Changeset 219:c1d13fe9d52a

06/02/12 19:28:59 (13 years ago)
István Váradi <ivaradi@…>

Updated the manual with the new developments

2 edited


  • TabularUnified TODO

    r195 r219  
    1 - Make the windows non-resizable.
     1- Check what the Flight defects are is for, in the manual of
     2   the old logger
     4- Right click menus to some lists:
     5   - list of flights: saving
     6   - checklist elements: moving, deleting
     8- Perhaps update the fuel level on the fuel page while flying?
    310- The PIREP constructor should get the flight object as its argument
    1522- Check how piston engines report RPM
    17 - Test:
    18    - Check how pitot heat works on the Dash-8: reversed, 0 means on, 1 means off
  • TabularUnified doc/manual/en/index.html

    r204 r219  
    1313  Malév Virtual flight, and collects data that can be sent to the MAVA
    1414  website for further evaluation. This manual describes how to use
    15   this program. To be able to use the program properly, you need to
    16   have a working Internet connection, even if you don't fly on-line on
    17   VATSIM or IVAO.
    18   </p>
    20   <p>
    21   While monitoring your flight the program continuously checks if your
     15  this program. To be able to use all features of the program, you
     16  need to have a working Internet connection, even if you don't fly
     17  on-line on VATSIM or IVAO. However, it is possible to perform a
     18  flight completely offline as well.
     19  </p>
     21  <p>
     22  While monitoring your flight, the program continuously checks if your
    2223  airplane's configuration is always within the parameters prescribed
    2324  by the airline's operating procedures. For example, you have to turn
    2425  on or off the various lights of your aircraft according to rules,
    2526  you cannot exceed certain weight or speed limits, and so on. Any
    26   deviation from the expected parameters, also know as a fault, can
     27  deviation from the expected parameters, also known as a fault, can
    2728  result in points subtracted from the initial 100 points (or
    2829  percentage). The result is your <i>flight rating</i>. Some
    3536  which are recorded in a textual <i>log</i>. This log is sent as a
    3637  part of your PIREP (<b>PI</b>lot's <b>REP</b>ort), and will be
    37   analyzed, and possibly commented on by more experienced pilot's of
     38  analyzed, and possibly commented on by more experienced pilots of
    3839  Malév Virtual. This way you can perfect the way you execute your
    3940  flights.
    4243  <p>
    4344  The application breaks up your flight into
    44   several <i>stage</i>s. The advancement from one stage to another is
     45  several <i>stage</i>s. The advancement from one stage to another is 
    4546  detected automatically. These stages and the conditions under which
    4647  they are entered are as follows:
    8889  <p>
    89   Malév Virtual has implemented an <i>Online ACARS System</i>, which
     90  Malév Virtual have implemented an <i>Online ACARS System</i>, which
    9091  displays the status of the flights in progress. The data appears on
    91   the front page of the MAVA website and on a map accessible from the
    92   inner page.
    93   </p>
    95   <p>
    96   Malév Virtual has also implemented an <i>Online Gate System</i>
     92  the front page of the MAVA website and also on a map.
     93  </p>
     95  <p>
     96  Malév Virtual have also implemented an <i>Online Gate System</i>
    9797  which maintains a database of the aircraft in the airline's fleet
    9898  and their location. An aircraft may be parked at the Budapest
    9999  Ferihegy Airport, in which case the number of the gate or stand it
    100100  is located at is recorded in the database. If so, this number is
    101   displayed to you when starting your flight, and you are recommended
    102   to place your aircraft at the indicated gate or stand in the
    103   simulator. If your flight begins at Ferihegy and the aircraft is
    104   away (usually due to someone else's flight), you can select from
    105   which gate or stand you start your flight. The database of the
    106   Online Gate System can also be displayed by using the application.
     101  displayed to you when starting your flight from Ferihegy, and you
     102  are recommended to place your aircraft at the indicated gate or
     103  stand in the simulator. If your flight begins at Ferihegy and the
     104  aircraft is away (usually due to someone else's flight), you can
     105  select from which gate or stand you start your flight. The database
     106  of the Online Gate System can also be displayed by using the
     107  application.
     108  </p>
     110  <p>
     111  These online systems can only be used when flying online.
    107112  </p>
    167172  <p>
    168173  The figure below depicts the main window of the application. The top
    169   of it contains the usual menu bar, which will be describe in more
    170   detail later.
    171   </p>
    173   <p>
    174   The content area consists of several tabs the use of which is
    175   described below.
    176   </p>
    178   <p>
    179   The bottom of the window is a status bar. Its left end contains the
     174  of it contains the usual menu bar, which will be described in more
     175  detail later. The content area consists of several tabs the use of
     176  which is described below.
     177  </p>
     179  <p>
     180  The bottom of the window is a status bar. Its left side contains the
    180181  icon indicating the status of the connection to the simulator. Since
    181182  the application continuously monitors the parameters of your
    220221  <p>
    221   The right if the status bar is normally empty, but if there is some
     222  The right of the status bar is normally empty, but if there is some
    222223  potentially long operation going on (typically communicating with
    223224  the MAVA servers), information about the operation is displayed
    258259  </p>
     261  <p>
     262  Many of the pages also contain a <b>Cancel flight</b>
     263  button. Clicking this button will allow you to cancel the flight and
     264  go back to the flight selection if you have logged in to the MAVA
     265  website, or the login page, after a confirmation of your intent.
     266  </p>
    260268  <h4>The <i>Login</i> Page</h4>
    285293  the <b>Login</b> button.
    286294  </p>
     296  <p>
     297  If you would like to fly without an Internet connection, use
     298  the <b>Fly offline</b> button. This immediately takes you to the
     299  next page, without trying to log in to the MAVA website.
     300  </p>
    288302  <h4>The <i>Flight selection</i> Page</h4>
    290304  <p>
    291305  This page displays the list of the flight you have booked previously
    292   on the MAVA website. You can also upload a flight from a file by
    293   pressing the <b>Load flight from file</b> button. This displays a
    294   file selection dialog where you select the flight file (usually with
    295   a suffix of <code>.vaflight</code>). Since you cannot
    296   send the PIREP for such flights, this is mostly useful during the
    297   entrance exam.
     306  on the MAVA website, if you have logged in properly. If you chose to
     307  fly offline, the list is empty.
     308  </p>
     310  <p>
     311  If you have selected a flight, you can also save it by using
     312  the <b>Save flight</b> button. This is useful when planning to fly
     313  offline at some later time. When preparing for that flight, you can
     314  properly log in to the MAVA website, and acquire the list of your
     315  booked flights. Then you can save the flight you wish to perform
     316  later offline, on which occasion, you can load the saved flight.
     317  </p>
     319  <p>
     320  You may need to refresh the list of flights. For example, you notice
     321  that you have forgotten to book the flight you want to perform. Then
     322  you can book the flight on the MAVA website, and press
     323  the <b>Refresh flights</b> button to update the list.
     324  </p>
     326  <p>
     327  You can also load a flight from a file by  pressing the <b>Load
     328  flight from file</b> button. This displays a file selection dialog
     329  where you select the flight file (usually with a suffix
     330  of <code>.vaflight</code>). This is mostly useful when flying
     331  offline, or during the entrance exam.
    298332  </p>
    364398  flight in UTC. Press the <b>Time from FS</b> button to query the
    365399  current UTC time of the simulator. To be able to simulate the real
    366   lighting circumstances of the flight, the simulator's time should mach
     400  lighting circumstances of the flight, the simulator's time should match
    367401  the time of the flight according to the schedule. Therefore you are
    368402  expected to set the simulator's time properly. It is recommended to
    466500  the name of the landing runway, and the landing reference speed,
    467501  V<sub>ref</sub>. You can enter this data during the flight, or after
    468   you have landed at your discretion.
     502  you have landed, at your discretion.
    469503  </p>
    500534  </p>
     536  <p>
     537  You can also start a new flight using the <b>New flight</b>
     538  button. If you have not saved or sent the PIREP, you will be asked
     539  to confirm your intention. When starting a new flight you are taken
     540  to the flight selection page, if you have logged in to the MAVA
     541  website, or to the login page, if your flight has been an offline
     542  flight.
     543  </p>
    502545  <h3>The Flight info Tab</h3>
    541584  which is the payload weight of the aircraft. This value should be
    542585  set in the simulator as the airplane's payload weight. By pressing
    543   the <b>Simulator data</b> button, the data on the right coming from
    544   the simulator can be queried and displayed. If the data is out of
    545   the tolerances, it is displayed in red, otherwise in green.
     586  the <b>Simulator data</b> button, the data coming from the simulator
     587  can be queried and displayed. If the data is out of the tolerances,
     588  it is displayed in red, otherwise in green.
    546589  </p>
    577620  This tab displays information retrieved from the MAVA Online Gate
    578621  System. If the program needs to retrieve data, this tab's contents
    579   are refreshed automatically, but you can refresh them anytime using
    580   the <b>Refresh data</b> button.
     622  are refreshed automatically, but you can refresh them manually
     623  anytime using the <b>Refresh data</b> button.
    581624  </p>
    618661  <p>
    619   Saved PIREPs can be loaded and sent by the program loader. This can
     662  Saved PIREPs can be loaded and sent by the program. This can
    620663  become necessary, for example, if you cannot send a PIREP due to
    621   some network problem right after your flight.
     664  some network problem right after your flight, or when you
     665  deliberately performed a flight without connecting to the Internet.
    622666  </p>
    637681  <p>
    638682  The checklists are lists of audio files. When checklist playback is
    639   enabled (see the description of the Preferences window below), and
     683  enabled (see the description of the <i>Preferences</i> window below), and
    640684  there is a checklist for the type of the aircraft used for the
    641685  flight, the files constituting the checklist can be played
    652696  <p>
    653   The files making up the checklist for the currently  selected flight
     697  The files making up the checklist for the currently selected flight
    654698  are displayed on the right. You can move a file up or down by
    655699  dragging it with the mouse. You can also select one or more files
    695739  otherwise. Note, that the program must be restarted for the change
    696740  to take effect if you modify this setting. If the <b>Hide main window
    697   when minimized</b> checkbox is checked, and you minimize the window
     741  when minimized</b> checkbox is checked, and you minimize the window,
    698742  it will actually disappear completely (i.e. not appear among the
    699743  other minimized windows). You can make it appear by using the tray
    711755  interacts with the simulator. Most options are self-explanatory, but
    712756  the ones related to smoothing requires some discussion. Flight
    713   Simulator is known for producing wind speed changes that are not
     757  Simulator is known to produce wind speed changes that are not
    714758  entirely realistic and can result in the simulated aircraft
    715759  experiencing some very high indicated airspeeds, which in turn can
    722766  options allow controlling this feature. The number of seconds may
    723767  need experimenting with, but note that every change for which you
    724   press the <b>OK</b> button  is taken into account immediately.
     768  press the <b>OK</b> button is taken into account immediately.
    725769  </p>
    796840  <p>
    797841  If the <b>Enable speedbrake sound at touchdown</b> checkbox is
    798   checked, you will here a distinctive sound when the spoilers deploy
     842  checked, you will hear a distinctive sound when the spoilers deploy
    799843  automatically after touchdown.
    800844  </p>
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