Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#312 closed defect (worksforme)

Lámpa, pedig jó volt idáig.

Reported by: zeta.garamvolgyi@… Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance
Component: rules Keywords:


5:40:04: Block time start
15:40:04: Fuel: left=2982 kg - centre=0 kg - right=2982 kg
15:40:04: Total fuel: 5964 kg
15:40:04: ZFW: 41912.71 kg
15:45:46: Landing lights: ON
15:47:56: Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (15.0)
15:48:16: Gears SET to UP at 182 knots, 573 ft, 76 ft AGL


The contents of the log:

MLX 0.38.3 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x49290003, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 8)
15:21:37: Aircraft: name='Boeing 737-7Q8NGX Malev HA-LOA', model='FSUIPC/Generic Boeing 737'
15:21:37: --- Boarding ---
15:21:37: Altimeter: 1008.00 hPa at 503 feet
15:21:37: Squawk code: 1200
15:21:37: Anti-collision lights: OFF
15:21:37: Landing lights: OFF
15:21:37: Strobe lights: OFF
15:21:37: Navigational lights: ON
15:21:37: Gears SET to DOWN at 0 knots, 503 ft, 8 ft AGL
15:21:37: AP master is OFF
15:24:04: Squawk code: 2000
15:39:21: Anti-collision lights: ON
15:40:04: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
15:40:04: Block time start
15:40:04: Fuel: left=2982 kg - centre=0 kg - right=2982 kg
15:40:04: Total fuel: 5964 kg
15:40:04: ZFW: 41912.71 kg
15:45:46: Landing lights: ON
15:47:56: Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (15.0)
15:48:16: Gears SET to UP at 182 knots, 573 ft, 76 ft AGL


The contents of the debug log:

19:04:43: MAVA Logger X 0.38.3 debug log
19:04:43: The initial configuration:
19:04:43: pilot ID: P188
19:04:43: rememberPassword: True
19:04:43: language:
19:04:43: hideMinimizedWindow: True
19:04:43: quitOnClose: False
19:04:43: onlineGateSystem: True
19:04:43: onlineACARS: True
19:04:43: flareTimeFromFS: True
19:04:43: syncFSTime: True
19:04:43: usingFS2Crew: True
19:04:43: iasSmoothingLength: -2
19:04:43: vsSmoothingLength: -2
19:04:43: useSimBrief: False
19:04:43: simBriefUserName:
19:04:43: rememberSimBriefPassword: False
19:04:43: pirepDirectory: None
19:04:43: pirepAutoSave: False
19:04:43: defaultMSFS: True
19:04:43: enableSounds: True
19:04:43: pilotControlsSounds: True
19:04:43: pilotHotkey: C0
19:04:43: enableApproachCallouts: True
19:04:43: speedbrakeAtTD: True
19:04:43: enableChecklists: True
19:04:43: checklistHotkey: CS1
19:04:43: autoUpdate: True
19:04:43: updateURL:
19:04:43: useRPC: True
19:04:43: messageTypeLevels:
19:04:43: loggerError: both
19:04:43: information: both
19:04:43: inflight: both
19:04:43: fault: both
19:04:43: nogo: both
19:04:43: gateSystem: both
19:04:43: environment: both
19:04:43: help: both
19:04:43: visibility: both
19:04:43: checklists:
19:04:43: B736:
19:04:43: B737:
19:04:43: B738:
19:04:43: B733:
19:04:43: B734:
19:04:43: B735:
19:04:43: DH8D:
19:04:43: B762:
19:04:43: B763:
19:04:43: CRJ2:
19:04:43: F70:
19:04:43: DC3:
19:04:43: T134:
19:04:43: T154:
19:04:43: YK40:
19:04:43: B738C:
19:04:43: B462:
19:04:43: B732:
19:04:43: approachCallouts:
19:04:43: B736:
19:04:43: B737:
19:04:43: B738:
19:04:43: B733:
19:04:43: B734:
19:04:43: B735:
19:04:43: DH8D:
19:04:43: B762:
19:04:43: B763:
19:04:43: CRJ2:
19:04:43: F70:
19:04:43: DC3:
19:04:43: T134:
19:04:43: T154:
19:04:43: YK40:
19:04:43: B738C:
19:04:43: B462:
19:04:43: B732:
19:04:43: running
19:04:43: TakeoffPage.reset
19:04:43: Initializing CEF with args: []
19:04:43: [CEF Python] Initialize() called
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefExecuteProcess(): exitCode = -1
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefInitialize()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] App_OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing_BrowserProcess()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
19:04:43: Initialized, executing callback...
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
19:04:43: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=1
19:04:43: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
19:04:43: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=2
19:04:43: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
19:04:43: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
19:04:43: [CEF Python] SendProcessMessage(): message=DoJavascriptBindings, arguments size=1
19:04:43: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:04:45: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
19:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:04:48: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC returned invalid data too many times, reconnecting
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:04:52: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.38.3
19:04:52: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound0
19:04:52: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC returned invalid data too many times, reconnecting
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC returned invalid data too many times, reconnecting
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC returned invalid data too many times, reconnecting
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:04:52: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:04:53: Closing mlxsound0
19:04:53: Closed mlxsound0
19:05:01: Traceback (most recent call last):
19:05:01: File "mlx\gui\delaycodes.pyc", line 164, in _do_size_allocate
19:05:01: File "mlx\gui\delaycodes.pyc", line 296, in allocate_column_sizes
19:05:01: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_fixed_width'
19:05:01: TakeoffPage.reset
19:05:43: running
19:06:43: running
19:07:43: running
19:08:43: running
19:09:43: running
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#3]
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#2]
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:09:51: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: CS 737-200 Malév, C:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\CS_B737-200\csx732.AIR
19:09:51: PTT154Model.doesHandle 18 CS 737-200 Malév C:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\CS_B737-200\csx732.AIR
19:09:51: fsuipc.Simulator._handleNumHotkeys: numHotkeys: 56
19:09:51: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.38.3
19:09:51: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound1
19:09:51: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:09:52: Closing mlxsound1
19:09:52: Closed mlxsound1
19:10:43: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound2
19:10:43: running
19:10:43: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
19:10:46: Error parsing current NOTAM: unconverted data remains: EST
19:10:46: Could not parse NOTAM: A1141/16 NOTAMR A1140/16
19:10:46: Q) LKAA/QMPCN/IV/BO/A/000/999/5006N01416E005
19:10:46: A) LKPR B) 1610241450 C) 1701241300 EST
19:10:46: E) STAND S8 TEMPO CNL
19:10:46: CREATED: 24 Oct 2016 14:50:00
19:10:46: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
19:10:46: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
19:10:49: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
19:10:49: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
19:10:55: Closing mlxsound2
19:10:55: Closed mlxsound2
19:10:58: TakeoffPage.activate
19:10:58: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
19:10:58: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
19:10:58: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:10:58: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:10:58: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
19:10:58: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:10:58: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
19:10:58: Sent online ACARS
19:10:58: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound3
19:10:58: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:10:59: Closing mlxsound3
19:10:59: Closed mlxsound3
19:11:01: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Strobe lights were on during BOARDING (1.0)
19:11:01: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound4
19:11:01: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:11:02: Closing mlxsound4
19:11:02: Closed mlxsound4
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:04: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
19:11:04: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:04: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:05: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
19:11:05: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:05: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:10: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:10: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:10: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:10: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:12: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:13: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:13: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:14: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:14: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:14: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:14: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:15: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:15: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:15: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:15: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:16: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:16: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:18: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:18: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:18: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:18: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:19: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:19: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:20: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:20: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:21: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:21: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:22: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:11:22: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:26: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
19:11:26: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:27: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
19:11:27: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:29: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
19:11:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:30: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
19:11:30: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
19:11:43: running
19:12:43: running
19:13:43: running
19:13:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:13:59: Sent online ACARS
19:14:43: running
19:14:47: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
19:14:47: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound5
19:14:47: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#5]
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#4]
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:14:48: Closing mlxsound5
19:14:48: Closed mlxsound5
19:14:51: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Navigation lights were off during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (1.0)
19:14:51: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound6
19:14:51: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:14:52: Closing mlxsound6
19:14:52: Closed mlxsound6
19:15:43: running
19:16:43: running
19:16:45: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 441, flapsRight: 441, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
19:16:46: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 925, flapsRight: 925, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
19:16:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:16:59: Sent online ACARS
19:17:43: running
19:18:43: running
19:19:43: running
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#7]
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#6]
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:19:58: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:19:58: Sent online ACARS
19:20:43: running
19:21:43: running
19:22:43: running
19:22:44: TakeoffPage.allowForward
19:22:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: True
19:22:44: METAR: LHBP 091800Z 30007KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
19:22:44: runway: 31 L
19:22:44: SID: BADOV 3D
19:22:44: V1: 112
19:22:44: VR: 120
19:22:44: V2: 128
19:22:44: derateType: 1
19:22:44: derate: 1.75
19:22:44: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
19:22:44: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound7
19:22:44: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:22:45: Closing mlxsound7
19:22:45: Closed mlxsound7
19:22:47: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
19:22:47: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound8
19:22:47: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:22:48: Closing mlxsound8
19:22:48: Closed mlxsound8
19:22:50: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Transponder was standby during CLIMB (0.0)
19:22:50: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound9
19:22:50: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:22:51: Closing mlxsound9
19:22:51: Closed mlxsound9
19:22:53: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 1806, flapsRight: 1806, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
19:22:55: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 860, flapsRight: 860, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
19:22:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:22:59: Sent online ACARS
19:23:02: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 146, flapsRight: 146, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
19:23:43: running
19:24:43: running
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#9]
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#8]
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:25:43: running
19:25:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:25:59: Sent online ACARS
19:26:43: running
19:27:43: running
19:28:43: running
19:28:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:28:59: Sent online ACARS
19:29:14: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3 as mlxsound10
19:29:14: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3
19:29:30: Closing mlxsound10
19:29:30: Closed mlxsound10
19:29:31: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3 as mlxsound11
19:29:35: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\sikoly.mp3
19:29:43: running
19:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#11]
19:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#10]
19:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:29:49: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:29:49: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:29:51: Closing mlxsound11
19:29:51: Closed mlxsound11
19:30:43: running
19:30:53: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
19:30:53: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound12
19:30:53: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:30:54: Closing mlxsound12
19:30:55: Closed mlxsound12
19:31:43: running
19:31:45: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Bank too steep (30.0) during CRUISE (2.0)
19:31:45: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound13
19:31:45: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:31:46: Closing mlxsound13
19:31:46: Closed mlxsound13
19:31:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:31:59: Sent online ACARS
19:32:43: running
19:33:43: running
19:34:43: running
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:34:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#13]
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:34:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#12]
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:34:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:34:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:34:50: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Overspeed during CRUISE (20.0)
19:34:50: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound14
19:34:50: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:34:51: Closing mlxsound14
19:34:51: Closed mlxsound14
19:34:58: Watchdog client fsuipc.Handler has timed out!
19:34:59: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:34:59: Sent online ACARS
19:35:00: fsuipc.Handler._processRequest: FSUIPC connection failed (FSUIPC error: 13 (IPC request contains bad data)), reconnecting (attempts=0).
19:35:00: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:35:00: fsuipc.Handler._connect: connection failed: FSUIPC error: 2 (Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient) (attempts: 1)
19:35:00: fsuipc.Handler._connect: connection failed: FSUIPC error: 2 (Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient) (attempts: 2)
19:35:01: fsuipc.Handler._connect: connection failed: FSUIPC error: 2 (Cannot link to FSUIPC or WideClient) (attempts: 3)
19:35:01: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect
19:35:01: Watchdog client fsuipc.Handler has been cleared.
19:35:43: running
19:35:46: Traceback (most recent call last):
19:35:46: File "mlx\gui\delaycodes.pyc", line 164, in _do_size_allocate
19:35:46: File "mlx\gui\delaycodes.pyc", line 296, in allocate_column_sizes
19:35:46: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'set_fixed_width'
19:35:46: TakeoffPage.reset
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
19:35:46: METAR: LHBP 091800Z 30007KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
19:35:46: runway: 31 L
19:35:46: SID: BADOV 3D
19:35:46: V1: None
19:35:46: VR: 120
19:35:46: V2: 128
19:35:46: derateType: 1
19:35:46: derate: 1.75
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
19:35:46: METAR: LHBP 091800Z 30007KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
19:35:46: runway: 31 L
19:35:46: SID: BADOV 3D
19:35:46: V1: None
19:35:46: VR: None
19:35:46: V2: 128
19:35:46: derateType: 1
19:35:46: derate: 1.75
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
19:35:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
19:35:46: METAR: LHBP 091800Z 30007KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
19:35:46: runway: 31 L
19:35:46: SID: BADOV 3D
19:35:46: V1: None
19:35:46: VR: None
19:35:46: V2: None
19:35:46: derateType: 1
19:35:46: derate: 1.75
19:36:43: running
19:37:43: running
19:38:43: running
19:39:43: running
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:39:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#15]
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:39:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#14]
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:39:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:39:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:40:43: running
19:41:43: running
19:42:43: running
19:43:43: running
19:44:43: running
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:44:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#17]
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:44:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#16]
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:44:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:44:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:45:43: running
19:46:43: running
19:47:43: running
19:48:43: running
19:49:43: running
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:49:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#19]
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:49:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#18]
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:49:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:49:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:50:43: running
19:51:43: running
19:52:43: running
19:53:43: running
19:54:43: running
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:54:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#21]
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:54:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#20]
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:54:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:54:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:55:12: client connection received
19:55:12: message received from client
19:55:12: created the pipe
19:55:43: running
19:56:43: running
19:57:09: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.38.3
19:57:10: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound15
19:57:10: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:57:10: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: Boeing 737-7Q8NGX Malev HA-LOA, C:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-700NGX\B737-700.AIR
19:57:10: PTT154Model.doesHandle 18 Boeing 737-7Q8NGX Malev HA-LOA C:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\PMDG 737-700NGX\B737-700.AIR
19:57:10: fsuipc.Simulator._handleNumHotkeys: numHotkeys: 56
19:57:10: Closing mlxsound15
19:57:10: Closed mlxsound15
19:57:43: running
19:58:43: running
19:59:43: running
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:59:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#23]
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:59:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#22]
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:59:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:59:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:00:39: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound16
20:00:39: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
20:00:40: Error parsing current NOTAM: unconverted data remains: EST
20:00:40: Could not parse NOTAM: A1141/16 NOTAMR A1140/16
20:00:40: Q) LKAA/QMPCN/IV/BO/A/000/999/5006N01416E005
20:00:40: A) LKPR B) 1610241450 C) 1701241300 EST
20:00:40: E) STAND S8 TEMPO CNL
20:00:40: CREATED: 24 Oct 2016 14:50:00
20:00:40: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:00:40: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:00:40: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
20:00:42: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:00:42: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:00:42: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
20:00:43: running
20:00:51: Closing mlxsound16
20:00:51: Closed mlxsound16
20:01:43: running
20:02:13: TakeoffPage.activate
20:02:13: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
20:02:13: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
20:02:13: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
20:02:13: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:13: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
20:02:13: METAR: LHBP 091830Z 30006KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
20:02:13: runway:
20:02:13: SID: BADOV 3D
20:02:13: V1: None
20:02:13: VR: None
20:02:13: V2: None
20:02:13: derateType: 1
20:02:13: derate: 1.75
20:02:13: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:13: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: False
20:02:13: METAR: LHBP 091830Z 30006KT CAVOK 02/M03 Q1008 NOSIG
20:02:13: runway:
20:02:13: SID: None
20:02:13: V1: None
20:02:13: VR: None
20:02:13: V2: None
20:02:13: derateType: 1
20:02:13: derate: 1.75
20:02:13: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 0, flapsRight: 0, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
20:02:13: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:02:13: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
20:02:13: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound17
20:02:13: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:02:14: Sent online ACARS
20:02:14: Closing mlxsound17
20:02:14: Closed mlxsound17
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:19: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:20: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
20:02:20: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:20: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:25: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:27: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:27: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:28: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:28: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:29: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:29: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:39: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:39: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:39: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:39: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:40: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:41: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:41: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:42: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
20:02:42: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:43: running
20:02:46: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
20:02:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:46: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
20:02:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:47: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
20:02:47: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:02:48: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
20:02:48: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
20:03:43: running
20:04:43: running
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:04:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#25]
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:04:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#24]
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:04:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:04:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:05:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:05:14: Sent online ACARS
20:05:43: running
20:06:43: running
20:07:43: running
20:08:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:08:14: Sent online ACARS
20:08:43: running
20:09:43: running
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#27]
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#26]
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:09:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:09:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:10:43: running
20:11:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:11:15: Sent online ACARS
20:11:43: running
20:12:43: running
20:13:43: running
20:14:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:14:14: Sent online ACARS
20:14:43: running
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#29]
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#28]
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:14:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:14:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:15:43: running
20:16:43: running
20:17:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:17:14: Sent online ACARS
20:17:43: running
20:18:43: running
20:19:43: running
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#31]
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#30]
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:19:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:19:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:20:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:20:14: Sent online ACARS
20:20:41: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
20:20:41: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound18
20:20:42: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:20:42: Closing mlxsound18
20:20:42: Closed mlxsound18
20:20:43: running
20:21:43: running
20:22:43: running
20:23:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:23:15: Sent online ACARS
20:23:39: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 221, flapsRight: 221, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
20:23:43: running
20:23:46: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 1816, flapsRight: 1816, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
20:23:50: flapsControl: 6144, flapsLeft: 2706, flapsRight: 2706, flapsAxis: 6653, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 5, numNotchesM1: 8
20:24:43: running
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#33]
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#32]
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:24:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:24:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:25:43: running
20:26:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:26:15: Sent online ACARS
20:26:43: running
20:27:43: running
20:28:29: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (10.7)
20:28:29: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound19
20:28:30: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:30: Closing mlxsound19
20:28:30: Closed mlxsound19
20:28:34: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (11.7)
20:28:34: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound20
20:28:35: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:35: Closing mlxsound20
20:28:35: Closed mlxsound20
20:28:40: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (12.7)
20:28:40: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound21
20:28:40: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:40: Closing mlxsound21
20:28:40: Closed mlxsound21
20:28:43: running
20:28:45: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (13.6)
20:28:45: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound22
20:28:45: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:46: Closing mlxsound22
20:28:46: Closed mlxsound22
20:28:50: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (14.6)
20:28:50: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound23
20:28:50: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:51: Closing mlxsound23
20:28:51: Closed mlxsound23
20:28:55: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Taxi speed over 50 knots during PUSHBACK AND TAXI (15.0)
20:28:55: Starting to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound24
20:28:55: Started to play C:\Program Files (x86)\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:28:56: Closing mlxsound24
20:28:56: Closed mlxsound24
20:29:06: flapsControl: 4096, flapsLeft: 10144, flapsRight: 10144, flapsAxis: 4606, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 2, numNotchesM1: 8
20:29:10: flapsControl: 2048, flapsLeft: 9248, flapsRight: 9248, flapsAxis: 2559, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 1, numNotchesM1: 8
20:29:14: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:29:15: Sent online ACARS
20:29:17: flapsControl: 0, flapsLeft: 7644, flapsRight: 7644, flapsAxis: 0, flapsIncrement: 2047, flapsSet: 0, numNotchesM1: 8
20:29:43: running
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#35]
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#34]
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:29:48: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:29:48: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:30:43: running

Change History (3)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 8 years ago

Component: aircraft/b737
Owner: set to István Váradi
Status: newaccepted


Mi változott azóta, amikor legutoljára jó volt? Frissült a logger, másik géptípussal repülsz, FS újratelepítés, repülőgép újratelepítés, FSUIPC újratelepítés, ...?

comment:2 by István Váradi, 8 years ago

Component: aircraft/b737rules

comment:3 by István Váradi, 8 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: acceptedclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.