Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#302 closed defect (implemented)


Reported by: gergely.topos@… Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: critical Milestone: Maintenance
Component: other Keywords:


Szia István!

Boeing 737-200-as járat befoglalva, bejelentkezés után azt írja ki a Logger hogy: "Nem sikerült kommunikálni a MAVA honlappal". Tegnap este Dani is kipróbálta, nála is ugyanez a helyzet.

Elküldöm a Logger debugnaplójában lévőket:
15:10:50: MAVA Logger X 0.38.1 debug log
15:10:50: The initial configuration:
15:10:50: pilot ID: P181
15:10:50: rememberPassword: True
15:10:50: language:
15:10:50: hideMinimizedWindow: True
15:10:50: quitOnClose: False
15:10:50: onlineGateSystem: True
15:10:50: onlineACARS: True
15:10:50: flareTimeFromFS: True
15:10:50: syncFSTime: False
15:10:50: usingFS2Crew: True
15:10:50: iasSmoothingLength: -2
15:10:50: vsSmoothingLength: -2
15:10:50: useSimBrief: False
15:10:50: simBriefUserName:
15:10:50: rememberSimBriefPassword: False
15:10:50: pirepDirectory: D:\Prepar3D v3\MAVA Logger X\PIREP
15:10:50: pirepAutoSave: True
15:10:50: defaultMSFS: True
15:10:50: enableSounds: True
15:10:50: pilotControlsSounds: True
15:10:50: pilotHotkey: C0
15:10:50: enableApproachCallouts: False
15:10:50: speedbrakeAtTD: True
15:10:50: enableChecklists: False
15:10:50: checklistHotkey: CS0
15:10:50: autoUpdate: True
15:10:50: updateURL:
15:10:50: useRPC: True
15:10:50: messageTypeLevels:
15:10:50: loggerError: both
15:10:50: information: fs
15:10:50: inflight: fs
15:10:50: fault: both
15:10:50: nogo: both
15:10:50: gateSystem: both
15:10:50: environment: fs
15:10:50: help: both
15:10:50: visibility: fs
15:10:50: checklists:
15:10:50: B736:
15:10:50: B737:
15:10:50: B738:
15:10:50: B733:
15:10:50: B734:
15:10:50: B735:
15:10:50: DH8D:
15:10:50: B762:
15:10:50: B763:
15:10:50: CRJ2:
15:10:50: F70:
15:10:50: DC3:
15:10:50: T134:
15:10:50: T154:
15:10:50: YK40:
15:10:50: B738C:
15:10:50: B462:
15:10:50: approachCallouts:
15:10:50: B736:
15:10:50: B737:
15:10:50: B738:
15:10:50: B733:
15:10:50: B734:
15:10:50: B735:
15:10:50: DH8D:
15:10:50: B762:
15:10:50: B763:
15:10:50: CRJ2:
15:10:50: F70:
15:10:50: DC3:
15:10:50: T134:
15:10:50: T154:
15:10:50: YK40:
15:10:50: B738C:
15:10:50: B462:
15:10:50: running
15:10:50: TakeoffPage.reset
15:10:50: Creating the Selenium driver to call script D:\Prepar3D v3\MAVA Logger X\mlx_cef_caller.bat
15:10:50: Waiting for the arguments file 'c:\users\geri\appdata\local\temp\mlxcef.args' to appear
15:10:51: Got arguments, reading them.
15:10:52: Initializing CEF with args: ['--disable-background-networking', '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection', '--disable-component-update', '--disable-default-apps', '--disable-hang-monitor', '--disable-prompt-on-repost', '--disable-sync', '--disable-web-resources', '--enable-logging', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--load-extension="C:
internal"', '--log-level=0', '--metrics-recording-only', '--no-first-run', '--password-store=basic', '--remote-debugging-port=12086', '--safebrowsing-disable-auto-update', '--safebrowsing-disable-download-protection', '--test-type=webdriver', '--use-mock-keychain', '--user-data-dir="C:
scoped_dir6236_4263"', 'data:,']
15:10:52: Unhandled switch data:,
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Initialize() called
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CefExecuteProcess(): exitCode = -1
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CefInitialize()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] App_OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing_BrowserProcess()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: log-levelInitialized, executing callback...
15:10:52: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()[CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-sync
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-prompt-on-repost
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: metrics-recording-only
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-client-side-phishing-detection
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-background-networking
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: no-first-run
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-web-resources
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: log-level
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-component-update
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: password-store
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: load-extension
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: use-mock-keychain
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: ignore-certificate-errors
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: user-data-dir
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-default-apps
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: test-type
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: safebrowsing-disable-download-protection
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: disable-hang-monitor
15:10:52: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:[CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: remote-debugging-port
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: safebrowsing-disable-auto-update[CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=1
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: log-level
15:10:52: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
15:10:52: [CEF Python] navigateUrl: file://///D:/Prepar3D%20v3/MAVA%20Logger%20X/simbrief.html
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=2
15:10:52: [CEF Python] Switch already set, ignoring: log-level
15:10:52: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
15:10:52: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
15:10:53: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
15:10:54: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
15:10:54: Created Selenium driver.
15:10:55: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
15:10:55: Traceback (most recent call last):
15:10:55: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 635, in perform
15:10:55: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 786, in run
15:10:55: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 763, in setupLoginResult
15:10:55: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 252, in getFlights
15:10:55: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 94, in init
15:10:55: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 34, in init
15:10:55: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 88, in <lambda>
15:10:55: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 72, in _decodeAircraftType
15:10:55: Exception: Invalid aircraft type code: '732'
15:10:59: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
15:10:59: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()

Remélem ezekből kiderül valami. Köszönjük a fáradozásod!

Change History (5)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 9 years ago

Component: aircraft/b737other
Owner: set to István Váradi
Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by István Váradi, 9 years ago

Status: acceptedimplemented

comment:3 by István Váradi, 9 years ago

Status: implementeddelivered

comment:4 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 9 years ago

In e69a08004f4003bc0475225e293a4278f19c32bd:

Added support for the Boeing 737-200 aircraft type (weight data is still missing, re #302)

comment:5 by István Váradi, 8 years ago

Resolution: implemented
Status: deliveredclosed
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