Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#324 closed defect (invalid)


Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance
Component: Keywords:




The contents of the log:


The contents of the debug log:

09:46:18: MAVA Logger X 0.39.1 debug log
09:46:18: The initial configuration:
09:46:18: pilot ID: P096
09:46:18: rememberPassword: True
09:46:18: language:
09:46:18: hideMinimizedWindow: True
09:46:18: quitOnClose: False
09:46:18: onlineGateSystem: True
09:46:18: onlineACARS: True
09:46:18: flareTimeFromFS: False
09:46:18: syncFSTime: True
09:46:18: usingFS2Crew: False
09:46:18: iasSmoothingLength: -2
09:46:18: vsSmoothingLength: -2
09:46:18: useSimBrief: False
09:46:18: simBriefUserName: ivaradi
09:46:18: rememberSimBriefPassword: True
09:46:18: pirepDirectory: E:\home\vi\tmp\mlx\pireps
09:46:18: pirepAutoSave: True
09:46:18: defaultMSFS: True
09:46:18: enableSounds: True
09:46:18: pilotControlsSounds: False
09:46:18: pilotHotkey: C0
09:46:18: enableApproachCallouts: False
09:46:18: speedbrakeAtTD: True
09:46:18: enableChecklists: False
09:46:18: checklistHotkey: CS0
09:46:18: autoUpdate: True
09:46:18: updateURL:
09:46:18: useRPC: True
09:46:18: messageTypeLevels:
09:46:18: loggerError: fs
09:46:18: information: fs
09:46:18: inflight: fs
09:46:18: fault: both
09:46:18: nogo: both
09:46:18: gateSystem: fs
09:46:18: environment: fs
09:46:18: help: both
09:46:18: visibility: both
09:46:18: checklists:
09:46:18: B736:
09:46:18: B737:
09:46:18: B738:
09:46:18: B733:
09:46:18: B734:
09:46:18: B735:
09:46:18: DH8D:
09:46:18: B762:
09:46:18: B763:
09:46:18: CRJ2:
09:46:18: F70:
09:46:18: DC3:
09:46:18: T134:
09:46:18: T154:
09:46:18: YK40:
09:46:18: B738C:
09:46:18: B462:
09:46:18: B732:
09:46:18: approachCallouts:
09:46:18: B736:
09:46:18: B737:
09:46:18: B738:
09:46:18: B733:
09:46:18: B734:
09:46:18: B735:
09:46:18: DH8D:
09:46:18: B762:
09:46:18: B763:
09:46:18: CRJ2:
09:46:18: F70:
09:46:18: DC3:
09:46:18: T134:
09:46:18: T154:
09:46:18: YK40:
09:46:18: B738C:
09:46:18: B462:
09:46:18: B732:
09:46:18: running
09:46:18: TakeoffPage.reset
09:46:18: Initializing CEF with args: []
09:46:18: [CEF Python] Initialize() called
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefExecuteProcess(): exitCode = -1
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefInitialize()
09:46:18: [CEF Python] App_OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing_BrowserProcess()
09:46:18: Initialized, executing callback...
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
09:46:18: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
09:46:18: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=1
09:46:18: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
09:46:18: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
09:46:18: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=2
09:46:18: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
09:46:18: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
09:46:18: [CEF Python] SendProcessMessage(): message=DoJavascriptBindings, arguments size=1
09:46:18: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
09:46:19: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
09:46:19: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
09:46:19: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
09:46:19: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
09:46:19: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
09:46:19: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()

Change History (1)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 7 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.