

12:47 Ticket #44 (Do not check thrust for Dash Q400 during takeoff) created by István Váradi


14:57 Ticket #43 (Flight wizard step 1: re-enable gate updating) created by István Váradi
The code to update the gate position of a plane is present, but …
14:56 Changeset [58:740f690a053f] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
The gate is not update for the plane when it is modified


18:00 Changeset [57:04d8f6a603ee] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
TAS is calculated.
17:34 Changeset [56:1b8b546fd929] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Added the fuel, N1 and throttle values to the CLI as well.
15:54 Changeset [55:f6a3ee5f8855] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
The CLI works now for most values


15:31 Changeset [54:6b4af8182384] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
It is now possible to write the values.


13:17 Changeset [53:46b91acfddfc] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
A very basic server and client works for the PyUIPC simulator
09:58 Changeset [52:09c8dec95072] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Basic FSUIP simulation works


15:26 Changeset [51:f0f99ac21935] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Fleet retrieval and gate selection works, started new connection …


11:52 Changeset [50:19d4098081e8] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Added environment variable to display the more natural size of the window


12:37 Ticket #42 (Support entrance exam) created by István Váradi
The entrance exam flight should be supported.


14:13 Ticket #41 (Busy cursor and status display for long operations) closed by István Váradi
14:13 Changeset [49:1b5b3d34dd84] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
Implemented busy state notification
13:37 Ticket #41 (Busy cursor and status display for long operations) created by István Váradi
When doing some potentially long operations (typically web access), …
13:32 Ticket #19 (Implement the framework for the flight "wizard") closed by István Váradi
13:32 Ticket #18 (Login and download flights from the MAVA website) closed by István Váradi
13:31 Changeset [48:53b2648cfb30] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
Flight selection works


19:20 Changeset [47:004e3163bdd8] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
Still further enhancements
19:18 Changeset [46:43e46847479a] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
Some further enhancements on the GUI
16:50 Changeset [45:0938977d6603] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
Added option to remember the password as well as mnemonics and tooltips
16:11 Changeset [44:5d48f6c9f140] by István Váradi <locvais@…>
The basics of the basic framework for the flight wizard work


16:31 Changeset [43:f5c93554d51c] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
The config file is saved with restrictive permissions
16:20 Changeset [42:f23f648550e9] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Started the flight wizard and it is now possible to log in
13:13 Changeset [41:19b2001e4478] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Added the code to log in to the MAVA website and download the flights.


19:00 Changeset [40:aaf5cd877e21] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Added support to load and save the configuration


15:42 Ticket #39 (Examine why the UAC shield window appears minimized on Windows 7) closed by István Váradi
fixed: Running the program with win32api.ShellExecute solves the problem.
15:41 Changeset [39:9d04ac37db89] by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>
Running mlxupdate.exe via ShellExecute in Windows, so that the UAC …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.