from .config import Config from .util import utf2unicode import os import sys import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import tempfile import socket import subprocess import hashlib import traceback import io import certifi if"nt": import win32api #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## @package mlx.update # # Automatic update handling. # # The program can update itself automatically. For this purpose it maintains a # manifest of the files installed containing the relative paths, sizes and # checksums of each files. When the program starts up, this manifest file is # downloaded from the update server and is compared to the local one. Then the # updated and new files are downloaded with names that are created by appending # the checksum to the actual name, so as not to overwrite any existing files at # this stage. If all files are downloaded, the downloaded files are renamed to # their real names. On Windows, the old file is removed first to avoid trouble # with 'busy' files. If removing a file fails, the file will be moved to a # temporary directory, that will be removed when the program starts the next # time. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ manifestName = "MLXMANIFEST" toremoveName = "toremove" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Manifest(object): """The manifest of the files. The manifest file consists of one line for each file. Each line contains 3 items separated by tabs: - the path of the file relative to the distribution's root - the size of the file - the MD5 sum of the file.""" def __init__(self): """Construct the manifest.""" self._files = {} @property def files(self): """Get an iterator over the files. Each file is returned as a 3-tuple with items as in the file.""" for (path, (size, sum)) in self._files.items(): yield (path, size, sum) def copy(self): """Create a copy of the manifest.""" manifest = Manifest() manifest._files = self._files.copy() return manifest def addFile(self, path, size, sum): """Add a file to the manifest.""" self._files[path] = (size, sum) def addFiles(self, baseDirectory, subdirectory): """Add the files in the given directory and subdirectories of it to the manifest.""" directory = baseDirectory for d in subdirectory: directory = os.path.join(directory, d) for entry in os.listdir(directory): fullPath = os.path.join(directory, entry) if os.path.isfile(fullPath): size = os.stat(fullPath).st_size sum = hashlib.md5() with open(fullPath, "rb") as f: while True: data = if data: sum.update(data) else: break self.addFile("/".join(subdirectory + [entry]), size, sum.hexdigest()) elif os.path.isdir(fullPath): self.addFiles(baseDirectory, subdirectory + [entry]) def readFrom(self, file): """Read a manifest from the given file object.""" for line in iter(file.readline, ""): (path, size, sum) = line.strip().split("\t") self._files[path] = (int(size), sum) def writeInto(self, file): """Write the manifest into the file at the given path.""" for (path, (size, sum)) in self._files.items(): file.write("%s\t%d\t%s\n" % (path, size, sum)) def compare(self, other): """Compare this manifest with the other one. This returns a tuple of two lists: - the files that are either different or are present in other, but not here. Each file is returned as a 3-tuple as with other functions, the size and sum are those of the new file. - the paths of the files that are present here, but not in other.""" modifiedAndNew = [] for (path, otherSize, otherSum) in other.files: if path in self._files: (size, sum) = self._files[path] if size!=otherSize or sum!=otherSum: modifiedAndNew.append((path, otherSize, otherSum)) else: modifiedAndNew.append((path, otherSize, otherSum)) if"nt": otherFiles = [path.lower() for path in other._files] else: otherFiles = other._files removed = [path for path in self._files if (path.lower() if"nt" else path) not in otherFiles] return (modifiedAndNew, removed) def __contains__(self, path): """Determine if the given path is in the manifest.""" return path in self._files def __getitem__(self, path): """Get data of the file with the given path.""" return self._files[path] if path in self._files else None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class ClientListener(object): """A listener that sends any requests via a socket.""" def __init__(self, sock): """Construct the listener.""" self._sock = sock def downloadingManifest(self): """Called when the downloading of the manifest has started.""" self._send(["downloadingManifest"]) def downloadedManifest(self): """Called when the manifest has been downloaded.""" self._send(["downloadedManifest"]) def needSudo(self): """Called when an admin-level program must be called to complete the update. This is not valid from a client, as that client is supposed to be the admin-level program :)""" assert False def setTotalSize(self, numToModifyAndNew, totalSize, numToRemove, numToRemoveLocal): """Called when starting the downloading of the files.""" self._send(["setTotalSize", str(numToModifyAndNew), str(totalSize), str(numToRemove), str(numToRemoveLocal)]) def setDownloaded(self, downloaded): """Called periodically after downloading a certain amount of data.""" self._send(["setDownloaded", str(downloaded)]) def startRenaming(self): """Called when the renaming of the downloaded files is started.""" self._send(["startRenaming"]) def renamed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been renamed.""" self._send(["renamed", path, str(count)]) def startRemoving(self): """Called when the removing of files has started.""" self._send(["startRemoving"]) def removed(self, path, count): """Called when a file has been removed.""" self._send(["removed", path, str(count)]) def writingManifest(self): """Called when we have started writing the manifest.""" self._send(["writingManifest"]) def done(self): """Called when the update has completed.""" self._send(["done"]) def failed(self, what): """Called when something has failed.""" self._send(["failed", what]) def _send(self, words): """Send the given words via the socket.""" self._sock.send(bytes("\t".join(words) + "\n", "utf-8")) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def readLocalManifest(directory): """Read the local manifest from the given directory.""" manifestPath = os.path.join(directory, manifestName) manifest = Manifest() try: with open(manifestPath, "rt") as f: manifest.readFrom(f) except Exception as e: print("Error reading the manifest, ignoring:", utf2unicode(str(e))) manifest = Manifest() return manifest #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def prepareUpdate(directory, updateURL, listener): """Prepare the update by downloading the manifest and comparing it with the local one.""" manifest = readLocalManifest(directory) updateURL += "/" + listener.downloadingManifest() f = None try: updateManifest = Manifest() reply = urllib.request.urlopen(updateURL + "/" + manifestName, cafile = certifi.where()) charset = reply.headers.get_content_charset() content ="utf-8" if charset is None else charset) updateManifest.readFrom(io.StringIO(content)) except Exception as e: error = utf2unicode(str(e)) print("Error downloading manifest:", error, file=sys.stderr) listener.failed(error) return None finally: if f is not None: f.close() listener.downloadedManifest() (modifiedAndNew, removed) = return (manifest, updateManifest, modifiedAndNew, removed) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def getToremoveFiles(directory): """Add the files to remove from the toremove directory.""" toremove = [] toremoveDirectory = os.path.join(directory, toremoveName) if os.path.isdir(toremoveDirectory): for entry in os.listdir(toremoveDirectory): toremove.append(os.path.join(toremoveName, entry)) return toremove #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def createLocalPath(directory, path): """Create a local path from the given manifest path.""" localPath = directory for element in path.split("/"): localPath = os.path.join(localPath, element) return localPath #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def getToremoveDir(toremoveDir, directory): """Get the path of the directory that will contain the files that are to be removed.""" if toremoveDir is None: toremoveDir = os.path.join(directory, toremoveName) try: os.mkdir(toremoveDir) except: pass return toremoveDir #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def removeFile(toremoveDir, directory, path): """Remove the file at the given path or store it in a temporary directory. If the removal of the file fails, it will be stored in a temporary directory. This is useful for files thay may be open and cannot be removed right away.""" try: os.remove(path) except: try: sum = hashlib.md5() sum.update(bytes(path, "utf-8")) toremoveDir = getToremoveDir(toremoveDir, directory) targetPath = os.path.join(toremoveDir, sum.hexdigest()) try: os.remove(targetPath) except: pass os.rename(path, targetPath) except Exception as e: print("Cannot remove file " + path + ": " + utf2unicode(str(e))) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def removeFiles(directory, listener, removed, count): """Remove the given files.""" toremoveDir = None listener.startRemoving() removed.sort(reverse = True) for path in removed: removePath = createLocalPath(directory, path) removeFile(toremoveDir, directory, removePath) removeDirectory = os.path.dirname(removePath) try: os.removedirs(removeDirectory) except: pass count += 1 listener.removed(path, count) return count #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def updateFiles(directory, updateURL, listener, manifest, modifiedAndNew, removed, localRemoved): """Update the files according to the given information.""" totalSize = 0 for (path, size, sum) in modifiedAndNew: totalSize += size listener.setTotalSize(len(modifiedAndNew), totalSize, len(removed), len(localRemoved)) downloaded = 0 fin = None toremoveDir = None try: updateURL += "/" + removeCount = 0 if localRemoved: removeCount = removeFiles(directory, listener, localRemoved, removeCount) for (path, size, sum) in modifiedAndNew: targetFile = createLocalPath(directory, path) targetFile += "." targetFile += sum targetDirectory = os.path.dirname(targetFile) if targetDirectory and not os.path.isdir(targetDirectory): os.makedirs(targetDirectory) with open(targetFile, "wb") as fout: fin = urllib.request.urlopen(updateURL + "/" + path, cafile = certifi.where()) while True: data =*1024) if not data: break fout.write(data) downloaded += len(data) listener.setDownloaded(downloaded) fin.close() fin = None listener.startRenaming() count = 0 for (path, size, sum) in modifiedAndNew: targetFile = createLocalPath(directory, path) downloadedFile = targetFile + "." + sum if"nt" and os.path.isfile(targetFile): removeFile(toremoveDir, directory, targetFile) os.rename(downloadedFile, targetFile) count += 1 listener.renamed(path, count) removeFiles(directory, listener, removed, removeCount) listener.writingManifest() manifestPath = os.path.join(directory, manifestName) with open(manifestPath, "wt") as f: manifest.writeInto(f) listener.done() except Exception as e: exc = traceback.format_exc() print(utf2unicode(exc), file=sys.stderr) error = utf2unicode(str(e)) print("Error:", error, file=sys.stderr) listener.failed(error) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def isDirectoryWritable(directory): """Determine if the given directory can be written.""" checkFile = os.path.join(directory, "writable.chk") try: f = open(checkFile, "wt") f.close() return True except Exception as e: return False finally: try: os.remove(checkFile) except: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def processMLXUpdate(buffer, listener): """Process the given buffer supposedly containing a list of commands.""" endsWithLine = buffer[-1]=="\n" lines = buffer.splitlines() if endsWithLine: buffer = "" else: buffer = lines[-1] lines = lines[:-1] for line in lines: words = line.split("\t") try: command = words[0] if command=="downloadingManifest": listener.downloadingManifest() elif command=="downloadedManifest": listener.downloadedManifest() elif command=="setTotalSize": listener.setTotalSize(int(words[1]), int(words[2]), int(words[3]), int(words[4])) elif command=="setDownloaded": listener.setDownloaded(int(words[1])) elif command=="startRenaming": listener.startRenaming() elif command=="renamed": listener.renamed(words[1], int(words[2])) elif command=="startRemoving": listener.startRemoving() elif command=="removed": listener.removed(words[1], int(words[2])) elif command=="writingManifest": listener.writingManifest() elif command=="done": listener.done() elif command=="failed": listener.failed(words[1]) except Exception as e: print("Failed to parse line '%s': %s" % \ (line, utf2unicode(str(e))), file=sys.stderr) return buffer #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def sudoUpdate(directory, updateURL, listener, manifest): """Perform the update via the mlxupdate program.""" manifestFD = None manifestFile = None serverSocket = None mlxUpdateSocket = None try: (manifestFD, manifestFile) = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(manifestFD, "wt") try: manifest.writeInto(f) finally: f.close() manifestFD = None serverSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serverSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) serverSocket.bind(("", 0)) (_host, port) = serverSocket.getsockname() serverSocket.listen(1) if"nt": win32api.ShellExecute(0, "open", os.path.join(directory, "mlxupdate"), str(port) + " " + manifestFile + " " + updateURL, "", 1) else: process = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(directory, "mlxupdate"), str(port), manifestFile, updateURL], shell ="nt") (mlxUpdateSocket, _) = serverSocket.accept() serverSocket.close() serverSocket = None buffer = "" while True: data = mlxUpdateSocket.recv(4096) if not data: break; buffer += str(data, "utf-8") buffer = processMLXUpdate(buffer, listener) mlxUpdateSocket.close() mlxUpdateSocket = None if!="nt": process.wait() except Exception as e: error = utf2unicode(str(e)) print("Failed updating:", error, file=sys.stderr) listener.failed(error) finally: if serverSocket is not None: try: serverSocket.close() except: pass if mlxUpdateSocket is not None: try: mlxUpdateSocket.close() except: pass if manifestFD is not None: try: os.close(manifestFD) except: pass if manifestFile is not None: try: os.remove(manifestFile) except: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def update(directory, updateURL, listener, fromGUI = False): """Perform the update.""" try: result = prepareUpdate(directory, updateURL, listener) if result is None: return (manifest, updateManifest, modifiedAndNew, removed) = result localRemoved = getToremoveFiles(directory) if not modifiedAndNew and not removed and not localRemoved: listener.done() return if fromGUI and not isDirectoryWritable(directory): if listener.needSudo(): sudoUpdate(directory, updateURL, listener, updateManifest) else: updateFiles(directory, updateURL, listener, updateManifest, modifiedAndNew, removed, localRemoved) except Exception as e: exc = traceback.format_exc() print(utf2unicode(exc), file=sys.stderr) error = utf2unicode(str(e)) print("Update error:", error, file=sys.stderr) listener.failed(error) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def updateProcess(): """This is called in the child process, when we need a child process.""" try: clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) clientSocket.connect(("", int(sys.argv[1]))) directory = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) manifest = readLocalManifest(directory) updateManifest = Manifest() with open(sys.argv[2], "rt") as f: updateManifest.readFrom(f) (modifiedAndNew, removed) = localRemoved = getToremoveFiles(directory) updateFiles(directory, sys.argv[3], ClientListener(clientSocket), updateManifest, modifiedAndNew, removed, localRemoved) except: exc = traceback.format_exc() print(utf2unicode(exc), file=sys.stderr) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def buildManifest(directory): """Build a manifest from the contents of the given directory, into the given directory.""" manifestPath = os.path.join(directory, manifestName) try: os.remove(manifestPath) except: pass manifest = Manifest() manifest.addFiles(directory, []) with open(manifestPath, "wt") as f: manifest.writeInto(f) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # if __name__ == "__main__": # manifest1 = Manifest() # manifest1.addFile("file1.exe", 3242, "40398754589435345934") # manifest1.addFile("dir/", 45645, "347893245873456987") # manifest1.addFile("dir/file3.txt", 123, "3432434534534534") # with open("manifest1", "wt") as f: # manifest1.writeInto(f) # manifest2 = Manifest() # manifest2.addFile("file1.exe", 4353, "390734659834756349876") # manifest2.addFile("dir/", 45645, "347893245873456987") # manifest2.addFile("dir/file4.log", 2390, "56546546546546") # with open("manifest2", "wt") as f: # manifest2.writeInto(f) # manifest1 = Manifest() # with open("manifest1", "rt") as f: # manifest1.readFrom(f) # manifest2 = Manifest() # with open("manifest2", "rt") as f: # manifest2.readFrom(f) # (modifiedAndNew, removed) = # for (path, size, sum) in modifiedAndNew: # print "modified or new:", path, size, sum # for path in removed: # print "removed:", path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------