Custom Query (337 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 337)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2 Implement the data collection framework István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection datacollection/fsuipc
#3 Implement aircraft model framework István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection aircraft/other
#4 Implement a simple GUI for the data collection István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection gui
#5 Create the PMDG B737-specific aircraft model handler István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection aircraft/b737
#6 Create the MAVA Dash-8 Q400 specific aircraft model handler István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection aircraft/dh8d
#7 Work out the correct approach to the GUI István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection gui
#8 Implement the existing checks for mistakes István Váradi task blocker FSUIPC data collection rules
#18 Login and download flights from the MAVA website István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#19 Implement the framework for the flight "wizard" István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#20 Implement status bar István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#21 The program should be iconized into the Windows status bar István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#22 Handle reconnection István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI datacollection/fsuipc
#25 Flight wizard step 1: display aircraft info and gate if at LHBP István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#26 Flight wizard step 2: display weight info and allow querying the payload weight from FS István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#27 Flight wizard step 3: display departure and arrival times and allow querying it from FS István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#28 Flight wizard step 4: display the fuel tanks and allow specifying the amounts István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#29 Flight wizard step 5: flight level and route István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#30 Flight wizard step 6: download NOTAMs and METAR István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#31 Flight wizard step 7: departure data István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#32 Flight wizard step 8: landing data István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#33 Flight wizard step 9: flight finish István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#41 Busy cursor and status display for long operations István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#42 Support entrance exam István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#44 Do not check thrust for Dash Q400 during takeoff István Váradi enhancement blocker Read-only operation with GUI aircraft/dh8d
#45 Display the current FS time in the status bar István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#46 Tab for general flight info István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#49 We should collect the logs for later sending, and certain lines should be modifiable later on István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#51 Disconnect from the simulator when the flight has ended István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI datacollection/fsuipc
#52 Help strings should be greyed out or changed when a wizard page is left István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#53 Implement sending the PIREP István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI other
#54 The destination METAR should be downloaded and refreshed when landing István Váradi task blocker Read-only operation with GUI gui
#55 Update the gate position at the end of the flight István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#56 Synchronize FS seconds with system time István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation datacollection/fsuipc
#57 ACARS update István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#58 Option to calculate the flare time by FS István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#59 Option: Using FS2Crew István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation rules
#60 Option: online gate system István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#61 Option: hide the window when minized István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#62 Option: pilot hotkey István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#63 Checklist hotkey István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#64 Sound option: enable sounds István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#65 Sound option: pilot controlled sounds István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#67 Sound option: speedbrake sound at T/D István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#68 Sound option: checklist set István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation sounds
#69 Allow saving/restoring the PIREP István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#71 Make the displaying of the closing message safer István Váradi defect blocker Read-write operation datacollection/fsuipc
#73 Check problems PIREP checkers are facing István Váradi defect blocker Read-write operation other
#79 Support the aircraft type 73H István Váradi defect blocker Read-write operation aircraft/b737
#83 Add a detailed PIREP viewer to the load PIREP dialog István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#84 Write and integrate a user's manual in English and Hungarian with screenshots István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation other
#87 Allow saving of downloaded flights István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#88 Log both the settings and the transitions of the flaps and the gears István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation datacollection/fsuipc
#89 Log not gear's actual position but when it is being retracted or extended by the pilot István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation datacollection/fsuipc
#90 Fix the weights for the Tu-134 István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation aircraft/t134
#91 Allow loading a flight directly on the login page István Váradi task blocker Read-write operation gui
#112 Write development documentation István Váradi task blocker General availability other
#114 Digital Aviation F70 landing lights István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/f70
#115 Digital Aviation F70 NAV frequencies István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/f70
#116 PMDG NGX strobe lights are not detected István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/b737
#117 Boeing 767 lights are not detected properly István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/b767
#120 iFly 737NG NAV frequencies István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/b737
#121 Test Tu-134 István Váradi task blocker General availability aircraft/t134
#122 Level change should be logged too István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#123 It should be possible to modify the crew and passenger numbers and bag and mail weights too István Váradi defect blocker General availability gui
#124 Don't check takeoff thrust for Tu-154 István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/t154
#125 Fix the anticollision lights handling for Tu-134 István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/t134
#126 Check the types sent in the ACARS István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/t154
#127 Send the real ZFW as well István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#133 NAV1 frequency set before descent is displayed with the time when it was set after the descent message István Váradi defect blocker General availability datacollection/fsuipc
#134 When arriving at the Frankfurt Main airport, it displayes "Welcome to Main Airport" István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#135 The log sent should contain the degree characters encoded as latin-2 István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#136 Fix connection with a B767 as the aircraft István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/b767
#143 Takeoff detection for planes without a strobe light István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability rules
#147 NAV frequencies should be logged if they really changed István Váradi defect blocker General availability datacollection/fsuipc
#148 Do not log radio frequencies while on the ground István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability datacollection/fsuipc
#149 Fokker F70 can take off with a flaps of 0 István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability aircraft/f70
#150 The parking brake should not be used to detect the PARKING state István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability rules
#152 Be more lenient with reverse for certain types István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability rules
#153 TU-154 (and possibly 34) ADF problems István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/t134
#155 Online ACARS sending does not tolerate network failures István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#156 Landing light should not be required for takeoff István Váradi defect blocker General availability rules
#164 Retrieval of fuel information does not work for Boeing 767 and CRJ2 planes István Váradi defect blocker General availability datacollection/fsuipc
#166 Landing light should not be reported after landing, when on the ground István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability rules
#167 The monitor window generates a lot of errors when some values are None István Váradi defect blocker General availability gui
#168 Problem with a fuel tank capacity of 0 István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#171 The takeoff should be detected for Tu-154 as for Tu-134 István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/t154
#172 Crash in thrust checker István Váradi defect blocker General availability rules
#174 Problems with thrust checking in case of the iFly 737 model István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/b737
#178 Only one tank can be seen for the DA F70 István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/f70
#181 Landing lights should be checked at and after touchdown, until speed reaches 50 knots István Váradi enhancement blocker General availability rules
#187 The value of the pitot heat switch should not be reversed István Váradi defect blocker General availability aircraft/dh8d
#189 The B146 has the same code as B738C István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#196 PIREP cannot be sent at the end of the flight István Váradi defect blocker General availability gui
#212 Implement some check to see if the FSUIPC thread works properly István Váradi defect blocker General availability other
#239 Landing with too low fuel should not be NOGO automatically István Váradi enhancement blocker Maintenance rules
#362 Nem tudok bejelentkezni István Váradi defect blocker other
#43 Flight wizard step 1: re-enable gate updating István Váradi task critical Read-write operation gui
#47 The Forward button on the takeoff page should be enabled only if we are climbing István Váradi enhancement critical Read-only operation with GUI gui
#48 Flight wizard: the connect page should also contain the flight number, aircraft type and tail number István Váradi enhancement critical Read-only operation with GUI gui
#50 Debug log tab István Váradi task critical Read-only operation with GUI gui
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