Custom Query (337 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 337)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#153 István Váradi István Váradi fixed TU-154 (and possibly 34) ADF problems

The frequencies of ADF1 and ADF2 are being displayed alternatively as ADF1. Check what could be done.

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#155 István Váradi István Váradi fixed Online ACARS sending does not tolerate network failures

If there is a network failure and the ACARS request cannot be sent, the ACARS checker queues a lot of requests (one per second during the duration of the network outage). When the network comes back, those requests are sent one after the other, which results in the last sent time being very large.

This should be fixed by inhibiting the sending of the ACARS requests while one is being processed.

#156 István Váradi István Váradi fixed Landing light should not be required for takeoff
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