

16:25 Ticket #180 (Logging lights which cannot be detected properly) closed by István Váradi
16:24 Ticket #164 (Retrieval of fuel information does not work for Boeing 767 and CRJ2 planes) closed by István Váradi
15:17 Ticket #141 (Consider not logging the VOR frequencies during cruise) closed by István Váradi
15:17 Ticket #141 (Consider not logging the VOR frequencies during cruise) reopened by István Váradi
15:17 Ticket #141 (Consider not logging the VOR frequencies during cruise) closed by István Váradi
fixed: Does not seem to be a problem anymore, since model- or type-specific …
15:16 Ticket #120 (iFly 737NG NAV frequencies) closed by István Váradi
fixed: Seems to work according to Gábor Petrovszki's mail on January 19th.
15:16 Ticket #117 (Boeing 767 lights are not detected properly) closed by István Váradi
fixed: Seems to work according to Gábor Petrovszki's mail on January 19th.


13:20 Changeset [419:4f45b4efd501] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Added tag version_0.15 for changeset e11be493e87d
13:19 Changeset [418:e11be493e87d]version_0.15 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Updated to the new version


10:39 Ticket #180 (Logging lights which cannot be detected properly) reopened by István Váradi
10:38 Ticket #181 (Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed ...) reopened by István Váradi
10:38 Ticket #181 (Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed ...) closed by István Váradi
10:38 Ticket #181 (Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed ...) reopened by István Váradi
10:37 Ticket #181 (Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed ...) closed by István Váradi
10:37 Ticket #180 (Logging lights which cannot be detected properly) closed by István Váradi
10:14 Changeset [417:391bc4efe7b8] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Stepped the version number
10:07 Changeset [416:829e1d020dcc] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
The lights whose value cannot be detected are not logged (re #180)
09:48 Changeset [415:77d406d7d593] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Modified the landing lights checking (re #181)


08:33 Ticket #181 (Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed ...) created by István Váradi
08:33 Ticket #153 (TU-154 (and possibly 34) ADF problems) closed by István Váradi


18:18 Changeset [414:f8c5a66db45a] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Increased the timeout for strobeless takeoff to 30 seconds and changed …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.