Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: accepted (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#322 Felszállás státuszba nem áll át István Váradi defect major 7 years

Status: closed (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#239 Landing with too low fuel should not be NOGO automatically István Váradi enhancement blocker implemented 10 years
#218 Handle go-arounds differently István Váradi enhancement critical wontfix 11 years
#236 Add check for the amount of landing fuel István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#259 New overspeed and stall handling procedure István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#261 No take-off within 10 minutes of an RTO István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#263 New landing light fault for Tupolevs István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#265 Check the kind of speeds used in rules István Váradi enhancement major implemented 10 years
#269 Increase takeoff timeout and handle strobe differently István Váradi enhancement major fixed 10 years
#280 Logger. István Váradi support request major wontfix 9 years
#281 Logger eredmény István Váradi support request major wontfix 9 years
#299 Scenery hiba support request major invalid 9 years
#312 Lámpa, pedig jó volt idáig. István Váradi defect major worksforme 8 years
#313 Nem érézkeli a felszállást. István Váradi defect major wontfix 8 years
#314 Most jó volt defect major invalid 8 years
#273 Felszállás menü István Váradi support request minor fixed 9 years
#282 2. útvonal István Váradi defect minor wontfix 9 years
#371 Hajtóműindítás hátratolás nélkül István Váradi defect minor implemented 16 months
#289 Mosta LOGGER support request trivial fixed 9 years
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.