Changeset 769:d10b450fff75 for locale/en

04/24/16 12:50:26 (8 years ago)
István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
(<MercurialRepository 1 'hg:/home/ivaradi/mlx/hg' '/'>, 'public')

The check flight can also be performed and the registration logic is hopefully complete (re #285)

1 edited


  • locale/en/mlx.po

    r764 r769  
    1 # English-language texts for the MAVA Logger X
    33# István Váradi <>, 2012
    23112311"the exam earlier. Note, that its status is updated only a few minutes "
    23122312"after passing the exam."
     2314msgid "student_check_flight_status"
     2315msgstr "Check flight:"
     2317msgid "student_check_flight_passed"
     2318msgstr "<span color=\"darkgreen\"><b>Passed</b></span>"
     2320msgid "student_check_flight_not_passed"
     2321msgstr "<span color=\"orange\"><b>Not yet passed</b></span>"
     2323msgid "student_check_flight"
     2324msgstr "Perform the _check flight"
     2326msgid "student_check_flight_tooltip"
     2327msgstr ""
     2328"Click this button to perform the check flight, after you have selected "
     2329"the airfract type to fly with. You will then have to perform a flight "
     2330"departing from and arriving at LHBP (Budapest Ferihegy Airport) with a "
     2331"proper SID and arrival transition."
     2333msgid "student_fo"
     2334msgstr "Congratulations!"
     2336msgid "student_fo_secondary"
     2337msgstr ""
     2338"You have received the rank of <b>First Officer</b> (FO).\n\n"
     2339"By clicking OK below, you will be taken to the flight selection page, "
     2340"from which you can perform your first real MAVA flight!"
     2342msgid "chkfinish_title"
     2343msgstr "Check flight finished"
     2345msgid "chkfinish_passed_begin"
     2346msgstr ""
     2347"<b><span size=\"xx-large\">Congratulations!</span></b>\n"
     2349"You have successfully completed your check flight."
     2351msgid "chkfinish_passed_fo"
     2352msgstr ""
     2353" \n\n"
     2354"You have received the rank of <b>First Officer</b> (FO)."
     2356msgid "chkfinish_passed_end"
     2357msgstr ""
     2358" \n\n"
     2359"You may wish to review the log if you have made any mistakes."
     2361msgid "chkfinish_failed"
     2362msgstr ""
     2363"Unfortunately, you have <b>failed</b> your check flight.\n"
     2365"You can review the log to check what mistakes you have committed."
     2367msgid "chkfinish_savepirep"
     2368msgstr ""
     2369" \n\n"
     2370"If you have further questions, you can save your PIREP\n"
     2371"and send the file to your mentor for a review and\n"
     2372"to receive helpful advice."
     2374msgid "chkfinish_next_student_begin"
     2375msgstr ""
     2376" \n\n"
     2377"The <i>Next</i> button takes you back to the <i>Student</i> page,"
     2379msgid "chkfinish_next_student_nothing"
     2380msgstr ""
     2381" \n"
     2382"where you can initiate another test flight or take your entry exam."
     2384msgid "chkfinish_next_student_no_exam"
     2385msgstr ""
     2386" \n"
     2387"where you can take your entry exam."
     2389msgid "chkfinish_next_student_no_flight"
     2390msgstr ""
     2391" \n"
     2392"where you can initiate another test flight."
     2394msgid "chkfinish_next"
     2395msgstr ""
     2396" \n\n"
     2397"The <i>Next</i> button takes you to the flight selection page,\n"
     2398"from which you can perform your first real MAVA flight!"
     2400msgid "chkfinish_updateweb_busy"
     2401msgstr "Updating check flight status..."
     2403msgid "chkfinish_passedset_failed"
     2404msgstr "Failed to update the check flight status"
     2406msgid "chkfinish_passedset_failed_title"
     2407msgstr "Update failure"
     2409msgid "chkfinish_passedset_failed_secondary"
     2410msgstr ""
     2411"You can retry later, or save your PIREP and send it "
     2412"to your mentor at MAVA, who can arrange for your flight "
     2413"to be accepted."
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