self, raiseCallback): """Start the pipe server""" pipeServer = _PipeServer(self._getPipeName(), raiseCallback) pipeServer.start() def _notifySingleton(self): """Notify the already running instance of the program of our presence.""" pipeName = self._getPipeName() for i in range(0, 3): try: f = open(pipeName, "wb") f.write("hello") f.close() return except Exception, e: print "SingleInstance._notifySingleton: failed:", str(e) time.sleep(0.5) def __nonzero__(self): """Return a boolean representation of the object. It is True, if this is the single instance of the program.""" return self._isSingle def __del__(self): """Destroy the object.""" if self._mutex: win32api.CloseHandle(self._mutex) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- else: # os.name=="nt" import fcntl import socket import tempfile import threading class _SocketServer(threading.Thread): """Server thread to handle the Unix socket through which we are notified of other instances starting.""" def __init__(self, socketName, raiseCallback): """Construct the server.""" super(_SocketServer, self).__init__() self._socketName = socketName self._raiseCallback = raiseCallback self.daemon = True def run(self): """Perform the thread's operation.""" try: try: os.remove(self._socketName) except: pass s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.bind(self._socketName) while True: s.recv(64) self._raiseCallback() except Exception, e: print "singleton._SocketServer.run: fatal exception:", str(e) class SingleInstance(object): """Creating an instance of this object checks if only one instance of the process runs.""" def __init__(self, baseName, raiseCallback): """Construct the single instance object. raiseCallback is a function that will be called, if another instance of the program is started.""" baseName = baseName + "_" + os.environ["LOGNAME"] tempDir = tempfile.gettempdir() self._lockName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName + ".lock") self._socketName = os.path.join(tempDir, baseName + ".sock") self._lockFile = open(self._lockName, "w") self._isSingle = False try: fcntl.lockf(self._lockFile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) self._isSingle = True except Exception, e: self._lockFile.close() self._lockFile = None pass if self._isSingle: self._startSocketServer(raiseCallback) else: self._notifySingleton() def _startSocketServer(self, raiseCallback): """Start the pipe server""" pipeServer = _SocketServer(self._socketName, raiseCallback) pipeServer.start() def _notifySingleton(self): """Notify the already running instance of the program of our presence.""" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) for i in range(0, 3): try: s.connect(self._socketName) s.send("hello") s.close() return except Exception, e: print "singleton.SingleInstance._notifySingleton: failed:", str(e) time.sleep(0.5) def __nonzero__(self): """Return a boolean representation of the object. It is True, if this is the single instance of the program.""" return self._isSingle def __del__(self): """Destroy the object.""" if self._isSingle: self._lockFile.close() try: os.remove(self._lockName) except: pass try: os.remove(self._socketName) except: pass #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAVA Logger X-specific stuff #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The callback to use raiseCallback = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def raiseCallbackWrapper(): """The actual function to be used as the callback. It checks if raiseCallback is None, and if not, it calls that.""" callback = raiseCallback if callback is not None: callback() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=="__main__": def raiseCallback(): print "Raise the window!" instance = SingleInstance("mlx", raiseCallback) if instance: print "The first instance" time.sleep(10) else: print "The program is already running."