Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#203 closed defect (fixed)

transponder take off előtt és beacon beparkolásnál

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: István Váradi
Priority: critical Milestone: General availability
Component: rules Keywords:


FS2Crew/IgFly take off-nál előbb kapcsol fényeket és pár mp-vel később a transpondert - javasolt legalább 5mp késleltetés vagy csak elemelkedéskor vizsgálja a transpondert

Beparkolásnál a logger nem figyeli a parking brake-t, FS2Crew/IgFly shutdown-nál lekapcsolja a beacont, de a logger még azt hiszi taxizok ezért hibát dob ki - javítandó, a logger figyelje a parking brake-et vagy vele együtt a fuel cutoff switches állapotát is


The contents of the log:

MLX 0.20 connected to the simulator (FSUIPC version: 0x39800001, library version: 0x07d2, FS version: 7)
The weight calculation help function was used by the pilot
08:44:43: Aircraft: name='Malév HA-LOU OneWorld', model='FSUIPC/Generic Boeing 737'
08:44:43: --- Boarding ---
08:44:43: Altimeter: 1010.00 hPa at 25 feet
08:44:43: Squawk code: 2200
08:44:43: Anti-collision lights: OFF
08:44:43: Landing lights: OFF
08:44:43: Strobe lights: OFF
08:44:43: Navigational lights: ON
08:44:43: Gears SET to DOWN at 0 knots, 25 feet
08:44:43: AP master is OFF
08:55:48: Anti-collision lights: ON
08:56:32: --- Pushback and Taxi ---
08:56:32: Block time start
08:56:32: Fuel: left=3897 kg - centre=0 kg - right=3900 kg
08:56:32: Total fuel: 7797 kg
08:56:32: ZFW: 56202.90 kg
09:08:27: Pushback and taxi time: 00:11:55
09:08:27: --- Takeoff ---
09:08:27: Flight time start
09:08:27: Takeoff weight: 63689 kg, MTOW: 71709 kg
09:08:27: QNH: 1010.00 hPa, altimeter: 1010.00 hPa
09:08:27: Wind 293/5
09:08:27: NAV1: 114.90 (348°)
09:08:27: NAV2: 114.90 (218°)
09:08:27: ADF1: 339.0
09:08:27: ADF2: 321.0
09:08:27: Speeds calculated by the pilot: V1: 135 knots, VR: 138 knots, V2: 151 knots
09:08:27: Derate calculated by the pilot: 90.5 %
09:08:27: Anti-ice was turned OFF
09:08:27: Strobe lights: ON
09:08:28: Landing lights: ON
09:08:29: Transponder was standby during TAKEOFF (0.0)
09:10:21: Takeoff speed: 160 knots
09:10:21: Takeoff heading: 341 degrees
09:10:21: Takeoff pitch: -5.8 degrees
09:10:21: Takeoff flaps: 5
09:10:21: CG/Trim: 23.0%/3.75
09:10:30: --- Climb ---
09:10:30: Gears SET to UP at 176 knots, 218 feet
09:11:38: Flaps 1 - 200 knots
09:13:21: Altimeter: 1013.25 hPa at 6018 feet
09:13:35: Flaps 0 - 224 knots
09:15:00: ADF1: 321.0
09:15:15: ADF2: 339.0
09:15:22: Landing lights: OFF
09:26:46: Climb time: 00:16:16
09:26:46: --- Cruise ---
09:26:46: Cruise speed: 0.714 mach
09:31:09: NAV1: 110.65 (348°)
09:31:24: NAV1: 110.65 (047°)
09:38:53: NAV1: 110.65 (036°)
09:40:06: Cruise speed: 0.780 mach
09:42:37: Cruise altitude modified to 37000 feet
09:46:08: NAV1: 111.25 (036°)
09:47:03: NAV2: 113.70 (218°)
09:47:13: NAV2: 113.70 (051°)
09:50:08: NAV1: 117.80 (036°)
09:52:58: NAV2: 113.70 (047°)
09:53:26: Cruise speed: 0.786 mach
09:53:56: NAV1: 115.90 (036°)
09:57:46: NAV1: 112.70 (036°)
09:57:57: NAV1: 117.80 (036°)
10:01:57: NAV1: 117.40 (036°)
10:02:09: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
10:02:09: NAV2: 110.50 (128°)
10:04:52: ADF1: 329.0
10:05:03: ADF2: 321.0
10:05:12: ADF1: 403.0
10:05:35: ADF1: 329.0
10:05:39: ADF2: 343.0
10:06:46: Cruise speed: 0.790 mach
10:09:20: Cruise time: 00:42:34
10:09:20: --- Descent ---
10:09:20: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
10:09:20: NAV2: 110.50 (128°)
10:09:20: ADF1: 329.0
10:09:20: ADF2: 343.0
10:23:48: Altimeter: 1008.00 hPa at 10835 feet
10:24:50: Landing lights: ON
10:26:13: Flaps 1 - 219 knots
10:30:45: Flaps 5 - 197 knots
10:31:03: Flaps 10 - 176 knots
10:33:10: Flaps 15 - 170 knots
10:33:10: Gears SET to DOWN at 170 knots, 2653 feet
10:33:37: Descent time: 00:24:17
10:33:37: --- Landing ---
10:33:37: NAV1: 110.50 (128°)
10:33:37: NAV2: 110.50 (128°)
10:33:37: ADF1: 329.0
10:33:37: ADF2: 343.0
10:33:37: QNH: 1008.00 hPa, altimeter: 1008.00 hPa
10:34:00: Flaps 30 - 159 knots
10:35:46: The flare has begun
10:35:46: Wind 120/8
10:35:46: Visibility: 80467 metres
10:35:46: QNH: 1008.00 hPa, altimeter: 1008.00 hPa
10:35:46: VRef speed calculated by the pilot: 142 knots
10:35:46: Anti-ice was turned OFF
10:35:52: Flaretime: 7.000 (from the simulator)
10:35:52: Touchdown rate: -159 feet/min
10:35:52: Touchdown rate was calculated by the simulator
10:35:52: Touchdown speed: 141 knots
10:35:52: Touchdown pitch: -3.9 degrees
10:35:52: Touchdown bank: 0.0 degrees
10:35:52: Touchdown heading: 132 degrees
10:35:52: CG: 23.4%
10:35:53: Spoilers deployed
10:36:35: --- Taxi ---
10:36:35: Flight time end
10:36:35: Fuel: left=1776 kg - centre=0 kg - right=1769 kg
10:36:35: Total fuel: 3545 kg
10:36:35: Landing weight: 59748 kg, MLW: 65317
10:36:35: Vertical speed range: -2114..3779 feet/min
10:36:50: Landing lights: OFF
10:36:52: Strobe lights: OFF
10:37:04: Flaps 0 - 16 knots
10:41:43: Anti-collision lights: OFF
10:41:45: Anti-collision lights were off during TAXI (1.0)
10:42:10: Taxi after landing time: 00:05:35
10:42:10: --- End ---
Rating: 99
10:42:10: Block time end
10:42:10: Flight time: 01:28:08
10:42:10: Flown distance: 546.62 NM
10:42:10: Block time: 01:45:38


The contents of the debug log:

11:03:41: MAVA Logger X 0.20 debug log
11:03:41: The initial configuration:
11:03:41: pilot ID: P159
11:03:41: rememberPassword: False
11:03:41: language: hu_HU
11:03:41: hideMinimizedWindow: True
11:03:41: quitOnClose: False
11:03:41: onlineGateSystem: True
11:03:41: onlineACARS: True
11:03:41: flareTimeFromFS: True
11:03:41: syncFSTime: False
11:03:41: usingFS2Crew: True
11:03:41: iasSmoothingLength: -2
11:03:41: vsSmoothingLength: -2
11:03:41: pirepDirectory: C:\FS\MAVA logger\PIREPs
11:03:41: pirepAutoSave: False
11:03:41: enableSounds: False
11:03:41: pilotControlsSounds: True
11:03:41: pilotHotkey: C0
11:03:41: enableApproachCallouts: False
11:03:41: speedbrakeAtTD: True
11:03:41: enableChecklists: False
11:03:41: checklistHotkey: CS0
11:03:41: autoUpdate: True
11:03:41: updateURL:
11:03:41: messageTypeLevels:
11:03:41: loggerError: fs
11:03:41: information: none
11:03:41: inflight: fs
11:03:41: fault: fs
11:03:41: nogo: fs
11:03:41: gateSystem: fs
11:03:41: environment: none
11:03:41: help: none
11:03:41: visibility: none
11:03:41: checklists:
11:03:41: B736:
11:03:41: B737:
11:03:41: B738:
11:03:41: B733:
11:03:41: B734:
11:03:41: B735:
11:03:41: DH8D:
11:03:41: B762:
11:03:41: B763:
11:03:41: CRJ2:
11:03:41: F70:
11:03:41: DC3:
11:03:41: T134:
11:03:41: T154:
11:03:41: YK40:
11:03:41: B738C:
11:03:41: B462:
11:03:41: approachCallouts:
11:03:41: B736:
11:03:41: B737:
11:03:41: B738:
11:03:41: B733:
11:03:41: B734:
11:03:41: B735:
11:03:41: DH8D:
11:03:41: B762:
11:03:41: B763:
11:03:41: CRJ2:
11:03:41: F70:
11:03:41: DC3:
11:03:41: T134:
11:03:41: T154:
11:03:41: YK40:
11:03:41: B738C:
11:03:41: B462:
11:05:00: mlx.flight.LoginPage: logging in
11:05:00: web.BookedFlight.readFromWeb: date: 2013-05-31
11:20:29: fsuipc.Simulator: new aircraft name and air file path: Malév HA-LOU OneWorld, AIRCRAFT\iFly 737-800\iFly737_800_24k.air
11:20:29: PTT154Model.doesHandle 3 Malév HA-LOU OneWorld AIRCRAFT\iFly 737-800\iFly737_800_24k.air
11:30:48: Starting to play C:\FS\MAVALO~2\sounds\notam.mp3 as mlxsound0
11:30:49: Started to play C:\FS\MAVALO~2\sounds\notam.mp3
11:31:01: Closing mlxsound0
11:31:01: Closed mlxsound0
11:31:46: Sending the online ACARS
11:32:05: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:32:05: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 460, in perform
11:32:05: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 787, in run
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 394, in open
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 412, in _open
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 372, in _call_chain
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1199, in http_open
11:32:05: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1174, in do_open
11:32:05: URLError: <urlopen error timed out>
11:32:05: Failed to send the ACARS
11:32:06: Sending the online ACARS
11:32:13: Sent online ACARS
11:35:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:35:21: Sent online ACARS
11:38:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:38:14: Sent online ACARS
11:41:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:41:14: Sent online ACARS
11:44:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:44:14: Sent online ACARS
11:47:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:47:14: Sent online ACARS
11:50:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:50:14: Sent online ACARS
11:53:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:53:14: Sent online ACARS
11:55:58: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Transponder was standby during TAKEOFF (0.0)
11:56:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:56:14: Sent online ACARS
11:58:00: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Climb
11:59:14: Sending the online ACARS
11:59:14: Sent online ACARS
12:02:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:02:14: Sent online ACARS
12:05:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:05:14: Sent online ACARS
12:08:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:08:14: Sent online ACARS
12:11:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:11:14: Sent online ACARS
12:14:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:14:24: Traceback (most recent call last):
12:14:24: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 460, in perform
12:14:24: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 787, in run
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 394, in open
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 412, in _open
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 372, in _call_chain
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1199, in http_open
12:14:24: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1174, in do_open
12:14:24: URLError: <urlopen error timed out>
12:14:24: Failed to send the ACARS
12:14:25: Sending the online ACARS
12:14:38: Traceback (most recent call last):
12:14:38: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 460, in perform
12:14:38: File "mlx\web.pyc", line 787, in run
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 126, in urlopen
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 394, in open
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 412, in _open
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 372, in _call_chain
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1199, in http_open
12:14:38: File "urllib2.pyc", line 1174, in do_open
12:14:38: URLError: <urlopen error timed out>
12:14:38: Failed to send the ACARS
12:14:39: Sending the online ACARS
12:14:48: Sent online ACARS
12:14:49: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Cruise
12:17:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:17:14: Sent online ACARS
12:20:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:20:14: Sent online ACARS
12:23:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:23:14: Sent online ACARS
12:26:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:26:14: Sent online ACARS
12:29:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:29:14: Sent online ACARS
12:32:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:32:14: Sent online ACARS
12:35:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:35:14: Sent online ACARS
12:38:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:38:14: Sent online ACARS
12:41:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:41:14: Sent online ACARS
12:44:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:44:14: Sent online ACARS
12:47:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:47:14: Sent online ACARS
12:50:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:50:14: Sent online ACARS
12:53:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:53:14: Sent online ACARS
12:56:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:56:14: Sent online ACARS
12:58:22: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Descent
12:59:14: Sending the online ACARS
12:59:14: Sent online ACARS
13:02:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:02:14: Sent online ACARS
13:05:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:05:14: Sent online ACARS
13:08:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:08:14: Sent online ACARS
13:11:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:11:14: Sent online ACARS
13:14:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:14:14: Sent online ACARS
13:17:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:17:14: Sent online ACARS
13:20:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:20:14: Sent online ACARS
13:22:50: Downloading arrival METAR again
13:22:50: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Flight stage: Landing
13:23:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:23:14: Sent online ACARS
13:25:55: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Free gates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 45, 46, 62, 63, 65, 76, 79, 83
13:26:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:26:14: Sent online ACARS
13:29:14: Sending the online ACARS
13:29:14: Sent online ACARS
13:31:03: fsuipc.Simulator.sendMessage: [MLX] Anti-collision lights were off during TAXI (1.0)
13:31:28: fsuipc.Simulator.disconnect None 3
13:31:28: fsuipc.Handler._disconnect

Change History (6)

comment:1 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Component: rules
Owner: set to István Váradi
Priority: majorcritical
Status: newaccepted

comment:2 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 12 years ago

In [e17dbb8daa6acf0fc804ba3fd0a182c10fb8f773]:

The transponder is checked only when the aircraft is airborne in stage TAKEOFF (re #203)

comment:3 by István Váradi <ivaradi@…>, 12 years ago

In [4d047bb841c34480216804a6bc424a3b1fd11fdf]:

The anti-collision lights can be turned off when the parking brake is set, but the engines are still running if FS2Crew is being used (re #203)

comment:4 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Status: acceptedimplemented

comment:5 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Status: implementeddelivered

comment:6 by István Váradi, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: deliveredclosed
Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.