04/01/13 12:36:02 (11 years ago)
István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
(<MercurialRepository 1 'hg:/home/ivaradi/mlx/hg' '/'>, 'public')

Added the documentation of the bug reporting facility (re #190)

1 edited


  • doc/manual/en/index.html

    r481 r493  
    132132  </p>
     134  <p>
     135  The program also includes a built-in <a href="#bugReportWindow">bug
     136  reporting</a> facility, which can be used to report any trouble
     137  encountered while using it.
     138  </p>
    134140  <h3><a name="gui">Graphical User Interface</a></h3>
    10881094  </p>
     1096  <h2><a name="bugReportWindow">The Bug Report Window</a></h2>
     1098  <img src="bugreport.png" alt="The Bug Report Window"/>
     1100  <p>
     1101  The bug reporting window can be used to report any non-fatal bugs
     1102  that occur during using the program. Bugs can be reported to
     1103  appropriate topic in the MAVA forum, via e-mail or tickets created
     1104  by hand on the project's website. However, utilizing this window not
     1105  only creates the ticket, it also includes automatically the texts of
     1106  the log and the debug log, making the life of the developers
     1107  easier. Of course, it might happen that the program crashes in a way
     1108  which makes this window inaccessible or to work incorrectly, in
     1109  which case you must resort to the other possibilities.
     1110  </p>
     1112  <p>
     1113  The bug report window can be displayed by selecting <b>Tools/Report
     1114  bug</b> or by pressing <b>Ctrl+B</b>. The summary must be entered
     1115  and it should be a short, one-sentence description or title of the
     1116  problem. The <i>Description</i> part is not mandatory, but if you
     1117  can think of any useful additional information, you might give it
     1118  here. As the program automatically appends the log and the debug to
     1119  the description, you should not copy them here. You can also give
     1120  your e-mail address to receive automatic notifications of the status
     1121  of your bug report, but consider that your e-mail address will then
     1122  appear on the project's website in the bug report.
     1123  </p>
     1125  <p>
     1126  By pressing <i>Send...</i>, you can create the bug report. If it is
     1127  successful, you will receive a message telling so and including the
     1128  ticket's ID that you may refer to later.
     1129  </p>
    10901131  <h2><a name="monitorWindow">The Monitor Window</a></h2>
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