from .util import utf2unicode import os import traceback #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## @package mlx.sound # # Sound playback handling. # # This is the low level sound playback handling. The \ref initializeSound # function should be called to initialize the sound handling with the directory # containing the sound files. Then the \ref startSound function should be # called to start the playback of a certain sound file. A callback may be # called when the playback of a certain file has finished. # # See also the \ref mlx.soundsched module. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if"nt": import time import threading from ctypes import windll, c_buffer class MCIException(Exception): """MCI exception.""" def __init__(self, mci, command, errorCode): """Construct an MCI exception for the given error code.""" message = "MCI error: %s: %s" % (command, mci.getErrorString(errorCode)) super(MCIException, self).__init__(message) class MCI: """Interface for the Media Control Interface.""" def __init__(self): """Construct the interface.""" self.w32mci = windll.winmm.mciSendStringA self.w32mcierror = windll.winmm.mciGetErrorStringA def send(self, command): """Send the given command to the MCI.""" buffer = c_buffer(255) errorCode = self.w32mci(str(command), buffer, 254, 0) if errorCode: raise MCIException(self, command, errorCode) else: return buffer.value def getErrorString(self, errorCode): """Get the string representation of the given error code.""" buffer = c_buffer(255) self.w32mcierror(int(errorCode), buffer, 254) return buffer.value class SoundThread(threading.Thread): """The thread controlling the playback of sounds.""" def __init__(self, soundsDirectory): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._soundsDirectory = soundsDirectory self._mci = MCI() self._requestCondition = threading.Condition() self._requests = [] self._pending = [] self._count = 0 self.daemon = True def requestSound(self, name, finishCallback = None, extra = None): """Request the playback of the sound with the given name.""" path = name if os.path.isabs(name) \ else os.path.join(self._soundsDirectory, name) with self._requestCondition: self._requests.append((path, (finishCallback, extra))) self._requestCondition.notify() def run(self): """Perform the operation of the thread. It waits for a request or a timeout. If a request is received, that is started to be played back. If a timeout occurs, the file is closed.""" while True: with self._requestCondition: if not self._requests: if self._pending: timeout = max(self._pending[0][0] - time.time(), 0.0) else: timeout = 10.0 #print "Waiting", timeout self._requestCondition.wait(timeout) requests = [] for (path, finishData) in self._requests: requests.append((path, finishData, self._count)) self._count += 1 self._requests = [] now = time.time() toClose = [] while self._pending and \ self._pending[0][0]<=now: toClose.append(self._pending[0][1]) del self._pending[0] for (alias, (finishCallback, extra)) in toClose: success = True try: print("Closing", alias) self._mci.send("close " + alias) print("Closed", alias) except Exception as e: print("Failed closing " + alias + ":", end=' ') print(utf2unicode(str(e))) success = False if finishCallback is not None: try: finishCallback(success, extra) except: traceback.print_exc() for (path, finishData, counter) in requests: try: alias = "mlxsound%d" % (counter,) print("Starting to play", path, "as", alias) self._mci.send("open \"%s\" alias %s" % \ (path, alias)) self._mci.send("set %s time format milliseconds" % \ (alias,)) lengthBuffer = self._mci.send("status %s length" % \ (alias,)) self._mci.send("play %s from 0 to %s" % \ (alias, lengthBuffer)) length = int(lengthBuffer) timeout = time.time() + length / 1000.0 with self._requestCondition: self._pending.append((timeout, (alias, finishData))) self._pending.sort() print("Started to play", path) except Exception as e: print("Failed to start playing " + path + ":", end=' ') print(utf2unicode(str(e))) (finishCallback, extra) = finishData if finishCallback is not None: try: finishCallback(None, extra) except: traceback.print_exc() _thread = None def preInitializeSound(): """Perform any-pre initialization. This does nothing on Windows.""" def initializeSound(soundsDirectory): """Initialize the sound handling with the given directory containing the sound files.""" global _thread _thread = SoundThread(soundsDirectory) _thread.start() def startSound(name, finishCallback = None, extra = None): """Start playing back the given sound. name should be the name of a sound file relative to the sound directory given in initializeSound.""" _thread.requestSound(name, finishCallback = finishCallback, extra = extra) def finalizeSound(): """Finalize the sound handling.""" pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ else: #!="nt" from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from threading import Thread, Lock COMMAND_STARTSOUND = 1 COMMAND_QUIT = 2 REPLY_FINISHED = 101 REPLY_FAILED = 102 REPLY_QUIT = 103 _initialized = False _process = None _thread = None _inQueue = None _outQueue = None _nextReference = 1 _ref2Data = {} _lock = Lock() def _processFn(inQueue, outQueue): """The function running in the helper process created. It tries to load the Gst module. If successful, True is sent back, otherwise False followed by the exception caught and the function quits. In case of successful initialization, the directory of the sound files is read, the command reader thread is created and the gobject main loop is executed.""" try: import gi.repository gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0") from gi.repository import Gst from gi.repository import GObject as gobject Gst.init(None) except Exception as e: outQueue.put(False) outQueue.put(e) return outQueue.put(True) soundsDirectory = inQueue.get() _bins = set() mainLoop = None def _handlePlayBinMessage(bus, message, bin, reference): """Handle messages related to a playback.""" if bin in _bins: if message.type==Gst.MessageType.EOS: _bins.remove(bin) if reference is not None: outQueue.put((REPLY_FINISHED, (reference,))) elif message.type==Gst.MessageType.ERROR: _bins.remove(bin) if reference is not None: outQueue.put((REPLY_FAILED, (reference,))) def _handleCommand(command, args): """Handle commands sent to the server.""" if command==COMMAND_STARTSOUND: (name, reference) = args try: playBin = Gst.ElementFactory.make("playbin", "player") bus = playBin.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect("message", _handlePlayBinMessage, playBin, reference) path = os.path.join(soundsDirectory, name) playBin.set_property( "uri", "file://%s" % (path,)) playBin.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) _bins.add(playBin) except Exception as e: if reference is not None: outQueue.put((REPLY_FAILED, (reference,))) elif command==COMMAND_QUIT: outQueue.put((REPLY_QUIT, None)) mainLoop.quit() def _processCommands(): """Process incoming commands. It is to be executed in a separate thread and it reads the incoming queue for commands. The commands with their arguments are added to the idle queue of gobject so that _handleCommand will be called by them. If COMMAND_QUIT is received, the thread exits.""" while True: (command, args) = inQueue.get() gobject.idle_add(_handleCommand, command, args) if command==COMMAND_QUIT: break commandThread = Thread(target = _processCommands) commandThread.daemon = True commandThread.start() mainLoop = gobject.MainLoop() commandThread.join() def _handleInQueue(): """Handle the incoming queue in the main program. It reads the replies sent by the helper process. In case of REPLY_FINISHED and REPLY_FAILED the appropriate callback is called. In case of REPLY_QUIT, the thread quits as well.""" while True: (reply, args) = _inQueue.get() if reply==REPLY_FINISHED or reply==REPLY_FAILED: (reference,) = args callback = None extra = None with _lock: (callback, extra) = _ref2Data.get(reference, (None, None)) if callback is not None: del _ref2Data[reference] if callback is not None: callback(reply==REPLY_FINISHED, extra) elif reply==REPLY_QUIT: break def preInitializeSound(): """Start the sound handling process and create the thread handling the incoming queue.""" global _thread global _process global _inQueue global _outQueue _inQueue = Queue() _outQueue = Queue() _process = Process(target = _processFn, args = (_outQueue, _inQueue)) _process.start() _thread = Thread(target = _handleInQueue) _thread.daemon = True def initializeSound(soundsDirectory): """Initialize the sound handling. It reads a boolean from the incoming queue indicating if the libraries could be loaded by the process. If the boolean is True, the thread handling the incoming replies is started and the directory containing the sounds file is written to the output queue. Otherwise the exception is read from the queue, and printed with an error message.""" global _initialized _initialized = _inQueue.get() if _initialized: _thread.start() _outQueue.put(soundsDirectory) else: exception = _inQueue.get() print("The Gst library is missing from your system. It is needed for sound playback on Linux:") print(exception) def startSound(name, finishCallback = None, extra = None): """Start playing back the given sound. If a callback is given, a new reference is acquired and the callback is registered with it. Then a COMMAND_STARTSOUND command is written to the output queue""" if _initialized: reference = None if finishCallback is not None: with _lock: global _nextReference reference = _nextReference _nextReference += 1 _ref2Data[reference] = (finishCallback, extra) _outQueue.put((COMMAND_STARTSOUND, (name, reference))) def finalizeSound(): """Finalize the sound handling. COMMAND_QUIT is sent to the helper process, and then it is joined.""" if _initialized: _outQueue.put((COMMAND_QUIT, None)) _process.join() _thread.join() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": import time def callback(result, extra): print("callback", result, extra) preInitializeSound() soundsPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "sounds")) print("soundsPath:", soundsPath) initializeSound(soundsPath) startSound("notam.mp3", finishCallback = callback, extra= "notam.mp3") time.sleep(5) startSound("malev.mp3", finishCallback = callback, extra="malev.mp3") time.sleep(5) startSound("ding.wav", finishCallback = callback, extra="ding1.wav") time.sleep(5) startSound("ding.wav", finishCallback = callback, extra="ding2.wav") time.sleep(5) startSound("ding.wav", finishCallback = callback, extra="ding3.wav") time.sleep(5) startSound("dong.wav", finishCallback = callback, extra="dong3.wav") time.sleep(50) finalizeSound() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------