Custom Query (337 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 337)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#271 fixed Do not log the speedbrake for the FlyJSim Dash8 István Váradi István Váradi

X-Plane seems to move the speedbrakes up and down as the plane is bouncing in the air. This causes a lot of superfluous entries in the logs. Since the pilot has no direct control over the speedbrake, the values should be omitted.

#270 fixed Fix N1 handling for FlyJSim Dash 8 István Váradi István Váradi

It seems that N1 does not always go down all the way to 0, causing the logger to not switch to the END stage.

N1 should be considered 0 if below a certain value, e.g. 2.0.

#269 fixed Increase takeoff timeout and handle strobe differently István Váradi István Váradi

The current takeoff timeout of 40 seconds should be increased to 60.

However, if the user's aircraft has a strobe light and it is not turned on, the fault should be reported immediately when exceeding 50 knots.

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