#376 closed defect (fixed)

Simbrief + 1

Reported by: ujhelyi.domonkos6@… Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: major Milestone: Maintenance
Component: aircraft/b737 Keywords:


Simbrief egyáltalán nem működik 767-nél, hiába van bepipálva, hogy használja, nem teszi, a default planningon megy végig.
Illetve nem tudom, hogy egy LHBP-LIRF úton hogyan lehet az elhasznált üzemanyagom -775 kg, de igencsak takarékosnak tűnik a repcsi :)



The contents of the log:

MLX 0.62 connected to the simulator (X-Plane version: 11550, XPLM version: 303, XPLRA version: 030)
08:40:04: Aircraft: name='Boeing 767 200ER', model='X-Plane/Generic Boeing 767'
08:40:04: --- Boarding ---
08:40:04: Altimeter: 1006.14 hPa at 471 feet
08:40:04: Squawk code: 2000
08:40:04: Anti-collision lights: OFF
08:40:04: Landing lights: OFF
08:40:04: Strobe lights: OFF
08:40:04: Navigational lights: ON
08:40:04: Gears SET to DOWN at -0 knots, 471 ft, 2 ft AGL
08:40:04: AP master is OFF
08:51:52: Squawk code: 1000
09:03:18: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
09:03:18: Block time start
09:03:18: Fuel: left=6424 kg - centre=0 kg - right=6459 kg
09:03:18: Total fuel: 12883 kg
09:03:18: ZFW: 95591.02 kg
09:03:27: Anti-collision lights: ON
09:14:27: Landing lights: ON
09:14:46: Strobe lights: ON
09:17:36: Speedbrake up
09:17:37: Speedbrake down
09:19:59: Pushback and taxi time: 00:16:40
09:19:59: --- Takeoff ---
09:19:59: Flight time start
09:19:59: Takeoff weight: 108033 kg, MTOW: 159210 kg
09:19:59: QNH: 1005.00 hPa, altimeter: 1006.14 hPa
09:19:59: Wind 130/7
09:19:59: NAV1: 117.30 (307°)
09:19:59: NAV2: 0.01 (000°)
09:19:59: ADF1: 210
09:19:59: ADF2: 210
09:19:59: Calc. TO speeds: V1: 123 knots, VR: 126 knots, V2: 134 knots
09:19:59: Derate calculated by the pilot: 103.9 %
09:19:59: Anti-ice was turned OFF
09:20:26: Takeoff speed: 144 knots
09:20:26: Takeoff heading: 133 degrees
09:20:26: Takeoff pitch: -7.6 degrees
09:20:26: Takeoff flaps: 5
09:20:26: CG/Trim: -46.6%/6.55
09:20:28: Gears SET to UP at 150 knots, 472 ft, 19 ft AGL
09:20:30: --- Climb ---
09:21:04: AP master is ON
09:21:04: AP altitude hold is OFF
09:21:16: Initial climb speed: 183 knots - 1520 ft AGL
09:21:21: Flaps 1 - 186 knots, 1659 ft AGL, 2098 ft AMSL
09:21:33: Flaps 0 - 199 knots, 1977 ft AGL, 2393 ft AMSL
09:22:53: NAV1: 112.50 (307°)
09:23:41: NAV1: 114.15 (307°)
09:24:33: Landing lights: OFF
09:24:38: Altimeter: 1013.25 hPa at 10264 feet
09:26:59: NAV1: 117.10 (307°)
09:28:51: NAV1: 113.40 (307°)
09:29:15: NAV1: 117.40 (307°)
09:39:13: AP altitude hold is ON
09:39:13: AP altitude: 36100 ft
09:39:48: AP altitude: 36000 ft
09:40:21: AP altitude: 36300 ft
09:40:25: AP altitude: 36000 ft
09:40:29: AP altitude hold is OFF
09:41:22: AP altitude hold is ON
09:41:22: AP altitude: 36000 ft
09:43:53: AP altitude hold is OFF
09:46:02: Climb time: 00:25:31
09:46:02: --- Cruise ---
09:46:02: Cruise speed: 0.772 mach
09:47:41: AP altitude hold is ON
09:47:41: AP altitude: 40000 ft
09:54:20: NAV1: 108.60 (307°)
09:57:21: NAV1: 115.70 (307°)
09:59:22: Cruise speed: 0.772 mach
10:08:49: AP altitude hold is OFF
10:09:44: Cruise time: 00:23:42
10:09:44: --- Descent ---
10:09:44: NAV1: 115.70 (307°)
10:09:44: NAV2: 109.75 (159°)
10:09:44: ADF1: 210
10:09:44: ADF2: 210
10:09:48: NAV1: 110.80 (307°)
10:17:53: NAV1: 111.40 (307°)
10:19:26: NAV1: 110.80 (307°)
10:20:18: NAV1: 111.40 (307°)
10:25:34: AP altitude hold is ON
10:25:34: AP altitude: 13434 ft
10:26:14: Speedbrake up
10:26:45: AP altitude hold is OFF
10:29:07: AP altitude hold is ON
10:29:07: AP altitude: 10092 ft
10:29:13: AP altitude hold is OFF
10:30:10: AP altitude hold is ON
10:30:10: AP altitude: 8510 ft
10:30:24: AP altitude hold is OFF
10:31:08: Altimeter: 1005.13 hPa at 7437 feet
10:31:52: Landing lights: ON
10:33:23: AP altitude hold is ON
10:33:23: AP altitude: 4000 ft
10:34:06: Flaps 1 - 210 knots, 3556 ft AGL, 3988 ft AMSL
10:34:19: AP altitude hold is OFF
10:34:27: NAV1: 114.90 (307°)
10:35:29: Flaps 5 - 207 knots, 2487 ft AGL, 2598 ft AMSL
10:36:00: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
10:36:10: Gears SET to DOWN at 196 knots, 1830 ft, 1816 ft AGL
10:36:21: Descent time: 00:26:37
10:36:21: --- Landing ---
10:36:21: NAV1: 114.90 (307°)
10:36:21: NAV2: 109.75 (159°)
10:36:21: ADF1: 210
10:36:21: ADF2: 210
10:36:21: QNH: 1005.00 hPa, altimeter: 1005.13 hPa
10:36:29: Flaps 15 - 187 knots, 1476 ft AGL, 1488 ft AMSL
10:36:46: Flaps 20 - 179 knots, 1220 ft AGL, 1235 ft AMSL
10:37:00: Pilot was informed about the visibility: 16.1 kilometres
10:37:02: Flaps 25 - 171 knots, 961 ft AGL, 978 ft AMSL
10:37:33: AP master is OFF
10:38:06: The flare has begun
10:38:06: Wind 130/8
10:38:06: Visibility: 16093 metres
10:38:06: QNH: 1005.00 hPa, altimeter: 1005.13 hPa
10:38:06: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 128 knots
10:38:06: Anti-ice was turned OFF
10:38:12: Flaretime: 6.159 (from real time)
10:38:12: Touchdown rate: -267 feet/min
10:38:12: Touchdown rate was calculated by the logger
10:38:12: Touchdown speed: 137 knots
10:38:12: Touchdown pitch: 4.3 degrees
10:38:12: Touchdown bank: -0.3 degrees
10:38:12: Touchdown heading: 161 degrees
10:38:12: CG: -58.2%
10:38:15: Reverser unlocked - 135 knots
10:38:27: Reverser closed - 93 knots
10:39:06: --- Taxi ---
10:39:06: Flight time end
10:39:06: Fuel: left=3612 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3631 kg
10:39:06: Total fuel: 7243 kg
10:39:06: Landing weight: 102834 kg, MLW: 126098
10:39:06: Vertical speed range: -3078..3322 feet/min
10:39:21: Landing lights: OFF
10:39:23: Strobe lights: OFF
10:40:11: Flaps 0 - 3 knots, 2 ft AGL, 14 ft AMSL
10:44:27: Taxi after landing time: 00:05:21
10:44:27: --- End ---
Rating: 100
10:44:27: Block time end
10:44:27: Flight time: 01:19:06
10:44:27: Flown distance: 517.87 NM
10:44:27: Block time: 01:41:08


The contents of the debug log:

16:45:23: MAVA Logger X 0.62 debug log
16:45:23: The initial configuration:
16:45:23: pilot ID: P217
16:45:23: rememberPassword: True
16:45:23: clearBrowseCacheOnStart: False
16:45:23: language:
16:45:23: mainWindowResizable: True
16:45:23: hideMinimizedWindow: True
16:45:23: quitOnClose: False
16:45:23: onlineGateSystem: True
16:45:23: onlineACARS: True
16:45:23: flareTimeFromFS: False
16:45:23: syncFSTime: False
16:45:23: usingFS2Crew: False
16:45:23: iasSmoothingLength: -2
16:45:23: vsSmoothingLength: -2
16:45:23: useSimBrief: True
16:45:23: useInternalBrowserForSimBrief: True
16:45:23: simBriefUserName: ujhelyi.domonkos6@…
16:45:23: rememberSimBriefPassword: True
16:45:23: pirepDirectory: D:\MAVA\PIREP
16:45:23: pirepAutoSave: True
16:45:23: defaultMSFS: False
16:45:23: xplaneRemote: False
16:45:23: xplaneAddress:
16:45:23: enableSounds: True
16:45:23: pilotControlsSounds: False
16:45:23: pilotHotkey: C0
16:45:23: taxiSoundOnPushback: True
16:45:23: enableApproachCallouts: False
16:45:23: speedbrakeAtTD: True
16:45:23: enableChecklists: True
16:45:23: checklistHotkey: CS0
16:45:23: autoUpdate: True
16:45:23: updateURL: https://mlx.varadiistvan.hu/update
16:45:23: messageTypeLevels:
16:45:23: loggerError: both
16:45:23: information: fs
16:45:23: inflight: fs
16:45:23: fault: both
16:45:23: nogo: both
16:45:23: gateSystem: fs
16:45:23: environment: fs
16:45:23: help: fs
16:45:23: visibility: fs
16:45:23: checklists:
16:45:23: B736:
16:45:23: B737:
16:45:23: B738:
16:45:23: B738C:
16:45:23: DH8D:
16:45:23: F70:
16:45:23: CRJ2:
16:45:23: B762:
16:45:23: B763:
16:45:23: B732:
16:45:23: B733:
16:45:23: B734:
16:45:23: B735:
16:45:23: T154:
16:45:23: T134:
16:45:23: YK40:
16:45:23: DC3:
16:45:23: B462:
16:45:23: approachCallouts:
16:45:23: B736:
16:45:23: B737:
16:45:23: B738:
16:45:23: B738C:
16:45:23: DH8D:
16:45:23: F70:
16:45:23: CRJ2:
16:45:23: B762:
16:45:23: B763:
16:45:23: B732:
16:45:23: B733:
16:45:23: B734:
16:45:23: B735:
16:45:23: T154:
16:45:23: T134:
16:45:23: YK40:
16:45:23: DC3:
16:45:23: B462:
16:45:23: Watchdog.run: running
16:45:23: TakeoffPage.reset
16:45:23: Initializing CEF with args: []
16:45:23: Initialized, executing callback...
16:45:24: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
16:45:34: 2023-10-21 2023-10-22
16:46:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:47:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:48:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:49:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:50:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:51:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:52:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:53:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:54:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:55:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:56:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:57:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:58:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:59:22: Watchdog.run: running
16:59:34: The departure gate is '35', and it is not taxi-through
16:59:34: xplane.Handler._connect: address: local
16:59:34: xplane.Handler._connect: fsType: 6
16:59:34: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Welcome to MAVA Logger X 0.62
16:59:34: xplane.Simulator: new data: FFSTS, FlightFactor and StepToSky, Boeing 767 200ER, , B762, Aircraft/FlightFactor/Boeing767-Extended/liveries/767-200ER Malev [GE] [NWL] HA-LHB/
16:59:47: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
16:59:48: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
17:00:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:01:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:02:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:03:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:03:37: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
17:04:15: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
17:04:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:04:23: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
17:04:35: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
17:05:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:06:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:07:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:08:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:09:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:10:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:10:24: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has timed out!
17:10:31: Watchdog client xplane.Handler has been cleared.
17:11:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:12:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:12:29: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
17:12:29: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\notam.mp3
17:12:30: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:12:30: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
17:12:37: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
17:12:37: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
17:12:42: Closing mlxsound0
17:12:42: Closed mlxsound0
17:13:03: TakeoffPage.activate
17:13:03: TakeoffPage.metarInserted True
17:13:03: TakeoffPage.metarChanged True
17:13:03: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:13:03: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:13:03: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPCxplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Boarding
17:13:03: Sent online ACARS
17:13:13: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\board.mp3 as mlxsound1
17:13:13: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\board.mp3
17:13:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:14:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:14:27: Closing mlxsound1
17:14:27: Closed mlxsound1
17:15:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:16:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:16:04: Sent online ACARS
17:16:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:17:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:18:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:19:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:19:04: Sent online ACARS
17:19:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:20:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:21:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:22:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:22:04: Sent online ACARS
17:22:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:23:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:24:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:25:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:25:04: Sent online ACARS
17:25:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:26:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:27:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:28:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:28:04: Sent online ACARS
17:28:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:29:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:30:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:31:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:31:04: Sent online ACARS
17:31:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:32:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:33:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:34:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:34:04: Sent online ACARS
17:34:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:35:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:36:05: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Pushback and Taxi
17:36:05: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3 as mlxsound2
17:36:05: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\malev.mp3
17:36:08: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Don't forget to set the takeoff V-speeds!
17:36:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:36:56: Closing mlxsound2
17:36:56: Closed mlxsound2
17:36:56: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\767taxi.mp3 as mlxsound3
17:36:56: Failed to start playing D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\767taxi.mp3: MCI error: open "D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\767taxi.mp3" alias mlxsound3: b'A megadott f\xe1jl nem tal\xe1lhat\xf3. Gy\xf5z\xf5dj\xf6n meg az el\xe9r\xe9si \xfat \xe9s a f\xe1jln\xe9v helyess\xe9g\xe9r\xf5l.'
17:37:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:37:04: Sent online ACARS
17:37:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:38:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:14: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:15: TakeoffPage._upperChanged
17:39:15: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:15: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:16: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:17: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:22: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:24: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._valueChanged
17:39:26: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:28: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:39:28: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._derateChanged
17:39:29: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: False , sensitive: False
17:40:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:40:04: Sent online ACARS
17:40:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:41:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:42:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:43:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:43:04: Sent online ACARS
17:43:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:44:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:45:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:46:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:46:04: Sent online ACARS
17:46:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:47:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:48:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:49:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:49:04: Sent online ACARS
17:49:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:50:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:51:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:52:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:52:04: Sent online ACARS
17:52:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:53:10: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Takeoff
17:53:10: TakeoffPage.allowForward
17:53:10: TakeoffPage._updateForwardButton: forwardAllowed: True , sensitive: True
17:53:10: METAR: LHBP 211500Z 13008KT CAVOK 18/15 Q1005 NOSIG
17:53:10: runway: 13L
17:53:10: SID: DUZLA2B
17:53:10: V1: 123
17:53:10: VR: 126
17:53:10: V2: 134
17:53:10: derateType: 1
17:53:10: derate: 103.9
17:53:15: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
17:53:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:54:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:55:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:55:04: Sent online ACARS
17:55:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:56:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:57:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:58:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
17:58:04: Sent online ACARS
17:58:22: Watchdog.run: running
17:59:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:00:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:01:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:01:04: Sent online ACARS
18:01:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:02:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:03:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:04:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:04:04: Sent online ACARS
18:04:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:05:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:06:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:07:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:07:04: Sent online ACARS
18:07:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:08:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:09:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:10:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:10:04: Sent online ACARS
18:10:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:11:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:12:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:13:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:13:04: Sent online ACARS
18:13:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:14:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:15:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:16:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:16:04: Sent online ACARS
18:16:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:17:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:18:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:18:43: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
18:18:43: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOC.mp3 as mlxsound4
18:18:43: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOC.mp3
18:19:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:19:04: Sent online ACARS
18:19:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:19:52: Closing mlxsound4
18:19:52: Closed mlxsound4
18:20:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:21:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:22:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:22:04: Sent online ACARS
18:22:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:23:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:24:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:25:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:25:04: Sent online ACARS
18:25:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:26:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:27:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:28:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:28:04: Sent online ACARS
18:28:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:29:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:30:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:31:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:31:04: Sent online ACARS
18:31:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:32:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:33:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:34:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:34:04: Sent online ACARS
18:34:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:35:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:36:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:37:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:37:04: Sent online ACARS
18:37:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:38:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:39:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:40:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:40:04: Sent online ACARS
18:40:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:41:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:42:19: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Descent
18:42:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:43:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:43:04: Sent online ACARS
18:43:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:44:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:45:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:46:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:46:04: Sent online ACARS
18:46:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:47:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:48:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:49:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:49:04: Sent online ACARS
18:49:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:50:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:51:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:52:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:52:04: Sent online ACARS
18:52:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:53:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:54:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:55:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:55:05: Sent online ACARS
18:55:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:56:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:57:21: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOD.mp3 as mlxsound5
18:57:21: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TOD.mp3
18:57:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:58:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
18:58:04: Sent online ACARS
18:58:05: Closing mlxsound5
18:58:05: Closed mlxsound5
18:58:22: Watchdog.run: running
18:59:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:00:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:01:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:01:04: Sent online ACARS
19:01:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:02:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:03:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:04:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:04:04: Sent online ACARS
19:04:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:05:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:06:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:07:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:07:04: Sent online ACARS
19:07:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:08:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:08:34: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 16.1 kilometres
19:08:55: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Landing
19:08:55: Downloading arrival METAR again
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarChanged False
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarChanged False
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarInserted False
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarChanged True
19:08:56: BriefingPage.metarInserted True
19:09:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:09:34: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Current visibility: 16.1 kilometres
19:10:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:10:04: Sent online ACARS
19:10:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:10:41: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flare-time
19:11:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:11:39: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Taxi
19:11:50: Starting to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3 as mlxsound6
19:11:50: Started to play D:\MAVA\Logger X\MAVA Logger X\sounds\TaxiAfterLand.mp3
19:12:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:12:29: Closing mlxsound6
19:12:29: Closed mlxsound6
19:13:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:13:04: Sent online ACARS
19:13:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:14:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:15:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:16:04: Sending the online ACARS via JSON-RPC
19:16:04: Sent online ACARS
19:16:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:16:59: xplra.Simulator.disconnect [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Rome Fiumicino Airport. 5
19:16:59: xplra.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight plan closed. Welcome to Rome Fiumicino Airport.
19:16:59: xplane.Handler._disconnect
19:17:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:18:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:19:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:20:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:21:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:22:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:23:02: LandingPage.metarInserted True
19:23:02: LandingPage.metarChanged True
19:23:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:24:22: Watchdog.run: running
19:25:22: Watchdog.run: running

Change History (2)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 15 months ago

Component: aircraft/b737
Owner: set to István Váradi
Status: newaccepted


A SimBrief támogatás azért nem működik, mert a 767-200-hoz hiányoznak a szükséges adatok (emelkedési, utazó, süllyedési profilok) a programból. A -300-hoz megvannak, gyanítom, annak idején a SimBrief-ben még nem volt -200-as. Ezt tudom pótolni, és akkor fog működni a SimBrief a 767-200 esetében is.

Az üzemanyagtermelés kicsit rejtélyes. Az üzemanyag mennyiségének a kiolvasásával úgy tűnik, nincs gond, mert felszálláskor, majd leszállás után jónak látszó mennyiségeket írt a logba. Nem lehet, hogy a tankolás azután történt, hogy a loggerban átléptél a Felszállás oldalra? A logger ugyanis akkor kezdi el figyelni a különböző paramétereket, és az akkor először látott üzemanyag mennyiséget veszi kezdeti mennyiségnek, majd abból vonja ki a repülés végén az akkor kiolvasott mennyiséget.



comment:2 by István Váradi, 15 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.