Opened 12 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
#208 closed enhancement (implemented)
Reported by: | anonymous | Owned by: | István Váradi |
Priority: | critical | Milestone: | General availability |
Component: | aircraft/t154 | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Sajnos ezen a gépen nincs közvetle SQ kapcsoló, így csak az FsInn-t tudtam C állítani. De ezt nem veszi át a logger.
De a többi sztem TÖKÉLETESEN működik az FSX-TU154B-e-vel.
The contents of the log:
MLX 0.22 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x49000000, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 8)
12:54:14: Aircraft: name='Tu154B-2 RA-85603', model='FSUIPC/Generic Tupolev Tu-154'
12:54:14: --- Boarding ---
12:54:14: Altimeter: 1015.88 hPa at 502 feet
12:54:14: Squawk code: 2630
12:54:14: Anti-collision lights: OFF
12:54:14: Landing lights: OFF
12:54:14: Navigational lights: ON
12:54:14: Gears SET to DOWN at 6 km/h, 502 feet
12:54:14: AP master is OFF
12:54:15: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
12:54:15: Block time start
12:54:15: Fuel: left aux=2600 kg - left=2944 kg - centre=3311 kg - centre 2=0 kg - right=2944 kg - right aux=2599 kg
12:54:15: Total fuel: 14400 kg
12:54:15: ZFW: 61230.78 kg
12:55:17: Anti-collision lights: ON
13:04:03: Pushback and taxi time: 00:09:48
13:04:03: --- Takeoff ---
13:04:03: Flight time start
13:04:03: Takeoff weight: 75059 kg, MTOW: 98000 kg
13:04:03: QNH: 1016.00 hPa, altimeter: 1015.88 hPa
13:04:03: Wind 180/4
13:04:03: NAV1: 116.60 (000°)
13:04:03: NAV2: 111.65 (000°)
13:04:03: ADF1: 1325.5
13:04:03: ADF2: 1231.0
13:04:03: Speeds calculated by the pilot: V1: 209 km/h, VR: 233 km/h, V2: 246 km/h
13:04:03: Thrust setting calculated by the pilot: nominal
13:04:03: Anti-ice was turned OFF
13:04:25: Takeoff speed: 272 km/h
13:04:25: Takeoff heading: 311 degrees
13:04:25: Takeoff pitch: -5.8 degrees
13:04:25: Takeoff flaps: 28
13:04:25: CG/Trim: 32.2%/1.47
13:04:25: Landing lights were off during TAKEOFF (0.0)
13:04:27: Transponder was standby during TAKEOFF (0.0)
13:04:40: --- Climb ---
13:04:40: Gears SET to UP at 340 km/h, 772 feet
13:06:29: Altimeter: 1013.25 hPa at 8266 feet
13:14:27: NAV2: 115.00 (000°)
13:14:41: NAV1: 115.00 (000°)
13:15:04: NAV1: 108.30 (000°)
13:15:17: NAV1: 108.30 (262°)
13:15:27: NAV2: 115.00 (262°)
13:15:33: Climb time: 00:10:53
13:15:33: --- Cruise ---
13:15:33: Cruise speed: 0.735 mach
13:15:38: NAV2: 112.30 (262°)
13:23:30: NAV2: 115.00 (262°)
13:23:52: NAV2: 112.30 (262°)
13:26:15: NAV2: 116.00 (262°)
13:26:29: NAV2: 112.00 (262°)
13:26:57: NAV2: 112.30 (262°)
13:27:43: NAV2: 117.00 (262°)
13:28:53: Cruise speed: 0.819 mach
13:31:11: Cruise time: 00:15:38
13:31:11: --- Descent ---
13:31:11: NAV1: 108.30 (262°)
13:31:11: NAV2: 117.00 (262°)
13:31:11: ADF1: 1325.5
13:31:11: ADF2: 1231.0
13:44:54: Altimeter: 1018.56 hPa at 10482 feet
13:45:23: NAV2: 115.00 (262°)
13:53:02: Gears SET to DOWN at 387 km/h, 5094 feet
13:53:21: Flaps 15 - 365 km/h
13:53:36: Flaps 28 - 313 km/h
13:53:59: Flaps 45 - 265 km/h
13:55:56: Descent time: 00:24:45
13:55:56: --- Landing ---
13:55:56: NAV1: 108.30 (262°)
13:55:56: NAV2: 115.00 (262°)
13:55:56: ADF1: 1325.5
13:55:56: ADF2: 1231.0
13:55:56: QNH: 1019.00 hPa, altimeter: 1018.56 hPa
13:55:56: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 49.0 kilometres
13:57:14: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 37.0 kilometres
13:58:26: The flare has begun
13:58:26: Wind 290/5
13:58:26: Visibility: 36999 metres
13:58:26: QNH: 1019.00 hPa, altimeter: 1018.56 hPa
13:58:26: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 150 km/h
13:58:26: Anti-ice was turned OFF
13:58:36: Flaretime: 10.000 (from the simulator)
13:58:36: Touchdown rate: -287 feet/min
13:58:36: Touchdown rate was calculated by the simulator
13:58:36: Touchdown speed: 239 km/h
13:58:36: Touchdown pitch: -0.6 degrees
13:58:36: Touchdown bank: 0.4 degrees
13:58:36: Touchdown heading: 263 degrees
13:58:36: CG: 31.6%
13:58:37: Spoilers deployed
13:58:57: Flaps 28 - 112 km/h
13:59:18: --- Taxi ---
13:59:18: Flight time end
13:59:18: Fuel: left aux=1024 kg - left=1357 kg - centre=3097 kg - centre 2=0 kg - right=1357 kg - right aux=1023 kg
13:59:18: Total fuel: 7857 kg
13:59:18: Landing weight: 69089 kg, MLW: 78000
13:59:18: Vertical speed range: -3142..6272 feet/min
13:59:28: Flaps 0 - 27 km/h
14:07:36: Taxi after landing time: 00:08:18
14:07:36: --- End ---
Rating: 100
14:07:36: Block time end
14:07:36: Flight time: 00:55:15
14:07:36: Flown distance: 322.39 NM
14:07:36: Block time: 01:13:21
The contents of the debug log:
14:53:34: MAVA Logger X 0.22 debug log
14:53:34: The initial configuration:
14:53:34: pilot ID: P010
14:53:34: rememberPassword: True
14:53:34: language:
14:53:34: hideMinimizedWindow: True
14:53:34: quitOnClose: False
14:53:34: onlineGateSystem: True
14:53:34: onlineACARS: True
14:53:34: flareTimeFromFS: True
14:53:34: syncFSTime: True
14:53:34: usingFS2Crew: False
14:53:34: iasSmoothingLength: -2
14:53:34: vsSmoothingLength: -2
14:53:34: pirepDirectory: C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\LOGGER
14:53:34: pirepAutoSave: False
14:53:34: defaultMSFS: True
14:53:34: enableSounds: True
14:53:34: pilotControlsSounds: False
14:53:34: pilotHotkey: C0
14:53:34: enableApproachCallouts: True
14:53:34: speedbrakeAtTD: True
14:53:34: enableChecklists: False
14:53:34: checklistHotkey: CS0
14:53:34: autoUpdate: True
14:53:34: updateURL:
14:53:34: messageTypeLevels:
14:53:34: loggerError: both
14:53:34: information: fs
14:53:34: inflight: fs
14:53:34: fault: both
14:53:34: nogo: both
14:53:34: gateSystem: fs
14:53:34: environment: fs
14:53:34: help: fs
14:53:34: visibility: fs
14:53:34: checklists:
14:53:34: B736:
14:53:34: B737:
14:53:34: B738:
14:53:34: B733:
14:53:34: B734:
14:53:34: B735:
14:53:34: DH8D:
14:53:34: B762:
14:53:34: B763:
14:53:34: CRJ2:
14:53:34: F70:
14:53:34: DC3:
14:53:34: T134:
14:53:34: T154:
14:53:34: YK40:
14:53:34: B738C:
14:53:34: B462:
14:53:34: approachCallouts:
14:53:34: B736:
14:53:34: B737:
14:53:34: B738:
14:53:34: B733:
14:53:34: B734:
14:53:34: B735:
14:53:34: DH8D:
14:53:34: B762:
14:53:34: B763:
14:53:34: CRJ2:
14:53:34: F70:
14:53:34: DC3:
14:53:34: T134:
14:53:34: T154:
14:53:34: YK40:
14:53:34: B738C:
14:53:34: B462:
14:53:42: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-03
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-03
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-03
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-03
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-03
14:53:42: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-08-04
14:53:52: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.22
14:53:52: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: Tu154B-2 RA-85603, D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Tu-154B-2\154b_v3_08X.AIR
14:53:52: PTT154Model.doesHandle 14 Tu154B-2 RA-85603 D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Tu-154B-2\154b_v3_08X.AIR
14:54:07: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
14:54:08: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
14:54:15: Sending the online ACARS
14:54:15: Sent online ACARS
14:54:15: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
14:54:19: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
14:54:21: Closing mlxsound0
14:54:21: Closed mlxsound0
14:54:22: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Don't forget to set the takeoff V-speeds!
14:57:16: Sending the online ACARS
14:57:16: Sent online ACARS
14:59:06: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3 as mlxsound1
14:59:06: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3
14:59:57: Closing mlxsound1
14:59:57: Closed mlxsound1
15:00:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:00:16: Sent online ACARS
15:03:15: Sending the online ACARS
15:03:15: Sent online ACARS
15:04:25: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
15:04:28: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Landing lights were off during TAKEOFF (0.0)
15:04:28: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound2
15:04:28: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
15:04:29: Closing mlxsound2
15:04:29: Closed mlxsound2
15:04:33: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Transponder was standby during TAKEOFF (0.0)
15:04:33: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound3
15:04:33: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
15:04:34: Closing mlxsound3
15:04:34: Closed mlxsound3
15:04:41: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
15:05:20: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3 as mlxsound4
15:05:20: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3
15:05:36: Closing mlxsound4
15:05:36: Closed mlxsound4
15:05:36: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3 as mlxsound5
15:05:36: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3
15:05:52: Closing mlxsound5
15:05:52: Closed mlxsound5
15:06:15: Sending the online ACARS
15:06:15: Sent online ACARS
15:09:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:09:16: Sent online ACARS
15:12:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:12:16: Sent online ACARS
15:15:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:15:16: Sent online ACARS
15:15:33: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
15:15:33: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOC.mp3 as mlxsound6
15:15:33: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOC.mp3
15:16:41: Closing mlxsound6
15:16:41: Closed mlxsound6
15:18:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:18:16: Sent online ACARS
15:21:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:21:16: Sent online ACARS
15:24:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:24:16: Sent online ACARS
15:27:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:27:16: Sent online ACARS
15:30:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:30:20: Sent online ACARS
15:31:11: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Descent
15:33:15: Sending the online ACARS
15:33:15: Sent online ACARS
15:36:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:36:16: Sent online ACARS
15:39:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:39:16: Sent online ACARS
15:42:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:42:16: Sent online ACARS
15:42:56: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOD.mp3 as mlxsound7
15:42:56: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOD.mp3
15:43:40: Closing mlxsound7
15:43:40: Closed mlxsound7
15:45:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:45:16: Sent online ACARS
15:48:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:48:16: Sent online ACARS
15:51:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:51:16: Sent online ACARS
15:54:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:54:16: Sent online ACARS
15:55:59: Downloading arrival METAR again
15:55:59: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Landing
15:56:02: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 49.0 kilometres
15:57:15: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 37.0 kilometres
15:57:16: Sending the online ACARS
15:57:16: Sent online ACARS
15:58:27: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flare-time
15:58:38: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\speed.mp3 as mlxsound8
15:58:38: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\speed.mp3
15:58:40: Closing mlxsound8
15:58:40: Closed mlxsound8
15:59:19: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Taxi
15:59:29: Starting to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3 as mlxsound9
15:59:29: Started to play C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3
16:00:08: Closing mlxsound9
16:00:08: Closed mlxsound9
16:00:15: Sending the online ACARS
16:00:15: Sent online ACARS
16:03:16: Sending the online ACARS
16:03:17: Sent online ACARS
16:06:16: Sending the online ACARS
16:06:16: Sent online ACARS
16:07:37: fsuipc.Simulator.disconnect [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Munich Franz-Josef Strauss Airport. 5
16:07:37: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Munich Franz-Josef Strauss Airport.
16:07:37: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
16:10:23: C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\library\.\mlx\gui\ GtkWarning: Unable to retrieve the file info for `file:///C:/Program%20Files/MAVA%20Logger%20X/LOGGER/P010%202013-08-03%201410%20LHBP-EDDM.pirep': Hiba a(z) „C:\Program Files\MAVA Logger X\LOGGER\P010 2013-08-03 1410 LHBP-EDDM.pirep” fájl elérése közben: No such file or directory
16:12:36: PIREP result from website: OK
Change History (6)
comment:1 by , 12 years ago
Component: | → aircraft/t154 |
Owner: | set to |
Priority: | major → critical |
Status: | new → accepted |
Type: | defect → enhancement |
comment:2 by , 12 years ago
comment:3 by , 12 years ago
Status: | accepted → implemented |
comment:4 by , 12 years ago
Status: | implemented → delivered |
comment:6 by , 11 years ago
Resolution: | → implemented |
Status: | delivered → closed |
In [c728353e86b18bdb71fd3f6b03bac81fbc2bbb8b]: