Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#383 #382 JFS Dash8 Q4XP three state anti collision switch handling still exists István Váradi defect major 10 months

Status: closed (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#270 Fix N1 handling for FlyJSim Dash 8 István Váradi defect major fixed 10 years
#271 Do not log the speedbrake for the FlyJSim Dash8 István Váradi enhancement major fixed 10 years
#274 Bármit csinálok nem érzékeli,hogy felszálltam. Felszállási fülnél nem tudok tovább menni. Q400 István Váradi defect major fixed 9 years
#292 Disregard N1 value of Majestic Dash 8 István Váradi enhancement major implemented 9 years
#359 Q400 István Váradi defect major fixed 3 years
#361 q400 István Váradi defect major fixed 3 years
#323 receive your coupon codes enhancement trivial invalid 7 years
#382 JFS Dash8 Q4XP three state anti collision switch handling István Váradi defect trivial fixed 10 months
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.