Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#159 closed enhancement (implemented)

Try to log anti-ice settings as well

Reported by: István Váradi Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: critical Milestone: General availability
Component: datacollection/fsuipc Keywords:


First, try to determine if it can be queried reliably from FSUIPC. If so, log it for takeoff and landing. Otherwise, provide checkboxes on the takeoff and landing pages, and log the values from there.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Component: otherdatacollection/fsuipc
Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 12 years ago

In [7378fc230e104e7376c54de5d790927b7d6d143a]:

Added the handling of the anti-ice values and extended the simulator to handle them too (re #159)

comment:3 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 12 years ago

In [0f2e90eae832e57e9510a7cfbef15072483ee28e]:

Added support for logging the state of the anti-ice system (re #159)

comment:4 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Status: acceptedimplemented

For the time being, the anti-ice settings are read from the standard offsets and reported as one boolean value, which True if any of the FSUIPC values indicate that the anti-ice system is on. There are new checkboxes on the takeoff and landing pages. The values logged are a logical OR of the checkbox's setting and the value of the anti-ice system in the FSUIPC state. The checkbox is updated when logging the value, but can be modified later on.

comment:5 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Status: implementeddelivered

comment:6 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Resolution: implemented
Status: deliveredclosed
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