Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#390 Megközelítések István Váradi enhancement major 6 months

Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#227 Refine departure/arrival time checks István Váradi enhancement critical implemented 11 years
#223 Force users to enter a cruise level István Váradi enhancement major implemented 11 years
#224 Warning if the departure and/or arrival time differs from the schedule István Váradi enhancement major implemented 11 years
#234 Convert pilot ID to uppercase István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#235 Improve the METAR handling István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#248 PIREP proc. in case of irregularities István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#254 miért nem zárja le a repülés? István Váradi defect major implemented 10 years
#257 More visible notification about remaining unexplained faults István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#258 Change the way the SID, the STAR and the transition is input István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#277 nem engedi, sem menteni a járatot, sem elküldeni István Váradi support request major wontfix 9 years
#320 nem fejezi be, nem elküldhető István Váradi support request major worksforme 8 years
#278 Eliminate the need to click out of the flight level to allow continuing István Váradi enhancement minor fixed 9 years

Status: new (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#253 New reverser usage logic enhancement trivial 10 years
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.