Opened 16 months ago
Last modified 16 months ago
#378 accepted defect
Előre gomb letiltva
Reported by: | Owned by: | István Váradi | |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | Maintenance |
Component: | aircraft/b737 | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Szia István!
Anno még Ónodi Béla mesélt hasonlót,...
Felszállást követően - annak ellenére, hogy egészen a CLIMB státuszig naplózott a Logger - nem engedte kiválasztani a következő lapra történő lépéshez szükséges "Előre" gombot.
Leszállás után kézzel jelentek, Napló másolással.
Üdv, Tamás
The contents of the log:
MLX 0.63 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x60000000, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 12)
15:52:30: Aircraft: name='PMDG 737-700NGXu Malev HA-LOI', model='FSUIPC/PMDG Boeing 737NG(X)'
15:52:30: --- Boarding ---
15:52:30: Altimeter: 1013.12 hPa at 333 feet
15:52:30: Squawk code: 1000
15:52:30: Anti-collision lights: OFF
15:52:30: Landing lights: OFF
15:52:30: Navigational lights: ON
15:52:30: Gears SET to DOWN at 0 knots, 333 ft, 8 ft AGL
15:52:30: AP master is OFF
15:56:08: Squawk code: 6415
15:56:29: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
15:56:29: Block time start
15:56:29: Fuel: left=3914 kg - centre=159 kg - right=3914 kg
15:56:29: Total fuel: 7986 kg
15:56:29: ZFW: 44675.88 kg
15:56:29: Anti-collision lights: ON
15:56:56: Squawk code: 6410
16:13:25: Landing lights: ON
16:15:26: Pushback and taxi time: 00:18:57
16:15:26: --- Takeoff ---
16:15:26: Flight time start
16:15:26: Takeoff weight: 52447 kg, MTOW: 61410 kg
16:15:26: QNH: 1004.00 hPa, altimeter: 1013.12 hPa
16:15:26: Wind 300/13
16:15:26: NAV1: 113.70 (354°)
16:15:26: NAV2: 110.60 (000°)
16:15:26: ADF1: 284.0
16:15:26: ADF2: 240.0
16:15:26: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 115 knots, VR: 122 knots, V2: 12 knots
16:15:26: Derate calculated by the pilot: 87.4 %
16:15:26: Anti-ice was turned OFF
16:15:41: Takeoff speed: 139 knots
16:15:41: Takeoff heading: 359 degrees
16:15:41: Takeoff pitch: -10.5 degrees
16:15:41: Takeoff flaps: 5
16:15:41: CG/Trim: 24.0%/1.82
16:15:56: --- Climb ---
16:15:56: Gears SET to UP at 158 knots, 562 ft, 234 ft AGL
16:16:23: Initial climb speed: 156 knots - 1512 ft AGL
16:17:19: Flaps 1 - 220 knots, 3739 ft AGL, 3740 ft AMSL
16:17:28: Flaps 0 - 229 knots, 3947 ft AGL, 3948 ft AMSL
16:19:12: Landing lights: OFF
The contents of the debug log:
17:30:22: MAVA Logger X 0.63 debug log
17:30:22: The initial configuration:
17:30:22: pilot ID: P184
17:30:22: rememberPassword: True
17:30:22: clearBrowseCacheOnStart: False
17:30:22: language:
17:30:22: mainWindowResizable: True
17:30:22: hideMinimizedWindow: True
17:30:22: quitOnClose: True
17:30:22: onlineGateSystem: True
17:30:22: onlineACARS: True
17:30:22: flareTimeFromFS: True
17:30:22: syncFSTime: True
17:30:22: usingFS2Crew: False
17:30:22: iasSmoothingLength: 2
17:30:22: vsSmoothingLength: 2
17:30:22: useSimBrief: True
17:30:22: useInternalBrowserForSimBrief: True
17:30:22: simBriefUserName: tgaly@…
17:30:22: rememberSimBriefPassword: True
17:30:22: pirepDirectory: C:\Users\tgaly\OneDrive\Documents\MAVA PIREPs
17:30:22: pirepAutoSave: True
17:30:22: defaultMSFS: True
17:30:22: xplaneRemote: False
17:30:22: xplaneAddress:
17:30:22: enableSounds: True
17:30:22: pilotControlsSounds: False
17:30:22: pilotHotkey: C0
17:30:22: taxiSoundOnPushback: False
17:30:22: enableApproachCallouts: True
17:30:22: speedbrakeAtTD: True
17:30:22: enableChecklists: False
17:30:22: checklistHotkey: CS0
17:30:22: autoUpdate: True
17:30:22: updateURL:
17:30:22: messageTypeLevels:
17:30:22: loggerError: both
17:30:22: information: fs
17:30:22: inflight: fs
17:30:22: fault: both
17:30:22: nogo: both
17:30:22: gateSystem: both
17:30:22: environment: fs
17:30:22: help: both
17:30:22: visibility: fs
17:30:22: checklists:
17:30:22: B736:
17:30:22: B737:
17:30:22: B738:
17:30:22: B738C:
17:30:22: DH8D:
17:30:22: F70:
17:30:22: CRJ2:
17:30:22: B762:
17:30:22: B763:
17:30:22: B732:
17:30:22: B733:
17:30:22: B734:
17:30:22: B735:
17:30:22: T154:
17:30:22: T134:
17:30:22: YK40:
17:30:22: DC3:
17:30:22: B462:
17:30:22: approachCallouts:
17:30:22: B736:
17:30:22: B737:
17:30:22: B738:
17:30:22: B738C:
17:30:22: DH8D:
17:30:22: F70:
17:30:22: CRJ2:
17:30:22: B762:
17:30:22: B763:
17:30:22: B732:
17:30:22: B733:
17:30:22: B734:
17:30:22: B735:
17:30:22: T154:
17:30:22: T134:
17:30:22: YK40:
17:30:22: DC3:
17:30:22: B462:
17:30:22: running
17:30:22: TakeoffPage.reset
17:30:24: Initializing CEF with args: []
17:30:24: Initialized, executing callback...
17:30:24: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
17:30:28: 2023-11-17 2023-11-19
17:31:21: running
17:32:21: running
17:33:21: running
17:34:21: running
17:35:21: running
17:36:21: running
17:37:21: running
17:38:21: running
17:39:21: running
17:40:21: running
17:41:21: running
17:41:24: The departure gate is '-', and it is taxi-through
17:41:24: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.63
17:41:24: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: PMDG 737-700NGXu Malev HA-LOI, C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-700NGXu\B737-700.air
17:42:21: running
17:43:21: running
17:44:21: running
17:45:21: running
17:46:21: running
17:47:21: running
17:48:21: running
17:49:21: running
17:50:21: running
17:51:21: running
17:52:21: running
17:53:04: timestamp: 1700409127
17:53:04: departureTime 2023-11-17 13:40:00
17:53:04: plan: {'airline': 'MAH', 'selcal': 'XXXX', 'fuelfactor': 'P000', 'contpct': '0.05', 'resvrule': '45', 'taxiout': '10', 'taxiin': '10', 'civalue': '60', 'lang': 'hun', 'sessionID': '516e67482441b7d08f2d2fd5a8c8b5cb', 'timestamp': 1700326384, 'cpt': 'Galyassy Tamás', 'pid': 'P184', 'fltnum': '201', 'type': 'B737', 'orig': 'LTBA', 'dest': 'LHBP', 'reg': 'HA-LOI', 'pax': '51', 'date': '19NOV23', 'deph': '14', 'depm': '41', 'steh': '1', 'stem': '55', 'manualzfw': '44.676', 'cargo': '0.972', 'route': 'IBLAX P727 BGS DCT GONGO DCT KOMAN/N0456F400 DCT DEGET DCT KEZAL', 'fl': '40000', 'altn': 'LOWW', 'addedfuel': '0.0', 'origrwy': '35L', 'destrwy': '31R', 'climb': '250/280/78', 'cruise': 'CI', 'descent': '78/280/250'}
17:53:04: url:×tamp=1700326384&cpt=Galyassy+Tam%C3%A1s&pid=P184&fltnum=201&type=B737&orig=LTBA&dest=LHBP®=HA-LOI&pax=51&date=19NOV23&deph=14&depm=41&steh=1&stem=55&manualzfw=44.676&cargo=0.972&route=IBLAX+P727+BGS+DCT+GONGO+DCT+KOMAN%2FN0456F400+DCT+DEGET+DCT+KEZAL&fl=40000&altn=LOWW&addedfuel=0.0&origrwy=35L&destrwy=31R&climb=250%2F280%2F78&cruise=CI&descent=78%2F280%2F250
17:53:04: _simBriefProgress 2 0 None
17:53:04: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
17:53:04: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
17:53:05: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200×tamp=1700326384&cpt=Galyassy+Tam%C3%A1s&pid=P184&fltnum=201&type=B737&orig=LTBA&dest=LHBP®=HA-LOI&pax=51&date=19NOV23&deph=14&depm=41&steh=1&stem=55&manualzfw=44.676&cargo=0.972&route=IBLAX+P727+BGS+DCT+GONGO+DCT+KOMAN%2FN0456F400+DCT+DEGET+DCT+KEZAL&fl=40000&altn=LOWW&addedfuel=0.0&origrwy=35L&destrwy=31R&climb=250%2F280%2F78&cruise=CI&descent=78%2F280%2F250
17:53:05: _simBriefProgress 4 0 None
17:53:05: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 0 about:blank
17:53:07: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 0 about:blank
17:53:07: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200®=HA-LOI&selcal=XXXX&pax=51&altn=LOWW&fl=40000&cpt=Galyassy+Tam%C3%A1s&pid=P184&fuelfactor=P000&manualzfw=44.676&addedfuel=0.0&contpct=0.05&resvrule=45&taxiout=10&taxiin=10&cargo=0.972&origrwy=35L&destrwy=31R&climb=250%2F280%2F78&descent=78%2F280%2F250&cruise=CI&civalue=60&apicode=43279da93efbde25cd7fb7a772af87f3&×tamp=1700326385
17:53:07: _simBriefProgress 6 0 None
17:53:13: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
17:53:16: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200×tamp=1700326384&ofp_id=1700326385_6F04CB2AAA
17:53:16: _simBriefProgress 7 1 None
17:53:16: _handleResult True <Result: result={'result': '1700326385_6F04CB2AAA'}>
17:53:17: Closing mlxsound0
17:53:17: Closed mlxsound0
17:53:17: ['OFP', 'a3e', 'abx', 'account_id', 'acdata', 'acdata_parsed', 'addedfuel', 'addedfuel_label', 'addedfuel_units', 'address', 'air_distance', 'airac', 'aircraft', 'airline', 'alternate', 'alternate_burn', 'alternate_profile', 'altitude', 'altitude_feet', 'altn', 'altn_metar', 'altn_taf', 'api_params', 'atc', 'atcfuel', 'atcfuel_units', 'atis', 'atm', 'avg_fuel_flow', 'avg_tdv', 'avg_temp_dev', 'avg_tropopause', 'avg_wind_comp', 'avg_wind_dir', 'avg_wind_spd', 'bag_count', 'bag_count_actual', 'bag_weight', 'base_type', 'bbs', 'bucket', 'burn', 'burn_difference', 'callsign', 'cargo', 'climb', 'climb_profile', 'cns_location_id', 'cont_rule', 'contfuel_time', 'contingency', 'contlabel', 'contpct', 'cost_index', 'costindex', 'cpt', 'cra', 'crew', 'cruise_altitude', 'cruise_mach', 'cruise_profile', 'cruise_tas', 'cruisemode', 'cruisesub', 'crx', 'csf', 'database_updates', 'date', 'dephour', 'depmin', 'descent', 'descent_profile', 'dest', 'dest_metar', 'dest_taf', 'dest_timezone', 'destination', 'destrwy', 'directory', 'distance', 'dx', 'dx_rmk', 'ef2', 'efb', 'elevation', 'end', 'endurance', 'enroute_altn', 'enroute_burn', 'equip', 'est_block', 'est_in', 'est_ldw', 'est_off', 'est_on', 'est_out', 'est_ramp', 'est_time_enroute', 'est_tow', 'est_zfw', 'ete', 'etops', 'etops_metar', 'etops_taf', 'etopsfuel_time', 'eualtn_metar', 'eualtn_taf', 'extra', 'extrafuel_time', 'fa', 'faa_code', 'ffa', 'file', 'files', 'fin', 'fir', 'fir_altn', 'fir_crossing', 'fir_dest', 'fir_enroute', 'fir_etops', 'fir_icao', 'fir_name', 'fir_orig', 'fir_units', 'fir_valid_levels', 'firnot', 'fix', 'fl', 'flight_number', 'flightplan_text', 'flightrules', 'flighttype', 'fltnum', 'fms_downloads', 'fo', 'form', 'freight_added', 'frequency', 'fs9', 'fsc', 'fsl', 'fsn', 'fsx', 'ftr', 'fuel', 'fuel_extra', 'fuel_flow', 'fuel_leg', 'fuel_min_onboard', 'fuel_plan_onboard', 'fuel_totalused', 'fuelfact', 'fuelfactor', 'fuelstats', 'gc_distance', 'general', 'ground_height', 'groundspeed', 'gs', 'gtn', 'heading_mag', 'heading_true', 'higher_ci', 'i74', 'iata_code', 'iatacode', 'icao_airline', 'icao_code', 'icao_id', 'icao_name', 'icaocode', 'id', 'ident', 'ifa', 'ify', 'images', 'impacts', 'inb', 'ind_airspeed', 'initial_alt', 'initial_alt_unit', 'initial_altitude', 'initial_fl', 'initial_mach', 'initial_spd', 'initial_spd_unit', 'initial_tas', 'internal_id', 'is_custom', 'is_detailed_profile', 'is_etops', 'is_sid_star', 'issued', 'ivao', 'ivao_prefile', 'ivo', 'ixg', 'jar', 'jfb', 'jhe', 'kml', 'label', 'letter', 'level', 'link', 'links', 'loc', 'lower_ci', 'lvd', 'mach', 'mach_thousandths', 'manualpayload', 'manualzfw', 'map', 'map_data', 'maps', 'max_ldw', 'max_passengers', 'max_tanks', 'max_tow', 'max_tow_struct', 'max_zfw', 'mda', 'mdr', 'melfuel', 'melfuel_units', 'message', 'metar', 'metar_category', 'metar_ceiling', 'metar_taf', 'metar_time', 'metar_visibility', 'mfn', 'mfs', 'mga', 'min_takeoff', 'minfob', 'minfob_units', 'minfod', 'minfod_units', 'minus_2000ft', 'minus_4000ft', 'minus_6000ft', 'mjc', 'mjq', 'mora', 'mvz', 'name', 'nat_tracks', 'navlog', 'network', 'notam', 'notam_created_dtg', 'notam_effective_dtg', 'notam_expire_dtg', 'notam_expire_dtg_estimated', 'notam_id', 'notam_inserted_dtg', 'notam_lastmod_dtg', 'notam_nrc', 'notam_part', 'notam_qcode', 'notam_report', 'notam_text', 'notamdrec', 'notams', 'notams_opt', 'oat', 'oat_isa_dev', 'oew', 'ofp_layout', 'orig', 'orig_metar', 'orig_taf', 'orig_timezone', 'origin', 'origrwy', 'params', 'passengers', 'pax', 'pax_count', 'pax_count_actual', 'pax_weight', 'payload', 'pdf', 'pgt', 'phonetic', 'pid', 'pilot_id', 'pilotedge', 'pilotedge_prefile', 'plan_html', 'plan_landing', 'plan_ramp', 'plan_rwy', 'plan_takeoff', 'planformat', 'plus_2000ft', 'plus_4000ft', 'plus_6000ft', 'pmo', 'pmr', 'pmw', 'pos_lat', 'pos_lat_entry', 'pos_long', 'pos_long_entry', 'poscon', 'poscon_prefile', 'pounds', 'prefile', 'psm', 'psx', 'pu', 'qty', 'ramp_fuel', 'rec-count', 'reg', 'release', 'request_id', 'reserve', 'reserve_profile', 'reserve_time', 'resvrule', 'rmd', 'route', 'route_distance', 'route_ifps', 'route_navigraph', 'sbr', 'sched_block', 'sched_in', 'sched_off', 'sched_on', 'sched_out', 'sched_time_enroute', 'section18', 'selcal', 'sfp', 'shear', 'sigmet', 'sigmets', 'sigwx', 'site', 'skyvector', 'source_id', 'stage', 'start', 'static_id', 'stehour', 'stemin', 'stepclimb_string', 'stepclimbs', 'sys_rmk', 'taf', 'taf_time', 'takeoff_altn', 'tankering', 'tankering_units', 'tas', 'taxi', 'taxi_in', 'taxi_out', 'taxifuel', 'taxiin', 'taxiout', 'tdg', 'text', 'tfd', 'time', 'time_difference', 'time_enroute', 'time_generated', 'time_leg', 'time_total', 'times', 'timezone', 'title', 'tlr', 'toaltn_metar', 'toaltn_taf', 'total_burn', 'total_parts', 'tow_limit_code', 'track_mag', 'track_true', 'tracks', 'trans_alt', 'trans_level', 'tropopause_feet', 'true_airspeed', 'turnfrapt', 'turnfrflt', 'turnfrtime', 'turntoapt', 'turntoflt', 'turntotime', 'type', 'ufc', 'units', 'user_id', 'vas', 'vatsim', 'vatsim_prefile', 'vfp', 'via_airway', 'vm5', 'vms', 'vmx', 'wae', 'weights', 'wind_component', 'wind_data', 'wind_dir', 'wind_spd', 'winds', 'wxxfuel', 'wxxfuel_units', 'xfm', 'xml_file', 'xp9', 'xpe', 'xpn', 'xvd', 'xvp', 'zbo', 'zfw_minus_1000', 'zfw_plus_1000']
17:53:17: _resultsAvailable
17:53:17: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:53:17: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
17:53:17: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:53:17: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
17:53:21: running
17:53:27: TakeoffPage.activate
17:53:27: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
17:53:27: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
17:53:27: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
17:53:27: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:27: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:27: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:27: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:27: P3D detected, adding PMDG 737 NGX-specific offsets
17:53:27: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
17:53:27: gearControl: 16383 noseGear: 16383
17:53:27: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
17:53:27: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:53:27: Sent online ACARS
17:53:37: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\board.mp3 as mlxsound1
17:53:37: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\board.mp3
17:53:44: TakeoffPage.metarInserted False
17:53:44: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
17:53:44: TakeoffPage.metarChanged False
17:53:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:44: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:53:44: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:53:44: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:50: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:51: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:52: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:57: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:57: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:58: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:58: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:58: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:58: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:53:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:53:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:04: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:05: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:05: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:06: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:06: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:11: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:11: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:11: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:54:11: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:54:21: running
17:54:52: Closing mlxsound1
17:54:52: Closed mlxsound1
17:55:21: running
17:56:21: running
17:56:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:56:28: Sent online ACARS
17:57:21: running
17:57:26: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
17:58:21: running
17:59:21: running
17:59:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:59:28: Sent online ACARS
18:00:21: running
18:01:21: running
18:02:21: running
18:02:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:02:28: Sent online ACARS
18:03:21: running
18:04:21: running
18:05:21: running
18:05:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:05:28: Sent online ACARS
18:06:14: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
18:06:15: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
18:06:21: running
18:06:22: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 12, flapsRight: 12, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
18:06:30: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 1824, flapsRight: 1824, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
18:06:34: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 2733, flapsRight: 2733, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
18:07:21: running
18:07:23: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3 as mlxsound2
18:07:23: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3
18:08:14: Closing mlxsound2
18:08:14: Closed mlxsound2
18:08:14: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\737taxi.mp3 as mlxsound3
18:08:14: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\737taxi.mp3
18:08:21: running
18:08:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:08:28: Sent online ACARS
18:08:53: Closing mlxsound3
18:08:53: Closed mlxsound3
18:09:21: running
18:10:21: running
18:11:21: running
18:11:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:11:28: Sent online ACARS
18:12:21: running
18:13:21: running
18:14:21: running
18:14:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:14:28: Sent online ACARS
18:15:21: running
18:16:21: running
18:16:41: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
18:16:41: TakeoffPage.allowForward
18:16:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
18:16:41: METAR: LTFM 181620Z 30014KT 9999 -SHRA SCT010 FEW018TCU BKN022 07/05 Q1004 RESHRA NOSIG
18:16:41: runway: 35L
18:16:41: SID: IBLAX 4D
18:16:41: V1: 115
18:16:41: VR: 122
18:16:41: V2: 12
18:16:41: derateType: 1
18:16:41: derate: 87.4
18:16:53: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 15581
18:16:53: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
18:16:54: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 13251
18:16:55: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 11082
18:16:56: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 8952
18:16:57: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 6778
18:16:58: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 4610
18:16:59: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 2352
18:17:00: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 215
18:17:01: gearControl: 0 noseGear: 0
18:17:21: running
18:17:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:17:28: Sent online ACARS
18:18:09: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
18:18:10: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 10239, flapsRight: 10239, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
18:18:12: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 10178, flapsRight: 10178, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
18:18:16: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 9276, flapsRight: 9276, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
18:18:21: running
18:18:24: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 7449, flapsRight: 7449, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
18:19:21: running
18:20:21: running
18:20:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:20:28: Sent online ACARS
18:21:21: running
18:22:21: running
18:23:21: running
18:23:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:23:28: Sent online ACARS
18:24:21: running
18:25:21: running
18:26:21: running
18:26:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:26:28: Sent online ACARS
18:27:21: running
18:28:21: running
18:29:21: running
18:29:28: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:29:28: Sent online ACARS
Change History (1)
comment:1 by , 16 months ago
Component: | → aircraft/b737 |
Owner: | set to |
Status: | new → accepted |
Szia Tamás!
A logból az látszik, hogy a V2-t 12-nek látta a logger, és ezért nem engedélyezte az "Előre" gmbot:
Vagy tényleg 12 volt az érték (lemaradt az utolsó számjegy), vagy esetleg a kurzor még a mezőben volt, bár ez talán csak nagyon régen volt probléma, most már elvileg minden számjegy beírásáról kap értesítést a program, és azonnal frissíti a gomb állapotát.