Opened 21 months ago
Closed 20 months ago
#368 closed defect (fixed)
VATSIM Prefile
Reported by: | Owned by: | István Váradi | |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | Maintenance |
Component: | aircraft/b737 | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Beépített böngészőből nem működik a prefile.
The contents of the log:
MLX 0.60 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x73200000, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 13)
The contents of the debug log:
11:39:54: MAVA Logger X 0.60 debug log
11:39:54: The initial configuration:
11:39:54: pilot ID: P217
11:39:54: rememberPassword: True
11:39:54: language:
11:39:54: hideMinimizedWindow: True
11:39:54: quitOnClose: False
11:39:54: onlineGateSystem: True
11:39:54: onlineACARS: True
11:39:54: flareTimeFromFS: False
11:39:54: syncFSTime: False
11:39:54: usingFS2Crew: False
11:39:54: iasSmoothingLength: -2
11:39:54: vsSmoothingLength: -2
11:39:54: useSimBrief: True
11:39:54: useInternalBrowserForSimBrief: True
11:39:54: simBriefUserName: ujhelyi.domonkos6@…
11:39:54: rememberSimBriefPassword: True
11:39:54: pirepDirectory: D:\MAVA\PIREP
11:39:54: pirepAutoSave: True
11:39:54: defaultMSFS: True
11:39:54: xplaneRemote: False
11:39:54: xplaneAddress:
11:39:54: enableSounds: True
11:39:54: pilotControlsSounds: False
11:39:54: pilotHotkey: C0
11:39:54: taxiSoundOnPushback: True
11:39:54: enableApproachCallouts: False
11:39:54: speedbrakeAtTD: True
11:39:54: enableChecklists: True
11:39:54: checklistHotkey: CS0
11:39:54: autoUpdate: True
11:39:54: updateURL:
11:39:54: messageTypeLevels:
11:39:54: loggerError: both
11:39:54: information: fs
11:39:54: inflight: fs
11:39:54: fault: both
11:39:54: nogo: both
11:39:54: gateSystem: fs
11:39:54: environment: fs
11:39:54: help: fs
11:39:54: visibility: fs
11:39:54: checklists:
11:39:54: B736:
11:39:54: B737:
11:39:54: B738:
11:39:54: B738C:
11:39:54: DH8D:
11:39:54: F70:
11:39:54: CRJ2:
11:39:54: B762:
11:39:54: B763:
11:39:54: B732:
11:39:54: B733:
11:39:54: B734:
11:39:54: B735:
11:39:54: T154:
11:39:54: T134:
11:39:54: YK40:
11:39:54: DC3:
11:39:54: B462:
11:39:54: approachCallouts:
11:39:54: B736:
11:39:54: B737:
11:39:54: B738:
11:39:54: B738C:
11:39:54: DH8D:
11:39:54: F70:
11:39:54: CRJ2:
11:39:54: B762:
11:39:54: B763:
11:39:54: B732:
11:39:54: B733:
11:39:54: B734:
11:39:54: B735:
11:39:54: T154:
11:39:54: T134:
11:39:54: YK40:
11:39:54: DC3:
11:39:54: B462:
11:39:54: running
11:39:54: TakeoffPage.reset
11:39:54: Initializing CEF with args: []
11:39:54: gui.cef._initializeCEF1: the cache directory is removed
11:39:54: Initialized, executing callback...
11:39:56: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
11:40:53: running
11:41:53: running
11:42:53: running
11:43:53: running
11:44:53: running
11:45:53: running
11:46:00: 2023-07-02 2023-07-03
11:46:01: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.60
11:46:01: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: Airbus A320 Neo Asobo, C:\MSFS\Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-a320-neo\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG
11:46:01: PTT154Model.doesHandle 1 Airbus A320 Neo Asobo C:\MSFS\Official\OneStore\asobo-aircraft-a320-neo\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_A320_NEO\aircraft.CFG
11:46:01: fsuipc.Simulator._handleNumHotkeys: numHotkeys: 56
11:46:11: timestamp: 1688377550
11:46:11: departureTime 2023-07-02 10:05:00
11:46:11: plan: {'airline': 'MAH', 'selcal': 'XXXX', 'fuelfactor': 'P000', 'contpct': '0.05', 'resvrule': '45', 'taxiout': '10', 'taxiin': '10', 'civalue': 'AUTO', 'lang': 'hun', 'sessionID': '86590d19fded1deb2686e67665c2edfa', 'timestamp': 1688291170, 'cpt': 'Ujhelyi Domonkos', 'pid': 'P217', 'fltnum': '200', 'type': 'B736', 'orig': 'LHBP', 'dest': 'LTBA', 'reg': 'HA-LOD', 'pax': '92', 'date': '02JUL23', 'deph': '10', 'depm': '6', 'steh': '1', 'stem': '45', 'manualzfw': '48.004', 'cargo': '1.724', 'route': 'VETIK DCT TEGRI DCT TIMUR L606 ADORU UN739 ATVEP', 'fl': '38000', 'altn': 'LOWW', 'addedfuel': '0.5', 'origrwy': , 'destrwy': , 'climb': '250/280/78', 'cruise': 'CI', 'descent': '78/280/250'}
11:46:11: url:×tamp=1688291170&cpt=Ujhelyi+Domonkos&pid=P217&fltnum=200&type=B736&orig=LHBP&dest=LTBA®=HA-LOD&pax=92&date=02JUL23&deph=10&depm=6&steh=1&stem=45&manualzfw=48.004&cargo=1.724&route=VETIK+DCT+TEGRI+DCT+TIMUR+L606+ADORU+UN739+ATVEP&fl=38000&altn=LOWW&addedfuel=0.5&origrwy=&destrwy=&climb=250%2F280%2F78&cruise=CI&descent=78%2F280%2F250
11:46:11: _simBriefProgress 2 0 None
11:46:11: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
11:46:11: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
11:46:12: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200×tamp=1688291170&cpt=Ujhelyi+Domonkos&pid=P217&fltnum=200&type=B736&orig=LHBP&dest=LTBA®=HA-LOD&pax=92&date=02JUL23&deph=10&depm=6&steh=1&stem=45&manualzfw=48.004&cargo=1.724&route=VETIK+DCT+TEGRI+DCT+TIMUR+L606+ADORU+UN739+ATVEP&fl=38000&altn=LOWW&addedfuel=0.5&origrwy=&destrwy=&climb=250%2F280%2F78&cruise=CI&descent=78%2F280%2F250
11:46:12: _simBriefProgress 4 0 None
11:46:12: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 0 about:blank
11:46:14: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
11:46:16: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
11:46:16: _getCredentials 0
11:46:18: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
11:46:18: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadError <cefpython_py37.PyBrowser object at 0x05bc6ee0> <cefpython_py37.PyFrame object at 0x0b0e3c60> -3 ERR_ABORTED
11:46:18: _simBriefProgress 4 2 None
11:46:23: Closing mlxsound0
11:46:23: Closed mlxsound0
11:46:24: gui.cef.SimBriefHandler._onLoadEnd 200
11:46:53: running
Change History (1)
comment:1 by , 20 months ago
Component: | → aircraft/b737 |
Owner: | set to |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |