
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#226 closed defect (invalid)


Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance
Component: aircraft/b737 Keywords:



The contents of the log:

MLX 0.26 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x49280000, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 8)
07:48:32: Aircraft: name='Boeing 737-8Q8NGX Malev Hungarian Airlines (EU Presidency 2011)', model='FSUIPC/PMDG Boeing 737NG(X)'
07:48:32: --- Boarding ---
07:48:32: Altimeter: 1013.19 hPa at 503 feet
07:48:32: Squawk code: 2641
07:48:32: Anti-collision lights: OFF
07:48:32: Landing lights: OFF
07:48:32: Navigational lights: OFF
07:48:32: Gears SET to DOWN at 1 knots, 503 ft, 8 ft AGL
07:48:32: AP master is OFF
07:56:08: Anti-collision lights: ON
07:56:09: Navigational lights: ON
07:59:24: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
07:59:24: Block time start
07:59:24: Fuel: left=3575 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3582 kg
07:59:24: Total fuel: 7156 kg
07:59:24: ZFW: 49109.29 kg
07:59:29: Altimeter: 1004.00 hPa at 503 feet
08:05:16: Landing lights: ON
08:06:32: Pushback and taxi time: 00:07:08
08:06:32: --- Takeoff ---
08:06:32: Flight time start
08:06:32: Takeoff weight: 56100 kg, MTOW: 71709 kg
08:06:32: QNH: 1004.00 hPa, altimeter: 1004.00 hPa
08:06:32: Wind 170/6
08:06:32: NAV1: 110.50 (130°)
08:06:32: NAV2: 115.90 (000°)
08:06:32: ADF1: 284.0
08:06:32: ADF2: 240.0
08:06:32: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 119 knots, VR: 122 knots, V2: 135 knots
08:06:32: Derate calculated by the pilot: 74,6 %
08:06:32: Anti-ice was turned OFF
08:06:46: Takeoff speed: 146 knots
08:06:46: Takeoff heading: 133 degrees
08:06:46: Takeoff pitch: -10.4 degrees
08:06:46: Takeoff flaps: 5
08:06:46: CG/Trim: 25.3%/0.02
08:06:48: --- Climb ---
08:06:48: Gears SET to UP at 155 knots, 542 ft, 46 ft AGL
08:06:59: Flaps 2 - 187 knots
08:07:03: Flaps 1 - 196 knots
08:07:11: Flaps 0 - 205 knots
08:08:52: Landing lights: OFF
08:09:43: Altimeter: 1013.19 hPa at 10006 feet
08:20:41: Climb time: 00:13:53
08:20:41: --- Cruise ---
08:20:41: Cruise speed: 0.797 mach
08:34:01: Cruise speed: 0.795 mach
08:47:21: Cruise speed: 0.795 mach
09:00:21: Cruise time: 00:39:40
09:00:21: --- Descent ---
09:00:21: NAV1: 110.50 (130°)
09:00:21: NAV2: 115.90 (000°)
09:00:21: ADF1: 284.0
09:00:21: ADF2: 240.0
09:10:30: NAV1: 110.50 (255°)
09:11:43: NAV1: 117.20 (255°)
09:11:50: NAV1: 110.70 (255°)
09:12:27: Altimeter: 998.00 hPa at 9461 feet
09:13:30: Landing lights: ON
09:14:55: NAV1: 111.55 (255°)
09:15:01: NAV1: 110.70 (255°)
09:16:18: Gears SET to DOWN at 208 knots, 4098 ft, 3146 ft AGL
09:17:42: NAV1: 110.70 (248°)
09:17:42: NAV2: 115.90 (248°)
09:18:31: Flaps 1 - 192 knots, 2605 ft AGL
09:18:43: Flaps 5 - 181 knots, 2619 ft AGL
09:19:53: Flaps 15 - 155 knots, 2621 ft AGL
09:20:53: Flaps 25 - 144 knots, 2632 ft AGL
09:21:00: Flaps 30 - 141 knots, 2637 ft AGL
09:22:52: Descent time: 00:22:31
09:22:52: --- Landing ---
09:22:52: NAV1: 110.70 (248°)
09:22:52: NAV2: 115.90 (248°)
09:22:52: ADF1: 284.0
09:22:52: ADF2: 240.0
09:22:52: QNH: 998.00 hPa, altimeter: 998.00 hPa
09:22:52: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 79.0 kilometres
09:24:27: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 79.0 kilometres
09:25:58: The flare has begun
09:25:58: Wind 220/17
09:25:58: Visibility: 79003 metres
09:25:58: QNH: 998.00 hPa, altimeter: 998.00 hPa
09:25:58: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 134 knots
09:25:58: Anti-ice was turned OFF
09:26:05: Flaretime: 7.387 (from real time)
09:26:05: Touchdown rate: -145 feet/min
09:26:05: Touchdown rate was calculated by the simulator
09:26:05: Touchdown speed: 135 knots
09:26:05: Touchdown pitch: -3.6 degrees
09:26:05: Touchdown bank: 1.3 degrees
09:26:05: Touchdown heading: 247 degrees
09:26:05: CG: 23.7%
09:26:10: Spoilers deployed
09:26:34: Flaps 40 - 66 knots, 8 ft AGL
09:26:41: Flaps 30 - 38 knots, 8 ft AGL
09:26:46: Flaps 25 - 31 knots, 8 ft AGL
09:26:52: Flaps 10 - 26 knots
09:26:54: --- Taxi ---
09:26:54: Flight time end
09:26:54: Fuel: left=1708 kg - centre=0 kg - right=1713 kg
09:26:54: Total fuel: 3420 kg
09:26:54: Landing weight: 52530 kg, MLW: 65317
09:26:54: Vertical speed range: -2524..4139 feet/min
09:26:56: Flaps 5 - 23 knots
09:27:00: Flaps 2 - 20 knots
09:27:04: Flaps 1 - 17 knots
09:27:06: Landing lights: OFF
09:27:09: Navigational lights: OFF
09:27:10: Navigational lights: ON
09:27:12: Flaps 0 - 11 knots
09:33:39: Anti-collision lights: OFF
09:33:41: Taxi after landing time: 00:06:47
09:33:41: --- End ---
Rating: 100
09:33:41: Block time end
09:33:41: Flight time: 01:20:22
09:33:41: Flown distance: 482.89 NM
09:33:41: Block time: 01:34:17


The contents of the debug log:

12:50:17: MAVA Logger X 0.26 debug log
12:50:17: The initial configuration:
12:50:17: pilot ID: P010
12:50:17: rememberPassword: True
12:50:17: language:
12:50:17: hideMinimizedWindow: True
12:50:17: quitOnClose: False
12:50:17: onlineGateSystem: True
12:50:17: onlineACARS: True
12:50:17: flareTimeFromFS: False
12:50:17: syncFSTime: False
12:50:17: usingFS2Crew: False
12:50:17: iasSmoothingLength: 2
12:50:17: vsSmoothingLength: 2
12:50:17: pirepDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\PIREP
12:50:17: pirepAutoSave: False
12:50:17: defaultMSFS: True
12:50:17: enableSounds: True
12:50:17: pilotControlsSounds: False
12:50:17: pilotHotkey: C0
12:50:17: enableApproachCallouts: False
12:50:17: speedbrakeAtTD: True
12:50:17: enableChecklists: False
12:50:17: checklistHotkey: CS0
12:50:17: autoUpdate: True
12:50:17: updateURL:
12:50:17: messageTypeLevels:
12:50:17: loggerError: both
12:50:17: information: fs
12:50:17: inflight: fs
12:50:17: fault: both
12:50:17: nogo: both
12:50:17: gateSystem: both
12:50:17: environment: fs
12:50:17: help: both
12:50:17: visibility: fs
12:50:17: checklists:
12:50:17: B736:
12:50:17: B737:
12:50:17: B738:
12:50:17: B733:
12:50:17: B734:
12:50:17: B735:
12:50:17: DH8D:
12:50:17: B762:
12:50:17: B763:
12:50:17: CRJ2:
12:50:17: F70:
12:50:17: DC3:
12:50:17: T134:
12:50:17: T154:
12:50:17: YK40:
12:50:17: B738C:
12:50:17: B462:
12:50:17: approachCallouts:
12:50:17: B736:
12:50:17: B737:
12:50:17: B738:
12:50:17: B733:
12:50:17: B734:
12:50:17: B735:
12:50:17: DH8D:
12:50:17: B762:
12:50:17: B763:
12:50:17: CRJ2:
12:50:17: F70:
12:50:17: DC3:
12:50:17: T134:
12:50:17: T154:
12:50:17: YK40:
12:50:17: B738C:
12:50:17: B462:
12:50:17: running
12:50:17: TakeoffPage.reset
12:50:19: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
12:50:20: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2014-02-09
12:50:20: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2014-02-09
12:50:23: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.26
12:50:23: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: Boeing 737-8Q8NGX Malev Hungarian Airlines (EU Presidency 2011), D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-800NGX\B737-800.AIR
12:51:17: running
12:52:12: Watchdog client fsuipc.Handler has timed out!
12:52:16: Watchdog client fsuipc.Handler has been cleared.
12:52:17: running
12:53:02: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
12:53:02: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\notam.mp3
12:53:14: Closing mlxsound0
12:53:14: Closed mlxsound0
12:53:17: running
12:53:34: TakeoffPage.activate
12:53:35: FSX detected, adding PMDG 737 NGX-specific offsets
12:53:35: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
12:53:35: Sending the online ACARS
12:53:35: Sent online ACARS
12:53:35: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
12:53:37: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:37: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:37: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:38: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:38: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:38: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:43: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:45: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\board.mp3 as mlxsound1
12:53:45: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\board.mp3
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:53:45: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:54:17: running
12:55:01: Closing mlxsound1
12:55:01: Closed mlxsound1
12:55:17: running
12:56:17: running
12:56:36: Sending the online ACARS
12:56:36: Sent online ACARS
12:57:17: running
12:58:17: running
12:59:17: running
12:59:36: Sending the online ACARS
12:59:36: Sent online ACARS
13:00:17: running
13:01:17: running
13:02:17: running
13:02:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:02:36: Sent online ACARS
13:03:17: running
13:04:17: running
13:04:31: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 205, flapsRight: 205, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:32: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 631, flapsRight: 631, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:33: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 1061, flapsRight: 1061, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:35: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
13:04:38: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Don't forget to set the takeoff V-speeds!
13:04:38: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound2
13:04:38: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\ding.wav
13:04:39: Closing mlxsound2
13:04:39: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 3598, flapsRight: 3598, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:39: Closed mlxsound2
13:04:40: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 4015, flapsRight: 4015, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:43: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 5283, flapsRight: 5283, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:46: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 6533, flapsRight: 6533, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:47: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 6975, flapsRight: 6975, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:04:49: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:49: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:49: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:49: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:53: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:53: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:54: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:54: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
13:04:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:59: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
13:04:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:04:59: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
13:04:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:05:00: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
13:05:00: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:05:01: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
13:05:01: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
13:05:09: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
13:05:10: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:05:17: running
13:05:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:05:36: Sent online ACARS
13:06:17: running
13:06:57: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
13:06:58: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:07:17: running
13:07:27: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
13:07:28: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:07:49: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
13:07:50: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
13:08:17: running
13:08:35: Sending the online ACARS
13:08:35: Sent online ACARS
13:08:38: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\malev.mp3 as mlxsound3
13:08:38: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\malev.mp3
13:09:17: running
13:09:27: Closing mlxsound3
13:09:27: Closed mlxsound3
13:09:27: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\737taxi.mp3 as mlxsound4
13:09:27: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\737taxi.mp3
13:10:07: Closing mlxsound4
13:10:07: Closed mlxsound4
13:10:17: running
13:11:17: running
13:11:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:11:36: Sent online ACARS
13:11:56: TakeoffPage.allowForward
13:11:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: True
13:11:56: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
13:11:59: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
13:12:10: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 10201, flapsRight: 10201, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
13:12:14: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 8521, flapsRight: 8521, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
13:12:17: running
13:12:22: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 5161, flapsRight: 5161, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
13:13:17: running
13:14:17: running
13:14:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:14:36: Sent online ACARS
13:15:17: running
13:16:17: running
13:17:17: running
13:17:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:17:36: Sent online ACARS
13:18:17: running
13:19:17: running
13:20:17: running
13:20:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:20:36: Sent online ACARS
13:21:17: running
13:22:17: running
13:23:17: running
13:23:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:23:36: Sent online ACARS
13:24:17: running
13:25:17: running
13:25:52: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TOC.mp3 as mlxsound5
13:25:52: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
13:25:52: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TOC.mp3
13:26:17: running
13:26:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:26:36: Sent online ACARS
13:27:01: Closing mlxsound5
13:27:01: Closed mlxsound5
13:27:17: running
13:28:17: running
13:29:17: running
13:29:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:29:36: Sent online ACARS
13:30:17: running
13:31:17: running
13:32:17: running
13:32:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:32:36: Sent online ACARS
13:33:17: running
13:34:17: running
13:35:17: running
13:35:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:35:36: Sent online ACARS
13:36:17: running
13:37:17: running
13:38:17: running
13:38:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:38:36: Sent online ACARS
13:39:17: running
13:40:17: running
13:41:17: running
13:41:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:41:36: Sent online ACARS
13:42:17: running
13:43:17: running
13:44:17: running
13:44:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:44:36: Sent online ACARS
13:45:17: running
13:46:17: running
13:47:17: running
13:47:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:47:36: Sent online ACARS
13:48:17: running
13:49:17: running
13:50:17: running
13:50:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:50:36: Sent online ACARS
13:51:17: running
13:52:17: running
13:53:17: running
13:53:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:53:36: Sent online ACARS
13:54:17: running
13:55:17: running
13:56:17: running
13:56:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:56:36: Sent online ACARS
13:57:17: running
13:58:17: running
13:59:17: running
13:59:36: Sending the online ACARS
13:59:36: Sent online ACARS
14:00:17: running
14:01:17: running
14:02:17: running
14:02:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:02:37: Sent online ACARS
14:03:17: running
14:04:17: running
14:05:17: running
14:05:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:05:36: Sent online ACARS
14:06:17: running
14:06:20: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Descent
14:07:17: running
14:08:17: running
14:08:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:08:36: Sent online ACARS
14:09:17: running
14:10:17: running
14:11:17: running
14:11:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:11:36: Sent online ACARS
14:12:17: running
14:13:17: running
14:13:56: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TOD.mp3 as mlxsound6
14:13:56: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TOD.mp3
14:14:17: running
14:14:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:14:36: Sent online ACARS
14:14:39: Closing mlxsound6
14:14:39: Closed mlxsound6
14:15:17: running
14:16:17: running
14:17:17: running
14:17:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:17:36: Sent online ACARS
14:18:17: running
14:19:17: running
14:20:17: running
14:20:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:20:36: Sent online ACARS
14:21:17: running
14:22:17: running
14:23:17: running
14:23:35: Sending the online ACARS
14:23:35: Sent online ACARS
14:24:17: running
14:24:24: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:25: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:30: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 34, flapsRight: 34, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:38: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 3383, flapsRight: 3383, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:40: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 4234, flapsRight: 4234, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:41: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 4656, flapsRight: 4656, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
14:24:42: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 5076, flapsRight: 5076, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
14:25:17: running
14:25:49: flapsControl: 10239, flapsLeft: 10324, flapsRight: 10324, flapsAxis: 8700, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 15, numNotchesM1: 8
14:25:51: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 11156, flapsRight: 11156, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
14:25:52: flapsControl: 10239, flapsLeft: 11594, flapsRight: 11594, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 15, numNotchesM1: 8
14:26:17: running
14:26:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:26:36: Sent online ACARS
14:26:52: flapsControl: 12287, flapsLeft: 13898, flapsRight: 13898, flapsAxis: 10747, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 25, numNotchesM1: 8
14:26:56: flapsControl: 14335, flapsLeft: 14353, flapsRight: 14353, flapsAxis: 12794, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 30, numNotchesM1: 8
14:26:58: flapsControl: 12287, flapsLeft: 14335, flapsRight: 14335, flapsAxis: 12794, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 25, numNotchesM1: 8
14:26:59: flapsControl: 14335, flapsLeft: 14537, flapsRight: 14537, flapsAxis: 12794, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 30, numNotchesM1: 8
14:27:17: running
14:28:17: running
14:28:51: Downloading arrival METAR again
14:28:51: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Landing
14:28:54: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 79.0 kilometres
14:29:17: running
14:29:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:29:36: Sent online ACARS
14:30:17: running
14:30:26: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 79.0 kilometres
14:31:17: running
14:31:57: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flare-time
14:32:07: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\taps.mp3 as mlxsound7
14:32:07: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\taps.mp3
14:32:09: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\speed.mp3 as mlxsound8
14:32:09: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\speed.mp3
14:32:11: Closing mlxsound8
14:32:11: Closed mlxsound8
14:32:11: Closing mlxsound7
14:32:11: Closed mlxsound7
14:32:17: running
14:32:29: flapsControl: 10239, flapsLeft: 15017, flapsRight: 15017, flapsAxis: 12794, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 15, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:30: flapsControl: 14335, flapsLeft: 15017, flapsRight: 15017, flapsAxis: 14841, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 30, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:33: flapsControl: 16383, flapsLeft: 15175, flapsRight: 15175, flapsAxis: 16383, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 40, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:32:36: Sent online ACARS
14:32:40: flapsControl: 14335, flapsLeft: 16237, flapsRight: 16237, flapsAxis: 14841, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 30, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:45: flapsControl: 12287, flapsLeft: 14766, flapsRight: 14766, flapsAxis: 12794, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 25, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:49: flapsControl: 10239, flapsLeft: 13975, flapsRight: 13975, flapsAxis: 10747, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 15, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:51: flapsControl: 8192, flapsLeft: 13446, flapsRight: 13446, flapsAxis: 8700, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 10, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:53: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Taxi
14:32:55: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 12402, flapsRight: 12402, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
14:32:59: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 10715, flapsRight: 10715, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
14:33:03: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 9007, flapsRight: 9007, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
14:33:03: Starting to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3 as mlxsound9
14:33:03: Started to play C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3
14:33:11: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 5657, flapsRight: 5657, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
14:33:17: running
14:33:43: Closing mlxsound9
14:33:43: Closed mlxsound9
14:34:17: running
14:35:17: running
14:35:36: Sending the online ACARS
14:35:36: Sent online ACARS
14:36:17: running
14:37:17: running
14:38:17: running
14:38:35: Sending the online ACARS
14:38:35: Sent online ACARS
14:39:17: running
14:39:40: fsuipc.Simulator.disconnect [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Frankfurt Main Airport. 5
14:39:40: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Frankfurt Main Airport.
14:39:40: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
14:40:17: running
14:41:17: running
14:41:36: C:\PROGRA~2\MAVALO~1\library\.\mlx\gui\ GtkWarning: Unable to retrieve the file info for `file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/MAVA%20Logger%20X/PIREP/P010%202014-02-09%201341%20LHBP-EDDF.pirep': Hiba a(z) „C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\PIREP\P010 2014-02-09 1341 LHBP-EDDF.pirep” fájl elérése közben: No such file or directory
14:42:17: running

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Change History (1)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 11 years ago

Component: aircraft/b737
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The problems seem to be due to inaccurate data supplied by the joystick.

Modify Ticket

as closed The ticket will remain with no owner.
The resolution will be deleted. Next status will be 'reopened'.

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