Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#351 accepted defect

Nem váltott át felszállási fázisba

Reported by: tgaly@… Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance
Component: aircraft/b737 Keywords:


Szervusz István!

Néhányszor már előfordult, mint most is, hogy követve az előírtakat, a Logger mégsem "veszi észre", hogy kigurultunk a pályára, és nekifutottunk és felszálltunk.
50 csomónál kiabál, hogy túl gyorsan taxizunk. :)

Üdv, Tamás


The contents of the log:

MLX 0.39.6-py3-3 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x60000000, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 12)
10:34:34: Aircraft: name='PMDG 737-600NGX Malev Hungarian Airlines', model='FSUIPC/PMDG Boeing 737NG(X)'
10:34:34: --- Boarding ---
10:34:34: Altimeter: 1013.00 hPa at 503 feet
10:34:34: Squawk code: 1000
10:34:34: Anti-collision lights: OFF
10:34:34: Landing lights: OFF
10:34:34: Navigational lights: ON
10:34:34: Gears SET to DOWN at 0 knots, 503 ft, 8 ft AGL
10:34:34: AP master is OFF
10:44:23: Anti-collision lights: ON
10:45:04: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
10:45:04: Block time start
10:45:04: Fuel: left=3914 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3914 kg
10:45:04: Total fuel: 7828 kg
10:45:04: ZFW: 46065.67 kg
10:49:51: Landing lights: ON
10:50:48: Pushback and taxi time: 00:05:44
10:50:48: --- Takeoff ---
10:50:48: Flight time start
10:50:48: Takeoff weight: 53788 kg, MTOW: 58328 kg
10:50:48: QNH: 1013.00 hPa, altimeter: 1013.00 hPa
10:50:48: Wind 200/12
10:50:48: NAV1: 109.15 (127°)
10:50:48: NAV2: 115.90 (000°)
10:50:48: ADF1: 284.0
10:50:48: ADF2: 240.0
10:50:48: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 117 knots, VR: 118 knots, V2: 126 knots
10:50:48: Derate calculated by the pilot: 89.7 %
10:50:48: Anti-ice was turned OFF
10:51:11: Takeoff speed: 152 knots
10:51:11: Takeoff heading: 135 degrees
10:51:11: Takeoff pitch: -7.1 degrees
10:51:11: Takeoff flaps: 5
10:51:11: CG/Trim: 20.0%/2.09
10:51:15: --- Climb ---
10:51:15: Gears SET to UP at 159 knots, 569 ft, 72 ft AGL
10:51:25: Flaps 2 - 175 knots, 340 ft AGL, 836 ft AMSL
10:51:29: Flaps 1 - 180 knots, 478 ft AGL, 975 ft AMSL
10:51:48: Initial climb speed: 178 knots - 1510 ft AGL
10:51:50: Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (15.0)
10:51:57: Flaps 0 - 169 knots, 2122 ft AGL, 2552 ft AMSL
10:52:58: Altimeter: 1013.19 hPa at 4983 feet
10:55:32: Landing lights were on during CLIMB (1.0)
10:55:42: Landing lights: OFF


The contents of the debug log:

12:31:51: MAVA Logger X 0.39.6-py3-3 debug log
12:31:51: The initial configuration:
12:31:51: pilot ID: P184
12:31:51: rememberPassword: True
12:31:51: language:
12:31:51: hideMinimizedWindow: True
12:31:51: quitOnClose: False
12:31:51: onlineGateSystem: True
12:31:51: onlineACARS: True
12:31:51: flareTimeFromFS: True
12:31:51: syncFSTime: True
12:31:51: usingFS2Crew: False
12:31:51: iasSmoothingLength: 2
12:31:51: vsSmoothingLength: 2
12:31:51: useSimBrief: False
12:31:51: simBriefUserName:
12:31:51: rememberSimBriefPassword: False
12:31:51: pirepDirectory: C:\Users\tgaly\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files
12:31:51: pirepAutoSave: True
12:31:51: defaultMSFS: True
12:31:51: enableSounds: True
12:31:51: pilotControlsSounds: False
12:31:51: pilotHotkey: C0
12:31:51: enableApproachCallouts: True
12:31:51: speedbrakeAtTD: True
12:31:51: enableChecklists: False
12:31:51: checklistHotkey: CS0
12:31:51: autoUpdate: True
12:31:51: updateURL:
12:31:51: updateURLUpdated: True
12:31:51: useRPC: True
12:31:51: messageTypeLevels:
12:31:51: loggerError: both
12:31:51: information: fs
12:31:51: inflight: fs
12:31:51: fault: both
12:31:51: nogo: both
12:31:51: gateSystem: both
12:31:51: environment: fs
12:31:51: help: fs
12:31:51: visibility: both
12:31:51: checklists:
12:31:51: B736:
12:31:51: B737:
12:31:51: B738:
12:31:51: B738C:
12:31:51: DH8D:
12:31:51: F70:
12:31:51: CRJ2:
12:31:51: B762:
12:31:51: B763:
12:31:51: B732:
12:31:51: B733:
12:31:51: B734:
12:31:51: B735:
12:31:51: T154:
12:31:51: T134:
12:31:51: YK40:
12:31:51: DC3:
12:31:51: B462:
12:31:51: approachCallouts:
12:31:51: B736:
12:31:51: B737:
12:31:51: B738:
12:31:51: B738C:
12:31:51: DH8D:
12:31:51: F70:
12:31:51: CRJ2:
12:31:51: B762:
12:31:51: B763:
12:31:51: B732:
12:31:51: B733:
12:31:51: B734:
12:31:51: B735:
12:31:51: T154:
12:31:51: T134:
12:31:51: YK40:
12:31:51: DC3:
12:31:51: B462:
12:31:51: running
12:31:51: TakeoffPage.reset
12:31:52: Initializing CEF with args: []
12:31:52: Initialized, executing callback...
12:31:53: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 404
12:31:54: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
12:31:57: Failed to convert value 'IL6' of attribute 'typeCode':
12:31:57: Traceback (most recent call last):
12:31:57: File "src\mlx\", line 37, in init
12:31:57: File "src\mlx\", line 366, in <lambda>
12:31:57: File "src\mlx\", line 241, in _decodeAircraftType
12:31:57: Exception: Invalid aircraft type code: 'IL6'
12:32:49: running
12:33:49: running
12:34:49: running
12:35:49: running
12:36:49: running
12:37:20: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.39.6-py3-3
12:37:20: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: PMDG 737-600NGX Malev Hungarian Airlines, C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-600NGX\B737-600.air
12:37:49: running
12:38:12: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
12:38:13: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\notam.mp3
12:38:17: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
12:38:17: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
12:38:19: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
12:38:19: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
12:38:21: TakeoffPage.activate
12:38:21: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
12:38:21: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
12:38:21: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:38:21: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:38:22: P3D detected, adding PMDG 737 NGX-specific offsets
12:38:22: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
12:38:22: gearControl: 16383 noseGear: 16383
12:38:22: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: BoardingSending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:38:22: Sent online ACARS
12:38:25: Closing mlxsound0
12:38:25: Closed mlxsound0
12:38:32: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\board.mp3 as mlxsound1
12:38:32: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\board.mp3
12:38:49: running
12:39:46: Closing mlxsound1
12:39:46: Closed mlxsound1
12:39:49: running
12:40:49: running
12:41:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:41:23: Sent online ACARS
12:41:49: running
12:42:49: running
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:37: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:38: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:45: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:45: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:45: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:45: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:46: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:48: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:49: running
12:43:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
12:43:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:56: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
12:43:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:56: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
12:43:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:57: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
12:43:57: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:43:59: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
12:43:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
12:44:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:44:23: Sent online ACARS
12:44:49: running
12:45:49: running
12:46:49: running
12:47:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:47:23: Sent online ACARS
12:47:49: running
12:48:49: running
12:48:53: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
12:49:49: running
12:50:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:50:23: Sent online ACARS
12:50:49: running
12:51:26: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 25, flapsRight: 25, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
12:51:34: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 1853, flapsRight: 1853, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
12:51:38: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 2766, flapsRight: 2766, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
12:51:49: running
12:51:51: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\malev.mp3 as mlxsound2
12:51:51: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\malev.mp3
12:52:41: Closing mlxsound2
12:52:41: Closed mlxsound2
12:52:41: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\737taxi.mp3 as mlxsound3
12:52:41: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\737taxi.mp3
12:52:49: running
12:53:21: Closing mlxsound3
12:53:21: Closed mlxsound3
12:53:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:53:23: Sent online ACARS
12:53:49: running
12:54:49: running
12:54:51: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage:Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\ding.wav as[MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (15.0)
12:54:51: mlxsound4
12:54:51: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\ding.wav
12:54:52: Closing mlxsound4
12:54:52: Closed mlxsound4
12:54:59: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
12:54:59: TakeoffPage.allowForward
12:54:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: True
12:54:59: METAR: LHBP 221030Z 20012KT CAVOK 17/09 Q1013 BECMG 29013KT
12:54:59: runway: 13L
12:54:59: SID: DUZLA 2B
12:54:59: V1: 117
12:54:59: VR: 118
12:54:59: V2: 126
12:54:59: derateType: 1
12:54:59: derate: 89.7
12:55:04: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 14678
12:55:04: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
12:55:05: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 12400
12:55:06: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 10212
12:55:07: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 8095
12:55:08: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 5916
12:55:09: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 3730
12:55:10: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 1551
12:55:11: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 0
12:55:13: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 10227, flapsRight: 10227, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
12:55:14: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 10141, flapsRight: 10141, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
12:55:18: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 9231, flapsRight: 9231, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
12:55:46: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 3434, flapsRight: 3434, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
12:55:49: running
12:56:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:56:23: Sent online ACARS
12:56:49: running
12:57:49: running
12:58:49: running
12:59:21: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage:Starting to play [MLX] Landing lights were on during CLIMB (1.0)
12:59:21: C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound5
12:59:21: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X (Secondary)\sounds\ding.wav
12:59:22: Closing mlxsound5
12:59:22: Closed mlxsound5
12:59:23: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
12:59:23: Sent online ACARS
12:59:49: running
13:00:49: running

Change History (1)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 4 years ago

Component: aircraft/b737
Owner: set to István Váradi
Status: newaccepted


Nem lehet, hogy valami állítgatja a szimulátor óráját menet közben?

A log alapján az 50 csomót 10:50:48-kor lépte át a sebesség (akkortól gondolja úgy a szimulátor, hogy felszállás várható ezért ez a Takeoff fázis kezdetének az ideje), a "hibára" figyelmeztető üzenet ideje pedig 11:51:50, amikor már régóta emelkedett a gép. Viszont azt írja, hogy "during PUSHBACK AND TAXI", tehát biztosan még a nekifutás alatt írta be ezt az üzenetet (illetve, ahogy írod is, te is akkor láttad, meg a debug logból visszaszámolt idők alapján is akkor volt), csak éppen a szimulátortól kiolvasott idő jóval előrébb járt, mint kellett volna. Illetve később vissza is állt a normális időre.

Esetleg a monitor ablakban lehetne figyelni egy darabig, hogy nem ugrál-e az idő.


Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.