Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#345 closed support request (wontfix)

XP 11 test 2.0

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: trivial Milestone: Maintenance
Component: datacollection/fsuipc Keywords:


MLX 0.39.3 connected to the simulator (X-Plane version: 11260, XPLM version: 301, XPLRA version: 010)
05:54:35: Aircraft: name='Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation', model='X-Plane/Generic Boeing 737'
05:54:35: --- Boarding ---
05:54:35: Altimeter: 1011.91 hPa at 1424 feet
05:54:35: Squawk code: 4702
05:54:35: Anti-collision lights: OFF
05:54:35: Landing lights: OFF
05:54:35: Strobe lights: OFF
05:54:35: Navigational lights: ON
05:54:35: Gears SET to DOWN at 4 knots, 1424 ft, 1 ft AGL
05:54:35: AP master is OFF
06:00:08: Altimeter: 1020.20 hPa at 1424 feet
06:00:55: Anti-collision lights: ON
06:02:34: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
06:02:34: Block time start
06:02:34: Fuel: left=3227 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3270 kg
06:02:34: Total fuel: 6497 kg
06:02:34: ZFW: 37389.22 kg
06:06:59: Strobe lights: ON
06:08:05: Pushback and taxi time: 00:05:30
06:08:05: --- Takeoff ---
06:08:05: Flight time start
06:08:05: Takeoff weight: 43792 kg, MTOW: 56472 kg
06:08:05: QNH: 1019.00 hPa, altimeter: 1020.20 hPa
06:08:05: Wind 014/4
06:08:05: NAV1: 111.20 (027°)
06:08:05: NAV2: 111.20 (000°)
06:08:05: ADF1: 370
06:08:05: ADF2: 339
06:08:05: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 118 knots, VR: 120 knots, V2: 131 knots
06:08:05: Derate calculated by the pilot: 88.0 %
06:08:05: Anti-ice was turned OFF
06:08:21: Takeoff speed: 145 knots
06:08:21: Takeoff heading: 338 degrees
06:08:21: Takeoff pitch: -9.0 degrees
06:08:21: Takeoff flaps: 5
06:08:21: CG/Trim: 0.0%/0.00
06:08:21: Landing lights were off during TAKEOFF (0.0)
06:08:26: --- Climb ---
06:08:26: Gears SET to UP at 163 knots, 1486 ft, 63 ft AGL
06:08:54: Initial climb speed: 184 knots - 1532 ft AGL
06:09:03: Flaps 1 - 195 knots, 1886 ft AGL, 3309 ft AMSL
06:09:43: Flaps 0 - 209 knots, 4167 ft AGL, 5587 ft AMSL
06:10:48: Altimeter: 1013.22 hPa at 9591 feet
06:20:26: Climb time: 00:12:00
06:20:26: --- Cruise ---
06:20:26: Cruise speed: 0.722 mach
06:23:37: Bank too steep (-30.0) during CRUISE (2.0)
06:33:46: Cruise speed: 0.711 mach
06:47:06: Cruise speed: 0.709 mach
07:00:28: Cruise speed: 0.709 mach
07:04:18: Cruise time: 00:43:51
07:04:18: --- Descent ---
07:04:18: NAV1: 111.20 (027°)
07:04:18: NAV2: 111.20 (000°)
07:04:18: ADF1: 370
07:04:18: ADF2: 339
07:15:21: NAV1: 111.20 (128°)
07:15:47: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
07:15:59: NAV2: 110.45 (000°)
07:16:01: NAV2: 110.50 (000°)
07:19:23: Flaps 1 - 205 knots, 2490 ft AGL, 2857 ft AMSL
07:20:02: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
07:20:02: Flaps 5 - 191 knots, 1998 ft AGL, 2382 ft AMSL
07:20:03: Gears SET to DOWN at 191 knots, 2363 ft, 1979 ft AGL
07:20:09: Descent time: 00:15:51
07:20:09: --- Landing ---
07:20:09: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
07:20:09: NAV2: 110.50 (000°)
07:20:09: ADF1: 370
07:20:09: ADF2: 339
07:20:09: QNH: 1021.00 hPa, altimeter: 1013.22 hPa
07:20:36: Flaps 15 - 170 knots, 1370 ft AGL, 1795 ft AMSL
07:20:37: Altimeter: 1021.10 hPa at 1780 feet
07:20:50: Flaps 25 - 157 knots, 1141 ft AGL, 1602 ft AMSL
07:20:58: Flaps 30 - 149 knots, 1029 ft AGL, 1501 ft AMSL
07:21:01: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
07:22:14: The flare has begun
07:22:14: Wind 030/7
07:22:14: Visibility: 16093 metres
07:22:14: QNH: 1021.00 hPa, altimeter: 1021.10 hPa
07:22:14: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 134 knots
07:22:14: Anti-ice was turned OFF
07:22:27: Flaretime: 12.960 (from real time)
07:22:27: Touchdown rate: -121 feet/min
07:22:27: Touchdown rate was calculated by the logger
07:22:27: Touchdown speed: 125 knots
07:22:27: Touchdown pitch: 2.7 degrees
07:22:27: Touchdown bank: 0.1 degrees
07:22:27: Touchdown heading: 128 degrees
07:22:27: CG: 0.0%
07:22:31: Transponder was standby during LANDING (0.0)
07:22:39: Reverser unlocked - 94 knots
07:22:49: Reverser closed - 64 knots
07:23:04: --- Taxi ---
07:23:04: Flight time end
07:23:04: Fuel: left=1927 kg - centre=0 kg - right=1957 kg
07:23:04: Total fuel: 3884 kg
07:23:04: Landing weight: 41273 kg, MLW: 51710
07:23:04: Vertical speed range: -4515..4160 feet/min
07:23:38: Flaps 0 - 21 knots, 1 ft AGL, 503 ft AMSL
07:27:01: Strobe lights: OFF
07:27:13: Anti-collision lights: OFF
07:27:16: Anti-collision lights were off during TAXI (1.0)
07:27:58: Taxi after landing time: 00:04:53
07:27:58: --- End ---
Rating: 97
07:27:58: Block time end
07:27:58: Flight time: 01:14:59
07:27:58: Flown distance: 479.67 NM
07:27:58: Block time: 01:25:23


The contents of the log:

MLX 0.39.3 connected to the simulator (X-Plane version: 11260, XPLM version: 301, XPLRA version: 010)
05:54:35: Aircraft: name='Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation', model='X-Plane/Generic Boeing 737'
05:54:35: --- Boarding ---
05:54:35: Altimeter: 1011.91 hPa at 1424 feet
05:54:35: Squawk code: 4702
05:54:35: Anti-collision lights: OFF
05:54:35: Landing lights: OFF
05:54:35: Strobe lights: OFF
05:54:35: Navigational lights: ON
05:54:35: Gears SET to DOWN at 4 knots, 1424 ft, 1 ft AGL
05:54:35: AP master is OFF
06:00:08: Altimeter: 1020.20 hPa at 1424 feet
06:00:55: Anti-collision lights: ON
06:02:34: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
06:02:34: Block time start
06:02:34: Fuel: left=3227 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3270 kg
06:02:34: Total fuel: 6497 kg
06:02:34: ZFW: 37389.22 kg
06:06:59: Strobe lights: ON
06:08:05: Pushback and taxi time: 00:05:30
06:08:05: --- Takeoff ---
06:08:05: Flight time start
06:08:05: Takeoff weight: 43792 kg, MTOW: 56472 kg
06:08:05: QNH: 1019.00 hPa, altimeter: 1020.20 hPa
06:08:05: Wind 014/4
06:08:05: NAV1: 111.20 (027°)
06:08:05: NAV2: 111.20 (000°)
06:08:05: ADF1: 370
06:08:05: ADF2: 339
06:08:05: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 118 knots, VR: 120 knots, V2: 131 knots
06:08:05: Derate calculated by the pilot: 88.0 %
06:08:05: Anti-ice was turned OFF
06:08:21: Takeoff speed: 145 knots
06:08:21: Takeoff heading: 338 degrees
06:08:21: Takeoff pitch: -9.0 degrees
06:08:21: Takeoff flaps: 5
06:08:21: CG/Trim: 0.0%/0.00
06:08:21: Landing lights were off during TAKEOFF (0.0)
06:08:26: --- Climb ---
06:08:26: Gears SET to UP at 163 knots, 1486 ft, 63 ft AGL
06:08:54: Initial climb speed: 184 knots - 1532 ft AGL
06:09:03: Flaps 1 - 195 knots, 1886 ft AGL, 3309 ft AMSL
06:09:43: Flaps 0 - 209 knots, 4167 ft AGL, 5587 ft AMSL
06:10:48: Altimeter: 1013.22 hPa at 9591 feet
06:20:26: Climb time: 00:12:00
06:20:26: --- Cruise ---
06:20:26: Cruise speed: 0.722 mach
06:23:37: Bank too steep (-30.0) during CRUISE (2.0)
06:33:46: Cruise speed: 0.711 mach
06:47:06: Cruise speed: 0.709 mach
07:00:28: Cruise speed: 0.709 mach
07:04:18: Cruise time: 00:43:51
07:04:18: --- Descent ---
07:04:18: NAV1: 111.20 (027°)
07:04:18: NAV2: 111.20 (000°)
07:04:18: ADF1: 370
07:04:18: ADF2: 339
07:15:21: NAV1: 111.20 (128°)
07:15:47: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
07:15:59: NAV2: 110.45 (000°)
07:16:01: NAV2: 110.50 (000°)
07:19:23: Flaps 1 - 205 knots, 2490 ft AGL, 2857 ft AMSL
07:20:02: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
07:20:02: Flaps 5 - 191 knots, 1998 ft AGL, 2382 ft AMSL
07:20:03: Gears SET to DOWN at 191 knots, 2363 ft, 1979 ft AGL
07:20:09: Descent time: 00:15:51
07:20:09: --- Landing ---
07:20:09: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
07:20:09: NAV2: 110.50 (000°)
07:20:09: ADF1: 370
07:20:09: ADF2: 339
07:20:09: QNH: 1021.00 hPa, altimeter: 1013.22 hPa
07:20:36: Flaps 15 - 170 knots, 1370 ft AGL, 1795 ft AMSL
07:20:37: Altimeter: 1021.10 hPa at 1780 feet
07:20:50: Flaps 25 - 157 knots, 1141 ft AGL, 1602 ft AMSL
07:20:58: Flaps 30 - 149 knots, 1029 ft AGL, 1501 ft AMSL
07:21:01: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
07:22:14: The flare has begun
07:22:14: Wind 030/7
07:22:14: Visibility: 16093 metres
07:22:14: QNH: 1021.00 hPa, altimeter: 1021.10 hPa
07:22:14: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 134 knots
07:22:14: Anti-ice was turned OFF
07:22:27: Flaretime: 12.960 (from real time)
07:22:27: Touchdown rate: -121 feet/min
07:22:27: Touchdown rate was calculated by the logger
07:22:27: Touchdown speed: 125 knots
07:22:27: Touchdown pitch: 2.7 degrees
07:22:27: Touchdown bank: 0.1 degrees
07:22:27: Touchdown heading: 128 degrees
07:22:27: CG: 0.0%
07:22:31: Transponder was standby during LANDING (0.0)
07:22:39: Reverser unlocked - 94 knots
07:22:49: Reverser closed - 64 knots
07:23:04: --- Taxi ---
07:23:04: Flight time end
07:23:04: Fuel: left=1927 kg - centre=0 kg - right=1957 kg
07:23:04: Total fuel: 3884 kg
07:23:04: Landing weight: 41273 kg, MLW: 51710
07:23:04: Vertical speed range: -4515..4160 feet/min
07:23:38: Flaps 0 - 21 knots, 1 ft AGL, 503 ft AMSL
07:27:01: Strobe lights: OFF
07:27:13: Anti-collision lights: OFF
07:27:16: Anti-collision lights were off during TAXI (1.0)
07:27:58: Taxi after landing time: 00:04:53
07:27:58: --- End ---
Rating: 97
07:27:58: Block time end
07:27:58: Flight time: 01:14:59
07:27:58: Flown distance: 479.67 NM
07:27:58: Block time: 01:25:23


The contents of the debug log:

18:42:05: MAVA Logger X 0.39.3 debug log
18:42:05: The initial configuration:
18:42:05: pilot ID: P188
18:42:05: rememberPassword: True
18:42:05: language:
18:42:05: hideMinimizedWindow: True
18:42:05: quitOnClose: False
18:42:05: onlineGateSystem: True
18:42:05: onlineACARS: True
18:42:05: flareTimeFromFS: False
18:42:05: syncFSTime: False
18:42:05: usingFS2Crew: False
18:42:05: iasSmoothingLength: -2
18:42:05: vsSmoothingLength: -2
18:42:05: useSimBrief: False
18:42:05: simBriefUserName:
18:42:05: rememberSimBriefPassword: False
18:42:05: pirepDirectory: None
18:42:05: pirepAutoSave: False
18:42:05: defaultMSFS: False
18:42:05: enableSounds: True
18:42:05: pilotControlsSounds: True
18:42:05: pilotHotkey: C0
18:42:05: enableApproachCallouts: False
18:42:05: speedbrakeAtTD: True
18:42:05: enableChecklists: False
18:42:05: checklistHotkey: CS0
18:42:05: autoUpdate: True
18:42:05: updateURL:
18:42:05: useRPC: True
18:42:05: messageTypeLevels:
18:42:05: loggerError: both
18:42:05: information: fs
18:42:05: inflight: fs
18:42:05: fault: both
18:42:05: nogo: both
18:42:05: gateSystem: both
18:42:05: environment: fs
18:42:05: help: both
18:42:05: visibility: fs
18:42:05: checklists:
18:42:05: B736:
18:42:05: B737:
18:42:05: B738:
18:42:05: B733:
18:42:05: B734:
18:42:05: B735:
18:42:05: DH8D:
18:42:05: B762:
18:42:05: B763:
18:42:05: CRJ2:
18:42:05: F70:
18:42:05: DC3:
18:42:05: T134:
18:42:05: T154:
18:42:05: YK40:
18:42:05: B738C:
18:42:05: B462:
18:42:05: B732:
18:42:05: approachCallouts:
18:42:05: B736:
18:42:05: B737:
18:42:05: B738:
18:42:05: B733:
18:42:05: B734:
18:42:05: B735:
18:42:05: DH8D:
18:42:05: B762:
18:42:05: B763:
18:42:05: CRJ2:
18:42:05: F70:
18:42:05: DC3:
18:42:05: T134:
18:42:05: T154:
18:42:05: YK40:
18:42:05: B738C:
18:42:05: B462:
18:42:05: B732:
18:42:05: running
18:42:05: TakeoffPage.reset
18:42:05: Initializing CEF with args: []
18:42:05: [CEF Python] Initialize() called
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefExecuteProcess(): exitCode = -1
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefInitialize()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] App_OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing_BrowserProcess()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
18:42:05: Initialized, executing callback...
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
18:42:05: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=1
18:42:05: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CreateBrowserSync() called
18:42:05: [CEF Python] navigateUrl:
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] GetPyBrowser(): creating new PyBrowser, browserId=2
18:42:05: [CEF Python] BrowserProcessHandler_OnBeforeChildProcessLaunch()
18:42:05: [CEF Python] CefBrowser::CreateBrowserSync() succeeded
18:42:05: [CEF Python] SendProcessMessage(): message=DoJavascriptBindings, arguments size=1
18:42:05: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:06: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
18:42:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:10: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 404
18:42:10: Traceback (most recent call last):
18:42:10: File "load_handler_cef3.pyx", line 52, in cefpython_py27.LoadHandler_OnLoadEnd (cefpython.cpp:60218)
18:42:10: File "mlx\gui\cef.pyc", line 120, in _onLoadEnd
18:42:10: File "mlx\gui\cef.pyc", line 196, in _updateProgress
18:42:10: TypeError: an integer is required
18:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#4]
18:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:42:14: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.39.3
18:42:14: xplane.Simulator: new data: D-IXEG, IXEG International X-Plane Development Group, Boeing 737-300 Published by X-Aviation, , B733, Aircraft/X-Aviation/IXEG 737 Classic/liveries/MALEV-HA-LEG/
18:43:04: running
18:43:36: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
18:43:36: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
18:43:37: Traceback (most recent call last):
18:43:37: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 1014, in getPilotsWebNOTAMs
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 394, in open
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 412, in _open
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 372, in _call_chain
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1207, in https_open
18:43:37: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1174, in do_open
18:43:37: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:503: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version>
18:43:37: mlx.web.GetNOTAMs.getPilotsWebNOTAMs: failed to get NOTAMs for 'LSZH': <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:503: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version>
18:43:38: Traceback (most recent call last):
18:43:38: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 1014, in getPilotsWebNOTAMs
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 394, in open
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 412, in _open
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 372, in _call_chain
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1207, in https_open
18:43:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1174, in do_open
18:43:38: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:503: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version>
18:43:38: mlx.web.GetNOTAMs.getPilotsWebNOTAMs: failed to get NOTAMs for 'LHBP': <urlopen error [Errno 1] _ssl.c:503: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version>
18:43:38: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
18:43:38: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
18:43:40: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
18:43:40: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
18:43:44: TakeoffPage.activate
18:43:44: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
18:43:44: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
18:43:44: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:44: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:43:45: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
18:43:45: Sent online ACARS
18:43:48: Closing mlxsound0
18:43:48: Closed mlxsound0
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:49: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:55: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:57: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:57: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:43:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:43:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:00: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:00: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:04: running
18:44:30: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
18:44:31: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
18:44:38: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
18:44:40: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:56: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:44:59: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:44:59: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:00: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:45:00: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
18:45:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:04: running
18:45:08: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
18:45:08: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:08: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
18:45:08: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:09: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
18:45:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:45:09: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
18:45:09: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
18:46:04: running
18:46:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:46:46: Sent online ACARS
18:47:04: running
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#4]
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#3]
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#2]
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:47:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#7]
18:47:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:48:04: running
18:49:04: running
18:49:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:49:46: Sent online ACARS
18:50:04: running
18:50:12: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
18:50:13: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
18:51:04: running
18:52:00: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
18:52:04: running
18:52:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:52:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#7]
18:52:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:52:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#6]
18:52:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:52:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#5]
18:52:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:52:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
18:52:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#10]
18:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:52:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:52:46: Sent online ACARS
18:53:04: running
18:54:04: running
18:55:04: running
18:55:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:55:46: Sent online ACARS
18:56:04: running
18:57:04: running
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:57:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#10]
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:57:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#9]
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:57:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#8]
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:57:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:57:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
18:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#13]
18:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
18:57:46: TakeoffPage.allowForward
18:57:46: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: True
18:57:46: METAR: LSZH 141720Z 01005KT 9999 BKN028 SCT080 M01/M06 Q1020 NOSIG
18:57:46: runway: 34
18:57:46: SID: DEGES 2H
18:57:46: V1: 118
18:57:46: VR: 120
18:57:46: V2: 131
18:57:46: derateType: 1
18:57:46: derate: 88.0
18:57:46: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
18:57:50: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Landing lights were off during TAKEOFF (0.0)
18:57:50: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound1
18:57:50: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
18:57:51: Closing mlxsound1
18:57:51: Closed mlxsound1
18:57:55: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
18:58:04: running
18:58:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:58:46: Sent online ACARS
18:59:04: running
19:00:04: running
19:01:04: running
19:01:20: LandingPage.metarInserted True
19:01:20: LandingPage.metarChanged True
19:01:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:01:46: Sent online ACARS
19:02:04: running
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#13]
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#12]
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#11]
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:02:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:02:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#16]
19:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:03:04: running
19:04:04: running
19:04:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:04:46: Sent online ACARS
19:05:04: running
19:06:04: running
19:07:04: running
19:07:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:07:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#16]
19:07:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:07:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#15]
19:07:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:07:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#14]
19:07:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:07:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:07:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#19]
19:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:07:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:07:46: Sent online ACARS
19:08:04: running
19:09:04: running
19:09:58: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
19:10:04: running
19:10:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:10:46: Sent online ACARS
19:11:04: running
19:12:04: running
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:12:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#19]
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:12:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#18]
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:12:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#17]
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:12:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:12:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#22]
19:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:12:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:13:04: running
19:13:09: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Bank too steep (-30.0) during CRUISE (2.0)
19:13:09: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound2
19:13:09: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
19:13:10: Closing mlxsound2
19:13:10: Closed mlxsound2
19:13:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:13:47: Sent online ACARS
19:14:04: running
19:15:04: running
19:16:04: running
19:16:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:16:46: Sent online ACARS
19:17:04: running
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:17:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#22]
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:17:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#21]
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:17:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#20]
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:17:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:17:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#25]
19:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:18:04: running
19:19:04: running
19:19:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:19:46: Sent online ACARS
19:20:04: running
19:21:04: running
19:22:04: running
19:22:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:22:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#25]
19:22:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:22:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#24]
19:22:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:22:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#23]
19:22:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:22:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:22:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:22:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:22:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:22:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:22:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:22:11: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#28]
19:22:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:22:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:22:46: Sent online ACARS
19:23:04: running
19:24:04: running
19:25:04: running
19:25:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:25:46: Sent online ACARS
19:26:04: running
19:27:04: running
19:27:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:27:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#28]
19:27:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:27:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#27]
19:27:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:27:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#26]
19:27:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:27:09: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:27:09: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:27:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:27:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:27:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:27:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:27:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#31]
19:27:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:28:04: running
19:28:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:28:46: Sent online ACARS
19:29:04: running
19:29:39: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
19:29:40: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
19:30:04: running
19:31:04: running
19:31:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:31:46: Sent online ACARS
19:32:04: running
19:32:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:32:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#31]
19:32:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:32:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#30]
19:32:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:32:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#29]
19:32:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:32:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:32:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:32:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:32:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:32:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:32:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:32:11: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#34]
19:32:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:33:04: running
19:34:04: running
19:34:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:34:46: Sent online ACARS
19:35:04: running
19:36:04: running
19:37:04: running
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#34]
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#33]
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#32]
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:37:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#37]
19:37:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:37:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:37:46: Sent online ACARS
19:38:04: running
19:39:04: running
19:40:04: running
19:40:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:40:47: Sent online ACARS
19:41:04: running
19:42:04: running
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#37]
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#36]
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#35]
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:42:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#40]
19:42:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:43:04: running
19:43:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:43:46: Sent online ACARS
19:44:04: running
19:45:04: running
19:46:04: running
19:46:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:46:46: Sent online ACARS
19:47:04: running
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#40]
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#39]
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#38]
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:47:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:47:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:47:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:47:11: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#43]
19:47:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:48:04: running
19:49:04: running
19:49:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:49:46: Sent online ACARS
19:50:04: running
19:51:04: running
19:52:04: running
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#43]
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#42]
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#41]
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:52:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#46]
19:52:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:52:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:52:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:52:46: Sent online ACARS
19:53:04: running
19:54:04: running
19:54:31: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Descent
19:55:04: running
19:55:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:55:46: Sent online ACARS
19:56:04: running
19:57:04: running
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#46]
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#45]
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#44]
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
19:57:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#49]
19:57:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
19:58:04: running
19:58:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:58:47: Sent online ACARS
19:59:04: running
20:00:04: running
20:01:04: running
20:01:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:01:46: Sent online ACARS
20:02:04: running
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#49]
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#48]
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#47]
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:02:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:02:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:02:11: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#52]
20:02:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:02:11: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:03:04: running
20:04:04: running
20:04:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:04:46: Sent online ACARS
20:05:04: running
20:06:04: running
20:07:04: running
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#52]
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#51]
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#50]
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:07:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#55]
20:07:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:07:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:07:46: Sent online ACARS
20:08:04: running
20:09:04: running
20:10:04: running
20:10:25: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 16.1 kilometres
20:10:31: Downloading arrival METAR again
20:10:31: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Landing
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarChanged False
20:10:32: LandingPage.changeMETAR
20:10:32: LandingPage.metarInserted True
20:10:32: LandingPage.metarChanged True
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarChanged False
20:10:32: LandingPage.changeMETAR
20:10:32: LandingPage.metarInserted True
20:10:32: LandingPage.metarChanged True
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarInserted False
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
20:10:32: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
20:10:46: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:10:46: Sent online ACARS
20:11:04: running
20:11:24: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 16.1 kilometres
20:12:04: running
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#55]
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#54]
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#53]
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:12:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#58]
20:12:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:12:38: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flare-time
20:12:55: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\taps.mp3 xplra.Simulator.sendMessage:as [MLX] Transponder was standby during LANDING (0.0)mlxsound3
20:12:55: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\taps.mp3
20:12:55: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound4
20:12:55: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:12:56: Closing mlxsound4
20:12:56: Closed mlxsound4
20:12:59: Closing mlxsound3
20:12:59: Closed mlxsound3
20:13:04: running
20:13:28: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Taxi
20:13:28: Failed to convert value 'IL6' of attribute 'typeCode':
20:13:28: Traceback (most recent call last):
20:13:28: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 37, in init
20:13:28: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 360, in <lambda>
20:13:28: File "mlx\rpc.pyc", line 239, in _decodeAircraftType
20:13:28: Exception: Invalid aircraft type code: 'IL6'
20:13:31: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Free gates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 107, 108, 109, R110, R111, R112, R113, R114, R115, R116, R117, R210, R271, R274, R276, R278, R278A, R279
20:13:31: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound5
20:13:31: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:13:32: Closing mlxsound5
20:13:32: Closed mlxsound5
20:13:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:13:46: Sent online ACARS
20:14:04: running
20:15:04: running
20:16:04: running
20:16:45: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
20:16:46: Sent online ACARS
20:17:04: running
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#58]
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#57]
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#56]
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#1]
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextReleased()
20:17:10: [CEF Python] del g_pyFrames[1#61]
20:17:10: [CEF Python] V8ContextHandler_OnContextCreated()
20:17:41: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Anti-collision lights were off during TAXI (1.0)
20:17:41: Starting to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav as mlxsound6
20:17:41: Started to play D:\MAVA Logger X\sounds\ding.wav
20:17:42: Closing mlxsound6
20:17:42: Closed mlxsound6
20:18:04: running
20:18:23: xplra.Simulator.disconnect [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Budapest Ferihegy Airport. 5
20:18:23: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Budapest Ferihegy Airport.
20:18:23: xplane.Handler._disconnect
20:19:04: running

Change History (1)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 6 years ago

Component: datacollection/fsuipc
Owner: set to István Váradi
Priority: majortrivial
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Type: defectsupport request

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