# # ChangeLog for doc/manual/hu/index.html # # Generated by Trac 1.6 # 03/11/25 19:43:17 Sun, 25 Jun 2017 12:04:50 GMT István Váradi [873:4b541db3659b] * doc/manual/en/acceptedFlights.png (added) * doc/manual/en/flightBooking.png (added) * doc/manual/en/flightBookingRegular.png (added) * doc/manual/en/flightBookingVIP.png (added) * doc/manual/en/flightSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/en/pendingFlights.png (added) * doc/manual/en/pirepEditor.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/acceptedFlights.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/flightBooking.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/flightBookingRegular.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/flightBookingVIP.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/flightSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/pendingFlights.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/pirepEditor.png (added) Updated the documentation Sun, 08 May 2016 12:10:56 GMT István Váradi [774:3891bf84376d] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/en/mainWindow.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/registration.png (added) * doc/manual/en/registrationDialog.png (added) * doc/manual/en/student.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/mainWindow.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/registration.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/registrationDialog.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/student.png (added) Updated the documentation to reflect the changes related to the ... Fri, 11 Dec 2015 18:38:06 GMT István Váradi [730:9057b28f0c84] * doc/manual/en/acarsTab.png (added) * doc/manual/en/briefing.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/connect.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/cruise.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/debugLogTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/finish.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/flightInfoTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/flightSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/fuel.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/gateSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/gatesTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/helpTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/en/landing.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/logTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/mainWindow.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/payload.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/prefsGeneral.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/route.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/simbriefResult.png (added) * doc/manual/en/simbriefSetup.png (added) * doc/manual/en/takeoff.png (modified) * doc/manual/en/time.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/acarsTab.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/briefing.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/connect.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/cruise.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/debugLogTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/finish.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/flightInfoTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/flightSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/fuel.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/gateSelection.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/gatesTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/helpTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/landing.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/logTab.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/mainWindow.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/monitorWindow.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/payload.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/prefsGeneral.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/route.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/simbriefResult.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/simbriefSetup.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/takeoff.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/time.png (modified) * src/mlx/gui/common.py (modified) Updated the manual Sun, 06 Dec 2015 13:40:12 GMT István Váradi [725:b5728792c4f0] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Minor updates to the user's guides Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:36:02 GMT István Váradi [493:3e43541298fb] * doc/manual/en/bugreport.png (added) * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/bugreport.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Added the documentation of the bug reporting facility (re #190) Sat, 23 Mar 2013 09:12:31 GMT István Váradi [481:befa8e3ac3bb] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Updated the documentation with new information about the transponders Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:57:39 GMT István Váradi [470:edd57d0f9678] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Updated the manual to reflect the changes since 0.15 Fri, 15 Mar 2013 08:50:42 GMT István Váradi [468:36375f021842] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Removed old TODO messages Tue, 12 Mar 2013 18:21:45 GMT István Váradi [462:a2c16fb70c27] * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Updated the Hungarian version of the documentation Sat, 07 Jul 2012 14:00:30 GMT István Váradi [285:18596b688f06] * TODO (modified) * doc/manual/en/calloutsEditor.png (added) * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/en/prefsSounds.png (modified) * doc/manual/hu/calloutsEditor.png (added) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/prefsSounds.png (modified) Added information on the callout editor Sun, 01 Jul 2012 12:19:33 GMT István Váradi [265:441bc4537a91] * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Fixed some typos Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:20:43 GMT István Váradi [258:81b2f4109e64] * TODO (modified) * doc/manual/en/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) Added some further hyperlinks Sun, 24 Jun 2012 08:10:31 GMT István Váradi [254:45f8eab7b651] * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * doc/manual/hu/monitorWindow.png (added) Translated the manual into Hungarian Tue, 19 Jun 2012 14:52:44 GMT István Váradi [249:d055e454a7ea] * MLXMANIFEST (modified) * doc/manual/hu/index.html (modified) * src/mlx/config.py (modified) * src/mlx/gui/gui.py (modified) * src/mlx/gui/prefs.py (modified) * src/mlx/i18n.py (modified) Implemented option to control whether to quit or hide when the window ... Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:20:01 GMT István Váradi [227:50c3ae93007d] * doc/manual/hu/index.html (added) * logo.png (added) * setup.py (modified) * src/mlx/gui/common.py (modified) * src/mlx/gui/gui.py (modified) * src/mlx/i18n.py (modified) Added a Help menu with the manual and the about dialog